Liberals gloat that 7% black California has lower murder rate than 39% black Mississippi
It must be all the Trump voters!
I wouldn’t mention it, but this moronic argument has taken the left by storm: Yeah, crime is going up, but guess what, Republicans! It’s going up in states that VOTED FOR TRUMP!
Can anyone really be this stupid? Why yes, yes they can! You hear it everywhere these days - The Washington Post, the Wall Street-funded think tank “Third Way” (As long as you don’t talk AT ALL about raising taxes, we’re down with BLM, transgenders, Defund the Police, reparations, etc.) Democrats and MSNBC. And, of course, it’s ALL OVER Twitter.
Here’s Dan Ciruli on Twitter (“VP Product at D2IQ (via Google, Zuora, EMC) working on an awesome devops platform. All opinions mine, not theirs! Oaktown, CA. he/him. #BLM. #Ally.”)
Dan, who lives in 7% black California, wants to inform you that Mississippi (39% black), Louisiana (33% black) and Alabama (27% black) have gob-smacking murder rates.
This is like the killer argument liberals had, years ago, about AIDS having NOTHING to do with gays: Then explain why lesbians have lowest rate of AIDS? Did we really have to say “anal-receptive gay men.”?
And do we really have to point out what other demographic characteristic the high-murder states have in common?
Yes, we DO have to point out demographics because that is COMPLETELY off-limits for the Left in this context.
And we have to resign ourselves to the fact that their only response will be to scream "RACIST!!" at us.
Of course, an obvious supplement to a demographics-based argument would be to invoke States like Utah, Nevada, Maine...states with tiny black populations and...SURPRISE! tiny murder rates.
None of this will make any impact because to admit that this is true would then require that the question be asked: "WHY?"
Which would bring up things like President Johnson's 'Great Society' programs which primarily served to destroy black families. Prior to the 1960's, black families were overwhelmingly solid, two-parent Christian households with very low levels of illegitimacy and criminality. The Great Society changed all that, incentivizing single-parent families and producing untold millions of children with no father figure in their lives, no discipline and far less church membership than what had been the norm.
I'm thinking that at this point in time, an Ann Coulter column outlining the Leftist policies that have destroyed black families would be QUITE popular...and VERY needed.
I just saw a thread on Twitter about a black man who got into a dispute and pulled a gun. a white off-duty fire fighter intervened and disarmed the thug. during the struggle, the black man dropped the gun and his girlfriend picked it up, then shot and killed the fire fighter.
the girl wasn't charged because it was declared "self-defense". she should have been charged as an accessory to whatever charges the black thug SHOULD have faced, and they both should have been charged with murder (because the crime led to someone's death). I wonder if the black man was ultimately charged with anything? and was the gun legal?
there are a LOT of black people commenting in the thread... the white guy should have minded his own business, the black guy wasn't doing anything, the girlfriend was defending her boyfriend who was being attacked. the white guy deserved it. the only reason anyone cares is because it was the white guy who died. and so on. defending the thug and his crime because he's black and condemning the fire fighter because he's white (and had the audacity to stop the black man from committing a crime).
my question is... are they just defending the thug because he's black? is it based in their racism toward the white guy? or do these comments actually reflect the black community's attitude toward crime? just mind your own business? hope you're not the one getting robbed or shot?
or maybe it's a little bit of both?
I have to think (hope) that if the fire fighter had not been white they'd be more outraged and blame the thug who pulled the gun? then again, maybe I'd be wrong... I keep reading that most murders occur between black people (perp and victim).