Yes, we DO have to point out demographics because that is COMPLETELY off-limits for the Left in this context.
And we have to resign ourselves to the fact that their only response will be to scream "RACIST!!" at us.
Of course, an obvious supplement to a demographics-based argument would be to invoke States like Utah, Nevada, Maine...states with tiny black populations and...SURPRISE! tiny murder rates.
None of this will make any impact because to admit that this is true would then require that the question be asked: "WHY?"
Which would bring up things like President Johnson's 'Great Society' programs which primarily served to destroy black families. Prior to the 1960's, black families were overwhelmingly solid, two-parent Christian households with very low levels of illegitimacy and criminality. The Great Society changed all that, incentivizing single-parent families and producing untold millions of children with no father figure in their lives, no discipline and far less church membership than what had been the norm.
I'm thinking that at this point in time, an Ann Coulter column outlining the Leftist policies that have destroyed black families would be QUITE popular...and VERY needed.
Welfare did not take black men out the home. They left because they chose to.
Yes, the Great Society incentivized welfare, learned helplessness, and family breakdown but no one put a gun to black men's heads and told them to leave their families. Many did so because there was little social shame directed at the men for doing so.
This is not ancient history, the father of Venus & Serena Williams walked out on his first and/or second family prior to marrying their mother and having them. Larry Elder's father never knew who his father was but was determined to be the father to his kids that he never had. Ben Carson's father was a bigamist. He already had a wife and likely children when he hoodwinked Ben's mom and married her. She divorced him after finding out about his double life and raised her two sons with God's help. Black autobiographies are littered with these first hand accounts.
Leftist policies gave a push but most chose to jump to avoid responsibility. A real man would love his kids and family too much to permanently leave them just because the government was offering a food and housing stipend.
Thank you ClaireHux for your your thoughtful and spot-on post as well as for the excellent City Journal article, which I liked so much that I saved a PDF of it on my cloud so that I'll always be able to refer to it. The City Journal piece ended on an optimistic note, but it was published in 2004 before Obama and Biden who, I believe, have set poverty-stricken black families back decades if not generations.
What is your solution? It seems that whenever black people speak up in a way that is not approved by the Left (endless unrestricted welfare, unrestricted abortions, the family is irrelevant and dangerous, single mothers are strong women that all black girls should emulate, white people are the cause of it all, etc etc etc) they will be ignored at best or have their careers and lives destroyed at worst. And so these troubles only get worse, with no end in sight, at least no pleasant one that I can see.
"The remedy to being outperformed educationally and economically is to adopt the behaviors and attitudes of the high-performing group. Sowell mentions Scotland and Japan as countries that explicitly looked at English and European culture to improve their performance.
Chinese Americans with an IQ of 100, perform educationally and jobwise as well as whites with an IQ of 120. Japanese Americans with an IQ of 100 perform as well or better than whites with an IQ of 110."
In my opinion this above strongly implies that the discipline and hard work make up for and/or eclipse higher IQ.
How do you make black people want to marry, study, and be productive citizens? How do you make our fellow sedentary Americans workout or limit processed food? In other words, how do you change a bad culture/habits? Ann once half- jokingly quipped that we should bring back shotgun weddings as a call to earlier practices in our country's history that maintained a stronger society.
You can't force people but you can force the conditions. For example, benign neglect, natural consequences are tools that don't overtly punish but teach responsibility through their own trial and error. The government would have to take on a strict, parental-like role. Like the parent who limits TV so his child will sleep and study more. Jamaica has recently banned violent music and TV shows in the hopes it will lower their climbing murder rate. China limits video game playing and their tok tok encourages science and math.
A few years ago the under ocean internet connection failed for the entire island of Tonga. What was the result? Well aside from the negative effects of setting back e-commerce, the locals went to the bars and restaurants more and actually talked to each other. Well at least until the internet was restored.
The only way to limit (but not eliminate) the accusations of racism when trying to eliminate degenerate black culture is to temporarily remove race from the conversation while nevertheless continuing to attack the behavior by taking away things that increase or maintain bad behavior.
Did LGBT activists openly call for gay marriage immediately or did they insert the gay best friend in every movie and TV show in silence?
