~When we named sports teams, cities, towns, roads and landmarks after indians, it was done as a gracious gesture of respect and as an effort to honor indians and their culture. When activists suddenly become offended over this and demand that your city's sports team or river or mountain or whatever be renamed, don't put up a fuss. They never deserved the honor to begin with and your sports team would be far better served with a different name.
~The white settlers to North America didn't 'steal' anybody's land. Brutal warfare was the standard way that real estate exchanged ownership in those days as well as for thousands of years prior. The various indian tribes did that constantly among themselves prior to the arrival of white settlers, and so the idea that what happened was anything more than "we won, you lost, deal with it" is laughable.
~ It was commonplace for a conquering army to kill every last battle-ready enemy warrior they could find and enslave the rest. This was the normal way of life for indians. Everywhere on Earth, throughout human history, It was almost unheard of for the victors to GIVE BACK vast swaths of land to their beaten enemy and allow them autonomous legal control of it, much less to be so kind to them in allowing them to live as they pleased.
~The descriptions of depraved barbarity that Ann includes in her column today are actually rather mild and tame compared with what was commonplace for indian tribes to inflict upon each other on a regular basis, as well as upon the white settlers. I won't go into more detail in deference to any Ladies who might be reading, but for those interested, going back to the original source documents will be a real eye-opener for many, especially younger folks who have only been exposed to the sanitized versions now taught in public schools.
Far from feeling guilty over anything the white settlers did during The Indian Wars, white Americans should feel proud of their forebears, that they conducted themselves with far greater honor and dignity than their enemies did. White settlers truly brought Civilization to North America.
I was going by memory from what I learned in my youth, long before the cancer of wokeness or historical revisionism infected public schools. I didn't have any specific titles in mind because I read these works decades ago and have forgotten the book titles. Perhaps Ann or other readers might be of some help for further reading.
A source for a book of this nature comes from the America experiment.com website ---- a book about the Dakota Uprising and resulting hangings in Mankato, Minnesota. It paints a very much more balanced picture of the war.
One really good book is The Earth is Weeping. I’m very fond of Son of the Morning Star by Evan Connell. There are other really good primary sources out there as well.
I grew up around many Italian families in Connecticut.
My uncle by marriage, his parents were from Sicily.
Unlike immigrants now they were treated horribly and yes they were legal.
I didn't know until today that my uncle's parents did not know how to read and write in English.
My uncle learned late in life.
Still! They could cook, bake , build and fix anything and everything.
All of this said- I do not need liberal supremacists to tell me what to celebrate and why bc history is debatable and you have to accept the good, bad and ugly of it all.
Today I think of my uncle and am grateful to his parents who treated me like their own.
They never hated America like libs do.
Columbus day was a day to eat Italian food and bakery goods.
The Department of Defense has chosen on Twitter - that most august and solemn of our public gathering spaces - to commemorate Indigenous Peoples' Day instead of Columbus Day, citing the brave service Native Americans have given in, quote, "every one of our conflicts".
Most Indians involved in the conflict fought - quite understandably! - on the side of the British in the War of 1812. Prior to that, during the Indian Wars and Revolutionary War, it would have been news to everyone involved (not least the Indians themselves) that those who allied with the United States and its predecessor colonies were doing so as free and equal members of the polity, to be afforded the rights of a citizen-soldier, to be regarded as American. These are the implications of the DoD's claim.
The claim is nonsense. In fact everyone would have been aware of the reality: the vast majority of Indian participation came - again, quite understandably - as tribes and groups allied with and banded against whomever they regarded as their greatest threat. Therefore an Iroquois might well have sided with the United States, but would have faced on the battlefield a Shawnee allied with the British (or, more accurately, allied with other tribes, and at best coolly tolerating the British.)
This is all to say, of course, that the idea of an "Indian" presence on the American side in all of our conflicts going back to the founding of the country is grossly misleading. But you won't see a fact check stamp on the DoD's tweet. Certainly not on as important a holiday as this one - Indigenous Peoples' Day.
More of a sashay, but yes, it is. That's why although I think we've past peak woke among the general public, the institutions of this country are going to remain wholly immersed in it for some time to come, because the progeny of the powerful of this country, and their elite colleges and other meeting places, remain completely in its thrall
Of course the radical leftards always tell us that Indian atrocities against white settlers was justified because whites "stole their land" which is pure bunkum. The Comanches also committed hideous atrocities against weaker rival tribes. Leftards don't seem to know that there were many dozens of Indian tribes in a state of internecine war with one another. It wasn't all rainbows and lollipops until the white man arrived on the shores of N. America as they like to believe.
And the "genocide" of the American Indian is pure myth. Lefties like to point to smallpox but some Indians were so desperate for scalps that they would dig up graveyards of white European settlers and scalp the dead bodies not realizing that some of the deceased were infected with smallpox. So Indians would unwittingly take smallpox infected scalps which would then infect and kill a varying number of their fellow tribesmen.
re: Smallpox - there is substantial evidence - burials etc - that New England Indian tribes were already decimated by disease BEFORE Europeans arrived...just sayin'...the rewrite and misinterpretation of history by the 'Walking WOKE' is hilarious indeed...
