I really thought the Stacy Abrams story was fresh from the Babylon Bee. It might be worth getting a lobotomy or just joining the Dem Party if I could get $2 billion for a BS nonprofit.

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First I have heard of 'baby-cakes' being behind the controls of the Delta DEI/DIE plane making a 'hard' landing. The NYTs reported that the DC chopper crash 'baby-cakes' was flying to gain hours to keep her certification. In the busiest air space in the country. I never gave much thought as to why men are better drivers than women but if you look at NASCAR, the only female driver to make the circuit was Danica Patrick and people were excited when she led a few laps at Daytona a few years back. She had an issue creating crashes and lost her ride. I thought J.D.s (Memaw spirt) speech in Munich was the best since "Tear down this wall !!" that the media freaked about in the day. I heard "Hey Europe, you with US or not? If not see ya." I now understand a little better why my family elders set sail for the 'New World' never to go back. This winning thing is freekin amazing !! Keep an eye on the April 1st election here in Wisco, the billionaires Soros, Pritzker, Musk, Hoffman, Rickets, Uihlein, (old Pabst Beer $), Hendricks, are getting ready to rumble on the battle-ground of the 'Frozen Tundra'. Bring a parka and I'll show you around : ) Peace Out

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Still have not heard the helicopter pilots voice from DC. Also, not a lot of coverage about how she was a White House aide for Biden. They are trying to blame a faulty altimeter but the altimeter was wrong on the high side, they were supposed to be flying at 200 feet but the altimeter supposedly said they were closer to 400 feet. If it was wrong on the low side, it might have been an excuse- "the altimeter led them to believe they were at 200 feet but they were at 300 or 400 feet." Instead they thought they were at 400 when they should have been at 200 but were actually around 300 and climbing. Also I, appreciate your point (and JDs) on Europe- why must they be our eternal allies if they no longer share our values? Maybe we should be closer to the Romanians, Poles, Hungarians, and Italians who are more aligned with us than the French, British, and Germans. It is not like the French, British, and Germans are strong military allies anymore.

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The Blackhawk pilot, Capt. Rebecca Lobach, was not a “White House aide for Biden.” She was a White House Military Social Aide, which means she volunteered for State dinners and other functions. She was last at the White House to escort Ralph Lauren when he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Many of our service members stationed in the DC area serve in this capacity, regardless of who is president. Some of the same people who volunteered for the Biden White House turned around and did escort duty for Trump’s inauguration.

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You are brilliant Ann Coulter…!

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This episode came with an explicit content warning. And just like that I was 13 again, skulking down to Raspberry Records to buy Straight Outta Compton.

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The reaction to Vance's speech is demented. Margaret Brennan is a moron for suggesting free speech led to the holocaust. Totalitarianism led to the holocaust and the deaths of tens of millions in Europe, China, and Asia. Also, as I said elsewhere, if you want to prevent another European holocaust, you probably shouldn't import millions of people who are not particularly fond of Jews and Infidels. Finally, I know Romanian-Americans with family in Romania. Basically they described the politician in question as a Romania-Firster (like all leaders of countries should be) and don't understand why Romania must bow to the European Union when it has tremendous resources of its own it should be allowed to develop. Sound familiar? The EU are the corporate-DEI-enviro-fascists. This is not left and right anyway, fascists and communists are two sides of the same totalitarian coin. The battle is between freedom and fascism/totalitarianism. The final fallacy is that the side of fascism/totalitarianism has support. It is in the process of criminalizing opposition so it will not matter if there is popular support.

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I come here to remember how a grown woman is supposed to act. Never disappointed.

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Thank you for the Five Need to Know Stories Ann. Personally, not a fan of Margaret Brennan and turn the newscast off when she is on the air. Thank you for the link to the Vance transcript.

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Dear Ann, I think you underestimate the skill required to land an airplane, any airplane, upside down without the whole kit and caboodle catching fire. Or is it kitten kaboodle? Anyway.

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Ann should mention the sine qua non of excess in the federal bureaucracy happens whenever there's a federal government shutdown and no one is inconvenienced! Also, the thought of Ann emerging from her shower and toweling off to CPAC on C-Span is such a turn on.

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Coulter Coulter !!!

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