Respectfully, it’s one thing to say “He’s a loser. Who cares?“.

It’s another thing to insult my intelligence and insist that there was no fraud. It played out right smack in our faces. I had never felt so powerless and furious before in my entire life. I was fuming. I’m getting fed up with public voices looking the other way.

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Of course there was fraud, there always is. But had he kept his central campaign promises he would have won re-election without question, 49 states like Reagan and Nixon. When you win big, they can’t cheat.

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His win was so enormous that it took them an extra four days to cheat him out of it.

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Yes, Trump received a large total, more than 2016, but the single reason he won in 2016 wasn't total votes, but that he miraculously won northern Rust Belt states--which GOP E had always ignored. In 2020 Trump lost those states. His 2016 Rust Belt voters were white Obama voters, many had voted for Obama twice. These many, many white voters in northern states have been there for the taking for decades but the GOP E would rather lose than earn more white voters. GOP E's constant complaint is that they need more minority votes--which is fine, but it means GOP doesn't want to win electoral votes, just wants to lose then blame GOP voters for being racist. Jared canceled tv ad buys in Rust Belt states in Oct, just weeks before the election.

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A very late reply. Stop deluding yourself about the “white vote”. In 2016, there was the usual fatigue after 8 years of an incumbent President, many independents usually swing to the candidate of the other party for change. Trump quickly made the public tired of him by the end of his 1st term. Stop buffing up the “white vote”. That’s the only shrinking voting bloc in the country. Some 14m baby-boomers died in the last 8 years. Vast majority of them are whites. And many whites are woke and some don’t care.

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A very late reply. No, in 2016, there was the usual fatigue after 8 years of an incumbent President, many independents usually swing to the candidate of the other party for change. Trump quickly made the public tired of him by the end of his 1st term. Stop buffing up the “white vote”. That’s the only shrinking voting bloc in the country. Some 14m baby-boomers died in the last 8 years. Vast majority of them are whites.

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It's funny how people who hate Trump are perfectly comfortable with what went on during election night 2020. They have zero curiosity how the most unique thing in election day history took place where 5 swing States all shut down with Trump ahead. Trump lost the white vote based on what? Based on the ballot stuffing numbers? Or those always reliable pollsters? Ann you hate him and think he is incompetent. Maybe you can explain what happened to ISIS, Why there were no new wars under his administration and why the economy was booming for 4 years.

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This article reminds me of Trump. In Dinesh D’Souza’s “Stupid Movie,” name calling masks the insights and value of the main point — specific disappointments worth remembering — but ultimately, the article veers from its purpose, where its bold assertions born of frustration are neither persuasive nor true.

Fortunately or unfortunately, 2000 Mules is not stupid. It's profound. But admitting its veracity is anathema to Trump opponents, both Republicans and Democrats. It’s also a problem for all those claiming that 2020 was the most secure election in history. What if all those foisting the “Big Lie” narrative were found to be the liars? In any case, adding the fact that Donald Trump gets to say, “I told you so” is simply unacceptable. Far better to add on the latest big lie projection, that 2000 Mules has been debunked, even though it hasn’t.

Unlike Democrats and Liz Cheney, for example, Ann doesn’t merely refer to the movie as debunked and move on as if the matter were decided. Unfortunately, one of the three reasons she lists is irrelevant and two of the reasons she lists are are just silly. It seems that Ann was in a hurry to get to her second point, that Trump lost a lot of white male votes from 2016 to 2020 and why that was. I wish she would have written about that and left Dinesh out of it, just like Fox News, where ignoring the movie has moved beyond silly to just embarrassing.

Of course, it should go without saying, but obviously doesn’t, that all Americans ought to care about the shenanigans brought to light in 2000 Mules, regardless of whether they supported Trump or not.

Sadly, that’s not the case. One might expect the downplaying of widespread fraud — and indeed that’s what illegal ballot harvesting is — from Democrats. Unfortunately, watching Republicans dismiss the charges while revealing or at least giving the strong impression that they haven’t even seen the movie, is disheartening.

Prior to 2000 Mules, one could say with a straight face that there was no hard evidence of widespread voter fraud. After 2000 Mules, that entire notion is out the window. Instead, people who don’t want to give Trump any ammunition for anything are left to craft the best arguments they can. They use straw men while ignoring the strongest evidence completely.

