Great piece Ann! Gaddhafi sounds more and more lucid, intelligent, and reasonable with each passing day; Dare I say- We should have listened to him, instead of say... killing him!?
All this BS about Musk, is just the rudderless Dems, searching, reaching, grasping, for ANYTHING that sounds remotely like a political point! Their years of "Hitler, Nazis, Fascism, White Supremacy" has allowed their political acumen to atrophy to the point that they cannot come up with a goddamned thing that makes any sense! First he was "unelected", and then, "he'll see your data!!" Shriek! Oh no, not my blessed data! (that the government, Facebook, Amazon, and half the corporations in America already have!)
They need to STFU, re-group, and try to come up with an actual platform that isn't just "oppose everything Trump says or does!"
It's getting pathetic.... and if they don't stop singing in public, I fear that a bunch of stray cats, may silence them all for good!
<< Their years of "Hitler, Nazis, Fascism, White Supremacy" has allowed their political acumen to atrophy to the point that they cannot come up with a goddamned thing that makes any sense>>
do you get the feeling that Libya was an orchestrated move aimed at deliberately causing mass migration of camel riding nomads (hat tip, Ann Coulter) to Europe in order to destabilize the region?
Also....JFK was looking at going to a real gold standard, as was Muamar.....
I doubt it, only because "they" have found a way to flood every White nation with non-White third world dirt eaters, with or without actual "crisis" to explain it. The fact that he was talking about an African currency, and doing right by his people, is most likely the real reason! As you know... if you do ANYTHING to challenge the stranglehold of Central banking, you're as good as dead!
I don't think there was any plan other than 1) Hillary wanting a FP policy success to brag about for her presidential run; and 2) the Uniparty's insatiable demand for war so they can feel like brilliant geopolitical chess players, arranging the world to their liking, while they go about wrecking the world, getting good men killed, and always making thing worse, never better. (except iraq and the first month of afghanistan.) They want every day to be them, standing up to the rubes, to fight "Hitler."
You are absolutely right. As someone whose job at one point was to know everything about HRC, you gave me a flashback. Before healthcare, she was in charge of making education in Arkansas go from 49 to 50. But the Kaddafi killing was totally to burnish her image in some demented way. He was practically an ally. She is a horrible person with no positive accomplishments. The entire Democrat/Neocon foreign policy in the last twenty years (50? thinking about the Shah) has led to tremendous destruction. Every government they have deposed has been replaced by something 5-10 times worse and more militantly Islamic. Syria is just the latest. Lebanon used to be a nice place with lots of Christians. Iran was an ally under the Shah and women dressed like Americans, not sci fi villains. It was safe to visit Egypt under Mubarek. I could go on, but it is making me too sad.
An elite law professor I know (a boomer) was explaining to me that it is the west’s moral imperative to take in mass amounts of migrants and refugees bc of the impending doom of global warming 🔥.
So he looked like a baby and I’d snatched his lollipop when I showed him online that desalinating ocean water is cheap and easy. Weird all the NYT talk of climate change and they forgot to mention we can desalinate the damn water. Turns out there’s no need to have a climate induced famine when MENA can import unlimited irrigation and drinking water from the sea. Surprisingly the for mentioned law professor actually listened to my argument. He hasnt blamed global warming for the migration crisis one time since our talk. Now, he has just reverted back to the left’s tried and true and calls any criticism of mass migration … racist.
What is the deal with elite law professors? Ann, please have Amy Wax back on the show!
Thank you Ann. Prolonged power in the wrong hands (Democrats) is madness. Absolute madness. Thank God we now have a person- Elon - lazer focused on accountability. Long overdue.
Though this was an article more about Clinton than Musk, I didn’t know or had learned how evil Hillary was in creating the instability we still experience today across 4 continents.
I remember the secret Hillary Care meetings with a bunch of insurance people and Ira Magaziner. No Congressional people allowed. Commander in Briefs Bill Clinton announced to the world through his State Of The Union address, Hillary had the solution. Holding up a medical card he told us this would be your medical bills government payment card. Hillary Care went down in flames in the Senate 99 to 0.
<< Hillary Care went down in flames in the Senate 99 to 0.>>
And then the gop won an historic landslide in 94, because of hillarycare and the so-called "assault weapon" ban.
which proves that you don't need senate confirmation for accountability. if elon and DOGE are a bust, it will be a blowout for the Dems in coming elections. But -- other than the usual midterm loss of seats for the party in power -- I don't think that's going to happen.
