School vouchers, enterprise zones-these things really excite black voters who will flock to our side, and of course moving embassy to Israel, after which Jews flocked to us, rather than immigration control which only has effect of serving the people who actually vote for us.
No, no, no conservatives and the GOP must not serve the interests of White people, who still make up 95% of Republican voters.
That would be racist.
(Wait until a federal court or civil rights enforcement agency finds the Republican Party a racist organization because it has a disproportionate amount of blacks: too few.)
True. However, there are Universal School Choice plans that are far better than vouchers, such as performance grant proposals. Enterprise zones that pander to certain skin colors are racist. The entire USA should be an enterprise zone.
Unfettered illegal immigration is such a winner for the GOP in terms of public polling, I don't understand why they don't pound that drum until the cows come home. If they need to break things up they can take a few moments to go to other massively popular issues like 1) pointing out the Left's obsession with 'Affirmative Action' (also massively unpopular) 2) stumping against gender indoctrination of the kids (another big winner) 3) cumulative rate of inflation of Biden's term. With so many winning issues, only a party of clowns could mess up the next election. Oh, wait...
"With so many winning issues, only a party of clowns could mess up the next election." So it wasn't just that stupid Trump failing to understand that 18 or 19 intelligence agencies and everyone else in DC hated his platform and was working against him?
True but it's mainly because "Drain the Swamp" Don kept hiring the swamp, e.g. "Ruby Ridge" Bill Barr. Was Q-bait Don really so lazy, negligent or stupid he didn't know Bill Barr was Bush 1's AG? The slightest research shows Barr knew all about Ruby Ridge & gave it the green light, lied to congress about it, and got his pet sniper Lon Horiuchi off scot free for blowing unarmed Vicki Weaver's jaw off while she held her baby in the doorway of her home. What's worse, that he didn't know, or that he knew and hired him anyway, then whined about his betrayal? 🤡👠s Don betrayed himself and all of us with those hires hundreds of times. Need I mention Scaramucci?😂
Might be part of it, but the fact that the GOP is going to nominate Trump knowing full well that he is the only candidate who could lose to Biden sort of seals clown car image for me.
I'm aware Trump hired awful people and wasn't hardcore himself. My point was that any other president, including Desantis, who hoped to hire from within the Republican circus tent would have faced a similar problem. The manure is very deep and few of the performers aren't controlled. Check out a video, If I Were the Deep State, a takeoff on Paul Harvey's great If I Were the Devil from 1965. It's pro-Trump, but ignore that and just marvel at the power of the opposition. Found most easily at Revolver News ( or at Frank Luntz's Twitter.
DeSantis has had no problem draining the swamp in Florida. Why? Because he actually paid attention, vetted, and took action, whereas Trump just yapped and hired the swamp.
As a white parent it bothers me that immigration has shut off opportunities for my kids. They get hit from below by large numbers of Hispanic immigrants getting favoritism from affirmative action, and they get hit from above with large numbers of high IQ South and East Asians coming in.
I don't think we're going to like Vivek's plan to "fix" legal immigration. So far, he sounds like the typical "cheap labor" "Republican" on that issue: Declare Jihad on illegal immigration, make deluge legal "cheap labor" immigration sound acceptable by switching from racist corrupt 3rd-world immigration that hits from below to "merit based" immigration that hits from above.
Gov. Abbott's border enforcement is KABUKI, like his "election integrity" law.
Abbott always had ample power to halt the invasion, as well as constitutional authority under Article IV §4 and Article I §10, including the power to make compacts with other states and foreign governments. He could bring Mexico to its knees and stop the invasion in a few days. Yet he refuses to enforce his fake enforcement press conference show-deals with Mexican governors because it would anger his business-class clients. The much vaunted concertina wire stuff is spotty and for show. It's all about the pressers. All he does is help catch, process & release, adding insult to injury by offering them free rides at our expense to where they were eventually headed anyway.
The Abbott-Phelan RINO "election integrity" law cut the penalty for election fraud from felony to misdemeanor, thereby negating election security in the existing law as well as the new one. Refused to call special session to fix it.
