Do these fool's ever tire of smelling their own gas? I say we defund Broadway... what with all its preening navel gazers.

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Way ahead of you. A dozen (reluctant) visits to NYC, and not once was tempted to see a broadway play.

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Broadway hasn't been any good since the days of George S. Kaufman & Clare Boothe Luce (with maybe Jerome Robbins thrown in.)

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Mao's little red book, woke instruction manual.

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Liberals will reflexively revert to hardline Maoist reactions whenever it serves to bolster their ideological credibility among their fellow-travelers.

In this case, a reasonable person might have gently chided Mr. Morgan and worked with him to understand and hopefully address his concerns. But a hardline Marxist or Maoist will only see an opportunity to make a political / ideological statement, and if you have to destroy the FIFTY YEAR career of someone, so be it. This is what Mao's Red Guard would do.

Children would turn in their parents for wrongthink.

You have to break some eggs to make an omelet, as the Communists would...and still do... say.

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MOST people in this era don't know who Noel Coward was.

It's a shame, as he was a wonderful writer and performer, but this kind of moral panic and cowardice is part of what's killed American theatre.

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What's more, it's likely James Morgan is gay while Gerry McIntyre is black!

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Sounds like the old Leonard Nimoy show, “ In search of ….” If they can’t find racism they will create it.

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Morgan’s mea culpa is ridiculous. Rather than respond with the obvious he’s decided to blame his remarks on the after effects of a stroke. Very, very silly.

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Unasked, my own observation: The country, American culture, American Society & Western Civilisation in general, were all much better when more people actually knew who Noel Coward even was than "P Diddy" (or whomever.)

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Thank you Ann for a mega dose of reality and the razor thin/fine line that now separates fact and fiction.

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Yet black cowboys sang Cole Porter’s “I Get a Kick Out of You” in the Mel Brooks movie, “Blazing Saddles.” And Porter and Noel Coward were said to have a lot in common, well beyond the obvious. Similar aesthetic sensibilities, as i just gleaned from an internet search.

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In their seach for a black woman candidate why didn't anyone think of CANDALOUISE RICE?

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Imagine if he said a word about who the audience actually is

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