We may never see Ann in any major TV network but thank god she is on substack. I also dial in every Wednesday for Mark Simone WOR 710 radio where she typically joins around 11:40am

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Does anybody besides me remember how breathlessly and joyfully Fox News projected Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 Presidential Election?

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Enjoy your work. But....there it is...the but.........Tuck [as you call him], was just simply pointing out that the Democrats can not count on the portion of the Hispanic vote that they are used to. That "rule of law" bit was one of the reasons.

That sentiment against Democrats is also growing among Hispanics as well with the ever present Pro-Life sentiment.

He airs more Border video and stories than maybe Hannity with Sara Carter. I never heard Tucker imply or say that illegals were anything but illegal. He has done episodes in Hungary [?] depicting how a border should work.

You are wrong here........

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There may be a tiny bit of truth in the desire of some to embrace the flood of the 3rd world illegals to feed the need for ‘cheap’ labor ; however that should not get lost in the big fat lie, because in 2020 there were about 830,000 abortions in the US. So instead of homegrown American, English speaking, 8th grade educated cheap labor this country has prioritized importing illegal, 3rd world non English speaking, uneducated cheap labor, while at the same time executing our own potential cheap labor. A taco stand and a mosque every 7 miles isn’t an indication of the need for cheap labor. And the executions have been continuous since 1973. American cheap labor, landfilled without even the decency of a pauper’s funeral.

The cheap labor argument is an invention, an excuse for illegal immigration or legal immigration from the 3rd world. That’s it. And what stupid country would come up with a ‘ lottery’ immigration program? Yes this stupid country. It’s a track for the 3rd world when they have no other legal way in and are too far away to get to the Rio Grande.

‘Diversity’ gives another ‘rationale’ for this policy. The rationale is made up, it’s bullshit. ‘Bring them in ‘out of the shadows so they can start paying taxes’. Another bullshit justification for welcoming illegal entrants. If taxes were the issue a serious government would have found a way to get their tax. Absolutely no serious attempt to get those taxes, to have the illegals pay ‘their fair’ share. It’s bullshit. But this government is hell bent on squeezing every nickel in tax from it’s identifiable citizens. Why else for the requirement the IRS have rights to view bank transactions of more than $600.00?

Illegal immigration and legal immigration from the 3rd world is to hasten the destruction of White, Christian, Western, European culture in America and Canada as well. That is the purpose. That is the only purpose.

Diversity, taxes, no human is illegal, cheap labor, cultural enrichment. It’s all bullshit.

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It’s cheap labor for the rich or was. Fox is very schizophrenic on conservative matters.

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Not to preach but always remember that Fox and all of its employees are SELLING their product,,,they are not patriots and their first calling is money, not love devotion to the Constitution and love of country.

Ps..Most of the on-air talent is a bunch of narcissists that will be anything for the right amount of money and air-time...there is another term for such individuals....

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Ann, the GOP leadership thought WWIII was a good idea. I don't know why you expect them to be any more intelligent on other issues.

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Just yesterday I saw the idiot Lindsay Graham side-by-side with stolen valor Vietnam "hero" Dick Blumenthal bragging about how they're in lockstep with Nancy Pelosi and Dementia Joe on going to war with Russia. FJB? Yeah, but FLG and the rest of the neocon RINOs too.

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These people can't admit that their Ukraine Gambit is a disastrous failure. That would take too much courage.

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I think Ann - whom I adore - is missing Tucker's point, and I suspect she's doing so deliberately to be provocative towards Fox. He is not saying that illegal aliens respect the rule of law; he's saying - and has said repeatedly - that hispanics (both born in this country and those who immigrated legally) respect the law and have a visceral reaction to illegal migrants from Central and South America. There are plenty of people on Fox she could go after for their RINO positions regarding illegal immigration, but holding Tucker up as the example and then distorting his actual point is misleading. Ann is better than that.

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Just as Patsy Cline mournfully laments her plight in "Three Cigarettes In An Ashtray" as she watches, helplessly, as another woman slowly but inexorably steals the most important things in her life, so also Americans are forced to watch helplessly as those who have sworn an oath to guard and protect us not only refuse to do so but actively encourage a literal invasion and ugly transformation of our great love, our Nation and culture...ripping away the things dearest to our hearts.

Joan of Arc is credited with saving France with a maximum force in the tens of thousands; Ann Coulter has an 'army' of untold millions but I would argue that the forces arrayed against us are far more formidable than anything Joan faced. The Left lost the intellectual battles decades ago, but our enemies have no honor; they hide, unaccountable, in the shadows behind a dementia-addled puppet and work tirelessly to destroy us from within through toxic bureaucracy. The have academia, the media and the main levers of power in our country and have thrown open our borders to all who hate us. We truly stand at a precipice like we've never seen before. The greatest Nation the world has ever seen is at risk of destruction, but we must have Faith. We are on the side of our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, and it is my heartfelt belief that we are on God's side also.

Don't let the anti-American trash media wear you down. If you feel your spirit flagging, look to Ann's fine example to rebuild your courage. She has spent her life fighting for America despite the vicious slings and arrows that she brushes off with a smile every single day. We must resolve ourselves to victory in this battle because if America is lost, there will be no 'fallback' country to flee to. The greatest Light the world has ever known will have been extinguished and humanity's greatest hope will be lost forever.

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Thank you for continuing to responsibly follow up on this important law and order matter and the do anything—say anything nature of click bait Ann.

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Microsoft and Outlook have declared this site "unsafe." I was following a link here from my email and Outlook tried to stop me. Maybe it's because of the "Unsafe" title of the site, but Outlook has never done that before today.

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Honestly I stopped watching ALL of the msm.

I follow blogs listen to podcasts and I am a pd subscriber here.

A client of mine said something recently that makes sense to me.

He said " I fought for my country and now I'm only fighting for my family and friends ".

Makes sense to me.

That said- we are the majority.

We're just not loud, obnoxious and mean spirited like liberal supremacists.

Groups like these will continue to grow.

God bless you and yours. Keep the faith 🙏

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I remember years ago when Miss Ann urged conservative students to pursue careers in journalism (CNN, MSNBC, NYTs. etc)...I think her words were "to go into the belly of the beast" and...

She warned, and this was way back, NOT to rely on Fox because exactly what has come to pass would happen.


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Finally got something right without blaming Trump! Lately, Tucker has been off the rails! I predict an amnesty for sure Ann is exactly right.

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I was starting to get a kick out of One America News. It was fun to watch a real, hardline right-wing news network.


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