Refused to call special session to ban child genital mutilation surgery and chemical castration after he and Phelan took hundreds of thousands of dollars from kiddie sex-change mills.
Like his predecessors George W Bush and Rick Perry -- and like many other Texas politicians before them -- Greg Abbott is most concerned with providing a “good bidniz climate,” not with answering the needs of his constituents.
That’s been true even before the days of Democrat-turned-Republican John Connally.
The result? Texas is now an Hispanic plurality state.
But don’t worry, Hispanics are “natural conservatives.”
Yep. "Hispanics are natural conservatives" is a "US" Chamber of Commerce-LOLibertarian-RINO trope. I don't care about skin color other than the fact that the racist Democrats are importing dark skin colors with the clear racist intent of reducing the frequency and voting power of people with lighter skin colors. Other problems: They come from corrupt cultures and bring those cultures with them, and unassimilable over-immigration overwhelms the natural born citizen's voting control.
You’re getting there. Now start uniting with other people similarly targeted by their skin color before it’s too late for your children and grandchildren.
Or do you look forward to them growing up as a despised minority in America?
Conservatives have been preaching color-blindness since Reagan agreed to the MLK holiday. Has it stopped the onslaught? Has it slowed it down? Has it defanged “racism?”
Or is it as you’ve averred, an idea that’s never really been tried.
"Conservatives have been preaching color-blindness since Reagan agreed to the MLK holiday."
Huge overstatement. Few did. I can count on one hand the number of conservatives who had the integrity to preemptively accuse Democrats of racism, or even take the offensive defense when called racist and lay out why the accuser is a racist. Most went along with and cowed under Democrat racefluffing. Vichy Republicans are cowards, collabos and appeasers who refuse to take the offensive and wield power when they are in the majority. So racist programs and welfare were never dialed back, and they voted for massive increases in immigration "of color" and of the "religion of peace", all for "cheap labor", which is actually the most expensive kind.
A black explaining why he can’t succeed in America couldn’t have marshaled more excuses.
Unfortunately, the burden of proof for promoting the wonders of a color-blind society remains on you, the person proposing an idea he admits has never been successfully tried, yet is so wonderful and within our grasp.
Nice deflection, racist. The burden of pimping hatred and urging folks to put everyone in arbitrary skin color boxes, judge people based on "race" instead of individual character, and keep them oppressed is all on you. It's unjust, cruel, primitive, and as Ayn Rand observed, the lowest form of collectivism. Lots of "whites" are on welfare, losers selling & using drugs. Should you be held judged by their actions? If you take credit for good things "whites" do, how do you not take blame for the bad things they do? Unless you fit Scott Fitzgerald's definition of an "artist", that is. Someone who can hold two fundamentally opposing views and still function. Sounds like you.
"Blacks" & "browns" & in-betweens are HERE, in large numbers. So what's your solution? Just hate? Smear good people for the acts of people of similar skin color? Treat decent hardworking conservative "blacks" the same as you treat vicious "black" animals in the hood? Or did you have a more decisive solution in mind, you know, more final?
I started out as an adult as a civic nationalist. I wanted to think of immigrants as fellow Americans in order to find common ground. Given how overwhelmingly white the country was in my youth it was easy to be that way, and immigrants had no choice but to assimilate. Over my lifetime I have seen white population plummet, and have seen immigrant numbers rise to point where they can make their own demands with no incentive to assimilate. Now I am becoming more aware of my own race and feel that like any other group we have our own interests that we should look to protect like any other group. The last thing the left wants is for whites to be racially aware as they would lose political power. That is why they want to keep whites on the defensive. It bothers me to see people on our side fall into that trap and recklessly accuse other conservatives of being racist.
I say, IF, the GOP doesn't win the next election it will be due to only one thing, which is not that they are clowns who don't understand what is most important to voters, it won't be due to polling results internal or otherwise, but because they are almost as corrupt as their opposition. And when I say 'corrupt' I'm taking money, many millions of dollars of money and other benefits that would cause them to betray voters.
