IDEA: Instead of talking about slavery and the Holocaust, how about GOPs talk about immigration?
Gov. Abbott's border enforcement is WILDLY popular!
In a New York Times article today about Texas Gov. Abbott deploying razor wire, floating barriers and state troopers to block illegal immigrants — inciting rage on the left and a lawsuit from the Biden administration — the Times admits in para 200:
“Last month, 59 percent of Texans polled backed the law enforcement deployments and border spending, including 30 percent of Democrats.”
Also today, Obama-appointee federal district court judge Jon S. Tigar (who previously ordered California prisons to provide transgender surgery for prison inmates) …
… struck down a BIDEN asylum policy that might slightly reduce the 2 million illegal immigrants currently pouring in per year.
MY PROPOSAL: Instead of Republicans being bad-ass on slavery and the Holocaust, how about you guys be bad-ass on the border?
School vouchers, enterprise zones-these things really excite black voters who will flock to our side, and of course moving embassy to Israel, after which Jews flocked to us, rather than immigration control which only has effect of serving the people who actually vote for us.
Unfettered illegal immigration is such a winner for the GOP in terms of public polling, I don't understand why they don't pound that drum until the cows come home. If they need to break things up they can take a few moments to go to other massively popular issues like 1) pointing out the Left's obsession with 'Affirmative Action' (also massively unpopular) 2) stumping against gender indoctrination of the kids (another big winner) 3) cumulative rate of inflation of Biden's term. With so many winning issues, only a party of clowns could mess up the next election. Oh, wait...