There are a surprising number of “conservatives” pushing the idea that we can’t afford to lose any of the illegals because they positively impact the GDP. Didn’t know we have that many strawberries to pick. I also heard one fellow say that we shouldn’t be “demonizing” them. His wife was legalized and his lineage is from Mexico. Half a trillion dollars later, we could have booted them all instead of transporting and sustaining them. And, now Democrats are offering various amounts of home loan mortgage grants. Of course, citizens are precluded from these benefits. Unfortunately, Trump will never keep any immigration promise the minute he encounters resistance. His daughter and son-in-law were never on board with deportation. Ivanka cried. And, now, Trump wants to hand out Green Cards for 2 and 4 year diplomas. We have ample job applicants, but unfortunately, industries would rather pay an illegal or a worker visa holder less.

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Hungary is too small, so I'm afraid the only place to go is Russia if you still have a lot of years left. Given the direction things are going, in about 20 years Russia will be discussed in whispers as the Land of Freedom to Americans who quietly resist the American Regime and pray they will never be caught and sent to the D.C. Gulags. All relatively speaking of course.

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I’d still chance Hungary - Brave Victor Orban is badass. Has resisted the ridiculous Muslim infestation despite practically the entire EU falling for it and NOW they’re complaining.

They have one HELL of a difficult lingo tho…

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I’ve worked in the real estate related field for 30yrs. In the last 10 years the only non-minority workers on construction sites were electricians and plumbers. I’ve showed up and all the workers ran thinking I was the INS. I watched a couple hundred run from a federal construction project in Richmond. They pay them

Less and the contractors blame EVerify for not checking their paperwork.

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Ann's bad ass! She just emasculated NPR's male commentators for their low testosterone.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 17

Harvard and Yale and Princeton and others deserve to be shut down at once for blatantly disobeying a clear Supreme Court decision; Christopher Rufo and Heather MacDonald and perhaps Ann Coulter should be put in charge of those so-called universities!

Ann is from the nutmeg state so she should be put in charge of Yale; imagine the strident autistic screeching from both students and faculty if she was appointed to be its president!

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Enormously frustrating listening to DeSine who sounds no different than any Democrat on immigration, clearly could care less about his constituents and cares more about the immigrants. What is even more frustrating is that he did better than Vance in his election for governor. Still seems Bush Republicanism more popular than populist Republicanism

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Mike DeWine and his entire extended family deserves to be dropped off in Haiti in the middle of the night somewhere near the worst slum of the capital; hey Mikey: remember, diversity is your strength!

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President Kamala Harris is the worst case political scenario and even dopes like Jeff Bridges will find themselves praying for her demise about 6 months after she takes office. But folks like Kamala, Stalin and Mao are impossible to dislodge because they possess that rare talent of instilling maximum fear in the whole population.

My prediction is that Harris will remain in office until she dies of old age or until she expires in the nuclear war that she and her people believe will never escalate to nuclear.

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Regarding Haitians being sent here: I live near Springfield, Ohio. The question I ask is: Why is the United States obligated to take in all the poverty, hunger, and misery in the world? We already have a tremendous amount of problems in this country without having to add more of it!

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

My cat is watching as I type this quite happy and safe. In spite of the lies the "fact-checkers" at ABC spread the Internet is the antidote for them, and many are getting their information inoculations after the moderators spread their biased virus during the debate.

Yes, Martha Raddatz, the Haitians really are eating cats, and no, it's not racist to point it out. Yes, nine states allow third trimester and post-partum abortion. Yes, Abdul is the name of the Taliban's leader. Yes, American military forces are still active in theater. Yes, the debate moderator's fact-checks were all inaccurate (that's a polite way of saying they lied), and they spent the entire night defending their DEI candidate. I could wish ABC had their FCC license pulled after the stunt they pulled at the debate. It seems highly likely that, if they didn't give Harris the questions, they gave her the answers in the "prepping" she did beforehand. Yet, even Hellen Keller could tell it was a 3 against 1 debate.

