Fox News [Hearts] Amnesty!
Because NOTHING is more important than proving to liberals that you're not "racist."
After Gov. Ron DeSantis mailed 50 illegals to Martha's Vineyard last week, Google searches related to immigration and the border shot into the top 10, eclipsing searches for “abortion.” At this critical juncture, 6 weeks before the midterms, it’s vital that Fox News start laying the groundwork for the big Republican sell-out on amnesty.
Tucker Carlson last week: Hispanics more sensitive than most to the importance of the rule of law.
David Cole: ¡MAGArriba Arriba!
«[L]ast week [Fox News host Tucker Carlson] dedicated his opening monologue to Hispanic immigrants and how, more than born-and-bred Americans, they truly understand and respect the “rule of law.”
As Tuck likes to say: Huh?
Yes, Hispanic immigrants and Mexicans in particular are “more sensitive than most to the importance of the rule of law.”
So sensitive that these migrants enter the country by breaking the law.
Again (in Tucker voice), huh?
If these Mexicans are so into the rule of law, why is Mexico the way it is? Ruled by narco kingpins, high-level narco gangs, low-level narco gangs, kidnapping syndicates, and corrupt cops and government officials.
“Rule of law.”
Can I get another “huh?”?
Okay, you can say, and I’m sure this is what Tuck was implying, that the Mexicans who are fleeing to the U.S. are the “rule of law” lovers, chased out of their native land by the lawless ones. If that’s the case, why should we bother to resist the migration? My God, with crime as it is in American cities right now, we sure could use millions of law-and-order migrants!»
In fact, contrary to claims of the liberal media, Fox News has always supported amnesty. You know why? Because Dems are the REAL racists.
2010: Rupert Murdoch pushes amnesty in congressional testimony —
«… fixing our broken immigration system … a path to citizenship …It is nonsense to talk of expelling 11 or 12 million people. … bring these immigrants out of a shadow economy and add to our taxpayers ….. ensure that America's doors remain open…»
2012: Murdoch pressures Romney to support amnesty —
The Atlantic: Mitt Romney Blew a Chance to Impress Rupert Murdoch
«Rupert Murdoch has not been very nice to Mitt Romney on Twitter lately, and thanks to some reporting from Politico's Maggie Haberman, we now know why: The candidate did not impress the media mogul with his inflexibility on immigration. … Romney apparently told Murdoch he didn't want to be a "flip flopper" on immigration (a Murdoch pet issue), which didn't instill Murdoch's confidence in his ability to win.»
2012: Hannity comes out for amnesty —
WaPo: Sean Hannity: I’ve ‘evolved’ on immigration
«Fox News' Sean Hannity told his radio listeners Thursday that he's "evolved" on immigration and thinks undocumented immigrants without criminal records should have a "pathway to citizenship."»
2015: Fox News defends Obama’s executive amnesty —
Kausfiles: Fox Makes It Easy for Amnesty
«But it’s one thing for Dem-friendly NBC to go to bat for Obama’s causes. It’s another if Fox does it too. Fox is supposed to be the feisty opposition network. You’d think it would wage a rousing campaign against Obama’s executive actions on immigration, which are surely wildly unpopular among its viewers, both because of their ends (de facto legalizing of illegals) and their means (presidential overreach).
You’d think that. But you would be wrong.
The main significance of Fox’s immigration tamp-down, though, was as a precedent — a dry run for how Murdoch’s network might ease the way for a legislative amnesty down the road (especially if, as is quite possible, the courts void Obama’s executive actions). If Fox gets away with it this time, there will be no opposition news network next time either.»
Listen to Fox, conservatives! Yes, perhaps it’s true that amnesty will destroy the Republican Party and the country you love— but at least we will have proved, once and for all, that Dems R the real racists!
We may never see Ann in any major TV network but thank god she is on substack. I also dial in every Wednesday for Mark Simone WOR 710 radio where she typically joins around 11:40am
Does anybody besides me remember how breathlessly and joyfully Fox News projected Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 Presidential Election?