In fact, the only kids in foster care for more than a year -- before being adopted by a happy stable family -- is generally to let the mother/parents have a chance to get the kid back -- you know, after putting the kid in a pot of boiling water. OR it's kids who've been through the futile and wasteful attempts at "family preservation" so…
In fact, the only kids in foster care for more than a year -- before being adopted by a happy stable family -- is generally to let the mother/parents have a chance to get the kid back -- you know, after putting the kid in a pot of boiling water. OR it's kids who've been through the futile and wasteful attempts at "family preservation" so long that by the time the court FINALLY cuts of parental rights, the kid is a teenager (and totally screwed up).
In fact, the only kids in foster care for more than a year -- before being adopted by a happy stable family -- is generally to let the mother/parents have a chance to get the kid back -- you know, after putting the kid in a pot of boiling water. OR it's kids who've been through the futile and wasteful attempts at "family preservation" so long that by the time the court FINALLY cuts of parental rights, the kid is a teenager (and totally screwed up).