Fortunately, the Internet and everyday folks who can use it began the next day spreading the word debunking these modern-day Tokyo Roses, and fortunately, the word is spreading fast that Trump was actually telling the truth about every point he brought up.

But, while this election is also about protecting our beloved pets, it's more about protecting our civilization. America is being transformed into a Third World country. You've been hammering about this issue for 20 years, Ann. You're one of few who have consistently been a Paul Revere on this topic. Victor Hanson wrote about it in "Mexifornia," and Pat Buchanan has also spoken about this issue extensively, along with the late Lou Dobbs.

The moderators didn't utter a word about the man who almost blew Trump's brains out. That's inexcusable. They raced over the Ukraine-Russia war and all discussion of foreign policy. Trump brought up the fact that America and the idiots in NATO are very close to igniting WWIII, but the moderators spent more time talking more about women's "reproductive rights." Billions of lives are at stake if America ends up with an incompetent president who directs a warmongering State Department and woke military to reinstate the draft so boots can be put on the ground in Ukraine. Launching WWIII seems to be their goal, and if we look back in history, it appears that Democrats are remarkably good at starting wars we have no business being in. Iraq and Vietnam are two that come to mind off the top of my head. Just remember: Mark Zuckerberg didn't spend millions to have a fortified underground bunker built for himself because he likes living like a Hobbit. But, just like the left loves its paganism, no matter what variety, (whether its Voodoo Haitians who eat dogs and cats, Climate Change Gaia worshippers, or Molochites who love infanticide) so it loves its endless wars. It's good for profits!

This election really is about preserving Western civilization from the Third World because, like the Langoliers in Steven King's book, they will eat it up if they're not stopped.

I just wish I could see you on stage with Trump at one of these rallies before the election, Ann. You are a powerful voice for sanity and reason, plus you're very funny, and I believe you would be a fantastic Attorney General (or any other cabinet position). PULEEEZE, for the love of the country, contact Trump and make nice.

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My one note on the gender disparity is that we have welcomed some completely retarded men into the conservasphere. Which, fine, I guess. They're voters too. But it's near impossible to be on social media as a young woman without seeing a plethora of """"right wing""" men calling unmarried 27-year-olds "expired" and "ran through" without knowing a thing about said woman's life besides the fact that she's single. The inceldry phenomenon has been, unfortunately, framed as a right wing "traditional" movement, and it's a huge turnoff to young women. JD Vance's 'childless cat lady' comments did not help. Not to mention conservative talking heads like Matt Walsh, who like to crow on and on about how any woman without children must be secretly miserable and self-hating; these pundits like to 'encourage' men to get married, but they flat-out berate women for being single above the age of 25. I'm not saying your theory is wrong. I just think the problem is multi-faceted. And the rhetoric is a real problem, with people like Andrew Tate being platformed by some of our party's talking heads–a deeply retarded person many laud as a "provocative truther" because, betwixt some of the most backwards social commentary one could conjure, he *occasionally* states some very obvious facts that even a monkey implicitly understands. Oh, and his way of relaying these "facts" to his wide audience typically employs empathetic and humanizing terms like "dumb hoes" and "bitches." Anyways. I'm not surprised women are departing the party en masse, if that is, in fact, the case. Saw a right wing "Christian Husband Father" on X last week fantasize about how, when Armageddon inevitably arrives, men will "exclude all females" from their "survival cells," as women are useless and dependent. Idk man. The right wing male discourse online is just stupid as hell, laughable even. I'm a conservative Gen Z women, and I believe the two sexes have different strengths and capabilities, but I don't particularly *enjoy* being called a bitch, or a dumb hoe, or–LOL–told that, as a woman, I likely have no REAL desire or drive to be productive in any capacity (this has happened). Of course this rhetoric isn't even conservative or right wing or Biblical or WHATEVER. But it's FRAMED as such. Which is the problem.

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The Republican Party is a mess because we aren’t Manson cultists like the Democrats. We will die as independent thinkers who have our own interests at heart. Not great for winning elections though.

