How about “I will not demonize whites for way they treat blacks when I come from a society where I call the lowest strata untouchables “

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If you’ve been to India it goes well beyond that - their under 5 mortality rate across castes is around 4x that of Mexico and Brazil, meaning they have even less sense of civic responsibility than the notoriously ruthless Latin American oligarchy. They allow children of many castes beyond the Dalit to be intentionally disfigured so they can beg for scraps and live in garbage dumps.

Meanwhile our blacks are morbidly obese and wearing $100 shoes in free housing because we’re so “wacist.”

Ask them how many women are murdered for witch craft annually in 2024 when they lecture you about the patriarchy too.

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The billions in Tsunami money we gave India was all stolen, not a penny going to the victims.

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Americans donating even a penny to India or Africa is further evidence of the foolishness of the Anglo. It’s observable how little their own diaspora does for their people at home.

Imagine being some incredible genius supposedly capable of contributing to the well being of a nation and abandoning your homeland to live in the U.S. so you can drive a nicer car. Grotesque. Why not stay so 500k your own children don’t die of diarrhea ever year? They have no place here.

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What % of Silicon Valley Indians come from the lowers castes? Around Zero. What % of Indians with passports come from the lower castes? Zero. What % of college-educated Indians come from the lower castes? Not many.

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Not my circus, not my clowns. We don’t even need to discuss caste to condemn their culture - it’s contemptible regardless. They have caste-level DEI in India as well so bringing this up often is a mine field that Indians are better equipped to debate than we are.

Again - there are children getting their eyes and limbs removed intentionally so they can beg on the streets. Children living in garbage dumps. Slavery. Women murdered for being “witches.” 300,000-500,000 children dead annually of diarrheal diseases and many more of malnutrition. I don’t need to wade into caste to call this what it is.

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Advocating for the rights of lower caste Indians isn’t my concern. For all I know their under representation has as much to do with innate ability as their caste - genetics are real. I don’t engage with leftist identarian retardation even to attack my adversaries.

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If you want a good laugh, read Bryan Caplan’s Substack. He recounts his recent trip to India.

What a tool!

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I saw. India is truly a dung heap. The travel subreddits are reliably refreshed with horror stories. Been there for work and leisure many times and it never disappoints in the sense that it will always succeed at delivering horrors beyond your imagination.

One can forgive this in places as poor as Africa, though in Africa the people are generally respectful and friendly towards foreigners - which is not the case in India. But India has an entire sub-civilization built for its elites, who seem unwilling or incapable of expanding that civilizing energy to the nation or even to anything beyond their community walls.

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Needed this one after Elon's vulgar temper tantrum at anyone having the audacity to question H1B visas, exposure of Vivek's stock market swindle and the racist Indian member of Congress who openly refers to his 'white' constituents as second class citizens. Yes, Jayapal is hideous, though Senator Patty Murray is arguably dumber looking.

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Elon probably has zero exposure to the median Indian H1-B. He has no idea how retarded, dysgenic, hostile, and anti-white they are. Vivek is a scammer - he knows. Elon felt attacked because he thinks this program still brings in people like him and Sergei Brin.

The abuse of this program started outside that sector of big tech among the dinosaurs and dying stars of corporate America and has only really spread into his ecosystem with the recent rise in Indian CEOs.

Take suburban CT for example - every insurance company gutted their IT and tech departments for Indian imports 10-15 years ago and you can see it in the midrange apartments and school systems there. Companies like Microsoft and Google have been slower to adopt this model but the pedal is almost on the floor now.

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Steve Bannon nailed Elon after first congratulating him for helping get Trump elected. Saying 'show us the receipts for your H1B's, Elon.'


1. Are you paying your H1B's more or less than American workers?

2. Are you certain that no American worker can do the job you imported H1B's for?

Look at what Disney did to their IT department and then totally got away with it.

No wonder Ron DeSantis is hip to the scam that is H1B visas.

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Disney and Tesla are very different companies and Elon is barely involved in the day to day operations of Tesla. The only H1Bs he meets probably are geniuses and I’d be interested to see where they come from. Elon’s companies are heavily white.. companies like ATT and FedEx have entire departments of hundreds of people - all Indian. Whole floors without a single American. I doubt this is the case at any of Elon’s companies but if someone can correct me they’re welcome to do so.

The roles Tesla is recruiting for are lower paid than market but indeed far more specialized than the ones Disney and Walmart and ATT recruit for - I work in this space. I’m not defending Tesla’s hiring, but Elon’s bottom line isn’t materially impacted by this practice the way Verizon or Intel’s or the American insurance companies are.