So that’s why my post office is closed. Must be nice to work for the government. So Marlin Brando saw only one side of the history coin. My surname came to New England in 1631. Puritan only 10. No father no brother. I’ll celebrate him. He lived until 86.
Who is this guy ‘indigenous’ anyway? Never heard of him. I’ve heard of Columbus. Great man.
Interested in some history? Read about the revolutionary Battle of Wyoming, July 1778. It’s history is rich with contemporaneous writings describing the battle and the part the Indians played. Accounts vary as to the number of scalps taken from the colonials from 227- 255. Approximately 90 prisoners were taken captive and the British along with the ‘ liberal, progressive’ quisling loyalists gave free hand to the savages in handling the captives. Read about the the butchery. Burning at the stake , torture throughout the night following the battle. Go to Wilkes Barre Pa and visit the museums and read history of this battle.
Avella. Pa . Meadowcroft Rockshelter. archeological site. Dates to pre-Clovis which Clovis Indians claim to own, showing ‘them’ having been in North America first, approx 11,000 years ago. Consequently they claim ownership of North America. All of it.
Meadowcroft dates to 13,000 years and is evidence of pre-Clovis peoples. From what I gather DNA dating connects these pre-Clovis peoples to, FRANCE.
If we return North America to the rightful ‘owners’ then I want to learn French. Ann maybe you could file an amicus brief at some point before the ‘world fucking court’ in support of us being subjects of a civilized culture and country. But I would still want a Columbus Day even though I not Italian.
I've had natives tell me (more than once) that all the tribes lived in peaceful harmony together until the white man came. it's a fantasy that many of them tell themselves.
but in truth, native tribes weren't just brutally violent to the white man... they were extremely violent and murderous toward each other.
Excellent article Ann! Those libtards who hate Columbus should move back to wherever they came from. It's amoral to demonize Columbus and continue to enjoy the fruits of his labor.
Oh, the poor "indigenous people." Tell me, what indigenous people did the "indigenous people" butcher to become the "indigenous people" that we are supposed to shed a tear for? 💡
Let Ann's excellent column serve as a reminder...
~When we named sports teams, cities, towns, roads and landmarks after indians, it was done as a gracious gesture of respect and as an effort to honor indians and their culture. When activists suddenly become offended over this and demand that your city's sports team or river or mountain or whatever be renamed, don't put up a fuss. They never deserved the honor to begin with and your sports team would be far better served with a different name.
~The white settlers to North America didn't 'steal' anybody's land. Brutal warfare was the standard way that real estate exchanged ownership in those days as well as for thousands of years prior. The various indian tribes did that constantly among themselves prior to the arrival of white settlers, and so the idea that what happened was anything more than "we won, you lost, deal with it" is laughable.
~ It was commonplace for a conquering army to kill every last battle-ready enemy warrior they could find and enslave the rest. This was the normal way of life for indians. Everywhere on Earth, throughout human history, It was almost unheard of for the victors to GIVE BACK vast swaths of land to their beaten enemy and allow them autonomous legal control of it, much less to be so kind to them in allowing them to live as they pleased.
~The descriptions of depraved barbarity that Ann includes in her column today are actually rather mild and tame compared with what was commonplace for indian tribes to inflict upon each other on a regular basis, as well as upon the white settlers. I won't go into more detail in deference to any Ladies who might be reading, but for those interested, going back to the original source documents will be a real eye-opener for many, especially younger folks who have only been exposed to the sanitized versions now taught in public schools.
Far from feeling guilty over anything the white settlers did during The Indian Wars, white Americans should feel proud of their forebears, that they conducted themselves with far greater honor and dignity than their enemies did. White settlers truly brought Civilization to North America.
Happy Columbus Day!
Where would I read about this?
I was going by memory from what I learned in my youth, long before the cancer of wokeness or historical revisionism infected public schools. I didn't have any specific titles in mind because I read these works decades ago and have forgotten the book titles. Perhaps Ann or other readers might be of some help for further reading.
A source for a book of this nature comes from the America experiment.com website ---- a book about the Dakota Uprising and resulting hangings in Mankato, Minnesota. It paints a very much more balanced picture of the war.
Thank you so much
One really good book is The Earth is Weeping. I’m very fond of Son of the Morning Star by Evan Connell. There are other really good primary sources out there as well.
Happy Columbus day ~
I grew up around many Italian families in Connecticut.
My uncle by marriage, his parents were from Sicily.
Unlike immigrants now they were treated horribly and yes they were legal.
I didn't know until today that my uncle's parents did not know how to read and write in English.
My uncle learned late in life.
Still! They could cook, bake , build and fix anything and everything.
All of this said- I do not need liberal supremacists to tell me what to celebrate and why bc history is debatable and you have to accept the good, bad and ugly of it all.
Today I think of my uncle and am grateful to his parents who treated me like their own.
They never hated America like libs do.
Columbus day was a day to eat Italian food and bakery goods.
