Seattle did this a few years ago for the bargain-basement price of a paltry $1M each...but they had to buy a set of five in order to get such an amazing deal. The designer public toilets instantly became shoot-up sites for addicts, 'business offices' for prostitutes and dope dealers and meeting areas for street gangs and violent thugs. There is no data on how many distraught tourists in dire need soiled themselves as a result of being too frightened to go near them and were unable to find an alternate location in time..

I recall this as being a national and perhaps an international joke at the time...apparently the San Fran politicians either didn't bother themselves to do a simple Google search or perhaps they think they can somehow do it "better".


Every word he speaks and every action he takes reminds coherent & thoughtful Americans what a great leader Presi...err, excuse me, Governor DeSantis is and how much of a breath of fresh air he would be in the Oval Office. Although I was an early booster of a DeSantis/Coulter ticket, she recently shot down that idea; I believe she said she might consider Secretary of State (please correct me if I'm wrong) but she didn't want the Veep slot.

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DeSantis always seems to calmly refute all of the claims the radical left makes against him and then turns the argument against them. He's a skilled debater.

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No.. he's ours and you can't have him.

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When people do it on the street why would they need a toilet in SF? So wasteful.

Meanwhile - DeSantis is just unstoppable! Whether it's a natural disaster or attack by crazy left wing, he keeps getting it done. I can't wait to see him doing it across America, not just in FL.

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If Donald Trump, actually cared about this Country he would step aside for the good of the Country! This will not happen his narcissistic ego will not let him! JustSaying,!

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I actually don't understand the necessity. Productive citizens can just go into a restaurant or store. The homeless who are insane should be in an asylum, the sane homeless should be shuttled to a jobs program/housing program and found work. Refusal to work after 6 months to a year of being offered work/housing assistance means living in the woods. Drug users should be arrested for illegal possession and put into a treatment facility.

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Please do not wish this pestilence on the woods and all of nature's beauty!

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The question is who would be on the ticket with him? Reagan/Bush Trump/Pence didn't work out to well :)

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SF could rent and service a portapotty for a century for that money. Plus, they’ve got perfectly fine sidewalks for the bums and junkies to use.

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Interesting construction articles. Governor DeSantis builds bridges to connect. SF sounds as if it is planning a haven for enabling gatherings for the homeless. Uncertain what “nuanced and less sensational” actually means in paragraph 4 of the one article. Thank you for sharing your perspective Ann.

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Why do they need restrooms in San Francisco? I thought everyone did their business in the street, like in China.

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We have to get egotistical, Trump out of the way so that younger, ivy league, military trained leaders like Governor Ron DeSantis and Tulsi Gabbard and/or Governor Youngkin can save what's left of America.

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Their Governor will be your President, soon.

Happy Halloween.

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If anything is proof of the contempt and disregard that the "public sector" has for the taxpayer, it is the way they waste the public's money. But I suppose that is to be expected when all the same cabal cares about is the selfishness of patronage spending and ever-increasing unfunded benefits.

Politicians and bureaucrats having unrestricted access to taxpayer wealth is as dangerous an idea as giving a baby a live grenade to play with.

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I'm becoming more impressed with DeSantis all the time. If Trump were governor he would have delegated the project to Jared Kushner. But as much as I like him he'd likely become another centrist, which means center-leftist, that Republicans always become when they capture the oval office.

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Interesting construction article. Governor DeSantis builds bridges to connect—troubled persons and/and during difficult times. SF sounds as if it is planning another haven for enabling gatherings for the homeless. Uncertain what “nuanced and less sensational” actually means in paragraph 4 of the one article. Thank you for sharing your perspective Ann.

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I’m getting excited!

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Yes it’s the state of our nation that we assign names to our political foes. Thank you Donald Trump for really elevating the practice. Tricky Dick has nothing on you. Which brings me to Ron “death” Desantis. When a liberal acquaintence uses it right out of the blue I immediately raise his PQ (that’s p for propaganda). Can we just call him Life Desantis?

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