San Fran's $1.7 Million Toilet vs. DeSantis's (Already) Rebuilt Bridge and Causeway
Just THINK of What Democrats Could Do for the Country!
Los Angeles Times: San Francisco plans to spend TWO YEARS, $1.7 million to build single-toilet public restroom
Gov. Ron DeSantis Announces Completion of Causeway to Sanibel Island, in 15 days, more than a week ahead of schedule.
He Also Completed a Temporary Bridge to Pine Island Bridge in less than three days.
Sanibel Island Causeway and Pine Island Bridge Destroyed by Hurricane Ian:
Sanibel Island Causeway and Pine Island Bridge Are Already Up and Running:
Can’t we make him president already?
Seattle did this a few years ago for the bargain-basement price of a paltry $1M each...but they had to buy a set of five in order to get such an amazing deal. The designer public toilets instantly became shoot-up sites for addicts, 'business offices' for prostitutes and dope dealers and meeting areas for street gangs and violent thugs. There is no data on how many distraught tourists in dire need soiled themselves as a result of being too frightened to go near them and were unable to find an alternate location in time..
I recall this as being a national and perhaps an international joke at the time...apparently the San Fran politicians either didn't bother themselves to do a simple Google search or perhaps they think they can somehow do it "better".
Every word he speaks and every action he takes reminds coherent & thoughtful Americans what a great leader Presi...err, excuse me, Governor DeSantis is and how much of a breath of fresh air he would be in the Oval Office. Although I was an early booster of a DeSantis/Coulter ticket, she recently shot down that idea; I believe she said she might consider Secretary of State (please correct me if I'm wrong) but she didn't want the Veep slot.
No.. he's ours and you can't have him.