The truth of that matter is that the Democrats are horrible and that Harris does not know what direction the sky is, and she can’t explain why she left two astronauts up there.

But, Trump is an economic imbecile who inherited a stable economy with the traditional 18 month economic lag and built a false foundation of printed money and artificially low interest rates and hired Powell, who, like Wray and Milley, Biden kept. And, then, Covid hit and he destroyed the Country by shutting it down and printing more money. Every single Trump proposal is unconstitutional and will create more inflation. This time, he will destroy the middle class and spend more than the 8.1 trillion he spent the first time after promising to eliminate the national debt in eight years. Johnson was his boy, just like McCarthy, two queens of CRs and three bloated unconstitutional omnibuses which caved to every whim of Pelosi. I suggest people familiarize themselves with Article, Section 8, the Enumerated Powers Clause.

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My hope is this time his ears will hear and obey the voices of reason. Tulsi Gabbard and Vivek to be exact. But your point is well taken.

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Tariffs will destroy this Country. Limited and targeted are a tool, but not in the way he intends. He’s either lying or completely stupid to believe that other Countries will pay. We pay or the importer pays and we then pay. I cannot accept this BS at this stage in the process. Sounds like Tulsi and Vivek are making their mark.

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Love him or hate him….Trump understands hardball negotiation. The current tariffs are targeted and the Dementia in Chief or his handlers chose not to remove them. The larger threat of tariffs is used as a warning. The same way he complements dictators in front of the camera and then gives them a photo of their home with a smile.

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Obrador walked all over him. Let’s at least stop making excuses for this fraud. We are in serious trouble either way.

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Call him what you want… the competition cannot diagram a sentence, handel a softball interview or stand up to foreign leaders. Hell, Putin is endorsing the Giggler and probably financing her campaign.

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I said they are both horrible, but in a sense he’s worse. He’s moving what’s remaining of the party hard left. His policies mirror the unconstitutional and tyrannical Democrat agenda. He demonstrates no contrition for the Covid debacle, which he knew about as early as December, which HE stated in the Woodward tapes. He squandered appointments and hires and betrayed us with key promises of debt creation and the border. He embarrasses the Party and nation with QVC grifting. Yeah, fraud.

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I said they are both horrible. In a sense he’s worse because he’s imitating Democrat policy, squandered appointments and opportunities, and betrayed us on central issues. He’s a total embarrassment

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Thank you Ann for sad reminder of Zandi’s predictions. “Wrong” (To quote Mr. Trump at times of great restraint) Zandi was wrong. Yes. Covid may have been a “blow out”. But it sent the country into a downward spiral of impoverishness. The photo/picture of Ms. Harris’s lyin’ eyes and smugness, sitting next to (former?) President Biden—the CNN MarketsNow—piece says it all. They are lyin’ and the so called more “transfers” is worth remembering as fact that Zandi said it.

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It is neck and neck as to who is the bigger fool — Zandi or Krugman.

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Well......I hope house prices decline......along with the Property Taxes on said house. My house has doubled in value since 2018 [for no reason, except that it existed] and the Property Taxes have also doubled.....then dropped just a tad. This in a state [Minnesota, of course] that pissed away a 18 Billion Dollar surplus......onto to find itself short.

Why would anybody vote for this again...on the state level or national level. But I do understand what this WSJ guy is saying. Somebody needs to address the 36 trillion dollar debt....it is tied into everything.

And yes......the Dems will cheat again to win. The fear here...is that.....this time they may do J6 correctly this time. Even Liz Cheney will run for the mountains of Wyoming.

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I don't know why anyone pays attention to Mark Zandi or any of these guys. Kamala may win but it will be because half the people of this country have been fooled by big tech and the press into thinking she isn't largely a moron. I say largely because in the interview she managed to stop herself from promising to raise taxes on anyone beyond corporations (which will either cause them to leave or pass along the costs to us). I doubt Trump is going to impose anything more than targeted tariffs. Having said all that, neither one of them is going to seriously reduce the deficit let alone the debt with their plans. But I care less about that than I do closing the border and cracking down on crime. Getting us out of the foreign war business would be good as well while there are still any men left alive in Ukraine.

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I wonder how many bridges he's sold these last few years.

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His eyes tell the story.

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He's a Democrat propagandist, and an idiot. I'm apologize for repeating myself.

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Is this like Liz Cheney endorsing Kamara? Regardless, from my profession in being in Wall St., I can tell most "economists" are nothing but fortune tellers, looking at data instead of stars and tell stories, and next week market moves in the opposite direction, and they are quick to point out new data in between. Just like so many politicians they only have great ways to tell excuse. But always some stories to tell - something the audience wants to hear (and thus just like popular fortune tellers).

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