If the R-team loses just a few seats, it will no longer be the party in power after the mid-terms - just like in 2018 when Speaker Paul Ryan turned his gavel over to Nancy Pelosi. Trump's short reign was effectively over after that. I'm really starting to miss Matt Gaetz.
Miss Coulter, you have once again brought those pesky facts into your analysis. Well done and thank you for being a light in the dark times. Let us hope the sunshine continues.
I can hear conservative pundits shout “cry baby!” “You knew, you knew, that when you voted for Trump, he was going to cut spending!” Yes, we knew spending was excessive! For the last four years we have repeatedly heard conservative pundits complain about spending caused by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Inflation Reduction Act, the Cares Act, and the War in Ukraine. Yes, there were many times that complaints were made about the spending associated with the above laws by pundits, analysts, and even congressman, but it wasn’t until about a week before the 2024 election that pundits and the powerful started talking about cutting government jobs. I can’t help but to conclude that instead of being patient and doing the hard thing – like repealing the above laws (which could be done since the Republicans control the House and Senate), the administration has done the easy thing by going after the jobs of government employees for the purpose of cutting spending. That’s not to say that all spending cuts made recently are ill-advised, certainly not for some of the stranger programs. But as they say, God (or the devil, depending on your party affiliation) is in the details and the Government always tends to overdo a good thing. Consider prohibition, prohibition may have lasted except that Americans who supported Prohibition changed their minds practically the day after Prohibition became law. Did they change their minds because they were weak and wishy washy? No, they changed their minds because something happened that they did not expect, that is, the Government over did its mandate for Prohibition and not only prohibited hard liquor, but also prohibited beer and wine. As a result, former supporters of Prohibition rebelled, and the law didn’t last. In the days just before the 2024 election, and the days following, we were taken by surprise when we found out that the administration was not going to cut spending by repealing the Inflation Reduction Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, or the Cares Act - as was suggested for four years - but by going after the jobs of government employees. Is this a good idea? Is it a good idea to end Government programs without analysis? Let the administration be schooled by the failure of Prohibition.
Just out-Quinnipiac poll showing Americans feeling Elon has too much power or other nonsense : "Fifty-five percent of voters think Elon Musk has too much power in making decisions affecting the United States, 36 percent think he has about the right amount of power, and 3 percent think he has too little power." Appreciate the article Ann. There must be an awful lot of these great "civil servants" out there in these polls when it comes time to get off the porn to answer a few questions for Quinnipiac. The AP is out saying its not really "millions" of dead people getting SS checks, just likely tens of thousands. And I can't even describe these morons at these rallies yelling about taking back our government as Schumer hands off to Waters, hands off to Weingarten or Sharpton...
Excellent article Ann. This is exactly why Obama/Clinton eliminated Gaddhafi, so tens of millions of Africans could move to Europe and replace White people. It was their plan all along, to "reshape" Europe in their leftist vision and destroy the western character of the continent for good.
Reading this condensed recap of some Democrat’s finest moments reignited my knowledge of FDR bro-mancing Uncle Joe; all the treason uncovered in the Venona Papers; Lyndon Johnson playing GI Joe in Viet Nam while screwing our future with the Great Society and a multi-decade trip though a mental institution that culminated in a corrupt presidential corpse destroying what was left of the nation from a beach chair in Rehoboth, MD and…
It is all so truly surreal that I sometimes need to convince my self that it wasn’t a multi-decade acid trip trapped in an elevator blasting Muzak…or maybe I really was!!!
Speaking of history, Karl Denninger, who was DOGE/Elon Musk before his time, instigated sending tea bags to Washington DC in Jan. 2009, an idea from a commenter to his financial blog, to draw attention to rampant corruption/theft throughout US government at the expense of US taxpayers. Tea Party groups that followed started out well but the large ones were quickly co-opted by the Establishment though not before the Nov. 2010 midterms when they gave the GOP House a landslide of +63 seats. (Trump started speaking to Tea Party groups in early 2011). GOP was enraged, prefers to be permanent minority. From Karl Denninger: 10/20/2010: "To The Tea Party: Go Screw Yourself," by Karl Denninger: What's missing from "free markets" advocates: "Any mention of why I and others led people to mail tea bags to Congress and our President in the first place:
rampant theft of over taxpayer money propping up FAILED private businesses.
