It was such a cool time when the common denominator between Trump and Coulter was to make sure HRC was to never win the presidency. So much of that is irrelevant now, but back then, and even now, the Clinton's continue to prove they were straight from the pits of hell and stopping them was a huge deal!

A lot us out here that voted for Trump saw him much like a P.T.Barnum character, and unfortunately he never really changed - always trying to over sell -- but I don't know how anyone could miss the global coup taking place to remove sitting president who was a wild card and someone they couldn't completely control.

I really like that Coulter now has this forum and is willing to come out to play with us and answer questions from fans on Twitter - but this thing with Trump is like watching a couple of your friends going through a nasty divorce - it's just awkward and divisive, at a time when when demons are trolling the planet and while there are so many dark issue's that are completely out of control. The average Trump fan and others are sitting out there watching their country being taken over, not to mention contemplating in horror what kind of future their children may be looking at, and wondering why we can't stop the squabbling at such a time as this.

That's all I got to say about that.

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It would be nice if it were just about "sqaubbling" but it's not. A much worse "global coup" was the one that Trump himself carried out by unilateral decree in March 2020, which was to suspend normal government, declare "emergency government" with no end date. (He may have decided on it earlier, but he announced it in March). Only one person on the planet was needed to unleash global lockdown, and that was the US president. "The US is doing it." Remember Ferguson and his UK "virus computer models" which "proved' lockdown was the only answer? On March 22, 2020 Ferguson published on his twitter that the computer models he used were from 13 years earlier for a different disease, influenza. It's still up on his twitter.


Trump never mentioned this. He started with "15 days to slow the spread." Assuming you know that a virus can't be stopped, that it always runs its course, why would you want to "slow the spread" unless you were a small island nation thousands of miles away with an NHS and you thought all the beds would be full so you had to make the virus go slow. But even NHS wasn't overloaded--UK built additional facilities that were never used, as did the US. Trump still says he "saved millions of lives." I voted for him in 2016, but he immediately merged with the establishment, made Jared de facto president, and became a worse neocon than McCain. Jared of course in 2015 accepted a $250 million credit line from Soros who's also an investor in Jared businesses.

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It's the old adage, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. We all should've seen through Trump, but after his block buster announcement to run Speech, my hopes were sky high. But my heart really goes out to Ann Coulter for Trump's flagrant fraudulent exploitation of her book, Adios America, the dirtiest of all political dirty tricks! It may not be Christian, but I hate Trump for that alone. I also hate the fact that he took advantage of our worst fears, a Hillary Clinton presidency. And now look what we have, thanks to Donald J. Trump, Barack Hussein Obama's third term. But I'm not bitter. LET'S GO BRANDON!

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Yes I do remember covid hitting here in March of of 2020 , and by April Trump folded and implemented lock-downs for two weeks 🥴 but then extended them through Easter. This is probably the point where I realized he had no balls at all. You could smell Jared and Ivanka's roll in all of this. The nepotism was sickening - he should have fired Fauci, but you could tell that this was not going to happen.

So many stupid things he did that I lost count - but he never had any interest in going to war, and the global war machine was not happy about that at all.

Was aware early on of the Soros $$ connection to Jared but remember looking at his bio, and after that wasn't surprised that he ended up being a total scumbag. I'm hip to most of your views, but I have a Christian world view and have all my life, so maybe you can imagine people like me observing this global takeover and comparing it to biblical prophecy - Its really quite stunning, but if you have peace in your heart you will not fear these things.

I'm also a huge Coulter fan and feel like everyone with a brain should be also --- But when she turned on Trump she lost a lot of support - she also lost support for supporting him! From my observation he's been a complete nightmare for her, so I understand why she despises him. I just hate seeing her waste energy on him when in reality he's irrelevant. Still, the next 4 or 5 months are going to be very interesting and Coulter is going to do what she does best - and unapologetically.

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And you said it perfectly.

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Ann, I think that you are mistaken as to why people like Trump.

First he did something that NO other president has ever done. He pointed out (in December of 2020) that "foreign aid" was being used as a money laundering scheme by members of congress. How you might ask? The most glaring example was Pakistan. Congress wanted 10 million dollars to advance "gender studies" in Pakistan. Where it's NOT "illegal" to be gay, but it's looked down upon by THE VAST MAJORITY OF THE POPULATION THERE, Islam doesn't recognize gay rights. To what extent could you have foreign aid directed toward LGBTQ rights in Pakistan -- without EVERYONE in power knowing about it? What that really means is that some US congress members will have a shell corporation set up to funnel the money back to the family(s) of those congress members. Their "relatives," or close friends will be the people running the LGBTQ rights organization in Pakistan – that nobody would/could visit. It's a total scam.