Personal intimidation and bribery really are the only strategies besides mail-in-ballots, that leftist need to employ as a campaign strategy for the win. All three can be accomplished because the public will not find out the facts of such criminal behavior until it far too late to matter. The left can go full blown Criminal and it won't matter politically. I believe the proof of this claim is already proven and has been for decades.
The only reason Trump won was because there was a majority of voters who were sick of the corruption on both sides of the political spectrum, and Trump exploited that truth for the win. And this is why the left has fought so hard, to take that one winning element away from him. Because Trump failed to deliver on that one promise, "To clean up Washington" that message will fall on deaf ears this time around.....if he survives the relentless onslaught against him which I believe will never end even if he loses and or goes to jail. The left view him as a traitor and you don't come back from that charge, the left never forgives.
Whatever the GOP does for a campaign strategy, even if they listen to Ann 100% (she gives the best advise) it won't be enough to win. I believe the leftist have perfected such a corrupt strategy of political chaos, that they could run a cardboard cutout of Biden this time around and still win. All that needs to happen is have Obama stand next to it when the camera rolls.
Ok, ok, ok, I'm going back to my Hawaiian coffee, Honduran Cigar, and adjust my tinfoil hat.... ah yes, that's better.
White people lose wherever we pander to others. Really, to submit to the boundaries imposed by enemies (if you say this about slavery, then penalty X; if you say that about the Holocaust, then sanction Y) is to grant them the authority to dictate the terms of our existence. At some point it must dawn on us that out-group hostility and contrariety toward us are genetic--and perhaps even God-ordained. Consider Genesis 3:15, for example. Until we learn to pursue our interests resolutely and unapologetically, we will be the Eternal Schlemiel, licking crumbs and pathetically celebrating the occasional fleeting defensive victory.
Why? Do you really think affluent whites want to pay to bring poor blacks to their schools? Is that why they abandoned their old schools and neighborhoods and pay extortionate property taxes for “good” schools? Only Zombie Reagan think tankers, RINOs and talk radio clowns want vouchers — to show how color-blind they are.
These goofballs like the author (Guy Ciarrocchi) never learn. They still think they can “finesse” their Ebony and Ivory dream.
He wouldn’t dream of offering White families $10 or $20 thousand per child to send their kids to a predominantly black inner-city school. He knows they’d never survive — and that White conservatives would run him out of town on a rail.
But he thinks if we can just cherry-pick the most “ambitious” of the feral, fatherless and aggrieved blacks, then little Jared and Zoe will be safe.
Why is he bothering? First, blacks are never, ever going to vote for conservative Republicans. Never have, never will. You are wasting your time and our resources.
Second, you can’t solve black people’s problems. Only they can. Once again, you’re wasting your time and our resources, which would be better spent elsewhere, such as by building solidarity on the one thing Republicans have in common and that blacks (and leftists) hate us for.
Being White.
So please, stop with the color-blind nonsense, the “Ebony and Ivory” fantasies. That’s exactly what got us to where we are today and destroyed the beautiful country and culture our grandparents established.
7 small-brained monomaniacal racefluffing ignoranus strawman lies & insults sprayed like diarrhea in the first pp alone. You shouldn't be talking about clowns.
If the money follows the kid as in the new Iowa law, ample numbers of low-cost profitable new private schools will pop up *in low-rent poor "white" & "colored" neighborhoods* catering to them, giving them options for a good, non-communist, non-groomer, non-government, non-violent, education & vocational training, so their kids can get jobs and a decent future instead of relying on welfare-breeding incentives. Successful families in a successful modern economy don't tend to breed, and they're more likely to be loyal Americans. So, from your primitive tribal collectivist racist POV alone, why would you want to keep them ignorant and unsuccessful and breeding like rodents?
People who are observant, honest. decent & capable of empathy know the "color blind" ideal of judging by character instead of skin color was never really tried. Republicans attempted it with the Civil War & occupation, military integration, school integration, and the Civil Rights Acts, all quickly subverted by racefluffing slaver Democrats with Compromise of 1876, Jim Crow, lynching, gun control, separate but "equal", and racist programs like affirmative action that discriminate mainly against poor and middle-class "whites" and "asians". We may be moving back on a colorblind track with the recent SupCt decision, subverted as it was by John Obamacare Roberts.
