On "Morning Joe” this morning, Ken Burns and Lynn Novick were discussing their latest PBS Documentary The USA and the Holocaust, and Mike Barnicle made what I thought was a very interesting point. He had watched the weekend Trump rally in Ohio, and it struck him that there were "many disturbing parallels" between what he saw there and what went on in Germany under Hitler. I only hope that his perceptive observation gets some attention in the media. (Just so you know, both Burns and Novick agreed.)
Later in the same segment, Lynn Novick pointed out something that I suspect very, very few Americans are aware of. You know the statue that stands in New York Harbor, called the "Statue of Liberty?" (Very tall, sort of greenish, woman holding a torch. It's on an island.) Well, it seems that, inscribed on the statue's base, are lines something to the effect of, "Give me your tired, your homeless, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore."
Assuming that what she says is true (I have not been out there recently), that is an absolute game-changer. It means we don't have the legal right to tell anyone that they can't come here, and the Holocaust is therefore at least partly our fault.
(Also, as Ken Burns pointed out, our treatment of the Native American people was essentially identical to the Shoah, and my ancestors who were scalped when the French and Mohawks raided Schenectady in 1690 evidently had it coming.)
Ken Burns said the Civil War settled the issue of the right to secession, i.e., that there is none, apparently oblivious to the fact that the American Revolution was an act of secession. I'm assuming that Burns is OK with it.
Burns isn't exactly an intellectual powerhouse.
Very rambling incoherent nonsense. And what this has to do with Trump no clue. Are you being sarcastic? All I know is my wife who is Canadian came here legally. Lots of paperwork. She’s now a citizen 2008. Have another try ok?