UNSAFE Podcast
AUDIO-ONLY: Heather Mac Donald on the Tyre Nichols case

AUDIO-ONLY: Heather Mac Donald on the Tyre Nichols case

Does "White Supremacy" or Diversity Kill More Blacks?

Further reading:

Get Heather’s book! “The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe

From Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama:

“Hillary was gearing up for a presumed campaign against Giuliani as her husband, the president, was siccing federal investigators on the mayor [Giuliiani]. …

“If the president and his wife were really concerned with excessive force by the police, they might have started a little closer to home. There were four times as many fatal police shootings in Washington as in New York that year—1.14 per one thousand cops to 0.28.[i]

[i] Heather MacDonald, “America’s Best Urban Police Force,” City Journal, Summer 2000.

John Lott, Do White Police Officers Unfairly Target Black Suspects?

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UNSAFE Podcast
Ann Coulter, AUTHOR OF 13 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERS, chats about politics, religion, war, crime, history, sex, race, soccer (even real sports!) – all the things we’re told it’s impolite to raise in polite company.
Coulter’s UNSAFE podcast is the Rapid Response Team to the Democratic Party and its subsidiaries, The New York Times, The Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, et al — as well as 90 percent of the Republican Party.
Listen here first – and be 3 days ahead of all the cable news channel hosts, who will undoubtedly be listening too.