You’re right Trump didn't get the southern border wall put up. Congress wouldn't budge, crying over (7) billion dollars in funding. But now, (40) billion is no problem for Ukraine? Is Ukraine’s border more important than the borders of the US? Judging by the money it is.

Don't misunderstand, I'm not the biggest Trump fan. I still don't know why he mentions the vaccines at all. They DO NOT have a good track record. Not in the real world anyway. We have SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome). Really? Forensic scientist can exhume bodies, buried for weeks, and determine within reason the cause of death, but they can't figure it out in these cases, when the people died moments earlier? I'm not buying it. Oh, and let’s not forget the FDA trying to slow walk the Pfizer clinical trial data -- over a 75 year period.

Trump’s greatest achievement is PROVING that the majority of congress cares nothing about the American people. This was made evident by Trump being able to push through measures that have been talked about for 30 years, but never acted upon. Prison reform, EPA deregulation/simplification, THE KEYSTONE PIPELINE (more recent), and many other things that are often overlooked.

One thing that I’ve learned, politicians don’t make money by getting things done, they make money by promising things -- and never getting them done. That way they can keep the money coming in. Politicians are paid based on what they claim they are going to do, but never really do.

While you could say the same thing about Trump, he didn’t start out that way. Trump made his money out of office. Politicians often go to Washington to GET RICH. Not to serve the people. That has never been more evident than it is now.

So, while Trump might be a douche, he doesn’t export it. Trump didn’t do things that were detrimental to the American People, or the economy. THAT’S what people are looking at.

Good ole James Carville said it best, “It’s the economy stupid!” Well, it IS in large part, and the economy under the current Biden admin is a joke. And it’s NOT by accident. Look at the supply chain “crisis.” The only reason that things have gotten so bad AFTER COVID, is because of California EPA regs. You can’t operate trucks that are more than a few years old in California. Shipping companies are having to move product from container ship, onto smaller (California EPA friendly) vehicles, moving it to the California border -- then put it on a normal semi, to ship it around the country.

Trump fans have realized that while Trump isn’t the nicest guy around, he doesn’t hate the US or the American People! The same can’t be said about ANYONE in the current administration. The current administration is singularly focused on tearing the system down so we can "Build Back Better." Whatever the hell that means. Depending on who you ask, it's NOT going to be better, at least not for about 99% of the population.

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You must be very young. It's been blatantly obvious for several decades that the entire political class despises the people. What you call his "greatest achievement" has been public knowledge for many decades. Perhaps you're not old enough to remember Nelson Rockefeller, or the Tea Party movement, or even the 2014 Mississippi Republican primary and runoff during which the GOP paid black voters to vote in the open GOP primary runoff for the Establishment candidate so that the grassroots candidate would lose. This was documented by 538 and Codevilla. And maybe you're too young to remember when George W. Bush called us racist for not wanted to give control of US seaports to a Dubai group.

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Age ain't nothing but a number baby! LOL

No, but, I remember ALL of those events you listed. The problem is that people who "pay attention" know those things. Rush listeners know these things. It's the rest of the population, those who always say, "They'll never do that. Nobody is going to do that..." Those are the people who Trump managed to reach.

EVERYONE knows that politics is corrupt, but it's usually not openly talked about. Trump said something during one of the debates, and the MSM absolutely didn't know what to do about it. Trump was asked about donating to Democrats in the past. His answer was NOT what they were not expecting. He basically said that if he didn't donate to the right people, he wouldn't be able to get his properties built. It was like Rodney Dangerfield in "Back to School." He talked of having to grease the palms of the unions. The way things REALLY work is never openly discussed. When it is, most people often don't believe it. But, when Trump calls it out, and tells people where to look, that's a different story.

There has been a Uni-Party in this country for a LONG time. It's just that nobody wants to believe it. They're starting to believe it now! We have Republicans pushing "Red Flag" gun laws now. Why? Because they are doing what their masters tell them to. Those who are not up for "election" do whatever they want, because they are NOT there as representatives of the people. They are representatives of the "system." A system that guarantees them certain benefits, at the expense of the US taxpayer.

You and I understand these things, it's the people that DON'T that got us into the position we are in now. Anything that helps to wake those people up is seriously needed.

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I think he mentions the Vaccines because he's making a hell of a lot of money off of them.

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If you choose a mugger over a serial killer it doesn't mean you like muggers, it means you'd rather deal with an ordinary slimeball than someone skilled at cutting people up. Maybe eating them alive. You're making a sensible choice, which is something Ann can't seem to do regarding an admittedly dipshitty guy like Trump. But Trump was putting a crimp in child trafficking, so he was better, gee-dee it, than child rapist Biden and co. Does Ann ever consider the child trafficking or is that too tin-foil hat to interrupt her witty attacks on the same target every leftard in America is attacking?

