I avoid flying like the plague. Airports in America are very much like your typical zoo, with the exceptions that zoos are infinitely safer and the primates aren’t in charge of things.

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The opposable thumbs of TSA personnel make them particularly mischievous.

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The scary thing is that without jobs like the TSA these people would be unemployable.

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They would be on the streets doing EXACTLY the same thing without the uniform/government cover.

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Gee... this looks like something a little more general than just a TSA problem...

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TSA was yet another 'gift that keeps on giving' to the Labor Unions from Teddy Kennedy, who graciously took time out from destroying America's immigration system, drowning girls in cars, groping waitresses while drunk, raising money for the IRA and a host of other pastimes to Bless us with yet another Government behemoth that did not, by any stretch of the imagination, live up to the original sales pitch.

Ann, you mentioned several years ago that a TSA screener had stolen a bracelet of yours, which I understood to have significant sentimental as well as tangible value. Was that matter ever resolved to your satisfaction?

Given that airlines are now using DIE / Affirmative Action criteria to hire pilots, I keep hoping that you (and everyone else) will boycott the airlines. I know you mentioned before that you dislike the excessive time taken by executive/ deluxe private coach services, but I remain hopeful that you'll reconsider. Your personal safety is paramount, and airlines are not the shining beacons of safety and security that they once were.

Thank you for the essential article here...more people need to understand how vulnerable they are while in TSA's 'care'.

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You got the waitress groping, but how about the waitress sandwich with Chris Dodd, a fellow "member" of the world's greatest deliberative "body"? Without the Senate gig, those two would have been perfect for TSA:


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That's a fun video, thank you! I remember the Kennedy/Dodd Waitress Sammich incident! I remember the Lady being quite upset as it was 'not' consensual at all. Kennedy was an absolute pig in every way.

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First thing I noticed looking at the pictures of these TSA employees is that Their Lives Matter. All of them. It's probably just a coincidence.

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My 1st experience with TSA was in Richmond. I was approached by a 240lb women who squeezed into a uniform designed for a 190lbs. Rapid Fire questions who… what …when….and where is your luggage. I was clueless until the stretched logo for TSA appeared. Sadly I thought it was the cleaning crew. Call me names if you want 😎

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In that situation you should avoid eye contact and sudden movements. Use small words, brief sentences and a soothing tone.

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They steal because they are Hard Working Americans™️ who don't earn enough money to feed their families. Triple their salary so they don't have to steal. - every liberal running for office.

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Never has there been a greater disconnect between the proclaimed importance of the agency's mission and the quality of the individuals tasked with achieving the mission.

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Very well said.

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At least at the DMV I don’t have clammy hands all over my junk.

Last time I asked the “agent” what HE was finding so interesting.

My fault for looking so suspicious as a white male taxpayer in a suit who had abided by all the travel restrictions…it must have been the unmistakable smell of hygiene that gave me away.

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I recall after 9-11, the debate in the Senate where Senator John Kerry argued that TSA had to be part of the federal government to provide a "career path" for people who provide airport security.

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I hate to say it but there seems to be a common theme here if you get my drift. 13%'ers doing what 13%'ers do. Am I a racist?

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This is why Clear, TSA Pre-Check, etc., is worth it. Not because of the ease or shorter line, but because it's less time spent shopping your stuff! Remember my little Buster? A camera was taken from my bag and it had 90% of my photos with him. RIP Buster.

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Stop telling people our secrets. Shhhhhhhhhh

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Why stop with the TSA the US government hasn’t won a war in 80 years . It can’t maintain public order in it’s own Capitol . Congressmen routinely get carjacked . Ok I get a SS check every month but even that should be phased out over a few decades . Let’s get rid of more than the TSA .

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SS checks will be phased out soon enough....don't push it.

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Why did you show the pictures ?

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Notice the race of all the thieves . To much reality for you.

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We know why.

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You know why. Everyone else knows you know why. By asking the question, are you trying to shame those who notice?

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Have any White or Asian TSA agents ever been charged with stealing passengers personal belongings? I always put my wallet, watch and phone in my laptop bag when going thru the TSA checkpoint; never loose in the bin. I don't understand it but I imagine this is the first real job for those pictured to actually have decent pay and benefits only to throw it all away?

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I might be misremembering, but it was Teddy (Chappaquidick) Kennedy who led the charge on derailing a private, professional security service at airports. I would vote for anyone whose campaign slogan was "Repeal and Burn Everything Ted Kennedy Ever Touched"

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