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The salaries I saw that were posted for jobs at Tesla were below market value. Elon's silence on the subject since Bannon's challenge is deafening.

I have yet to meet any Indian engineer that I would characterize as a genius. Most are adequate and many rise to prominent management roles with no outsized talent or technical expertise. They seem to be promoted only because they are Indian. As far as I can tell.

Elon may have been insulated from hiring practices, but it appears to me that Tesla is no different than any other technology company. Exploitation of Indians on H1B's, ghettoization of Americans (or unemployment,) and domination of technology jobs by Indians, who are often quite insular, i.e. racist toward 'white' Americans.

I do agree that Verizon and insurance companies in the U.S. have become complete Indian sweat shops.

Companies know that they can get away with screwing American workers out of their jobs and salaries because anyone who complains will be smeared as a racist. It's a central feature of the H1B scam.

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Also - don’t engage with the language of “exploitation.” They aren’t being exploited - they are the exploiters.

We are the victims. They get a golden ticket to the U.S. out of this equation. That’s a prize worth millions of dollars to even upper middle class Indians and we’ll counter balances being underpaid by $70k annually. They are in fact wildly overpaid for the amount of actual work they do, their output, and their ROI and the PERM status they all get ultimately + birthright citizenship for their kids only sweetens the pot.

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I don’t know enough about Tesla’s white collar workforce to comment, but the roles despite being underpaid were decidedly more specialized than the ones that make up the bulk of the problem and again - my understanding is Elon has almost no involvement with Tesla. I’m not a fanboy - but I also believe Elon is well past the point of being motivated by saving $100k in salary for 1000 employees. He’s a former H1B and almost certainly became defensive on behalf of his own sort of H1B.. I see his perspective as entirely different from that of leeches like Vivek. I don’t find his silence deafening either because most people don’t care what Steve Brannon has to say.

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Elon runs a tight ship, as he should and has people who run his operations without his influence over every aspect of it, no doubt. His companies seem to operate according to the industry norms, which include H1B's for jobs Americans can readily perform.

Bannon is a lightning rod, but he is entirely clear eyed about what H1B is and calls out the scam of it with aplomb.

And yes, it is the U.S. workers who are exploited by the H1B system. Though the Indians are indentured servants for a time. And after that they want to run everything and treat Americans like lower castes.

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God bless Ann Coulter for thoroughly debunking the myth of Indian engineering superiority. It has become so prevalent in the U.S. that every top Federal job related to technology must always be filled by an Indian. There is simply no other choice.

I would not hire Google's Sundar Pichai to scoop ice cream or flip burgers. But there he is, mumbling incoherently to a rapt Congress when confronted with Google's monopolization of key technologies and suppression of free speech. Like a bespectacled hypnotoad, he mesmerizes the technologically illiterate 'Select Committee' on technology or commerce or itty bitty titties, every, single, time.

There is a reason that top STEM students from all over the world still seek admission to Stanford, CalTech and MIT. We need our own High Schools to do a better job of preparing our own students to compete. Corporations should also fund training and development for American workers to create their own competent and competitive workforce here in the U.S.

H1B visas exist only to depress the salaries of Americans and replace them with indentured servants from India. A race straight to the bottom.

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Sundar Pichai is killing off Google. Many whistleblowers and others in the know have spoken about the death of innovation at Google - they’ll eventually become a dying star as Open Ai, TikTok, and others take the stage. Satya Nadella has managed to differentiate himself from his countrymen only because he backed the very white San Altman and his very small, very white team to do the work thousands and thousands of Indian “AI experts” at Microsoft can’t do. Many other companies will find themselves having to do what Starbucks did - bring in a white guy to clean up the mess left behind by an Indian diversity hire. Amazon and Apple have been smart to avojd the malignant rot.

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Satya walked into and reaped the cloud bonanza at MSFT. Long term, it will eventually go the way of IBM, though it is not quite that bad, yet.

Tim Cook is 10 times the manager that Satya is. It is only the cloud paradigm shift that put Satya in the right place at the right time. Pichai is a total dud.

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All true. As a lowly old stock American with no stake in the matter I do enjoy asking Indians why post Soviet Jews have out innovated them both here and in Israel despite comprising a fraction of a percent of the population and in the case of Israel living in what is barely a first world country with the sword of Damocles swinging down every 20 years. Not one of them can provide an explanation better than mine - they’re not Indians.

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The indispensable Ann Coulter, Folks.

Happy 2025 everyone!

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Yes, Ann, and so many of the companies white men founded are now run by Indians.