For example, Ann’s second point is that: “In all five battleground states D'Souza considers, it is perfectly legal for third parties to drop off ballots for others, with varying degrees of lenience.” This is 100 percent true. And it’s a straw man. If you’ve seen the movie, it’s obvious that no one is talking about dropping off ballots for family members, except in one case in Georgia, where a man is seen on video stuffing multiple ballots into the box. According to published articles, Georgia officials identified this man from his license plate and established that he had enough family members where he could have been dropping off their ballots, though we have no know way of knowing if such self-serving statements were true.

But it doesn’t matter. One person doesn’t deny the thousands of people where the very specific cell phone data — and the months of painstaking effort it took to analyze it — clearly show individuals going to a drop box and stopping at it, and then going to another drop box, and stopping at it. And then another drop box, etc. For example, a single person might have gone to 10-12 different drop boxes in 4-6 different counties — and many of these drop-offs were in the middle of the night between 1:00 and 4:00 in the morning. These are clearly not drop-offs for other family members in the mule’s household.

Likewise, Ann’s first point, that cellphone tracking isn't precise enough to distinguish between liberal activists stuffing drop boxes, and store owners, police officers, delivery men and others who have perfectly legitimate reasons to be within a few yards of the same drop box every day. First, to say it’s not precise enough is ridiculous. Cell phone location data is at least as accurate as a few yards, as anyone who’s ever gone Geocaching or used Find My iPhone can attest.

Second, it’s not about just going by a drop box every day. It’s about going to multiple boxes in a row, with brief stops at each one – in the middle of the night. Third, some but not all of the drop boxes actually have video. So where a mule is making stops at 10 or 12 drop boxes at a time, one or more of them might be on video. And then you can see the mule pulling up to the drop box, wearing gloves, then stuffing a bunch of ballots in the box, then removing their gloves, and then hurrying on to the next drop box. The rest of the drop boxes for that mule for that day are seen in the cell phone data, even though you could only see the mule in one or two videos. Again, these are clearly not people dropping off ballots for their household.

As one example of arguments people make, on December 21st, some ballot harvesters were indicted in Arizona because of fingerprints on the ballots. The very next day – across all five of the states analyzed – the ballot mules began wearing gloves. In some of the “debunking” articles, writers have tried to claim, well, that’s no evidence. It was in December; they could have been cold. Or they could have been wearing the gloves for Covid. Fortunately, there are videos of enough of the drop boxes to see that what really happened was the day after the Arizona indictments, hundreds or thousands of mules across all five states immediately began wearing latex medical gloves, not winter gloves or anything like that. And these are people who had not worn gloves the day before. Moreover, in one drop box’s video, you can see a mule approach the drop box with a bunch of ballots to insert. She inserts all the ballots and then immediately removes her latex gloves and throws them in the trash can. This is clearly not someone dropping off ballots for her family.

Finally, many of the videos show the mule dropping off the ballots and then taking a picture of the drop box on their phone. Not a selfie of themselves in front of the drop box (“I voted!”), but just a picture of the drop box, obviously to prove with the time and date stamp that they made the delivery. And then the cell phone data can show that they went and made however many other drop offs that night.

In the end, there are many more important facts about the detailed and extensive work that True the Vote has done on this issue, as shown in the 2000 Mules documentary. Anyone who is curious can search for Dinesh D’Souza on YouTube. His channel contains his daily podcast in which he carefully goes through the main “debunking” articles that have surfaced. He goes through them and debunks the “debunkers” point by point. In fact, there are many other attempted arguments that have come up, but all of them easily answered as you will see if you watch D’Souza’s answers to the issues raised.

If you haven’t seen the movie, watch it for yourself. Yes, more steps are needed from law enforcement to follow up with subpoenas and investigate actual mules to talk to them in person. But even if that never happens, it’s beyond obvious that there was widespread illegal ballot harvesting.

In short, it’s appalling that this happened. And it’s appalling that Republicans who aren’t Trump fans are carrying water for Democrats and those trying to maintain the real Big Lie that the 2020 election was just fine. Nothing to see here, move along.

Until 2000 Mules, there was nothing to see. But now there is. Go see it for yourself and don’t accept lame arguments or assertions that 2000 Mules has been in any way debunked.

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I agree with you about everything except "2000 Mules." It goes into a lot more detail than you mention. The people they tracked had to visit more than five different drop boxes. GPS signals are accurate to within 2.1 feet 95% of the time. (https://www.gps.gov/systems/gps/performance/accuracy/) They tracked people from New Jersey crossing into Philadelphia and going to multiple ballot boxes, then doing it again. I'm not sold it would have reversed the election, but it's enough that some cops should find those mules and ask some tough questions. I can find (and have found) evidence of voter fraud from my own PC by checking out-of-state college students who voted in two states in 2016. I've seen a poll worker pick up a "damaged" ballot, mark it straight D, then put it in the scanner. I'm not at all surprised that a serious investigation would find more fraud.