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The argument that "Trump is better than HIllary,!" He's "better than Biden!") could be said about ANY Republican president, including Jeb-exclamation point. The 2016 Trump promised us a different kind of Republican, one who was not exclusively focused on tax cuts and helping other countries. FINALLY, the great mass of ordinary Americans would have a party that cared about them.

Trump did not. True, he was better than Hillary or Biden. Jimmy Carter was probably better than Hillary or Biden. For that matter, Liz Cheney is better than Hillary or Biden. Are the Trump die-hards going to claim that "IF YOU CRITICIZE LIZ CHENEY, YOU SUPPORT HUMAN TRAFFICKING, NO BABY FORMULA, SKYROCKETING INFLATION, AND HIGH GAS PRICES!"?

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Trump should get a modicum of credit in that he was trusted by the business crowd. The day he was elected the markets reacted favorably, both for consumers and investors. A businessman President with no agenda, other than to enforce law already on the books (immigration). Neither Obama nor Jobama will enforce those laws, even though Biden voted for them!

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I've learned so much about Javanka from Ann - not many amongst the conservative bunch talk about that.

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Nobody mentions the elephant in the room............the national debt and the resulting failing US Dollar.

When this sh*t hits the fan....nothing else will matter.

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Since Ann is clearing oh, about 24 hours per day from her book-writing schedule, I think maybe she's reading comments on UNSAFE. If so: Ann, how do you manage to put out a podcast every blue moon and still do two (2) WHOLE 10-12-minute interviews per week? There'd better be a man in your life taking up your time, elsewise you gots no excuse. But if there is no him interrupting your hymns, listen to ME, young lady. Get your mind unscrewed, stop attacking Trump and start helping to attack the leftist cabal of satan/molech/baphomet worshipers and become, once again, a useful genius. Instead of what you are acting as now - the opposite.

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Jun 16, 2022
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Are you calling me a pinko after decrying personal attacks as a liberal bent?

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Jun 16, 2022
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Substack's having problems, so I didn't see your previous reply, and I was asking you a question. It triggered your girly 5/6th and made you squeal like a bitch. I'm fond of having the last word, so I'll refrain from reading any more of your limpdick responses, you circle-pivot fag.

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this is an EXCELLENT point!

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>>> Ann Coulter misrepresents the work achieved on the Border Wall. How she does this is clever and dishonest with sly verbal turns of phrase. The data doesn't support her assessment. Trump's enemies, with whom she, sadly, now allies herself, stymied the wall's construction. This fact is on the public record, everyone who watched what the RadLibs, DemKrats and Sorosians did in courts and Congress during the administration knows this.

Ms. Coulter also misrepresents the Solomon Accords. Her snipe about Israel being given "more" than it wanted is gratuitous. What Trump, the Arabs and the Israelis achieved is none of her business. Why she seeks to undermine the accord must be examined.

I'm listening to DJT's speech today, June 17, 2022. He's lost none of his elan, memory, and excellence.

Perhaps, her contradictory behavior can be explained psychologically. Much altered in her character when she met Bill Maher.<<<

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I boxed. In my experience, anyone who goes about boasting of having boxed is a pussy ass, and this means you, internet warrior. Fuck you with the dick you suck daily, asslick. Drop dead, but suffer a lot first. Dipshit monkey.

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Since Ann is clearing oh, about 24 hours per day from her book-writing schedule, I think maybe she's reading comments on UNSAFE. If so: Ann, how do you manage to put out a podcast every blue moon and still do two (2) WHOLE 10-12-minute interviews per week? There'd better be a man in your life taking up your time, elsewise you gots no excuse. But if there is no him interrupting your hymns, listen to ME, young lady. Get your mind unscrewed, stop attacking Trump and start helping to attack the leftist cabal of satan/molech/baphomet worshipers and become, once again, a useful genius. Instead of what you are acting as now - the opposite.

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Sad but true.

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Jun 16, 2022
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Wrong. None of the pundits have hit on the truth exclusively. If Dinesh brilliantly deconstructs the leftist artifice, he's blind to the Covid hoax. If Tucker is hip on the swamp, he sidles away from the big steal. And Ann avoids both these subjects, because she either doesn't see the truth, or she is bought off or, maybe (let me adjust my tinfoil hat) replaced by a clone.

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Jun 16, 2022
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If you think the demoncats want Trump to run again, you're blind, deaf and especially the last of that cliche'd trio.

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