"Gov. Tony Evers has authorized 500 Wisconsin National Guard troops to deploy to Kenosha on WEDNESDAY [Aug 26] in response to three nights of violence and unrest following the police shooting of Jacob Blake on Sunday. The governor has also accepted an offer from President Donald Trump for additional federal law enforcement support." - WISCONSIN NPR
Abe Lincoln was also very pro-tariff. GOP was pro-tariff until 1945, when, amidst the destruction in the wake of the war, US was the only industrial power left standing and tariffs were an irrelevancy.
Why exactly should liberals chill out? Is it because according to Ann they have nothing to worry about?
That’s a message that is sure to energize the Republican vote with a week of voting to go, Ann. If you’re a moron, that is.
And your message is that instead of Trump conservatives should count on the strength and character of the Republicans in the Senate to stand up for the White working and middle classes of America.
The headlines in today's "conservative" War Street Journal read just like those in the NY Times and WP.
Ironically, the same generals now denouncing Trump as a fascist strongman know damn well that he acceded to their demands NOT to call out the National Guard during the Summer of Saint Floyd. "Our" NATO/NWO generals understand that having 800 military bases around the world is not the least bit fascist, but that the military can only be used domestically against white conservatives (our greatest terrorist threat!) and other Biden/Harris dissenters.
Once again, I see you're trashing Trump, and just a few days before the election. I hope you thank the Lord every time you're allowed on Mark Simone's show each Wednesday. Using the National Guard just plays into the "Hitler" narrative that was fired up almost from the beginning of his administration.
Why in the _____ can't you rejoice in the likely prospect of having Trump again as president, and write about the good things he did his first time around, and the anticipation of the wonderful team he's assembling, that will bypass the Deep State, if he wins? Instead, you make remarks that help the cackling Communist who, if she managed to get in, would be like having Jimmy Carter, James Buchanan, and Ulysses S. Grant, all rolled into one, hyper-communist?
You would make a helluva good Attorney General for a Trump second term. You could've had a shot at that spot being offered to you. I would've paid to watch those Confirmation hearings!
Instead, you continue to do the girlfriend scorned routine. You could be on the team as one of Trump's best advisors. You claim you spoke with him in the Oval Office. That level of access isn't easy to come by.
Jared and Ivanka are now busy raising their children in Israel and New York. They aren't going to be involved in the new administration. Instead, a more rational, MAGA-oriented Eric and Don Jr. will be. Then there's the rest of his coalition, with RFK Jr., whom you interviewed. He's on the team. Vivek took a show on Fox but he's still in the loop. Tucker Carlson, Megyn Kelly, and other journalists are on board. Why won't you sit down with them? Vance is going on Rogan today.
There's a lot of reasons to be excited about Trump's return to the White House, especially if the down- ballot voting produces a GOP-led Congress and Senate (pray Mitch McConnell can be put out to pasture!). Y/our wall will be finished! If anyone close to Trump has been reading my posts, they'll advise him to shove the judges and lawyers aside who'll litigate the crap out of his plans for a mass deportation. All he needs to do is deny them access to counsel. They don't deserve it. Habeas Corpus will prevent Trump's plans from materializing. If he denies them lawyers and judges they can be processed and deported since they are foreign nationals not subject to the jurisdiction of America. This can be done in a humane way, with their exit being under better circumstances than how they paid the cartels and coyotes to bring them here, through the Darian Gap, and probably even as nicely as Biden-Kamala did by flying them in, with the drinks and luxury hotels paid for by John and Jane Q. Taxpayer.
Trump has an enormous fight ahead of him. You should be in the battle instead of acting like Tokyo Rose. WokeAmerica is not going to just go away and let Trump restore our Republic. They're already planning civil unrest if it's clear on Election night that he ate Kamala's lunch. The wokesters have a lot riding on Kamala. They want the 2A gone. They want to forever nullify the votes of U.S. citizens. They work to see America become a Third World country. You know this. So, why aren't you engaged in a full-throated "In Trump We Trust: E-Pluribus Awesome" endorsement of his second term?
Trump needs good people around him. You have a lot to offer him and more importantly, our entire nation. Please, for the good of all your adoring fans (me included!), and the nation, forgive his past mistakes, and offer him an olive branch. What have you got to lose?
Great article Ann, the left is desperate and feel that they are going to lose the election because of Kamala's incompetence with her campaign, so they will come up with anything that they feel will stick.
Thank you Ann for this NY Times update on crime. The wheels of justice move slow. The wheels of a prudent, responsible, stand up media take honest note and let US citizens know when an error may have occurred. Thank you again for helping to keep us in the know of what is happening. Agree. Liberals should relax.
Kamala is the brutal solution to people exactly like herself. through war and economic devastation she will off the very people who put her at the top.
Once Trump is inaugurated, he should send the Delta Force to storm and shut down the NYT offices and arrest all of its staff as well as seize all of their computers and archives.
The maniacal hammering of woke propaganda must stop; the WP should also be shut down!
Just as waging lawfare against Trump helped to make him a wildly popular Martyr, beloved by vast numbers of mainstream Americans, forcibly shutting down the Times would galvanize the Left into a perpetually violent adversary. The Times should be allowed to collapse under it's own weight of lies, bias and stupidity .through the magic of Capitalism, which would serve to win hearts and minds and bring any remaining thoughtful Leftists into the light of Reason.
Ann Coulter must end her affiliation with the long-time Never Trump Ricochet platform.
The back-stabbing and counter-productive results of that affiliation have been and are plain to see just days before a crucial presidential election.
“Like” if you agree.
Keep crying about it, I'm sure that'll do something 😂
I never told you to stop whining, lol. If you want to defend President Kushner's every stupid move and not learn from them, that's your prerogative.
