Of course the Harris/Walz campaign and its minions are a lying clown show...so was every Democrat administration that I can remember going back to LBJ...and some would make the case that the Republican Administrations were also lying clown shows (excepting The Reagan years...I will not commit sacrilege).

The difference is that thanks to the culture makers and the NEA, there are generations of Americans whose entire existence is a lie and they not only can't tell the difference...they don't care.

All that matters is what you "think" or "feel" and those thoughts and feelings must be self-affirming.

Without critical thought, the truth dies and, unfortunately, for over 50% of our formerly enlightened electorate, "truth" is any meaningless platitude that makes them "feel" good.

It's like selling skin-tight yoga outfits to morbidly obese girls...which is a requirement for a degree from University of The View.

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I think lying is standard issue in the democratic tool box. I waiting for something to give Harris an out on debate. I think she’s going to get smoked.

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When anyone begins a question with ‘ do you agree’ or ‘isn’t it true’ or ‘ it’s been reported’ it’s A LEADING QUESTION SUGGESTING AN ANSWER. Even attorneys nowadays rely on ‘leading’ questions because nobody calls them out. Only in court does this render an objection and less so than ever. The attorneys want leading questions answered .We hear the reporters have to ask ‘tough’ questions and invariably it is a LEADING bullshit joke of a question. This is such a joke. The press never asks anything BUT a leading question. You fools that are waiting for a ‘tough’ question to be asked are whistling past the graveyard. Listen to the question. IT’S bullshit.

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Thank you Ann for this update. Maybe, just maybe, Kamala and company, in addition to playing God pretend to be Santa Claus too. Their abominable lying and antics behavior is making a laughing stock of the USA. No rational individual can actually believe anything they say—hope and change? Please stop it. They are so full of themselves they cannot even see their own lies.

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Abortion law reverts to the States where it should be, yet you Ann object to the Florida passage of a 6 week abortion law Why? The legislature pass the law De Santis signed it. That’s the system .

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I think the most disturbing think about Kamala is that she wants to be president, but wants to avoid small things like TV interviews and debating her opponent. She needs to realize that it will not work with Russia, Iran, China, our allies, and more importantly the American people. Great reporting, Ann.

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if anyone is interested in seeing the episode of Forensic Files that Ann mentioned, it's streamable. look for season 8, episode 38.

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and even if he wins what's the chance he actually deports these illegals? 10-15% at best. Maybe we can get MS13 or the Venezuelan Colorado Apartment Security force to pick up those people from the other 178 countries who have invaded us. No Border Patrol needed.

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Every time Harris starts to answer a question she looks glossed over …then slowly hacks it up. Perhaps she should have her testosterone checked. 😎

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STOP deluding yourselves about the power of the “white vote”. In 2016, there was the usual fatigue after 8 years of an incumbent President, many independents usually swing to the candidate of the other party for change. Trump quickly made the public tired of him by the end of his 1st term. Stop buffing up the “white vote”. That’s the only shrinking voting bloc in the country. Some 14m baby-boomers died in the last 8 years. Vast majority of them are whites.

She also falsely claims that White Working Class Women (WWCW) somehow out number the white middle class women. No way. Most of working class women these days are non-whites. Or those WWCW make significant share in non-swing states. It’s just a complete delusion.

I still don’t understand why this author rules out supporting any conservative who is not white for President or VP?? Or someone who’s a son or daughter of immigrants? She’s so stupid that nobody is hosting her for commentary for over a decade now. Not even on conservative media.

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