I remember getting beaten up by black girls like Joy Reid when I was in middle school. I guess there's no point in transcending what usually works. There is no worse hypocrite than someone who lives in a solidly white community and believes they are the second coming of MLK.

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Joy Reid being replaced by two actual black Americans in that time slot is actually a net win for black Americans.

It’s incredible that Reid has managed to obfuscate her immigrant origins and her consistent platforming of other immigrant pretenders who have dedicated themselves to stealing more opportunities from black Americans than white southerners ever did.

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Wow, Ann. Way to make me laugh so hard at my desk I had to apologize to my co-workers.

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Much wheezy laughter from moi, too! One of her better columns entertainment-wise.

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The first thing I thought about when I saw that Rachel Maddow clip this week was your compilation of her fawning over every black guest in Mugged

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The entire time she was talking, I just kept thinking about how she must have been on some zoom call where a lot of black activist types were telling her that she still had a voice and if she didn't use it, she would be kicked out of the allyship. It was so performative and it was bad acting. As if she gives a rat's ass about those people.

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Right on as usual. Rachel makes $25 or $30 million a year. A 25% pay cut could have saved Joy (and Rachel's staff). Better yet, quit and give Joy your spot Rachel, truly own your privilege! I do seem to recall Joy is not a big fan of "the gays" so I wonder if she would reciprocate. Where does MSNBC get this money to pay for no ratings? Why would I advertise anything on a channel whose viewer base is mentally ill malcontents (unless it was mind-altering drugs or suicide machines).

BTW, how much has the government paid media to push vaccines? I still hear government sponsored COVID vax ads on radio.

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She is so brave speaking truth to power. I’m sure if Maddow was fired tomorrow the $25 million salary will keep her out of the soup line. Perhaps she could hire her good friend Joy….. It’s the right thing to do….😝

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Joy(less) Reid has constantly spewed her anti-White hatred, yet is sporting blond hair. It's impossible to imagine a White supremacist with dreadnocks, yet there are plenty of Black female racists with straightened and even blond hair. It's like they subconsciously want to be White.

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Get used to it...just wait until you are in the ER someday and, as your Harvard trained physician enters the room, the Muzak system goes quiet and a prerecorded message is the last thing you hear before being killed by the "the soft bigotry of low expectations":

"Joining us now is a doctor who couldn`t do something stupid if they practiced it for a week...Dr. XY, associate professor of medical insecurity and malpractice racism studies at Harvard Med is wicked smart....an ER practitioner, of which we are very proud no matter the outcome."

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Hmmm... the funding stream from USAID was turned off. Time to cut costs and regroup across the lib landscape? Wondering about the connection.

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Reid's apparent joy in Madcow's servile, over-the-top ass kissing was astonishing (was she "Toobin" under the desk as she batted her eyes at Madcow?). Her sendoff might have been the high point of Reid's career. Even the idiot "stop the hammering" white guy looked embarrassed. Another great laugh fest from Ann regarding the faux love fest.

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Wow Ann! When you wrote that Cummington MA is 0.0% Black, I thought you were exaggerating, apparently not. Left-wing hypocrisy knows no bounds. I remember when Chris Mathews posted a group wedding photo of his son, there were over 300 guests there with zero Black people. One might think that liberal Chris Mathews who lives in Washington DC area which is 62% Black, must have at least few Black friends worthy of being invited to his son's wedding, yet it was all white event. Do as I say, not as I do.

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Blinky Maddow is a dead ringer to former Congressman and Hillary opponent Rick Lazio from her Senate run in 2000. Really, what's with the CHICOM military pantsuit (aka Hillary look). She flails her arms like a hummingbird and blinks like a bat. Get a new outfit sweetie, you stink!

On Maddow's lily white residence...

I remember when phonies like Noam Chomsky were living in the Boston area that was advocating for forced busing. What did our esteemed linguistics professor do? Moved to Lexington, outside the forced busing district.

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It was a long Wednesday and after I shut the work side of it off, I poured myself a proper vodka and lime, put on The Eagles and checked in here before the wife gets home, just to find Ann had unleashed another classic.

"Of her remaining three viewers, one was a gentleman named Nelson, sitting in a Detroit gastropub, who kept screaming at the bartender, "What is this shit? Dude, turn the f-ing channel. Damn! Bitch crazy."

Brava! Though I must say, it's your platform, why sanitize the cat in the Detroit bar? I doubt the laundry term 'F-ing' is ever heard in a Motor City watering hole.

I still subscribe to The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, mainly because I'm an old writer who developed a newspaper-over-breakfast habit I inherited from my parents and I haven't been able to shake it since the 1980s, but I subscribe to Ann's platform much more intentionally.

She's a brilliant writer with a killer's instinct, in a good way, and she's very intentionally funny, unlike the other two newspapers I just mentioned. Good for laughs, yes. They just thought it was serious news.

So again, brava, Ms. Coulter. And keep on truckin'.

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As long as MSM is controlled by the Left, any republican outreach to the Democrat plantation base is a total waste of time.

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“Get a room” normally makes the point.

Miss Maddow was so over the top, I blushed and had to excuse myself from the room.

Plus, it was gross, and way too LAFD for our home.

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