Are you threatened by "people of color" and "mixed race" couples? Do you claim credit for the achievements of people whose skin color is similar to yours? Do really believe that "race" characteristics are not a continuum? Are you into some kind of AKC for humans program? Would you keep a Justice Thomas off the SupCt?
Let the Democrats be the racists. They're the experts.
Norman Lear, a typical liberal Jew, had intended for Archie to be a punching bag for every left wing point of view and issue; he was to have no redeeming qualities whatsoever and was supposed to lose every argument.
Unfortunately for him, Carroll O'Connor knew ordinary average people, he didn't live in a leftist Hollywood bubble, and so he knew real actual Archie Bunkers and knew that they had humanity within them and he was able to bring that to the character. Despite Archie throwing around such classics as "the coons are comin'!" , no one questioned the fact that Archie loved his family (even Michael).
And none of Archie's bigotry came from a place of hatred; he was a simple man from a simple time and was caught in the maelstrom of late 60s early 70s America. "Where has my country gone?" as Mr Garrison sung on South Park.
"Archie's got plenty of white friends"
"Ya damn right; and I'm gonna get more!" lol
It must have been a real pain in Lear's ass that the show was so successful in spite of his original vision.
I miss Jesse Helms. You’d never catch that man in some self-indulgent ad cradling a gun in front of a pickup while his constituents were counting change for gas. The GOP used to have real workers. Now it’s full of time servers and look-at-me’s.
School vouchers, enterprise zones-these things really excite black voters who will flock to our side, and of course moving embassy to Israel, after which Jews flocked to us, rather than immigration control which only has effect of serving the people who actually vote for us.
No, no, no conservatives and the GOP must not serve the interests of White people, who still make up 95% of Republican voters.
That would be racist.
(Wait until a federal court or civil rights enforcement agency finds the Republican Party a racist organization because it has a disproportionate amount of blacks: too few.)
True. However, there are Universal School Choice plans that are far better than vouchers, such as performance grant proposals. Enterprise zones that pander to certain skin colors are racist. The entire USA should be an enterprise zone.
Unfettered illegal immigration is such a winner for the GOP in terms of public polling, I don't understand why they don't pound that drum until the cows come home. If they need to break things up they can take a few moments to go to other massively popular issues like 1) pointing out the Left's obsession with 'Affirmative Action' (also massively unpopular) 2) stumping against gender indoctrination of the kids (another big winner) 3) cumulative rate of inflation of Biden's term. With so many winning issues, only a party of clowns could mess up the next election. Oh, wait...
"With so many winning issues, only a party of clowns could mess up the next election." So it wasn't just that stupid Trump failing to understand that 18 or 19 intelligence agencies and everyone else in DC hated his platform and was working against him?
True but it's mainly because "Drain the Swamp" Don kept hiring the swamp, e.g. "Ruby Ridge" Bill Barr. Was Q-bait Don really so lazy, negligent or stupid he didn't know Bill Barr was Bush 1's AG? The slightest research shows Barr knew all about Ruby Ridge & gave it the green light, lied to congress about it, and got his pet sniper Lon Horiuchi off scot free for blowing unarmed Vicki Weaver's jaw off while she held her baby in the doorway of her home. What's worse, that he didn't know, or that he knew and hired him anyway, then whined about his betrayal? 🤡👠s Don betrayed himself and all of us with those hires hundreds of times. Need I mention Scaramucci?😂
Might be part of it, but the fact that the GOP is going to nominate Trump knowing full well that he is the only candidate who could lose to Biden sort of seals clown car image for me.
I'm aware Trump hired awful people and wasn't hardcore himself. My point was that any other president, including Desantis, who hoped to hire from within the Republican circus tent would have faced a similar problem. The manure is very deep and few of the performers aren't controlled. Check out a video, If I Were the Deep State, a takeoff on Paul Harvey's great If I Were the Devil from 1965. It's pro-Trump, but ignore that and just marvel at the power of the opposition. Found most easily at Revolver News ( or at Frank Luntz's Twitter.
