It’s only shocking that she got as close as she did. Complete nonsense from the left.

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That’s the unnerving part. Along with the charade of defending her as if she’s the most accomplished & gifted black women. Anyone who defended her is a liar or mentally deficient.

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Right! I was looking at results in 2016 and she did worse than Hillary! U would think the left would not try this again but I guess they thought getting a WOC would move the needle but nope

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Joy, joy, joy!!! soooo joyful that we are f-i-n-a-l-l-y “unburdened by what has been “.

The universe has circled back with a self inflicted extinction event against the haters and oppressors of the normies. Praise be to Natural Selection.

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It’s amazing that there are as many vacuous people as the number who voted for Harris…perhaps the least intelligent and most hysterical presidential candidate in history. And that includes Hillary.

But then again, I never realized there were so many graduates of Oprah College and the University of The View where every thesis is a presentation of mindless outrage and hormonal obsession all culminating with a crescendo of tears.

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Yeah Dan... I would say dems are split between (1) vacuous and (2) weak minded people (influenced by dem propaganda and life-long dem indoctrination) -- which is understandable but not justifiable.

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There was a time when “education” was an exercise in developing critical thought.

Critical thinking can be as simple as 2+2 either does or doesn’t equal 4.

Now students are groomed, beginning in pre-school, to march like lemmings through an “education” which is nothing more than brainwashing.

Ain’t it great that 2+2 can be anything the handlers deem it to be and becomes unquestioned gospel to the marching lemmings.

We are lucky that God gave civilization warriors like Ann.

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The Dept. of "Education" ought to be dissolved on day one; every single employee should be fired.

Most federal employees are woke zealots; no mercy should be shown in firing them!

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I’m conflicted: I have 2 sons both of whom I consider more intelligent than their father. When the boys growing up, both their parents were left leaning democrats. The elder still is, the younger went his own path, first to libertarian then to MAGA Trump supporter, after I cast my final democrat vote for Hillary in 2016, the younger son was able to convince his father of the folly of liberalism, he fed me the red pill my politics turned 180 degrees on a dime. This was only the beginning of the child being the father of man. Next the younger son converted to Christianity and zealously pushed the gospel on me. Although i wasn’t an atheist at this point I was hugely resistant at first, but eventually I had my conversion simply by reading the Gospel of John. My older son felt betrayed. After this election,he won’t even speak to me anymore as he suffers from acute TDS. The younger son & I are careful not to gloat and alienate him further but he resides in Northern California where he has cousins and an aunt & uncle who reinforce his views. the younger son lives in upstate NY, where I live 1/2 year and the other 1/2 in SW Florida

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Nov 6Edited

I blame our public schools for no longer teaching the social classics.

I think this Leftist race hustle narrative and its Marxist framing would have died early on had we all read Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm.

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And a bit of Shakespeare…just trust me on this.

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There once was a Veep named Kamala,

Whose speeches were pure empty gala.

With a cackle so shrill,

And word salads to fill,

Voters waved her goodbye—qué mala!

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Thank the good Lord in heaven. Ann nails it again.

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Please tell me she’s going to go away with the exception of a few View appearances.

And the head bashing and teeth gnashing from nationwide gaggles of women leftists is directly proportionate to the despair sane Americans would have had to endure hearing Kackela’s inauguration speech.

But now, there’s an extra bounce in my step today knowing I’ll never have to suffer that scolding voice again spewing meaningless platitudes that sound like she was reading from Hallmark cards if they were written by the Babylon Bee. (Only SHE doesn’t understand it’s supposed to be satire).

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I didn’t vote for Trump (or Harris) and I don’t have much faith in him (of course, I’d love to be pleasantly surprised) — but the popular vote victory seems very important. Part of the founding mythos of the contemporary left is that they can never lose the popular vote. This is such a massive blow to their self image and morale. I know it’s not something that “should” matter, but the fact that he won the popular vote, and by so much, is perhaps the best takeaway here. The left got smacked down badly and this is gonna be a huge hit to their collective ego. Seems like there is opportunity there.

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Not to gloat, but I can't help it. Yep, the libs deserve their loss. This is what you get when you start making decisions based on whether your skin tone is lighter or darker, or whether you have a pussy or a penis. They might as well make their decisions based on whether their candidate wears Nikes or Adidas, or whether they were born a Taurus or Aquarius - the obvious metrics of vision, strength, and competency be damned.

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The Great Lakes Red Wave from the Work Belt that used to be the Rust Belt. No more. It's a funny thing that I've worked side by side in construction with people of all colors and the one thing we all hate is a dumbass boss. The "Get fat ass Harry off the couch" get out the vote campaign was over looked by the "Professional" pollsters. Too Big to Rig, because like Ann has told me "They always cheat" Time to MAGA and MAHA and plan for the 2026 elections and our 250th anniversary and will "Party like it's 1776". Thank you Ann for all you do!

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You don’t need a PHD, MBA or an Ivey league education to recognize a train wreck. All day today talking heads with GPA’s in the upper percentiles have slung racist this and that.. it’s their fault. My city is 80% African American with apx 24,000 registered votes, on the average 50% of registered voters actually vote. This year only 6,000 voted.

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…and now, Kamala has reached her fitting end! No speaking tours, or news show gigs, or important functionary appointments. Why? Because she is, and always has been, a vapid moron. Now, she is also a loser, and I suspect that NOBODY, not even the democrats and their lackeys, EVER want to hear from her again!


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Thank you for the great article Ann! The first thing president Trump should do is to clean DEI out of every level of federal government. Trump should also use his executive leverage to make companies more conservative friendly.

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Thank you Ann for these spot on bullet points. It did amaze me when I heard Kamala speak (which I tried desperately to avoid by walking out of the room when one of her “middle-class ads” came on.)Her arrogance with which she felt she deserved to speak to us peons (some white ones) in such a condescending way was nothing short of arrogant. Your point “Harris is not only a beneficiary, but a tragic casualty of affirmative action” Spot on. I heard a very brief election follow up from Ryan Girdusky (I learned of him through you, thank you) Ryan said blacks came out in large numbers in various areas to support Trump. Entitlements are not the cat’s meow, except maybe in the eyes of Kamala, Michelle, Oprah….their kids…..step kids….

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Well stated Ann! Do Oprah & Michelle REALLY have that much influence on people?

Only on they Media and Hollywood they do!

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"prioritizing the hiring [of] nonwhites..."

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Thomas Massie won 100% of vote in his district

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I voted for him n glad he won!

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