Then look at what's over at TeaParty.Org: you'll find the usual pablum. Guns, gays, God....The Tea Party was initiated as a political protest against the unlawful and in fact unconstitutional usurpation of power from the Congress and The People in the form of extortion-led bailouts of enterprises that had engaged in acts that I, and many others, believe were at least civilly actionable and in many cases crossed the line into criminal activity....The corruption of our economic and monetary systems runs the gamut from Fannie and Freddie through their ties to Congress (including literal sexual encounters in some cases), banking interests selling trash securities to everyone from pension funds on down, judges who don't judge but rather protect monied interests on Wall Street, The Federal Reserve intentionally debasing our currency and monetizing government debt, government spending that is running 40% above revenues and much more.
In short, The Tea Party was and is about the the corruption of American Politics and the blatant and outrageous theft from all Americans that has resulted....Yet today we hear literally nothing about these issues among the so-called "Tea Party" candidates and their backers....Not one word about Bernanke's out-of-control Fed and the arguably unlawful monetization of Fannie and Freddie paper, not to mention the monetization of the Federal Debt....
Tea Party my ass. This was nothing other than The Republican Party stealing the anger of a population that was fed up with The Republican Party's own theft of their tax money at gunpoint to bail out the robbers of Wall Street and fraudulently redirecting it back toward electing the very people who stole all the ****ing money!"...
"Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket." Eric Hoffer
<<Then look at what's over at TeaParty.Org: you'll find the usual pablum. Guns, gays, God....The Tea Party was initiated as a political protest against the unlawful and in fact unconstitutional usurpation of power from the Congress and The People in the form of extortion-led bailouts of enterprises that had engaged in acts that I, and many others, believe were at least civilly actionable and in many cases crossed the line into criminal activity....>>
Nobody I know misses the fed workers. And, unlike 95% enriched uranium, you could pile on Musk’s discoveries to kingdom come and never reached criticality of pushback. Man of the Year, 2025: Elon.
There is no difference more stark than the one between perceived and actual enemies of our Republic in the minds of liberals and MAGAites. Well, maybe there is one: the difference between the two on what constitutes actual accomplishment. But I will stay with the first. Ann could go on and on and strike a consonant chord.
Great piece Ann! Gaddhafi sounds more and more lucid, intelligent, and reasonable with each passing day; Dare I say- We should have listened to him, instead of say... killing him!?
All this BS about Musk, is just the rudderless Dems, searching, reaching, grasping, for ANYTHING that sounds remotely like a political point! Their years of "Hitler, Nazis, Fascism, White Supremacy" has allowed their political acumen to atrophy to the point that they cannot come up with a goddamned thing that makes any sense! First he was "unelected", and then, "he'll see your data!!" Shriek! Oh no, not my blessed data! (that the government, Facebook, Amazon, and half the corporations in America already have!)
They need to STFU, re-group, and try to come up with an actual platform that isn't just "oppose everything Trump says or does!"
It's getting pathetic.... and if they don't stop singing in public, I fear that a bunch of stray cats, may silence them all for good!
good observation - and they can't stop.
<< Their years of "Hitler, Nazis, Fascism, White Supremacy" has allowed their political acumen to atrophy to the point that they cannot come up with a goddamned thing that makes any sense>>
do you get the feeling that Libya was an orchestrated move aimed at deliberately causing mass migration of camel riding nomads (hat tip, Ann Coulter) to Europe in order to destabilize the region?
Also....JFK was looking at going to a real gold standard, as was Muamar.....
I doubt it, only because "they" have found a way to flood every White nation with non-White third world dirt eaters, with or without actual "crisis" to explain it. The fact that he was talking about an African currency, and doing right by his people, is most likely the real reason! As you know... if you do ANYTHING to challenge the stranglehold of Central banking, you're as good as dead!
I don't think there was any plan other than 1) Hillary wanting a FP policy success to brag about for her presidential run; and 2) the Uniparty's insatiable demand for war so they can feel like brilliant geopolitical chess players, arranging the world to their liking, while they go about wrecking the world, getting good men killed, and always making thing worse, never better. (except iraq and the first month of afghanistan.) They want every day to be them, standing up to the rubes, to fight "Hitler."
You are absolutely right. As someone whose job at one point was to know everything about HRC, you gave me a flashback. Before healthcare, she was in charge of making education in Arkansas go from 49 to 50. But the Kaddafi killing was totally to burnish her image in some demented way. He was practically an ally. She is a horrible person with no positive accomplishments. The entire Democrat/Neocon foreign policy in the last twenty years (50? thinking about the Shah) has led to tremendous destruction. Every government they have deposed has been replaced by something 5-10 times worse and more militantly Islamic. Syria is just the latest. Lebanon used to be a nice place with lots of Christians. Iran was an ally under the Shah and women dressed like Americans, not sci fi villains. It was safe to visit Egypt under Mubarek. I could go on, but it is making me too sad.
