As a New York Times subscriber I listened to that interview between Ezra Klein and Vivek.

I recorded my immediate impression on X, November 19th:

“Two children of immigrants to this country, neither of whom are Christian, telling Americans what America is.”

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Good point. I have said this for years. Why do we put foreigners in charge of our policies and national security? I can see math related, crunching numbers or something. But national security issues? And NO DUAL CITIZENS should be anywhere near national security? How did Gorka, a triple country citizen, worm his way into the USA national security? Also the Hindmans and Fiona Hill, who were foreign born. Americans are very gullible.

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Vivek’s point about being American is legally true but ridiculous from a common sense standpoint. Does he truly believe that an Iraqi Muslim coming to US 2 years ago and gaining US citizenship is just as American as George Bush? And one thing I have noticed with liberals (embarrassing that a supposed conservative makes this argument) is that suddenly how long you have been here is important when it comes to “Native Americans “, an expression I loathe.

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Vivek is just a fast talking con, like Obama.

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Vivek is in no way, shape, or form for massive legal immigration. When he was running for president he supported a total moratorium on legal immigration (including elite immigration). Vivek says how insane it is that the USA’s education system has abandoned white male students in public schools and refuse to teach American kids a comprehensive STEM curriculum. So, now we just systematically import foreigners to free STEM programs in top elite universities . And then once the foreigners graduate they bring over his whole family and stays forever. These are GOOD jobs American men should have. There’s no reason to import them but in the most extreme circumstances. So, that’s just one example - Vivek is not for legal immigration.

This is not that speech bc there’s too many to search. But this is a speech at NatCon from when Vivek was running for president last year. Vivek is seriously brilliant.

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"GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy told Elon Musk Friday that he favors more immigration into skilled U.S. jobs and that former President Donald Trump made a “poor decision” by exiting the Pacific-region free trade treaty.


About 20 minutes into the conversation, Ramaswamy also argued for more migration after Musk called for more migration:

I agree with that. I actually fully agree with that. And that’s one of the things where I think the Republican Party needs to define where we actually stand. There is an anti-legal immigration current [mood among voters] … I’m going to be on the debate stage in a month, and if anybody has any qualms with this, I think I’m gonna have a real problem with that because merit-based immigration is one of the fixes to economic growth in this country."


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His response made me snort. First, that he said you were “undereducated” on the qualifications to be a U.S. President” …………… but then that he actually said something true - that you believe a person’s Americanness is directly tied to how many generations one’s family has been in this country.

What, so having an opinion makes you “undereducated” now? What about that opinion is “undereducated,” Vivek… if I move to India and gain citizenship for fun, I might be an Indian on paper. But am I INDIAN, really? Does that passport imbue me with an inherent belief in the caste system and a strong desire to worship Vishnu? Citizenship is one thing. ETHNICITY and CULTURE is quite another. Wanting a person with a deep sense of your country’s CULTURE to run your COUNTRY is not irrational or “undereducated”

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Hence the vital distinction between Americans and U.S. citizens.

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Yes. Character counts. Thank you Ann. Slow and steady wins the race. Strength and a strong moral compass do as well. A bit worried about lack of both on leftist side. (Biden pardoning his son does not help his son and it showed they strongly believe American citizens are suckers) When someone is a strong person with a strong moral compass, folks continually try to dis credit them by taking shots at them. Your reputation clearly speaks for itself. That is why the arrows go toward you in tumultuous times. I have hope Vivek will do good things, but at the same time he must learn there are no shortcuts. Loose lips sink ships.

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Today is a good time to say there is a real distinction between public and private lies.

Joe Biden lied multiple times to America about whether he would pardon his son. He had others lie about that for him as well. That lie served a blatantly political purpose, which was to enable him and the Democratic Party to assert moral superiority over their political opponent.

The goal was clear: to gain votes by casting himself and his party as more faithful to democratic ideals.

That is the kind of lie any voter should find insulting and disqualifying. Adultery pales beside it.

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Couldn’t agree more. And I care more about whether a public figure lies to his voters than to his wife.

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If one lies to their spouse they certainly will ie to you, me and anyone else as they see fit. I don’t trust a liar.

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Please talk about Trump’s DEA pick, Chad Chronister, in your next podcast about his appointments. Conservatives in Tampa Bay know he’s a liberal disaster- time to hold feet to the fire.

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Teamsters were once asked why they voted for such obvious crooks to lead their union. Their near unanimous response was, "...because they deliver the bacon."

Character would be nice to have. Jimmy Carter, after all, was an honorable man, but he was also incompetent.

