Excellent as always. One point- the left has apparently altered their mass shooting rule, loosely about 3 or more victims in a single incident, because it turns out the rule they made to go after guns doesn't help when they want to go after (target? Where's Sarah Palin?) whites. So the new rule is a mass shooting is a when a white person…
Excellent as always. One point- the left has apparently altered their mass shooting rule, loosely about 3 or more victims in a single incident, because it turns out the rule they made to go after guns doesn't help when they want to go after (target? Where's Sarah Palin?) whites. So the new rule is a mass shooting is a when a white person shoots three or more people with a weapon Democrats would like to ban for law abiding citizens (or legal immigrants! also known as "suckers" who care about following the law).
Excellent as always. One point- the left has apparently altered their mass shooting rule, loosely about 3 or more victims in a single incident, because it turns out the rule they made to go after guns doesn't help when they want to go after (target? Where's Sarah Palin?) whites. So the new rule is a mass shooting is a when a white person shoots three or more people with a weapon Democrats would like to ban for law abiding citizens (or legal immigrants! also known as "suckers" who care about following the law).