DeSantis has had no problem draining the swamp in Florida. Why? Because he actually paid attention, vetted, and took action, whereas Trump just yapped and hired the swamp.
As a white parent it bothers me that immigration has shut off opportunities for my kids. They get hit from below by large numbers of Hispanic immigrants getting favoritism from affirmative action, and they get hit from above with large numbers of high IQ South and East Asians coming in.
I don't think we're going to like Vivek's plan to "fix" legal immigration. So far, he sounds like the typical "cheap labor" "Republican" on that issue: Declare Jihad on illegal immigration, make deluge legal "cheap labor" immigration sound acceptable by switching from racist corrupt 3rd-world immigration that hits from below to "merit based" immigration that hits from above.
Gov. Abbott's border enforcement is KABUKI, like his "election integrity" law.
Abbott always had ample power to halt the invasion, as well as constitutional authority under Article IV §4 and Article I §10, including the power to make compacts with other states and foreign governments. He could bring Mexico to its knees and stop the invasion in a few days. Yet he refuses to enforce his fake enforcement press conference show-deals with Mexican governors because it would anger his business-class clients. The much vaunted concertina wire stuff is spotty and for show. It's all about the pressers. All he does is help catch, process & release, adding insult to injury by offering them free rides at our expense to where they were eventually headed anyway.
The Abbott-Phelan RINO "election integrity" law cut the penalty for election fraud from felony to misdemeanor, thereby negating election security in the existing law as well as the new one. Refused to call special session to fix it.
Refused to call special session to ban child genital mutilation surgery and chemical castration after he and Phelan took hundreds of thousands of dollars from kiddie sex-change mills.
Greg Abbott: All kabuki, no cattle.
Like his predecessors George W Bush and Rick Perry -- and like many other Texas politicians before them -- Greg Abbott is most concerned with providing a “good bidniz climate,” not with answering the needs of his constituents.
That’s been true even before the days of Democrat-turned-Republican John Connally.
The result? Texas is now an Hispanic plurality state.
But don’t worry, Hispanics are “natural conservatives.”
Just look at Mexico.
Yep. "Hispanics are natural conservatives" is a "US" Chamber of Commerce-LOLibertarian-RINO trope. I don't care about skin color other than the fact that the racist Democrats are importing dark skin colors with the clear racist intent of reducing the frequency and voting power of people with lighter skin colors. Other problems: They come from corrupt cultures and bring those cultures with them, and unassimilable over-immigration overwhelms the natural born citizen's voting control.
You’re getting there. Now start uniting with other people similarly targeted by their skin color before it’s too late for your children and grandchildren.
Or do you look forward to them growing up as a despised minority in America?
Conservatives have been preaching color-blindness since Reagan agreed to the MLK holiday. Has it stopped the onslaught? Has it slowed it down? Has it defanged “racism?”
Or is it as you’ve averred, an idea that’s never really been tried.
Kind of like socialism.
Patronizing "you're getting there" noted.
"Conservatives have been preaching color-blindness since Reagan agreed to the MLK holiday."
Huge overstatement. Few did. I can count on one hand the number of conservatives who had the integrity to preemptively accuse Democrats of racism, or even take the offensive defense when called racist and lay out why the accuser is a racist. Most went along with and cowed under Democrat racefluffing. Vichy Republicans are cowards, collabos and appeasers who refuse to take the offensive and wield power when they are in the majority. So racist programs and welfare were never dialed back, and they voted for massive increases in immigration "of color" and of the "religion of peace", all for "cheap labor", which is actually the most expensive kind.
Now, enough for me. Gotta work.
Such comforting rationalizations for failure.
A black explaining why he can’t succeed in America couldn’t have marshaled more excuses.
Unfortunately, the burden of proof for promoting the wonders of a color-blind society remains on you, the person proposing an idea he admits has never been successfully tried, yet is so wonderful and within our grasp.
Excuses don’t cut it.