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I went to bed election night at about 10:30-10:45. Trump was up over 800,000 votes. Tell me how an opponent legitimately makes up 800,000 votes and wins by what , 100,000. It doesn’t happen. It does not happen.

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“When I went to bed” is an astoundingly useless metric for determining vote counts.

Larger areas with more people take longer to count, and those areas also lean left. It’s not difficult to understand.

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Yeah, Ann was adopting the CNN argument. The bitch hates Trump so much it makes her stupid.

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Would be nice if Ann actually watched the movie "2000 Mules" cuz based on her comments it's pretty clear she did NOT! Disappointing the lack of substance on the movie!

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With all due respect Ann, how can you say there was no election fraud when we're all saw how poll watchers weren't allowed to observe ballot counting. How in Michigan they covered up the windows of ballot booths with plywood. On election night in states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin Trump was leading by a bigger margin than he did in 2016, when they stopped ballot counting around midnight only to resume the counting few hours later with Biden suddenly leading by a hundred thousands votes. It was obvious that Democrats dumped enough fraudulent ballots in to sway the election for Biden. Otherwise there would be no need to keep GOP poll watchers from the ballot booths.

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Brutal and spot-on, Ann. You could also point out that every MAGA male Trump hired was subsequently stabbed in the back by Jared and then thrown under the bus and publicly humiliated by Trump.

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"Liked by Ann Coulter" So we know that you actually read the comments. Why, then, don't you respond to the substantive critiques of your article?

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Like Blade Canyon, I agree with you on Trump's shortcomings, but not about 2000 Mules. Even watching the two-minute trailer at https://2000mules.com/ should prove there's more there than you suggest. To be considered a mule, a person had to be tracked to at least 10 drop boxes while also tracking to one or more progressive NGOs. One person mentioned in the trailer was tracked on a single night to 27 drop boxes across six counties. Then there are the videos of mules stuffing backpacks full of ballots into drop boxes at 1 am in the morning and taking cell phone photos of the boxes in order to be paid. The fraud was rampant.

As for January 6, see Revolver News for their great analysis of the unindicted conspirators like Ray Epps (most of the names aren't known) who tore down the fences and breached the barricades long before Trump finished speaking a mile away. Were real Trump supporters stupid to enter the open doors at the Capitol? Of course. Even a NYT reporter was caught on tape by Project Veritas admitting there were tons of FBI and other government operatives mixed in with the crowd organizing the breech.

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Coulter's gone off the reservation. I'm done with her for good now. It's as though she's taking the payday and calling it quits on America. The great Phyllis Schlafly wouldn't have concentrated her attack on Trump, ignoring the fraud our elections have become. She especially wouldn't have attacked a great man like Dinesh D'Souza, who apparently values election integrity in his adopted country much more than to-the-manor-born, entitled, silver spoon-fed Ann.

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I agree with you on some things (frustration with Trump's personnel choices are top of that list) but I'm sorry, your analysis implies Trump lost votes and support in 2020. He did not. He gained over 10 million votes from his 2016 win. Your commentary also ignores what was admitted openly in Time magazine: that NGOs were specifically funded and deployed to defeat Trump (https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/). 2000 Mules helps to unravel what those NGOs did to "save the election."

I don't mind you bashing the movie to forward your ongoing feud with Trump but as much as you accuse the Deplorables of being blinded by loyalty, IMHO you suffer from the same "cognitive dissonance." Almost every poll shows a majority of Americans believe there was cheating in the 2020 election (https://ussanews.com/2022/05/25/poll-most-still-suspect-cheating-in-2020-election/)... some, as you can see by these comments, are people who adore your work and efforts and subscribe to this new (awesome) Substack. I hope you will reconsider your stance, that we are the only biased ones (https://anncoulter.substack.com/p/reply-to-jesse-on-my-dinesh-column?).

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No wall, no repeal of Obamacare, no tax on remittances to Mexico, begged congress to codify the dream act so he could sign it, kept the “lines around the states” for health insurance. Any monkey with an R could’ve passed tax cuts with a Republican House and Senate. We elected him to do the hard stuff and he balked.