Sorry, Ann.
"Gov. Tony Evers has authorized 500 Wisconsin National Guard troops to deploy to Kenosha on WEDNESDAY [Aug 26] in response to three nights of violence and unrest following the police shooting of Jacob Blake on Sunday. The governor has also accepted an offer from President Donald Trump for additional federal law enforcement support." - WISCONSIN NPR
Abe Lincoln was also very pro-tariff. GOP was pro-tariff until 1945, when, amidst the destruction in the wake of the war, US was the only industrial power left standing and tariffs were an irrelevancy.
Why exactly should liberals chill out? Is it because according to Ann they have nothing to worry about?
That’s a message that is sure to energize the Republican vote with a week of voting to go, Ann. If you’re a moron, that is.
And your message is that instead of Trump conservatives should count on the strength and character of the Republicans in the Senate to stand up for the White working and middle classes of America.
Have you been alive since 1986?
The headlines in today's "conservative" War Street Journal read just like those in the NY Times and WP.
Ironically, the same generals now denouncing Trump as a fascist strongman know damn well that he acceded to their demands NOT to call out the National Guard during the Summer of Saint Floyd. "Our" NATO/NWO generals understand that having 800 military bases around the world is not the least bit fascist, but that the military can only be used domestically against white conservatives (our greatest terrorist threat!) and other Biden/Harris dissenters.
Once again, I see you're trashing Trump, and just a few days before the election. I hope you thank the Lord every time you're allowed on Mark Simone's show each Wednesday. Using the National Guard just plays into the "Hitler" narrative that was fired up almost from the beginning of his administration.
Why in the _____ can't you rejoice in the likely prospect of having Trump again as president, and write about the good things he did his first time around, and the anticipation of the wonderful team he's assembling, that will bypass the Deep State, if he wins? Instead, you make remarks that help the cackling Communist who, if she managed to get in, would be like having Jimmy Carter, James Buchanan, and Ulysses S. Grant, all rolled into one, hyper-communist?
You would make a helluva good Attorney General for a Trump second term. You could've had a shot at that spot being offered to you. I would've paid to watch those Confirmation hearings!
Instead, you continue to do the girlfriend scorned routine. You could be on the team as one of Trump's best advisors. You claim you spoke with him in the Oval Office. That level of access isn't easy to come by.
Jared and Ivanka are now busy raising their children in Israel and New York. They aren't going to be involved in the new administration. Instead, a more rational, MAGA-oriented Eric and Don Jr. will be. Then there's the rest of his coalition, with RFK Jr., whom you interviewed. He's on the team. Vivek took a show on Fox but he's still in the loop. Tucker Carlson, Megyn Kelly, and other journalists are on board. Why won't you sit down with them? Vance is going on Rogan today.
There's a lot of reasons to be excited about Trump's return to the White House, especially if the down- ballot voting produces a GOP-led Congress and Senate (pray Mitch McConnell can be put out to pasture!). Y/our wall will be finished! If anyone close to Trump has been reading my posts, they'll advise him to shove the judges and lawyers aside who'll litigate the crap out of his plans for a mass deportation. All he needs to do is deny them access to counsel. They don't deserve it. Habeas Corpus will prevent Trump's plans from materializing. If he denies them lawyers and judges they can be processed and deported since they are foreign nationals not subject to the jurisdiction of America. This can be done in a humane way, with their exit being under better circumstances than how they paid the cartels and coyotes to bring them here, through the Darian Gap, and probably even as nicely as Biden-Kamala did by flying them in, with the drinks and luxury hotels paid for by John and Jane Q. Taxpayer.
Trump has an enormous fight ahead of him. You should be in the battle instead of acting like Tokyo Rose. WokeAmerica is not going to just go away and let Trump restore our Republic. They're already planning civil unrest if it's clear on Election night that he ate Kamala's lunch. The wokesters have a lot riding on Kamala. They want the 2A gone. They want to forever nullify the votes of U.S. citizens. They work to see America become a Third World country. You know this. So, why aren't you engaged in a full-throated "In Trump We Trust: E-Pluribus Awesome" endorsement of his second term?
Trump needs good people around him. You have a lot to offer him and more importantly, our entire nation. Please, for the good of all your adoring fans (me included!), and the nation, forgive his past mistakes, and offer him an olive branch. What have you got to lose?
Great article Ann, the left is desperate and feel that they are going to lose the election because of Kamala's incompetence with her campaign, so they will come up with anything that they feel will stick.
Projection, anyone?
Thank you Ann for this NY Times update on crime. The wheels of justice move slow. The wheels of a prudent, responsible, stand up media take honest note and let US citizens know when an error may have occurred. Thank you again for helping to keep us in the know of what is happening. Agree. Liberals should relax.
The New York Times where the truth goes to die!
250,000 fentanyl deaths since 2018. Poisonings. Not suicides most likely. Maybe consider sending troops like yesterday…
Kamala is the brutal solution to people exactly like herself. through war and economic devastation she will off the very people who put her at the top.
Sat in his bed eating hamburgers 😂
Yeah, but still better than Hillary.
Once Trump is inaugurated, he should send the Delta Force to storm and shut down the NYT offices and arrest all of its staff as well as seize all of their computers and archives.
The maniacal hammering of woke propaganda must stop; the WP should also be shut down!
Don't shut them down. Let them hang themselves with stupidity.
Just as waging lawfare against Trump helped to make him a wildly popular Martyr, beloved by vast numbers of mainstream Americans, forcibly shutting down the Times would galvanize the Left into a perpetually violent adversary. The Times should be allowed to collapse under it's own weight of lies, bias and stupidity .through the magic of Capitalism, which would serve to win hearts and minds and bring any remaining thoughtful Leftists into the light of Reason.