We need the Candace Owens of the world to openly lambast bad behavior but we also desperately need a silent stealth element to just remove things without explanation. I compare it to Ron Desantis vs. Trump. Who's method is getting more done?
Eliminate porn, genres of subversive rock, and hip hop from the internet and movies under the guise of "anti-violence" and "explotation of women" and over time marriage will go up and murder down.
Summary article i quoted of Thomas Sowell in Intellectuals and Race
I just saw a thread on Twitter about a black man who got into a dispute and pulled a gun. a white off-duty fire fighter intervened and disarmed the thug. during the struggle, the black man dropped the gun and his girlfriend picked it up, then shot and killed the fire fighter.
the girl wasn't charged because it was declared "self-defense". she should have been charged as an accessory to whatever charges the black thug SHOULD have faced, and they both should have been charged with murder (because the crime led to someone's death). I wonder if the black man was ultimately charged with anything? and was the gun legal?
there are a LOT of black people commenting in the thread... the white guy should have minded his own business, the black guy wasn't doing anything, the girlfriend was defending her boyfriend who was being attacked. the white guy deserved it. the only reason anyone cares is because it was the white guy who died. and so on. defending the thug and his crime because he's black and condemning the fire fighter because he's white (and had the audacity to stop the black man from committing a crime).
my question is... are they just defending the thug because he's black? is it based in their racism toward the white guy? or do these comments actually reflect the black community's attitude toward crime? just mind your own business? hope you're not the one getting robbed or shot?
or maybe it's a little bit of both?
I have to think (hope) that if the fire fighter had not been white they'd be more outraged and blame the thug who pulled the gun? then again, maybe I'd be wrong... I keep reading that most murders occur between black people (perp and victim).
The truth will not set you free in Leftopia but instead get you in trouble with the Truthophobes. Here's a photo of all the liberals moving into predominantly black communities to get more diversity for themselves and their children--> <--
The number lists are OK, but do not show the correlation very well. I made a plot of murder rates vertical and Black population horizontal for the top 10 Black states + California, based on this article, and they line up substantially; more Black population has more murders, generally. Virginia is #9 in Black population and the only one listed not in the top 20 murder rates so does not mess up the plot; I am happy to live in Virginia! What I want is a plot showing all 50 states + DC (not just those with highest Black count), Black population vs murder rate. Each plot point should be identified by 2-letter code (CA, VA etc.) and color coded red or blue depending on the most recent presidential election.
I plotted the top 20 murder rate states and CA, which is all the murder rate info I could find; I have all the states by population. DC is not in either of my lists. The top two by population (MS and LA), and the bottom two except NM (CA and OK) plot well, but the other 17 states are more randomly scattered murder rates apparently unrelated to Black population and averaging similar to NM's 11. I would be happy to post my plot here, but Substack does not allow posting pictures in comments. I also do not yet have the red/blue voting list by state.
@monitoringbias just posted to Twitter this tragic chart of relative homicide rates among whites and blacks in America generally and in a couple dozen of our larger cities. Dan Ciruli must have missed it.
Virginia is not that much an outlier. The cities - primarily Petersburg and Richmond - do have high murder rates. Many of the Black people live in the country, are Christians, and are not much involved in crime. A [white] friend of mine was murdered in Petersburg - mostly because he couldn't stay away from drugs, but I don't have any details of the event.
My mother's town from her childhood used to be a great place, but now as a bunch of ethnic Korean Chinese people were permitted to immigrate massively by the South Korean government, it's now a haven for gangs after majority of them settled there. They're both ethnic Koreans, but differences in culture and lifestyle (since most came from incredibly poor, decrepit communities with no moral values) lead to significant changes in a community. Is pointing this out racist?? People are too stupid to figure out that we're not saying blacks commit crime cuz of their skin color, but a dysfunction in their culture and community at large.
Yes, we DO have to point out demographics because that is COMPLETELY off-limits for the Left in this context.
And we have to resign ourselves to the fact that their only response will be to scream "RACIST!!" at us.
Of course, an obvious supplement to a demographics-based argument would be to invoke States like Utah, Nevada, Maine...states with tiny black populations and...SURPRISE! tiny murder rates.
None of this will make any impact because to admit that this is true would then require that the question be asked: "WHY?"