Nice deflection, racist. The burden of pimping hatred and urging folks to put everyone in arbitrary skin color boxes, judge people based on "race" instead of individual character, and keep them oppressed is all on you. It's unjust, cruel, primitive, and as Ayn Rand observed, the lowest form of collectivism. Lots of "whites" are on welfare, losers selling & using drugs. Should you be held judged by their actions? If you take credit for good things "whites" do, how do you not take blame for the bad things they do? Unless you fit Scott Fitzgerald's definition of an "artist", that is. Someone who can hold two fundamentally opposing views and still function. Sounds like you.
"Blacks" & "browns" & in-betweens are HERE, in large numbers. So what's your solution? Just hate? Smear good people for the acts of people of similar skin color? Treat decent hardworking conservative "blacks" the same as you treat vicious "black" animals in the hood? Or did you have a more decisive solution in mind, you know, more final?
I started out as an adult as a civic nationalist. I wanted to think of immigrants as fellow Americans in order to find common ground. Given how overwhelmingly white the country was in my youth it was easy to be that way, and immigrants had no choice but to assimilate. Over my lifetime I have seen white population plummet, and have seen immigrant numbers rise to point where they can make their own demands with no incentive to assimilate. Now I am becoming more aware of my own race and feel that like any other group we have our own interests that we should look to protect like any other group. The last thing the left wants is for whites to be racially aware as they would lose political power. That is why they want to keep whites on the defensive. It bothers me to see people on our side fall into that trap and recklessly accuse other conservatives of being racist.
What percentage of the GOP is actually true Conservative Republicans? I'm thinking there are very few.
Simple test: Find the ones who are willing to say publicly -- and without any apologetic elaborations -- that “It’s OK to be white.”
Great article in Chronicles today on “Democratic-run cities.”
Hint: It’s black people’s fault.
I say, IF, the GOP doesn't win the next election it will be due to only one thing, which is not that they are clowns who don't understand what is most important to voters, it won't be due to polling results internal or otherwise, but because they are almost as corrupt as their opposition. And when I say 'corrupt' I'm taking money, many millions of dollars of money and other benefits that would cause them to betray voters.
Personal intimidation and bribery really are the only strategies besides mail-in-ballots, that leftist need to employ as a campaign strategy for the win. All three can be accomplished because the public will not find out the facts of such criminal behavior until it far too late to matter. The left can go full blown Criminal and it won't matter politically. I believe the proof of this claim is already proven and has been for decades.
The only reason Trump won was because there was a majority of voters who were sick of the corruption on both sides of the political spectrum, and Trump exploited that truth for the win. And this is why the left has fought so hard, to take that one winning element away from him. Because Trump failed to deliver on that one promise, "To clean up Washington" that message will fall on deaf ears this time around.....if he survives the relentless onslaught against him which I believe will never end even if he loses and or goes to jail. The left view him as a traitor and you don't come back from that charge, the left never forgives.
Whatever the GOP does for a campaign strategy, even if they listen to Ann 100% (she gives the best advise) it won't be enough to win. I believe the leftist have perfected such a corrupt strategy of political chaos, that they could run a cardboard cutout of Biden this time around and still win. All that needs to happen is have Obama stand next to it when the camera rolls.
Ok, ok, ok, I'm going back to my Hawaiian coffee, Honduran Cigar, and adjust my tinfoil hat.... ah yes, that's better.
White people lose wherever we pander to others. Really, to submit to the boundaries imposed by enemies (if you say this about slavery, then penalty X; if you say that about the Holocaust, then sanction Y) is to grant them the authority to dictate the terms of our existence. At some point it must dawn on us that out-group hostility and contrariety toward us are genetic--and perhaps even God-ordained. Consider Genesis 3:15, for example. Until we learn to pursue our interests resolutely and unapologetically, we will be the Eternal Schlemiel, licking crumbs and pathetically celebrating the occasional fleeting defensive victory.
If you want to know what’s wrong with GOP, read this article:
When you read it, make sure that you’re humming “Ebony and Ivory” while you do.
That will really help you understand it.
I agree with Bill. Great article by Paul Gottfried
Excellent idea.
Also, drop school vouchers.
Do you oppose Universal School Choice? If so, why?