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Seriously GREAT and detailed podcast on so many things going wrong in America. This podcast picked up where the 9/13/24 "Of course, it's the Debate" left off and I'm glad this podcast continued with Haiti as we watch America self-destruct. I am one of those "born again" Christians, believing in those Judeo-Christian beliefs and ethics. While no one knows when the "end of the world" is coming, except those climate people, to me "it" seems closer. Many probably felt the same during Nero & Caligula's reign. Genghis Khan was downright evil. Stalin, Hitler, Japan's Tojo and Mussolini's era had to seem like the end of the world as well. Chairman Mao was alive in my life-time: also heinous. They were brutal killers.

But now we are destroying our own country without having an obvious despot in power. Who is our closest ally? Canada? Maybe geologically, but Canada has changed. England? Wow, has England changed - open borders hurt them, along with France, Belgium, the Netherlands. Maybe it's USA and Israel. But VP Kamala and a few others in Congress strongly disagree. (Could you ever imagine Palestinian flags in NYC and so many universities?) The changing of America was insidious - but now it's broadcast openly. Ann saw it coming: "Adios America." How is it that trans-people are reading books to kindergarten children? It's funny - so many of our young adults were raised on Harry Potter and love the idea of witchcraft. It's cute- the good vs evil. J.K. Rowling made a lot of money with children's stories. But that's not what voodoo is about: cute kids and magic potions - destroying Voltemort. Voodoo originated in Africa. It includes torturing animals and people - babies and children - sacrificing them in some 3rd, 4th and 5th world cultures. The practice of raping women to clear themselves of disease. And this is being brought into our country with some people having the idea that "We can save them. We can help them. We can change them." But that's not WHY they were brought here. This is no missionary program by the Democrats. As Ann well pointed out, this is about securing votes and having cheap labor. Run their children through our liberal education system, tell them America is evil, our Constitution must be abolished and remake America into some new World Order. But if you say that - you are racist and full of conspiratory theories.

So what if Haitians are eating cats, dogs, rats, swans, eagles, etc. Who is to say what animals can and cannot be eaten. (God had a little bit to say about that, actually.) We don't torture our meals! We don't "sacrifice" our meals. Even the kosher killing of chickens is instantaneous without pain to the animal.

Want to help Haitians IN Haiti? (Don't send money to the Clintons!) Support honest missionaries who go to Haiti and live and work there. Support Doctors Without Borders. Support Samaritan's Purse. Bringing 20,000 people and "dumping them" in a small town does not work. Dumping 40,000 Somali's hasn't worked out in Minnesota - except for maybe Ilhan Abdullahi Omar, who believes in SOMALI FIRST.

I don't think Trump can fix this. I don't see how he can deport so many people to many countries.

Maybe we are closer to the "new heaven and new earth:"


Where the "asphalt" of the road is pure gold.

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I remember hearing that NPR testosterone story many many years ago. I checked their archives and found it was originally aired in 2002:


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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

We learned, and if not by now, then it will never be learned, that the Office of President is indeed a cover for the will of, not the American People but the Pharoahs of Industry. The vetted turkeys, those who have been awarded blue ribbons by the Pharoahs, who are offered for the award of the title of POTUS have proven their thespian skills and loyalty. The only exception in more than a quarter centry of lousy acting is DJT. The Senate and House, houses of overseerers of the slaves fulfill their function of writing lousy legislation that only aids the Pharoahs by providing legal cover for the actions of the so called deep, in your face, not so deep state. Has DJT learned anything? Given that he participated in a charade called a debate, I seriously have my reservations. If he survives, miracle number one, and becomes President, mircale number two, I hope like heck he takes to heart what J.D. Vance will offer him, miracle number 3.

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As far as testosterone goes, if guys would lose the man buns and ride motorcycles rather than scooters .. perhaps they would not end up working for NPR😎

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Trump must be pretty confident he is going to win if he’s playing golf all day!

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