Ann nailed it again. Here's a maxim for Whites: The more you kiss the feet of blacks, the more they will stomp you in the head (sometimes literally). Here's another one: They are an inferior race in almost every way... IQ, criminality, health, charity, community, family, you name it (notable exception of athletics) -- and the more we have and redistribute to in the USA and thus allow them to procreate, the worse the USA will become. And we owe them NOTHING for slavery... 1. Because many countries practiced chattel slavery back then, including black on black slavery, 2. The ancestors of those slaves are way better off today being in the USA than that would be running around the Savannah, and 3. We have already redistributed $70 Trillion to them since the New Deal. We owe you nothing more! And don't even get me started on Hispanics!


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We are not an inferior race. I do not say this to dissuade you of your obvious conviction nor to argue with you as that would be a fool's errand. I say it because it's true.

God created all races and all are equal, all cultures are not. Yes, black culture and victimhood is inferior and from what I've read the average IQs are lower for blacks just as the average IQ for whites are lower than Asians. Does that mean, this whole world should be run by China or Japan? No.

The US didn't become a superpower because the Dutch and English had the highest IQs. It was because of Protestant values, a sense of adventure, and hard work.

Where we agree: no one owes black Americans anything because we are just that, Americans.

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To be fair they make pretty good music when not encouraged to waste their considerable talent on finding the way they can most offend whites.

Come on, even Nazis gave them that.

* Otherwise you are basically right

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Touche... music/dancing and athletics, they are good at these. Not coincidentally, these are the two things they are evolutionarily evolved to do in Africa.

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Chattel seems like a superfluous word. I don’t know why people started using it all of a sudden. Slavery alone is enough.

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It's an interesting point. Admittedly, at some point in the past I had to look up what precisely "chattel slavery" meant. I discovered that there are some nuances between the different forms of slavery. But you're right, they're mostly pedantic differences.

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The cultural dynamic between white and blacks is exactly the same as the one between a codependent spouse and a narcissistic abuser. Constant walking on eggshells for fear of saying the wrong thing, making excuses for the verbal denigration and random outbursts of criminal violence, constantly putting oneself down to avoid triggering the other's narcissistic rage, acquiescing to the gaslighting narrative by ignoring one's own intuition and perceptions of reality that contradict the narrative, etc. This post highlights some perfect examples of that dynamic!

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Whites have battered wife syndrome so that any time problems develop with blacks whites always blame themselves when they often it's the blacks who cause the problems.

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Brilliantly put.

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Well said!

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White Liberals are embarrassing themselves, and other white people.

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Oh, that it was only white liberals as if every election cycle Normie-cons didn’t alternate seamlessly between ‘u think identity politics works on me?’ and ‘look at our based black candidate, this is the time the natural conservatives will reveal their nature!’

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Kicker for me was Spielberg praising himself for not using sub titles in his remake of Westside Story. That’s all you need to know what the liberal is all about. Race.

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Ann, these type of articles is the reason I fell in love with you in the first place. You not afraid to say it like it is!

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White liberals always carry this guilt,( it’s been implied that all white people should especially southerners) The transplanted white libs move south and are surprised at how well white and black folks get along. Busting on each other ( you know the jokes) buying more drinks and watching the libs heads explode. The vast majority of the transplants I’ve known walk on eggshells around black folks and just don’t know how to act.

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Ann this is priceless.

Probably only 104 Americans know what Indian tribe signed the Treaty of Westphalia and who the President was at the time.

Keep crushing those stupid pathetic people with your white , thin, blond privilege. That’s why God gave it to you.

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I'd use any excuse to kiss Halle Berry.

The hilarious part was the next year when Brody was presenting the Best Actress Award. Right before announcing the winner, he pulled out a tube of breath spray and spritzed his mouth as if in anticipation of a big smooch.

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Adrien Brody mouth-raped Halle Berry, live, on stage, in public, and this is the first I'm hearing of it!?


Didn't she have a husband to go on stage and slap him?

Did Brody at least slap her on her bottom, as a means of apology? Well, I would have!

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Given that these people all had video of themselves fawning artificially, uncomfortably, and insincerely, you would think they would stop this nonsense and just act natural. How could that be worse than what they end up doing?

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Taylor Swift has hired mostly ugly fat black dancers and backup singers for her ERAS tour, but her biggest humiliation was months ago when she wrote an awkwardly long Instagram post about how Beyoncé paved the way for women in music to help promote Beyoncé’s concert movie release in theaters and Beyoncé wrote nothing in response, not a thank you or even an acknowledgment.. Taylor’s concert movie drowned Beyoncé’s at theaters as Taylor’s was a success and Beyoncé’s was not..

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I encourage you to watch Helmuth Nyborg's talks at the 2017 American Renaissance Conference conference, titled "WHAT MADE EUROPE GREAT & WHAT COULD DESTROY IT": https://www.bitchute.com/video/d8JiqmtJoHVK/.

Summary: As early humans migrated north out of Africa, and into colder, harsher, four season and very cold winter environments, multiple evolutionary changes occurred. Most importantly, high IQ was selected for bc this was needed to plan ahead for cold winters without crops and other food, and cooperation with others was needed. Additionally, less sunlight meant less Vitamin D absorption, so melanin content in skin decreased commensurately. So, as our homo sapien ancestors migrated north, they got both smarter and whiter. God/evolution most definitely did NOT create all races equal.

Further, we've all heard that politics is downstream from culture. What many don't ask is... what is culture downstream from? The answer is simple: Genes. Genes->Culture->Politics. As we continue to replace Whites in West with blacks & browns, we are replacing the genes of the country, and predictably, the culture, and now the politics, are all changing, for the worse.

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Great article as always. On the way to work the radio morning show mentioned Beyonce's new "country" album and played two snippets from the first two songs. In my opinion they sounded awful, and the male host asked the female co-host her thoughts. The only response she could could come up with was literally "Beyonce can do no wrong."

As someone who listens to a lot of music I can understand why Taylor Swift has such a following, but Beyonce is unremarkable.

That made me think about when Rush Limbaugh got in trouble for stating the obvious that Donovan McNabb was overrated because he was a black quarterback.

For some reason there is a constant need to prop up black mediocrity (Black Panther Oscer nomination?). Once you see it it's hard to not notice it.

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“What was happening was this: A white actor was making damn sure everyone knew how much he liked black people.”

And why do white actors, singers, directors and tennis stars do that?

To show that they are among the most moral and virtuous people in the world: Those Who Love Blacks.

Don’t you?

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Taylor Swift wouldn't be winning all those awards if she supported Trump or remained apolitical as she had up until 2019-2020. I think Taylor Swift should start singing about the Great Replacement of Whites in America and see how fast her career ends and how many 24/7 hit pieces the media will run on her. She'd probably also get banned from KC Chiefs games.

I believe whites should be just as hostile towards blacks as they generally are towards whites. Coddling them and putting them on a pedestal has done nothing to improve race relations.

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Another brilliant column Ann. What's so great about it is that you will be called a racist for writing this column, even those it says nothing about blacks at all. Only about weird white fetishism of blacks.

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