Which would bring up things like President Johnson's 'Great Society' programs which primarily served to destroy black families. Prior to the 1960's, black families were overwhelmingly solid, two-parent Christian households with very low levels of illegitimacy and criminality. The Great Society changed all that, incentivizing single-parent families and producing untold millions of children with no father figure in their lives, no discipline and far less church membership than what had been the norm.
I'm thinking that at this point in time, an Ann Coulter column outlining the Leftist policies that have destroyed black families would be QUITE popular...and VERY needed.
This is where I disagree with Candace Owens.
Welfare did not take black men out the home. They left because they chose to.
Yes, the Great Society incentivized welfare, learned helplessness, and family breakdown but no one put a gun to black men's heads and told them to leave their families. Many did so because there was little social shame directed at the men for doing so.
This is not ancient history, the father of Venus & Serena Williams walked out on his first and/or second family prior to marrying their mother and having them. Larry Elder's father never knew who his father was but was determined to be the father to his kids that he never had. Ben Carson's father was a bigamist. He already had a wife and likely children when he hoodwinked Ben's mom and married her. She divorced him after finding out about his double life and raised her two sons with God's help. Black autobiographies are littered with these first hand accounts.
Leftist policies gave a push but most chose to jump to avoid responsibility. A real man would love his kids and family too much to permanently leave them just because the government was offering a food and housing stipend.
Thank you ClaireHux for your your thoughtful and spot-on post as well as for the excellent City Journal article, which I liked so much that I saved a PDF of it on my cloud so that I'll always be able to refer to it. The City Journal piece ended on an optimistic note, but it was published in 2004 before Obama and Biden who, I believe, have set poverty-stricken black families back decades if not generations.
What is your solution? It seems that whenever black people speak up in a way that is not approved by the Left (endless unrestricted welfare, unrestricted abortions, the family is irrelevant and dangerous, single mothers are strong women that all black girls should emulate, white people are the cause of it all, etc etc etc) they will be ignored at best or have their careers and lives destroyed at worst. And so these troubles only get worse, with no end in sight, at least no pleasant one that I can see.
"The remedy to being outperformed educationally and economically is to adopt the behaviors and attitudes of the high-performing group. Sowell mentions Scotland and Japan as countries that explicitly looked at English and European culture to improve their performance.
Chinese Americans with an IQ of 100, perform educationally and jobwise as well as whites with an IQ of 120. Japanese Americans with an IQ of 100 perform as well or better than whites with an IQ of 110."
In my opinion this above strongly implies that the discipline and hard work make up for and/or eclipse higher IQ.
How do you make black people want to marry, study, and be productive citizens? How do you make our fellow sedentary Americans workout or limit processed food? In other words, how do you change a bad culture/habits? Ann once half- jokingly quipped that we should bring back shotgun weddings as a call to earlier practices in our country's history that maintained a stronger society.
You can't force people but you can force the conditions. For example, benign neglect, natural consequences are tools that don't overtly punish but teach responsibility through their own trial and error. The government would have to take on a strict, parental-like role. Like the parent who limits TV so his child will sleep and study more. Jamaica has recently banned violent music and TV shows in the hopes it will lower their climbing murder rate. China limits video game playing and their tok tok encourages science and math.
A few years ago the under ocean internet connection failed for the entire island of Tonga. What was the result? Well aside from the negative effects of setting back e-commerce, the locals went to the bars and restaurants more and actually talked to each other. Well at least until the internet was restored.
The only way to limit (but not eliminate) the accusations of racism when trying to eliminate degenerate black culture is to temporarily remove race from the conversation while nevertheless continuing to attack the behavior by taking away things that increase or maintain bad behavior.
Did LGBT activists openly call for gay marriage immediately or did they insert the gay best friend in every movie and TV show in silence?
We need the Candace Owens of the world to openly lambast bad behavior but we also desperately need a silent stealth element to just remove things without explanation. I compare it to Ron Desantis vs. Trump. Who's method is getting more done?
Eliminate porn, genres of subversive rock, and hip hop from the internet and movies under the guise of "anti-violence" and "explotation of women" and over time marriage will go up and murder down.