Trump displays a few character flaws, but he will deliver plenty of bacon to REAL AMERICANS who voted for him.

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I think Vivek will do an amazing job with his upcoming position, but my thing with Vivek is that if he felt that way about your comments, he shouldve been man enough to debate you Ann on his podcast. He won't say to you what he's said in other interviews about you. I don't like some of Trump's picks, but we'll see what happens. Great podcast, Ann.

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Don’t trust him. He comes across to me as slick and talks too much.

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When he appears as a guest on any of the Fox news shows, I fast-forward or mute until he is no longer a guest.

Also I remember him agreeing with Elon Musk about the moronic idea of vastly increasing legal immigration; he and his entire family should be sent back to India with extreme prejudice!

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Napoleon fooled around a lot. Wellington fooled around as did Lord Nelson as did Admiral Ernest King. All were great at the war business. The Secretary of Defense will be in the war business. If Mr. Hegseth can do something to make that bloated monster of ineffectualness, the American military, better at the war business, I am willing to overlook his infidelities.

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In Mike Royko's book 'Boss' about Richard J. Daley he writes that the one thing the Boss would not stand for was infidelity. You could take a kick back from the road builder and stuff a ballot box but cheating on your wife would end your political future. I'm not sure if its a disqalifier but you have made me question my opinion of Pete. Kash, Bobbie, and Huckabee are stand up guys but Kristi Noem is a botox disaster but women can be Trump's kryptonite.

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I think Homan is more important than Noem (why not make him head of homeland security, and can we change that name, it has always sounded so Germany 1939 to me). Nevertheless, while I have joked earlier about how killing the puppy probably means she won't shed a tear for deportees, I have to admit she always creeped me out a bit. She often wears too much makeup, and it is applied badly. There I said it. There is something about that that has always set off my crazy radar (cradar?). The other thing is how as Ann points out; she threw in the towel in a heartbeat on the men playing women's sports issue. Can we start playing to win now for crying out loud on these issues instead of capitulating? I don't know how I feel about Nancy Mace, but I am not going to throw her under the bus to placate that weirdo from Delaware (I know, which one!).

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I also noticed that she often wears too much makeup; it is a red flag indeed.

The Dept. of "Homeland Security" should be dissolved on day one; it is a monstrosity spawned by bonehead Bush after 911!

Also as a general rule, men should be in charge of agencies related to security and defense and intelligence; Tulsi Gabbard as the Director of national Intelligence will be a disaster.

In general, women are too emotional and not rational enough to be able to properly perform in those high-level security positions.

Tulsi cannot be trusted because she is so thick that it took her forever to realize that the Dems are nothing more than a motley crew of far-left kooks and antiwhite racists as well as a coven of profoundly deranged abortion-obsessed degenerates.

I fear that Trump is still naive and overly sentimental in his cabinet picks.

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"cradar" I have to agree ktrip and thanks for the laugh.

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Yea loved the ‘which weirdo’. Maybe you at a podcast mic

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Ann, one thing that really annoys me is serial philanderers, I never knew one who retired. Noem should probably stay in South Dakota.

If Ramaswamy and Musk are allowed to do some house cleaning they could make a big impact or they could get Hillaried. It’s going to be interesting. 😎

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And I agree that character matters.Dlls

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I think it may be appropriate to make some allowance for Pete Hegseth's history. He came back from war with PTSD. Whatever conventional treatment he had, if any, didn't help much. As I understand it he separated himself from everyone for some weeks or months and worked on it on his own. Some people who are very strong can do this, but it doesn't produce a complete cure. I know about it because my daughter went through recovering from PTSD. The reliving of the trauma when it's triggered and the nightmares may have gone but what often remains are difficulties with personal relationships, a quicker temper than than they had and alcohol problems. To quote a leading psychiatrist in the area alcohol is a, "method of temporarily effective self treatment of undiagnosed PTSD". When his book about his recovery came out, I googled him and found the three marriages and set out loud to myself, "gotcha"! His present wife is either an informed and understanding lady or his condition has improved... or the fact that they are both at Fox News keeps him behaving himself. This is the question I think you should ask.

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No new immigrant of India should ever be put in a position of power, anyone less than third generation born in the USA. Just take a look at Toronto, London and Sweden (or how parts of Africa were treated and the Caribbean)

And, by the way, why do we place anyone who was not born in the USA in any national security positions? That includes Gorka, the Hindmans and Fiona Hill. It is just not very smart.

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From the Babylon Bee 😄:

Patel, Ramaswamy To Celebrate Inauguration With Traditional Bollywood Ceremony


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