Their method is simple:

Wheedle their way in and then — to use an apt expression for Vivek — be “Trumpier than Trump.”

Do not trust them. They are not America First. They are con men seeking nothing but their own interests.

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Bravo Anne!

This is brilliant.

As always, your facts overwhelm their lies and propaganda.

Thank you for writing this.

It needs to be said.

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If this is a last-minute attempt to get a Pulitzer for outstanding nonfiction, national reporting, poetry and public service, it’s working. Ann is at her best when she’s unfiltered.

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Whether Indians want to admit or not they are beneficiaries of DEI hiring and promotions. In corporate American Indians are selected to "diversify" the upper echelons of the executive ranks since they are generally more competent and reliable than other minority groups especially blacks. But they are not better, smarter nor do they work harder than whites like Elon and Vivek claim and like ignoramuses in the media and Congress believe. And technical experts in most engineering fields are still dominated by older white men.

Regarding H1Bs, corporations definitely hire them since they work for 35% to 50% of what an American would demand/command. This is why we have such a wealth gap in this nation and how the middle class is being destroyed.

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Import the third world you become the third world

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Today John Ellis wrote in Political News Items (he doesn’t allow comments) that the new Tech Bros donor class of the GOP will win the H-1B Visa struggle because the battle for world primacy will be over AI and they can wave the specter of China at us.

But neither he nor Vivek nor Elon have demanded the hundreds of thousands of Chinese nationals in our universities on STUDENT VISAS be expelled.

Total frauds.

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If Indians are such leaders in AI, where is the innovation coming out of India?

I’d argue we should be raiding Russia, Eastern Europe (Estonia has strong tech talent), and Israel if that’s the real concern - with Israel presenting the best opportunity now that much of their inteligencia is heading for the exits. But of course they’d be more likely to find a four leaf clover than win an H1B and it’ll get worse if the country caps are lifted.

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Bang. Where is this genius?

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Israel with its tiny population of 3 million Ashkenazis outperforms 1.5 billion Indians globally and 5.5 million Indians in the U.S. The whole argument is just embarrassing.

And no I’m not Israeli. But outside of China and the U.S. there is no other serious player in AI as far as output or human capital are concerned.

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Ann always backs up opinion with fabulous research . She is marvelous . Like Harriet Beecher Stowe a great polemicist single-handedly moved public opinion on slavery ; Ann has done it on immigration. Ann you are a joy

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Sikhs don't seem to understand that they are just as undesirable to us as the darker castes are to them.

All Americans must understand that groups of Indians produce outcomes like . . . India. Regression toward the mean, they call it.

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Your comment is EXACTLY why the right shouldn’t resort to talking about caste when discussing Indians.

The Sikhs do not participate in the caste system by virtue of not being Hindu, and they’re not specifically lighter skinned than Brahmins or Patels - the latter of which aren’t even especially High caste and yet have had a huge impact on displacing Americans from employment.

You don’t need caste to condemn them and their skin color is largely irrelevant. If you worked in tech you’d know the Indians taking jobs aren’t fair skinned and they’re not Sikhs. Many are not Brahmin or Kshatriyas.

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I do agree with your latter paragraph however. The Indian elite are quite content to allow 500,000 children to die of diarrhea every year and to have an under 5 mortality rate 3-5x that of Mexico and Brazil. If they care so little about improving the lot of their own people, imagine what they think of us.

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Which Indians are on top of the Hindu dung heap?

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Brahmin, Kshatriyas, and Vaishyas are the elite but there are numerous other dominant castes in different regions including the Patels who own all our motels now. Americans vastly over estimate and misunderstand caste dynamics and it provides an opening for Indians to shuck and jive and discredit utterly valid realities of their dung heap of a country.

We don’t need to delve into it and frankly some of their caste inequality is due to very legitimate genetic differences. The median IQ in India is around 80 - but among the top castes it’s near that of whites so it’s hardly surprising that they dominate economically. The issue is how little sense of civic responsibility or nobles oblige they have - it’s repugnant to the average American and even to the average Latin American or Chinese oligarch.

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Ann’s major premise is that Original Sin isn’t just a White person’s flaw. With even casual and thoughtful observation, it seems to exist in all categories and sub-categories of humans, despite what the Obamas declaim.

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Learned a lot from this, one of Ann's best ever articles, despite believing Vivek raised the bar in the 2024 Republican primaries.

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There are probably no more than 1,000 people outside the US (excluding the Swedish Bikini Team) who can do the work Americans can't do. Let them in and the rest can remain in their country to make their country great.

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