Summary article i quoted of Thomas Sowell in Intellectuals and Race
Thank you ClaireHux for your thoughtful reply, as well as the link to the article about Dr. Thomas Sowell. Sincerely appreciated! :-)
I just saw a thread on Twitter about a black man who got into a dispute and pulled a gun. a white off-duty fire fighter intervened and disarmed the thug. during the struggle, the black man dropped the gun and his girlfriend picked it up, then shot and killed the fire fighter.
the girl wasn't charged because it was declared "self-defense". she should have been charged as an accessory to whatever charges the black thug SHOULD have faced, and they both should have been charged with murder (because the crime led to someone's death). I wonder if the black man was ultimately charged with anything? and was the gun legal?
there are a LOT of black people commenting in the thread... the white guy should have minded his own business, the black guy wasn't doing anything, the girlfriend was defending her boyfriend who was being attacked. the white guy deserved it. the only reason anyone cares is because it was the white guy who died. and so on. defending the thug and his crime because he's black and condemning the fire fighter because he's white (and had the audacity to stop the black man from committing a crime).
my question is... are they just defending the thug because he's black? is it based in their racism toward the white guy? or do these comments actually reflect the black community's attitude toward crime? just mind your own business? hope you're not the one getting robbed or shot?
or maybe it's a little bit of both?
I have to think (hope) that if the fire fighter had not been white they'd be more outraged and blame the thug who pulled the gun? then again, maybe I'd be wrong... I keep reading that most murders occur between black people (perp and victim).
Yes, the comments to that story were revolting.
The truth will not set you free in Leftopia but instead get you in trouble with the Truthophobes. Here's a photo of all the liberals moving into predominantly black communities to get more diversity for themselves and their children--> <--
Liberal supremacists need identity politics as much as they cling to their TDS.
What are they going to do if Americans figure it all out by 2024. Or maybe even --- 2022 ( mid terms) ?!
But yes! It's currently ' instyle ' Tobe a brainwashed, indoctrinated, pea brain.
See retards who willingly voted for JoeKer Biden and John Fetterman aka ' uncle Fester '.
It is impolite and an infringement on a person’s civil liberties to use the word “retard”.
Perhaps a lesson in watered down crime policies and anger management would be a benefit to some.
Thank you for sharing concrete data and your perspective Ann.
The number lists are OK, but do not show the correlation very well. I made a plot of murder rates vertical and Black population horizontal for the top 10 Black states + California, based on this article, and they line up substantially; more Black population has more murders, generally. Virginia is #9 in Black population and the only one listed not in the top 20 murder rates so does not mess up the plot; I am happy to live in Virginia! What I want is a plot showing all 50 states + DC (not just those with highest Black count), Black population vs murder rate. Each plot point should be identified by 2-letter code (CA, VA etc.) and color coded red or blue depending on the most recent presidential election.
I plotted the top 20 murder rate states and CA, which is all the murder rate info I could find; I have all the states by population. DC is not in either of my lists. The top two by population (MS and LA), and the bottom two except NM (CA and OK) plot well, but the other 17 states are more randomly scattered murder rates apparently unrelated to Black population and averaging similar to NM's 11. I would be happy to post my plot here, but Substack does not allow posting pictures in comments. I also do not yet have the red/blue voting list by state.
@monitoringbias just posted to Twitter this tragic chart of relative homicide rates among whites and blacks in America generally and in a couple dozen of our larger cities. Dan Ciruli must have missed it.
I wonder what makes Virginia such an outlier? Are Maryland and Virginia residents going into DC to commit crimes? How are DC murder rates counted?
Virginia is not that much an outlier. The cities - primarily Petersburg and Richmond - do have high murder rates. Many of the Black people live in the country, are Christians, and are not much involved in crime. A [white] friend of mine was murdered in Petersburg - mostly because he couldn't stay away from drugs, but I don't have any details of the event.
My mother's town from her childhood used to be a great place, but now as a bunch of ethnic Korean Chinese people were permitted to immigrate massively by the South Korean government, it's now a haven for gangs after majority of them settled there. They're both ethnic Koreans, but differences in culture and lifestyle (since most came from incredibly poor, decrepit communities with no moral values) lead to significant changes in a community. Is pointing this out racist?? People are too stupid to figure out that we're not saying blacks commit crime cuz of their skin color, but a dysfunction in their culture and community at large.