Sep 14, 2022·edited Sep 14, 2022

Nothing like killing off your national sport - go Canada 🇨🇦 Are we observing Canada committing suicide?

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Maybe Trudeau should take in all of our illegals and refugees to offset the hockey inclusion problem.

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You know, Paul, as a conservative, you would have sided with the King and against the colonists and their quest for a better life free of oppression in a new land. The real Paul Revere would have understood the plight of those desperate poor asylum-seekers you revile. Are you sure you didn’t choose this nickname because you just like the idea of resenting authority?

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The real Paul Revere valued Liberty. Illegals are stealing my liberty. Don’t be an idiot.

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Paul, do not waste your time with fools.

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I don’t seek them out. I have never once on this platform sought out a liberal troll, because that would be a waste of my time, but that is lost in their small minds. They attack first and then are instantly offended when their BS is called out. If you don’t see that illegal immigration is destroying this Country from multiple angles and is still a violation of INA and Federal Code, how do you deal with that display of ignorance? If you think marijuana usage has our prisons filled to the brim, you are stupid beyond explanation.

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Narcostates are violating their people’s human rights, hence their liberty. You’re an idiot if you think these people are stealing YOUR liberty in your comfy home and lawful country. You’re just selfish and devoid of human sympathy.

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You are a Communist. GFY

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And you haven’t a clue what I’ve done in my life for the underprivileged and for children, so I don’t need lectures from people that are beyond ignorant of facts, and who operate by feelings or stealth tyrannical motives.

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Communist. Feelings. Stealth tyrannical motives. Paranoid?

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The failed war on drugs has diminished our liberties far more than any illegals. No knock raids, violations of 4th and 5th amendments, police immunity, militarized police forces, forced blood testing, prison-industrial complex, etc. have all contributed to the steady decline in our liberties. Don't be an idiot.

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There’s a response but you don’t deserve it because you are low information. But, way to go conflating issues. Typical Communist Democrat debate tactic.

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Typical asshat debate tactic to call people names. Most cops I know have big egos and you sound just like one of them.

Conflating issues? Low information? Sounds like you don't have a retort. Otherwise you would have typed it out. :-)

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You haven’t raised one legitimate, provable fact in two days, so GFY. Sorry if the acronym offends you. We’ve been over your deficiencies. You are a jack wad getting off on being a troll. Last response forever.

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Strangely, this sort of thing 'always' seems to go only in one direction...not that it would make it right to spread the misery around to all, but I'm rather doubtful that there will be a similar hysteria directed at basketball teams, football teams and other sporting entities that tend do lean more toward black player majorities. This follows the general trend in academia of avoiding the concept of merit entirely and making all decisions through the corrupt race/gender/wokeness lens, and it flies in the face of the entire purpose of team sports and of the public's interest in them.

America has always been about encouraging the best to rise to the top and I don't believe this decision will be appreciated by those outside of the University Wokeness Bubble, but then I don't believe the administrators who make such decisions care at all. They obviously are fully aware of the complete collapse of ratings and public interest in football and other pro sports after the BLM/kneeling idiocy gained steam and they go ahead with this madness in spite of years of proof that the public doesn't like it...at all.

It's almost as though these highly renumerated administrators and staffers were thinking to themselves "What can we do to REALLY stick it to White people?" That appears to be primarily what most of academia is about these days, and we will suffer mightily for it in the future. With airlines now hiring PILOTS based on race, movies not being eligible for consideration of industry awards if the actors AND everyone else on the movie project are not sufficiently non-white, and books are commonly rejected by publishers if they are not sufficiently 'woke', the afterburners have been switched on as Western Civilization spirals down into the turgid cauldron of another Dark Age.

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Considering the hatred that is currently permeates in Western Academia, it won't be exaggeration to suggest that white people will face extermination, when thanks to left-wing policies, minorities gonna become a majority.

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This is just such white self-loathing, such civilizational suicide. Let me guess, the Math Club is still humming along even though all the members in it are Asian.

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We witnessing the demolition of Western Civilization, anything Blacks can't excel (whether it's algebra, hockey) is abolished as "non inclusive".

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Everything is TOO WHITE! and straight.

It's en Vogue to be brown, blk, gay, lesbian, trans--- anything but white.

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This is the future of the USA! The reason Trump lost was not because of the Dems but the Rino Republicans. Now you are reaping what you have sown,! Enjoy!

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As a kid, we played anything that came our way but I couldn't skate and never learned to.

As an adult, I don't follow any sports with the exception being hockey. Only late in life did it catch my interest when the Rangers lost the cup in 2014. The teamwork and effort to win the cup is unmatched.

"I" doesn't fit well in hockey jargon. Unfortunately, woke is now wacking hockey.

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Justin is very proud.

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So, what happens to all those basketball scholarships when somebody realizes James Naismith was a straight white male?

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The Mt Royal fascists put together this hate statement simply to do as much damage to these young guys as possible since they can’t just kill them outright.

If you can’t skate then you can’t play ice hockey.

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Why didn’t they just say “But wait - We’re all gay!”

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What ever happened to the glory days of Canadian hockey when GOATs like Gordie Howe took pride in recalling their pond hockey roots when they stuffed their seaters with old newspapers for padding?

What is making no sense to me is why cut the intramural hockey program and keep the varsity hockey program (of course the disjoint logic of most liberal dogma makes no sense)

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At this point it's a demoralization campaign. There must be a solution.

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Equity, eh? Turdeau, eh?

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