Ann Coulter -- what does this mean? Are you saying Iraq had some success??
<< and always making thing worse, never better. (except iraq and the first month of afghanistan.) >>
If might be past history....but your thoughts on this would be a good column.
think of how much suffering in the West could have been avoided if none of those African relief Christmas songs and concerts had been held.
An elite law professor I know (a boomer) was explaining to me that it is the west’s moral imperative to take in mass amounts of migrants and refugees bc of the impending doom of global warming 🔥.
So he looked like a baby and I’d snatched his lollipop when I showed him online that desalinating ocean water is cheap and easy. Weird all the NYT talk of climate change and they forgot to mention we can desalinate the damn water. Turns out there’s no need to have a climate induced famine when MENA can import unlimited irrigation and drinking water from the sea. Surprisingly the for mentioned law professor actually listened to my argument. He hasnt blamed global warming for the migration crisis one time since our talk. Now, he has just reverted back to the left’s tried and true and calls any criticism of mass migration … racist.
What is the deal with elite law professors? Ann, please have Amy Wax back on the show!
Thank you Ann. Prolonged power in the wrong hands (Democrats) is madness. Absolute madness. Thank God we now have a person- Elon - lazer focused on accountability. Long overdue.
Though this was an article more about Clinton than Musk, I didn’t know or had learned how evil Hillary was in creating the instability we still experience today across 4 continents.
I remember the secret Hillary Care meetings with a bunch of insurance people and Ira Magaziner. No Congressional people allowed. Commander in Briefs Bill Clinton announced to the world through his State Of The Union address, Hillary had the solution. Holding up a medical card he told us this would be your medical bills government payment card. Hillary Care went down in flames in the Senate 99 to 0.
<< Hillary Care went down in flames in the Senate 99 to 0.>>
And then the gop won an historic landslide in 94, because of hillarycare and the so-called "assault weapon" ban.
which proves that you don't need senate confirmation for accountability. if elon and DOGE are a bust, it will be a blowout for the Dems in coming elections. But -- other than the usual midterm loss of seats for the party in power -- I don't think that's going to happen.
If the R-team loses just a few seats, it will no longer be the party in power after the mid-terms - just like in 2018 when Speaker Paul Ryan turned his gavel over to Nancy Pelosi. Trump's short reign was effectively over after that. I'm really starting to miss Matt Gaetz.
Miss Coulter, you have once again brought those pesky facts into your analysis. Well done and thank you for being a light in the dark times. Let us hope the sunshine continues.
Outstanding column, as always.
Also, I’m back, happy to pay $50 a year.
thank you! glad to have you back.
I can hear conservative pundits shout “cry baby!” “You knew, you knew, that when you voted for Trump, he was going to cut spending!” Yes, we knew spending was excessive! For the last four years we have repeatedly heard conservative pundits complain about spending caused by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Inflation Reduction Act, the Cares Act, and the War in Ukraine. Yes, there were many times that complaints were made about the spending associated with the above laws by pundits, analysts, and even congressman, but it wasn’t until about a week before the 2024 election that pundits and the powerful started talking about cutting government jobs. I can’t help but to conclude that instead of being patient and doing the hard thing – like repealing the above laws (which could be done since the Republicans control the House and Senate), the administration has done the easy thing by going after the jobs of government employees for the purpose of cutting spending. That’s not to say that all spending cuts made recently are ill-advised, certainly not for some of the stranger programs. But as they say, God (or the devil, depending on your party affiliation) is in the details and the Government always tends to overdo a good thing. Consider prohibition, prohibition may have lasted except that Americans who supported Prohibition changed their minds practically the day after Prohibition became law. Did they change their minds because they were weak and wishy washy? No, they changed their minds because something happened that they did not expect, that is, the Government over did its mandate for Prohibition and not only prohibited hard liquor, but also prohibited beer and wine. As a result, former supporters of Prohibition rebelled, and the law didn’t last. In the days just before the 2024 election, and the days following, we were taken by surprise when we found out that the administration was not going to cut spending by repealing the Inflation Reduction Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, or the Cares Act - as was suggested for four years - but by going after the jobs of government employees. Is this a good idea? Is it a good idea to end Government programs without analysis? Let the administration be schooled by the failure of Prohibition.
