Ann consider doing column on Tina Peters case Mesa Colorado where 68 year old mom given 9 year sentence by thugs. Her son killed in service now her.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

assuming the little bit I've heard is true... I second that!

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Anyone who is paying even slight attention to issues of the day and actually watched the debate would see:

~Walz looking absolutely terrified and raising serious concerns that he's about to have a stroke

~Walz making it clear that he is completely out of his intellectual depth

~A pair of 'moderators' who continually 'fact checked' Vance ONLY with known falsehoods and made it crystal clear that their goal was to boost Walz, at any cost.

~Vance completely unperturbed, serene, in control, and sailing through it all to victory on a ship built of truth and love for America,

The mere fact that someone who watched mess-NBC's triumph of prevaricational debate coverage and then considered himself so well versed in the matter as to be qualified to debate Ann Coulter of all people illustrates how very far our National I.Q. has slipped. If this person Ann mentioned is in any way representative of the average American voter, we are in DEEP trouble.

THANK YOU Ann for all of your hard work in keeping us...and hopefully the rest of America...informed with the truth. America teeters on a precipice, and I thank God every day that Ann is on our side.

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Thank you Ann for the Six Things Missed in VP debate.And for the Ricochet link of seven points. Completely agree with 2 and 3-Big Pharma and Big Farma are closely related to governmental “whims” I must confirm this research but I believe the crop “corn” is used as ethanol in gasoline and also an ingredient in antibiotics. Go figure. Had a valuable opportunity to speak with an under thirty something male. He watched the VP debate. He felt Vance won hands down. He knew very little about him before the debate. JDV came on strong for the ticket. In my opine, the moderators looked like they were ready to go out clubbing and were worthless in whatever they were doing in their seats. They were waltzing with Walzs (sp) and unapologetic about it too.

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We don't really have genuine debates in America. The System is careful to control things. It's not enough that 99.9% of the politicians know where the invisible fences are. The System wants a second tier of defense.

So what passes for a debate in America is really a joint press conference.

The journalists control the "debate" because they control what the issues are.

The Vance-Walz joint press conference was worse than most.

The 2 journalistas weren't content with basically asking questions drawn from the Democrats' talking points.

They had to make introductory comments to set the emotional stage:

"Americans are terribly concerned about gun violence. Thousands of people every year are brutally killed in senseless gun violence murders. