Difficult to say exactly why Trump won in 24; even harder to say why he lost in 20. Total Trump votes will end at 74 million for both years, but the blue ballot plummeted from 81 million to 70 million. Did Democrat enthusiasm really fall off a cliff in one cycle? Or did Sleepy Joe really get 81 million votes? This is as much a mandate for universal in-person voting gated by valid ID's as it is for immigration restriction and inflation reduction.
Great point Greg. In previous elections the extra 20 million people were not there. It is hard to understand how basement-joe could have been so good at creating enthusiasm in 2020. Maybe the extremism of the main stream press turned them off in 2024? Or dem voter fraud in 2020. We'll likely never know. I'm just happy Trump had his legal troops out to watch the vote this time.
The voter fraud narrative is complete nonsense for idiots who need everything to fit what they want to believe. 2020 was a historically high turnout election with the left motivated by anti-Trump fervor and Republicans motivated in turn. After 4 years of Biden it's not surprising that less Democrats would be willing to vote for that administration and it's also not surprising that some Republicans have gotten sick of Trump after all he has done in the last 4 years. In the end the drop of in Dem enthusiasm was greater and Trump benefited from some swing voters switching to him.
Biden ran as a moderate in 2020. Most Americans are not far left or far right. There are a lot of votes to be had in the middle. Add in those who were very motivated anti-Trumpers and the tally for Biden doesn't seem so far fetched.
The 2020 election was not stolen. There is no way that millions of frauduelnt votes were cast.
He did? In the debates he ran on universal healthcare, inviting illegal aliens into the nation en masse and demonizing anyone who opposed Democrats as racists and white supremacists.
Before today I would have agreed with you. But remember: the total popular vote for Trump was 74 million in both years. Assuming these reported numbers to be accurate, this means that Trump lost a 2020 enthusiast for every moderate who flipped for him in 2024. Possible, but highly improbable.
The votes haven't all been counted yet. Trump's popular vote will end up at about 76 Million. It is not highly improbable that Trump lost as many voters as he gained. Trump has alienated a lot of people with all his antics since 2020. 2020 was an election with an unusually high turnout fueled by passions on both sides. It was always likely that this election would have lower turnout though still higher than 2016, 2012 etc. The popular vote totals are not surprising at all and certainly don't indicate any fraud.
I think that the 11 million vote drop for Harris was mostly due to moderate Democrats who did not like the leftist policies of Biden (wokeness, identity policies, open borders, infation, crime etc.) and therefore did not bother to vote.
These moderate Democrats voted for what they believed was an old line moderate in Biden in 2020. They were disappointed in the direction he took the country.
Right! In 2020 he lost by 7 million but won by 4 Million this year! Harris gained 5m more than Hillary did, but by one point difference in electoral!!!
I'm looking forward very much to the return of Ann Coulter's Border Wall Update. Actually, I'd rather be pleasantly surprised when she doesn't have to bring it back.
A bigger question might also be why did the Democrat vote totals drop 12-14 million since 2020? A massive drop like that in one election cycle is indicative of fraud in 2020 which I know Ann thinks did not occur. I saw a couple of analyses about 2020 which posited that the Democrat vote count should have been approx. 69 million or about 1-2 million higher than the Dems actually received in 2024.
Also, when Joe Biden was undemocratically dumped from the ticket his supposedly loyal 81 million voters from 2020 did not protest or revolt.
Yet team Trump and his brainless kids keep heaping fulsome praise on blacks and Latinos who voted for them in the 2024 election. Whites should be sick and tired of getting taken for granted but we don't have enough self respect and don't want to be "racist". If whites voted for the GOP at 65% then a Republican president and Senate would be a lock probably through 2032.
But Trump says he wants to bring large numbers of immigrants "legally" will will seal the doom of the GOP and the white people who support it even though we get almost nothing out of it.
Democracy is a stupid idea on paper that instantaneously produces stupid results. No point in fighting against evil so long as we are a democracy because democracy is heaven for the evil left. They have always been, and they always will be, capable of manipulating the dopes. The US was not founded as a democracy.
The Founding Fathers knew that pure democracy was a very dangerous and unstable concept. That is why they (with the help of God) gave us the Constitution that protects minority rights from the tyranny of majority rule. Thus, as David pointed out, we are a constitutional federal republic.
It seems the only ones who don't realize we are a Constitutional Republic are the Beltway dopes and the media who, by the way, we could have cast into an active volcano with a simple majority vote if we were a pure democracy.
Hate to say it, but white women and college graduates show a surprising lack of judgement too. Be interesting to break out the numbers for Harvard and Yale.
Agreed CB. I bet there is a correlation between exposure to indoctrination and voting Harris.
Also, IMHO, when it comes to single women, in the same way men mature slower than women when it comes to personal relationships, I would argue that women mature slower than men when it comes to political matters. It is no wonder single immature women vote for Harris.
In all fairness, the Ivy idiots are mostly produced in the mostly worthless majors/departments. You will not find a majority of feather-headed tools coming out of the natural sciences, engineering, agriculture (except for losers like Keith Olbermann who wish they could have gone to A&S) and business programs.
Is there a published lazy factor…for registered voters who just can’t make it to the polls every 2-4 years? My city is 80% African American and voted Democrat since before the civil war. Approximately 50% of the 24,000 voters actually vote, this year only 25% actually showed up. Hey but those 6,000 people voted in a casino. What could go wrong .
NON white, Indian American Trump voter here! Trump's gains with Hispanics is MIND BOGGLING! It boils down to 3 things - immigration, transgenderism, & Kamala being a (supposed) black woman. The average Hispanic is a lot more conservative than the average white person!
Ann Coulter has been pointing this out for years; yet the GOP and we much maligned whites have ignored her and allowed the Democrats to divide the white voters and thereby leave the Democrats to malign us more to collect lefty, non-white votes to form a majority... Ann is too polite to say I told you so and how white voters have behaved like mugs, but I am not!
Looks like Donald Trump and Susie Wiles have worked it out and won well. Hopefully the GOP and minorities will keep this up!
Ann - I agree 100% with your argument regarding immigration - always have. However, Trump showing marginal improvement with non- whites is not the worst thing. More than anything, we need to stop the illegal flow and chain immigration to save the country.
I must say, your role as a "mirror" to lib insanity and your defiance of everything PC, is perfect. In many respects, the nation's win is your win.
But now we won. There is so much work to do.
We must take back the schools and media. We must kill woke and communist morphisms. Reverse indoctrination and the "normalization" of sexual weirdness. We must replace the insane form of lefty-feminism (that wants women to be men, angry with men at the same time, and puts more emphasis on a woman's ability to kill a fetus than give it life) with feminism that uplifts women and rejoices in women's family role, child-bearing responsibility and partnership with men. We must kill anti-male sexism that pooh-pooh men's strength, propensity to protect, their family role and stereo-type men as idiots (men have a wider IQ spectrum than women so there are far more low IQ men but also far more Hi-IQ men). We must bring back our western philosophy of "service" to others. Bring back law and order. Not to mention moving to a merit-based immigration system. Purging the country of about 1/2 million criminals who entered the US. Finishing the wall. Lowering inflation. Creating proper immigration policies. Defunding the bureaucratic state, balancing our books,...
The list is overwhelming.
Given all the work and new opportunities the "win" gives you/all of us, is there an additional role you are thinking about carving out for yourself?
For years, Ann has been telling us the truth about voter stats (with documentation) and for just as many years, the politicians, consultants and media has been taking us to an alternative universe of analysis with "close your eyes and click your heels together" unsubstantiated wishes and massaged data.
Ann, the GOP hasn't candidly, proactively and publicly reached out to the lone voting bloc that keeps it alive arguably since Nixon. Ultimately that will spell the party's doom.
As I wrote back in August:
"Trump will once again lose something close to 90% of the black vote and likely more than 60% of the Latino vote in November. In 2016, Trump clocked 29% of the Latino vote and improved that to 32% in 2020, but losing two-out-of-every-three voters in any demographic is not a recipe for victory and relentlessly pandering to a demographic in which 90 out of every 100 voters will cast their ballots against you is pathetic. Trump can still in fact win in November, but it’s an increasingly doubtful victory unless he focuses on his actual base of working-class white voters—that proletariat the media sniffs at as ‘rural voters’ without noticing they remain the single largest voting bloc in the nation—and expanding their turnout everywhere and particularly in the battleground states. The only path Trump has to return to the White House in 2024 is to restore his 2016 share of that sedated electoral giant and expand its presence at the polls by just several percentage points in the key states."
You are right Ann it is a total shocker looking at the graphs....NOT. But then again I am one of the uneducated deplorables...I really dislike being lumped as an uneducated not capable of critical thinking deplorable. This country figured out quite a while ago to vote for THEIR best interests...meaning getting everything they want but somehow not realizing it just might not be what is best for the country as a whole....as someone has already stated we were not set up to be a pure democracy by the Founding Fathers...
I am one of those over-educated whites. But I did go to an engineering school. And I am very conservative. I would say Ann that these stats show whites are more apt to vote for Trump. But this not the cause. The likely cause is culture. These stats show traditional western (mostly white) culture matters. Just my opinion.
Difficult to say exactly why Trump won in 24; even harder to say why he lost in 20. Total Trump votes will end at 74 million for both years, but the blue ballot plummeted from 81 million to 70 million. Did Democrat enthusiasm really fall off a cliff in one cycle? Or did Sleepy Joe really get 81 million votes? This is as much a mandate for universal in-person voting gated by valid ID's as it is for immigration restriction and inflation reduction.
Great point Greg. In previous elections the extra 20 million people were not there. It is hard to understand how basement-joe could have been so good at creating enthusiasm in 2020. Maybe the extremism of the main stream press turned them off in 2024? Or dem voter fraud in 2020. We'll likely never know. I'm just happy Trump had his legal troops out to watch the vote this time.
The voter fraud narrative is complete nonsense for idiots who need everything to fit what they want to believe. 2020 was a historically high turnout election with the left motivated by anti-Trump fervor and Republicans motivated in turn. After 4 years of Biden it's not surprising that less Democrats would be willing to vote for that administration and it's also not surprising that some Republicans have gotten sick of Trump after all he has done in the last 4 years. In the end the drop of in Dem enthusiasm was greater and Trump benefited from some swing voters switching to him.
Ballot harvesting. Yes,
Biden ran as a moderate in 2020. Most Americans are not far left or far right. There are a lot of votes to be had in the middle. Add in those who were very motivated anti-Trumpers and the tally for Biden doesn't seem so far fetched.
The 2020 election was not stolen. There is no way that millions of frauduelnt votes were cast.
He did? In the debates he ran on universal healthcare, inviting illegal aliens into the nation en masse and demonizing anyone who opposed Democrats as racists and white supremacists.
Before today I would have agreed with you. But remember: the total popular vote for Trump was 74 million in both years. Assuming these reported numbers to be accurate, this means that Trump lost a 2020 enthusiast for every moderate who flipped for him in 2024. Possible, but highly improbable.
The votes haven't all been counted yet. Trump's popular vote will end up at about 76 Million. It is not highly improbable that Trump lost as many voters as he gained. Trump has alienated a lot of people with all his antics since 2020. 2020 was an election with an unusually high turnout fueled by passions on both sides. It was always likely that this election would have lower turnout though still higher than 2016, 2012 etc. The popular vote totals are not surprising at all and certainly don't indicate any fraud.
I think that the 11 million vote drop for Harris was mostly due to moderate Democrats who did not like the leftist policies of Biden (wokeness, identity policies, open borders, infation, crime etc.) and therefore did not bother to vote.
These moderate Democrats voted for what they believed was an old line moderate in Biden in 2020. They were disappointed in the direction he took the country.
Right! In 2020 he lost by 7 million but won by 4 Million this year! Harris gained 5m more than Hillary did, but by one point difference in electoral!!!
White college educated liberal men and women are the most damaging demographic in America.
Yet even they were surprisingly moderate--relative to themselves--this election. The Democrat got 56%; one would expect well over 60%.
I'm looking forward very much to the return of Ann Coulter's Border Wall Update. Actually, I'd rather be pleasantly surprised when she doesn't have to bring it back.
A bigger question might also be why did the Democrat vote totals drop 12-14 million since 2020? A massive drop like that in one election cycle is indicative of fraud in 2020 which I know Ann thinks did not occur. I saw a couple of analyses about 2020 which posited that the Democrat vote count should have been approx. 69 million or about 1-2 million higher than the Dems actually received in 2024.
Also, when Joe Biden was undemocratically dumped from the ticket his supposedly loyal 81 million voters from 2020 did not protest or revolt.
Yet team Trump and his brainless kids keep heaping fulsome praise on blacks and Latinos who voted for them in the 2024 election. Whites should be sick and tired of getting taken for granted but we don't have enough self respect and don't want to be "racist". If whites voted for the GOP at 65% then a Republican president and Senate would be a lock probably through 2032.
But Trump says he wants to bring large numbers of immigrants "legally" will will seal the doom of the GOP and the white people who support it even though we get almost nothing out of it.
Democracy is a stupid idea on paper that instantaneously produces stupid results. No point in fighting against evil so long as we are a democracy because democracy is heaven for the evil left. They have always been, and they always will be, capable of manipulating the dopes. The US was not founded as a democracy.
We're a republic. What's the alternative Jim?
The Founding Fathers knew that pure democracy was a very dangerous and unstable concept. That is why they (with the help of God) gave us the Constitution that protects minority rights from the tyranny of majority rule. Thus, as David pointed out, we are a constitutional federal republic.
It seems the only ones who don't realize we are a Constitutional Republic are the Beltway dopes and the media who, by the way, we could have cast into an active volcano with a simple majority vote if we were a pure democracy.
Hate to say it, but white women and college graduates show a surprising lack of judgement too. Be interesting to break out the numbers for Harvard and Yale.
Agreed CB. I bet there is a correlation between exposure to indoctrination and voting Harris.