Happy Columbus day to all and f'k libs
I am SO sick of hearing about what offends them.
They've ruined America.
The Department of Defense has chosen on Twitter - that most august and solemn of our public gathering spaces - to commemorate Indigenous Peoples' Day instead of Columbus Day, citing the brave service Native Americans have given in, quote, "every one of our conflicts".
Most Indians involved in the conflict fought - quite understandably! - on the side of the British in the War of 1812. Prior to that, during the Indian Wars and Revolutionary War, it would have been news to everyone involved (not least the Indians themselves) that those who allied with the United States and its predecessor colonies were doing so as free and equal members of the polity, to be afforded the rights of a citizen-soldier, to be regarded as American. These are the implications of the DoD's claim.
The claim is nonsense. In fact everyone would have been aware of the reality: the vast majority of Indian participation came - again, quite understandably - as tribes and groups allied with and banded against whomever they regarded as their greatest threat. Therefore an Iroquois might well have sided with the United States, but would have faced on the battlefield a Shawnee allied with the British (or, more accurately, allied with other tribes, and at best coolly tolerating the British.)
This is all to say, of course, that the idea of an "Indian" presence on the American side in all of our conflicts going back to the founding of the country is grossly misleading. But you won't see a fact check stamp on the DoD's tweet. Certainly not on as important a holiday as this one - Indigenous Peoples' Day.
More of a sashay, but yes, it is. That's why although I think we've past peak woke among the general public, the institutions of this country are going to remain wholly immersed in it for some time to come, because the progeny of the powerful of this country, and their elite colleges and other meeting places, remain completely in its thrall
Happy Columbus Day. !! Thank you for sharing your perspective Ann.
I'll add that I cry when I see someone chuck a bourbon bottle out of a car window, especially when it's empty.
Of course the radical leftards always tell us that Indian atrocities against white settlers was justified because whites "stole their land" which is pure bunkum. The Comanches also committed hideous atrocities against weaker rival tribes. Leftards don't seem to know that there were many dozens of Indian tribes in a state of internecine war with one another. It wasn't all rainbows and lollipops until the white man arrived on the shores of N. America as they like to believe.
And the "genocide" of the American Indian is pure myth. Lefties like to point to smallpox but some Indians were so desperate for scalps that they would dig up graveyards of white European settlers and scalp the dead bodies not realizing that some of the deceased were infected with smallpox. So Indians would unwittingly take smallpox infected scalps which would then infect and kill a varying number of their fellow tribesmen.
Interesting.... thank you.
It turns out Indian tribes didn't like each other a whole heck of a lot, either. That's OK, though, because for some reason.
re: Smallpox - there is substantial evidence - burials etc - that New England Indian tribes were already decimated by disease BEFORE Europeans arrived...just sayin'...the rewrite and misinterpretation of history by the 'Walking WOKE' is hilarious indeed...
So that’s why my post office is closed. Must be nice to work for the government. So Marlin Brando saw only one side of the history coin. My surname came to New England in 1631. Puritan only 10. No father no brother. I’ll celebrate him. He lived until 86.
Certainly does not fit the narrative we are incessantly exposed to
It is amazing how alone Coulter is in pointing out the most obvious things. And the more obvious they are, the more insane the response.
Who is this guy ‘indigenous’ anyway? Never heard of him. I’ve heard of Columbus. Great man.
Interested in some history? Read about the revolutionary Battle of Wyoming, July 1778. It’s history is rich with contemporaneous writings describing the battle and the part the Indians played. Accounts vary as to the number of scalps taken from the colonials from 227- 255. Approximately 90 prisoners were taken captive and the British along with the ‘ liberal, progressive’ quisling loyalists gave free hand to the savages in handling the captives. Read about the the butchery. Burning at the stake , torture throughout the night following the battle. Go to Wilkes Barre Pa and visit the museums and read history of this battle.
Avella. Pa . Meadowcroft Rockshelter. archeological site. Dates to pre-Clovis which Clovis Indians claim to own, showing ‘them’ having been in North America first, approx 11,000 years ago. Consequently they claim ownership of North America. All of it.
Meadowcroft dates to 13,000 years and is evidence of pre-Clovis peoples. From what I gather DNA dating connects these pre-Clovis peoples to, FRANCE.
If we return North America to the rightful ‘owners’ then I want to learn French. Ann maybe you could file an amicus brief at some point before the ‘world fucking court’ in support of us being subjects of a civilized culture and country. But I would still want a Columbus Day even though I not Italian.
I've had natives tell me (more than once) that all the tribes lived in peaceful harmony together until the white man came. it's a fantasy that many of them tell themselves.
but in truth, native tribes weren't just brutally violent to the white man... they were extremely violent and murderous toward each other.
Bloodthirsty savages. Politically incorrect? Yeah right.
Excellent article Ann! Those libtards who hate Columbus should move back to wherever they came from. It's amoral to demonize Columbus and continue to enjoy the fruits of his labor.
Oh, the poor "indigenous people." Tell me, what indigenous people did the "indigenous people" butcher to become the "indigenous people" that we are supposed to shed a tear for? 💡