Why? Do you really think affluent whites want to pay to bring poor blacks to their schools? Is that why they abandoned their old schools and neighborhoods and pay extortionate property taxes for “good” schools? Only Zombie Reagan think tankers, RINOs and talk radio clowns want vouchers — to show how color-blind they are.
These goofballs like the author (Guy Ciarrocchi) never learn. They still think they can “finesse” their Ebony and Ivory dream.
He wouldn’t dream of offering White families $10 or $20 thousand per child to send their kids to a predominantly black inner-city school. He knows they’d never survive — and that White conservatives would run him out of town on a rail.
But he thinks if we can just cherry-pick the most “ambitious” of the feral, fatherless and aggrieved blacks, then little Jared and Zoe will be safe.
Why is he bothering? First, blacks are never, ever going to vote for conservative Republicans. Never have, never will. You are wasting your time and our resources.
Second, you can’t solve black people’s problems. Only they can. Once again, you’re wasting your time and our resources, which would be better spent elsewhere, such as by building solidarity on the one thing Republicans have in common and that blacks (and leftists) hate us for.
Being White.
So please, stop with the color-blind nonsense, the “Ebony and Ivory” fantasies. That’s exactly what got us to where we are today and destroyed the beautiful country and culture our grandparents established.
7 small-brained monomaniacal racefluffing ignoranus strawman lies & insults sprayed like diarrhea in the first pp alone. You shouldn't be talking about clowns.
If the money follows the kid as in the new Iowa law, ample numbers of low-cost profitable new private schools will pop up *in low-rent poor "white" & "colored" neighborhoods* catering to them, giving them options for a good, non-communist, non-groomer, non-government, non-violent, education & vocational training, so their kids can get jobs and a decent future instead of relying on welfare-breeding incentives. Successful families in a successful modern economy don't tend to breed, and they're more likely to be loyal Americans. So, from your primitive tribal collectivist racist POV alone, why would you want to keep them ignorant and unsuccessful and breeding like rodents?
People who are observant, honest. decent & capable of empathy know the "color blind" ideal of judging by character instead of skin color was never really tried. Republicans attempted it with the Civil War & occupation, military integration, school integration, and the Civil Rights Acts, all quickly subverted by racefluffing slaver Democrats with Compromise of 1876, Jim Crow, lynching, gun control, separate but "equal", and racist programs like affirmative action that discriminate mainly against poor and middle-class "whites" and "asians". We may be moving back on a colorblind track with the recent SupCt decision, subverted as it was by John Obamacare Roberts.
Are you threatened by "people of color" and "mixed race" couples? Do you claim credit for the achievements of people whose skin color is similar to yours? Do really believe that "race" characteristics are not a continuum? Are you into some kind of AKC for humans program? Would you keep a Justice Thomas off the SupCt?
Let the Democrats be the racists. They're the experts.
"whose skin color is similar to yours"
slightly off topic, and in no way indicative of you or your argument, for or against; the phrase reminded me of this..
I remember that was a fun show. Sadly, Carroll was apparently a lefty. Meathead's an unhinged limousine leftist prick.
Norman Lear, a typical liberal Jew, had intended for Archie to be a punching bag for every left wing point of view and issue; he was to have no redeeming qualities whatsoever and was supposed to lose every argument.
Unfortunately for him, Carroll O'Connor knew ordinary average people, he didn't live in a leftist Hollywood bubble, and so he knew real actual Archie Bunkers and knew that they had humanity within them and he was able to bring that to the character. Despite Archie throwing around such classics as "the coons are comin'!" , no one questioned the fact that Archie loved his family (even Michael).
And none of Archie's bigotry came from a place of hatred; he was a simple man from a simple time and was caught in the maelstrom of late 60s early 70s America. "Where has my country gone?" as Mr Garrison sung on South Park.
"Archie's got plenty of white friends"
"Ya damn right; and I'm gonna get more!" lol
It must have been a real pain in Lear's ass that the show was so successful in spite of his original vision.
I miss Jesse Helms. You’d never catch that man in some self-indulgent ad cradling a gun in front of a pickup while his constituents were counting change for gas. The GOP used to have real workers. Now it’s full of time servers and look-at-me’s.
Yep. And driving the homelessness problem.