Also, IMHO, when it comes to single women, in the same way men mature slower than women when it comes to personal relationships, I would argue that women mature slower than men when it comes to political matters. It is no wonder single immature women vote for Harris.
In all fairness, the Ivy idiots are mostly produced in the mostly worthless majors/departments. You will not find a majority of feather-headed tools coming out of the natural sciences, engineering, agriculture (except for losers like Keith Olbermann who wish they could have gone to A&S) and business programs.
Is there a published lazy factor…for registered voters who just can’t make it to the polls every 2-4 years? My city is 80% African American and voted Democrat since before the civil war. Approximately 50% of the 24,000 voters actually vote, this year only 25% actually showed up. Hey but those 6,000 people voted in a casino. What could go wrong .
NON white, Indian American Trump voter here! Trump's gains with Hispanics is MIND BOGGLING! It boils down to 3 things - immigration, transgenderism, & Kamala being a (supposed) black woman. The average Hispanic is a lot more conservative than the average white person!
Ann Coulter has been pointing this out for years; yet the GOP and we much maligned whites have ignored her and allowed the Democrats to divide the white voters and thereby leave the Democrats to malign us more to collect lefty, non-white votes to form a majority... Ann is too polite to say I told you so and how white voters have behaved like mugs, but I am not!
Looks like Donald Trump and Susie Wiles have worked it out and won well. Hopefully the GOP and minorities will keep this up!
This is such a great point!
Ann - I agree 100% with your argument regarding immigration - always have. However, Trump showing marginal improvement with non- whites is not the worst thing. More than anything, we need to stop the illegal flow and chain immigration to save the country.
Hi Ann, I am a fan and I have a question.
I must say, your role as a "mirror" to lib insanity and your defiance of everything PC, is perfect. In many respects, the nation's win is your win.
But now we won. There is so much work to do.
We must take back the schools and media. We must kill woke and communist morphisms. Reverse indoctrination and the "normalization" of sexual weirdness. We must replace the insane form of lefty-feminism (that wants women to be men, angry with men at the same time, and puts more emphasis on a woman's ability to kill a fetus than give it life) with feminism that uplifts women and rejoices in women's family role, child-bearing responsibility and partnership with men. We must kill anti-male sexism that pooh-pooh men's strength, propensity to protect, their family role and stereo-type men as idiots (men have a wider IQ spectrum than women so there are far more low IQ men but also far more Hi-IQ men). We must bring back our western philosophy of "service" to others. Bring back law and order. Not to mention moving to a merit-based immigration system. Purging the country of about 1/2 million criminals who entered the US. Finishing the wall. Lowering inflation. Creating proper immigration policies. Defunding the bureaucratic state, balancing our books,...
The list is overwhelming.
Given all the work and new opportunities the "win" gives you/all of us, is there an additional role you are thinking about carving out for yourself?
Just curious.
For years, Ann has been telling us the truth about voter stats (with documentation) and for just as many years, the politicians, consultants and media has been taking us to an alternative universe of analysis with "close your eyes and click your heels together" unsubstantiated wishes and massaged data.
Ann, the GOP hasn't candidly, proactively and publicly reached out to the lone voting bloc that keeps it alive arguably since Nixon. Ultimately that will spell the party's doom.
As I wrote back in August:
"Trump will once again lose something close to 90% of the black vote and likely more than 60% of the Latino vote in November. In 2016, Trump clocked 29% of the Latino vote and improved that to 32% in 2020, but losing two-out-of-every-three voters in any demographic is not a recipe for victory and relentlessly pandering to a demographic in which 90 out of every 100 voters will cast their ballots against you is pathetic. Trump can still in fact win in November, but it’s an increasingly doubtful victory unless he focuses on his actual base of working-class white voters—that proletariat the media sniffs at as ‘rural voters’ without noticing they remain the single largest voting bloc in the nation—and expanding their turnout everywhere and particularly in the battleground states. The only path Trump has to return to the White House in 2024 is to restore his 2016 share of that sedated electoral giant and expand its presence at the polls by just several percentage points in the key states."
You are right Ann it is a total shocker looking at the graphs....NOT. But then again I am one of the uneducated deplorables...I really dislike being lumped as an uneducated not capable of critical thinking deplorable. This country figured out quite a while ago to vote for THEIR best interests...meaning getting everything they want but somehow not realizing it just might not be what is best for the country as a whole....as someone has already stated we were not set up to be a pure democracy by the Founding Fathers...
I am one of those over-educated whites. But I did go to an engineering school. And I am very conservative. I would say Ann that these stats show whites are more apt to vote for Trump. But this not the cause. The likely cause is culture. These stats show traditional western (mostly white) culture matters. Just my opinion.