Just out-Quinnipiac poll showing Americans feeling Elon has too much power or other nonsense : "Fifty-five percent of voters think Elon Musk has too much power in making decisions affecting the United States, 36 percent think he has about the right amount of power, and 3 percent think he has too little power." Appreciate the article Ann. There must be an awful lot of these great "civil servants" out there in these polls when it comes time to get off the porn to answer a few questions for Quinnipiac. The AP is out saying its not really "millions" of dead people getting SS checks, just likely tens of thousands. And I can't even describe these morons at these rallies yelling about taking back our government as Schumer hands off to Waters, hands off to Weingarten or Sharpton...
Excellent article Ann. This is exactly why Obama/Clinton eliminated Gaddhafi, so tens of millions of Africans could move to Europe and replace White people. It was their plan all along, to "reshape" Europe in their leftist vision and destroy the western character of the continent for good.
The exquisite Ann Coulter on The Mark Simone Show - (2-19-2025)
Thanks. Always appreciate your perspective.
Reading this condensed recap of some Democrat’s finest moments reignited my knowledge of FDR bro-mancing Uncle Joe; all the treason uncovered in the Venona Papers; Lyndon Johnson playing GI Joe in Viet Nam while screwing our future with the Great Society and a multi-decade trip though a mental institution that culminated in a corrupt presidential corpse destroying what was left of the nation from a beach chair in Rehoboth, MD and…
It is all so truly surreal that I sometimes need to convince my self that it wasn’t a multi-decade acid trip trapped in an elevator blasting Muzak…or maybe I really was!!!
Thanks Ann for the great content. Shining a light on dem hypocrisy is always satisfying.
Speaking of history, Karl Denninger, who was DOGE/Elon Musk before his time, instigated sending tea bags to Washington DC in Jan. 2009, an idea from a commenter to his financial blog, to draw attention to rampant corruption/theft throughout US government at the expense of US taxpayers. Tea Party groups that followed started out well but the large ones were quickly co-opted by the Establishment though not before the Nov. 2010 midterms when they gave the GOP House a landslide of +63 seats. (Trump started speaking to Tea Party groups in early 2011). GOP was enraged, prefers to be permanent minority. From Karl Denninger: 10/20/2010: "To The Tea Party: Go Screw Yourself," by Karl Denninger: What's missing from "free markets" advocates: "Any mention of why I and others led people to mail tea bags to Congress and our President in the first place:
rampant theft of over taxpayer money propping up FAILED private businesses.
Then look at what's over at TeaParty.Org: you'll find the usual pablum. Guns, gays, God....The Tea Party was initiated as a political protest against the unlawful and in fact unconstitutional usurpation of power from the Congress and The People in the form of extortion-led bailouts of enterprises that had engaged in acts that I, and many others, believe were at least civilly actionable and in many cases crossed the line into criminal activity....The corruption of our economic and monetary systems runs the gamut from Fannie and Freddie through their ties to Congress (including literal sexual encounters in some cases), banking interests selling trash securities to everyone from pension funds on down, judges who don't judge but rather protect monied interests on Wall Street, The Federal Reserve intentionally debasing our currency and monetizing government debt, government spending that is running 40% above revenues and much more.
In short, The Tea Party was and is about the the corruption of American Politics and the blatant and outrageous theft from all Americans that has resulted....Yet today we hear literally nothing about these issues among the so-called "Tea Party" candidates and their backers....Not one word about Bernanke's out-of-control Fed and the arguably unlawful monetization of Fannie and Freddie paper, not to mention the monetization of the Federal Debt....
Tea Party my ass. This was nothing other than The Republican Party stealing the anger of a population that was fed up with The Republican Party's own theft of their tax money at gunpoint to bail out the robbers of Wall Street and fraudulently redirecting it back toward electing the very people who stole all the ****ing money!"...
"Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket." Eric Hoffer
<<Then look at what's over at TeaParty.Org: you'll find the usual pablum. Guns, gays, God....The Tea Party was initiated as a political protest against the unlawful and in fact unconstitutional usurpation of power from the Congress and The People in the form of extortion-led bailouts of enterprises that had engaged in acts that I, and many others, believe were at least civilly actionable and in many cases crossed the line into criminal activity....>>
Nobody I know misses the fed workers. And, unlike 95% enriched uranium, you could pile on Musk’s discoveries to kingdom come and never reached criticality of pushback. Man of the Year, 2025: Elon.
With now having at least 13 kids with 4 women, most thru IVF, I'd rather call him the Absent Father of the Year!
So helpful, in the big picture. Musk probably doesn’t like stewed tomatoes, either.
There is no difference more stark than the one between perceived and actual enemies of our Republic in the minds of liberals and MAGAites. Well, maybe there is one: the difference between the two on what constitutes actual accomplishment. But I will stay with the first. Ann could go on and on and strike a consonant chord.