Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022

Ken Burns said the Civil War settled the issue of the right to secession, i.e., that there is none, apparently oblivious to the fact that the American Revolution was an act of secession. I'm assuming that Burns is OK with it.

Burns isn't exactly an intellectual powerhouse.

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Very rambling incoherent nonsense. And what this has to do with Trump no clue. Are you being sarcastic? All I know is my wife who is Canadian came here legally. Lots of paperwork. She’s now a citizen 2008. Have another try ok?

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Oh crap...no wonder I never went to law school. I never caught the Section/Amendment in the Constitution/Bill of Rights that codified inscriptions at the base of statues into statutes.

Is Established Law only inscribed at the base of French gifts or does it apply to any future gift and inscription from North Korea, China, etc.????

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When white settlers were the “migrants,” we did not get an air conditioned motor coach to Martha’s Vineyard.

We got massacred.

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The Shawnee brutally killed many of the first “migrants” from Pennsylvania and Virginia that came over the mountains into present-day Kentucky.

Do white Americans get extra credit for that?

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Wasn't the "Statue of Liberty" a gift from France - "commemorating the recent national abolition of slavery?" Not sure how Ms. Emma's poem and the original idea of abolition of slavery caused shipping all the world's indigent to the USA and open borders. Maybe we should send the statue back to France!

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And speaking of the Lady sitting in the harbor, a Democrat President, a hero to the Left, turned away a boatload of Jews seeking asylum before the war began. Parallels?

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Just as the Left would have us believe that White America is singularly responsible for slavery in the world, so also they appear to want us to believe that Evil, Horribly Sinful Americans are uniquely responsible for the Holocaust. One can see their rationale in eagerly and aggressively dumbing down public schools, because when you have a population that wasn't taught geography or history because there's no time for it in class due to the desperate need to teach children that men can give birth, people won't know that there were OTHER countries that were also taking in Jews fleeing Nazism.

It used to be that as election season loomed, Democrats would carefully move their rhetoric 'slightly' more toward the center, banking on the (largely correct) notion that people have short memories when it comes to politics. It's understandable because most Americans are decent, hardworking people who have jobs to do, families to feed and children to raise. They generally tend to naively assume that other Americans, particularly those who proclaim a selfless desire to serve the public for the greater good are decent people also, who share their goals of a stronger and more prosperous America based upon established law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights. They don't like to think that so very many are eagerly trying to tear it all down.

This time around it's different. Democrats have gleefully installed a full-blown dementia patient as a literal puppet President and as his illness progresses, he becomes angrier to the point of near-apoplexy...and much harder to control. The concept of moderating the Left's natural, visceral anti-Americanism has become a non-starter, as Joe's handlers...drunk with power and giddy over their destruction, have no interest in moderation as they barrel forward with the idea that they cannot be stopped. And so the legacy/trash media take their cues, dutifully doubling down on the demonstrably false anti-American rhetoric that's sent them every day from DNC headquarters.

It's a confluence of smug hubris, self-loathing, desperation and bigotry that is driving this leviathan and they literally don't care about law, truth, or the will of well over half of America. Because they don't have to.

They've found that a Hate America script resonates with their legion of loyal ferals and they see no reason to change it...why do so, when it's been so successful for them?

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022

Hmmm, Injuns....

Well, I could round up my cousins and we could attack Burns' house if it would make Kenny feel better.

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Ever since I read William D Rubinstein's THE MYTH OF RESCUE, I've had no patience for the constant regurgitation of America as Bad Guy in the Holocaust. The Nazis stopped letting Jews leave in late 1941, but people keep insisting it was still an immigration issue during our involvement in the War. And the vast majority of those who died in the Holocaust were in the occupied countries and hadn't known the Nazis would invade-and the Nazis closed the shipping docks as soon as they did.

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More America and whitey are bad grievance mongering which will set the stage for a payday for aggrieved groups. I also didn't know that the inscription about "give me your tired, your poor" on the Statue of Liberty supersedes the Constitution and all immigration restrictions.

I marvel that America is the most horrid place ever to exist yet everyone wants to live here and lefties like Burns and so many other demand that we let them in. I will argue that America is so terrible that all the third worlders who arrived after 1965 must go back to their country of origin.

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Thank you for sticking with this ongoing story. Viewed the previous photo/image when it came to my in box. Personally could not engage in any way, shape or form to the fickle nature of the provocation the story attempted to project. Perhaps some folks should spend some time reading a dictionary and/ or a thesaurus. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in a constructive discussion Ann.

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Hope you’ll have David Cole on your “podcast” soon

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I had no idea that Emma Lazarus poem was part of US Constitution.

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Where is the outrage from ADL and other so called Jewish groups when Ken Burns compared sending 50 criminal aliens to Martha's Vineyard with the Holocaust?

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Don't forget that it's enrichment when the third world colonizes white nations but it's colonialism and genocide when we did it to theirs even thought their birthrates often exploded due to the modern sanitation and medical science we brought.

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