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I completely agree, but Trump isn't a child rapist and that's why the swamp hates him. He's a lesser evil, and next time you reflect on what you pay for ANYTHING, you could maybe acknowledge that, with all his stupidity and failings and lying, crude, gauche Trump would have done much better by America.

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No pardon for Assange.

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Yeah, Trump's an asshole, but still he won. If DeSantis runs I'll gladly vote for him, but will HE keep his promises? You never know 'til they get in, and then who knows what threats the CIA makes?

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The list goes on

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Well, that essay was interesting.

Down to it. First I have to start with the darling of the right, President Regan. Oh my how he took down the wall, the Soviet Union in ashes. That was ok, maybe, since we were fed the traditional bullshit from the CIA and other worthless intel agencies about the threat being so grave and when the wall came down, o my they weren’t nearly that much of a threat. And then to consolidate this ‘victory’ what pray tell has arisen in it’s wake? The collapse of the Soviet Union was good for 3 years that’s it. It wasn’t VE Day/ it’s not even a footnote.

Second don’t start on me about oh but now comes the ‘real’ man, Ron deSantis. I like him but don’t go wobbly with joy. Trump was the real deal and so is de Santis. Trump betrayed us all on DACA. He did not betray us on the border. The haters and the rhinos did everything they could to ruin everything. I knew from the start the dossier and that crap was made up. Then an inappropriate phone call. I knew it was crap. He was surrounded by traitors and various other human trash.John Bolton, give me a break. Liars all. But if only he didn’t twitte or what ever that stupid word is. I never remember him initiating any harmful derogatory language toward any American. He responded to the sickest, most disrespectful, hurtful crap that the scum in this country could lay on him. I suppose he should have taken the Bush aprroach. Be dignified, honor the office. Hear any respectful comments about Bush’s dignity now that time has tempered passions ? fuck no. Ann I don’t care what The NY Times prints. I don’t believe it. It’s not news. It’s lies. Why would you cite this as some point made? what point ? It’s fucking crap. Trump sickened me when he did the ‘criminal justice reform’. Sickening and I won’t forget that shit. The doors are open boys, enjoy. Obama’ s stink is all over this country. That’s who facilitated all of the worst that these facists brought against Trump. It makes me gag to heard ‘conservatives ‘ refer to the facists as ‘progressive/ or liberal. These animals are facists. So work your ass off to trash Trump. Maybe de santis will be the real deal, if it comes down to him. Hear Mitch or Kevin singing the DE SANTIS PRAISES? He’s not their man. Well maybe they’ll be able to keep him from twitting and everything will be good.

And I’m not done yet.

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Why is DACA so scary to you?

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So Ann obviously hates Trump so much that she's willing to overlook the overwhelming evidence that Biden's fraud team stole the election, and as the basement dummy destroys the nation she apparently wants only to kick the idiot who let Biden do it. It's understandable, but not a solution. As bad as Trump is, he's better than Shadow Obama by far, and Ann has no solutions in mind for America, and that could be why she is whoring for the left now. I was a huge Ann fan, but now she'll never enjoy my fandom again, and while she couldn't care less, she'll also never know the well-honed lovemaking techniques with which I could have turned her synapses inside out and sent them to the stars, so dammit - this Faux-list Schlafly just blew it big time. Maybe next life, sweetheart!

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Here's D'Souza himself discussing the accuracy and relevance of geotracking in just a few minutes:


Interestingly, he notes the left has no problem with geotracking when used to prove "trespassing" in the Capitol or Capitol grounds on 1/6/2021.

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Dear Ann, I thought that the cell phones of today are accurate enough. D'Souza often had videotape of the perps such that the precision of their location data could be matched with their image on camera. Many if not most times the drops were made late at night when few if any other people would be around.

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DOB accurate, Ann. I had high hopes for Dinesh’s documentary but if you are truthful and objective, it did not prove its thesis. Please, people, give up on Trump and rally behind Trump 2.0 (all the ego flaws fixed).! That would be DeSantis.

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Too many Trump cult behaving like left wing where we are not allowed to criticize anything about Trump - then you know they are supporting celebrity than by the rule / constitution politician for the people. I was originally hoping Trump 2024 and DeSantis the following 8 years so that Republican use 12 years to rebuild. However the more I learn about some of the bad sides of his presidency (starting with Javanka and all the Goldman club) I began to think maybe we need to really wake up and go for the most solid player, DeSantis 2024. Thanks Ann for writing something like this that too many right wing are afraid of being criticized by our own party.

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