In another life, I worked with the US Marshals transporting felons from jails to prisons. The worst prisons by far were those in Louisiana. I’d drop off a tough as hell felon and he’d be crying during initial in processing. Scary places. Brutal. Ann, these are the kinds of places we should be sending murderers and rapists.

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Lol, we could just shoot them.

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The people you have written about in this review of a review, through their actions, have expressed to anyone else in society that they cannot live among the rest of us and be trusted not to do the same again. That is why there's a death row and a death penalty. The victims described died horrible deaths - and for the author of the review that Ann Coulter is reviewing - to quote Jesus on the subject - he should probably look elsewhere in the New Testament. There is a quote about what happens to someone who harms little children. It seems the death penalty here is getting off easy...

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I know it’s cliche by now, but it’s true: however much you hate New York Times “journalists,” it’s not enough. Not even close. In a healthy society, Steven Hale would be thrown in a cell with one of his newfound friends, the guards would leave, they’d turn the cameras off, and then let Hale experience the consequences of his ideology, up close and personal.

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What is even left to be said? It's as if liberals defined decency and beauty as the willingness to wage a war to exterminate all the base instincts from which morality comes in the first place. I'm kind of glad we've reached this point. It was important to know that there were people who were capable of this, and just how many of them there are. If we overthrow the current system, we really need to make sure not to allow them into the new one. A person with the capacity to do this, cannot do anything but pervert any system that tolerates them.

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By nature they are a self-correcting problem due to their anti-natalism. But they tend to dominate social institutions, perhaps because they are not encumbered by child rearing. This allows them to recruit and infect. It is therefore imperative that we deny them our children.

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Thank you Ann for the update on violent crime. Paragraph 17 is frightening and what the criminals “get” as a consequence is horrifying.. “We know the little girl suffered” and by the horrific violations she endured is barbaric.

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So often missing in discussions about capital punishment is the simple idea of justice. Whether or not the killer is rehabbed or other killers are deterred or the victim's family is satisfied or society is coarsened -- the first question is whether or not the killer *deserves* to die. Justice is "having and doing what is ones own," and the murderer has earned death. It is society's responsibility to see to it that he gets it.

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And that right quick.

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The clowns that write these feel sorry for the criminal books usually suffer from everyone deserves a trophy disorder. I mean….really, who won’t buy a book about a murderer who had a hard life and just made a wee little mistake. When my dad returned from WWII ( non combat) he lived a mile away from the home of “Olde Sparky” at the Richmond State Penitentiary, built during the Civil War just riding by gave me the creeps. Dad’s buddy a Richmond fireman would call before every execution and ask dad if he wanted to go to the show, he would laugh and say I have season tickets. Dad passed on the invites but the fireman, a heavy combat vet always responded. “I killed a lot of monsters in Europe and watching a few more get their trophy does not cost me any sleep.”

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Thank you for bringing the truth to light here.

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“I heard far more about the grace of Jesus Christ growing up than I did the state’s duty to repay killing with killing.”

Whose taffy is Hale pulling?

$20 bucks says he cares nothing for the “grace of Jesus Christ”. In fact, Hale probably hates the entire concept of religion unless it is at the alter of narcissism.

Every guilty felon and lying liberal vouchsafes a discovery of God without fear of blasphemy.

(Please note I have offered a collectable bet)

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Great article, Ann. Thanks for shining the spotlight on what they freely publish in America's most prestigious newspaper. How could anyone forgive what these monsters have done. What that animal did to that 8 year old girl makes me question faith. The death penalty is too generous for that thing.

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Should potential jurors be excluded from jury pools who for religious or ideological reasons are against the death penalty if the verdict could include a possible death sentence?

Two fanatical anti death penalty-ers on the jury that decided the punishment for that little Florida school shooter twat screwed it up so he’ll be on our dime for the rest of his worthless life.

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Thank you Ann for revealing the horror the victims went through at the hands of these examples of “beautiful humanity” on death row.

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More and more it’s articles like these and other left wing outlet that I am feeling like I am sharing a country with people who I’d rather not share with. We speak the same language and do so much in common but really have nothing in common for the more important things in life.

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"Cost-free grandstanding"- No better way to put it.

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Before Obama’s DOJ-ust Us, through the Pedophile Puppet and Monster Merrick turned almost everyone into seditious killers of the democratic dream, most especially Catholics, parents, and those who know the U.S. Constitution is not a living, breathing document, there were folks “who just made a mistake” and/or “hung out with the wrong crowd.” And we separated them from the rest of us in concrete and steel architecture termed jails and prisons. In the BOT (before Obama times), the evilest of the lot were murderers, pedophiles (not politically connected), and rapists. If the state was not complicit in hiding exculpatory evidence or somehow involved in the evil, there was often beyond a reasonable doubt conclusion that, in truth, evil had been corralled. Releasing them via execution into whatever existence is available to them into the ‘not this existence’ was justified and in line with God’s laws. We are more civilized today; our challenge to God’s laws via our civilized edifices stands solidly on the side of compassion. For the serpent. And our repentance (society's fault) for creating such monsters is to feed and house them for decades and then spend even more on, at last, killing them. Ah, progress (ives).

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Brilliant column Ann. Thanks

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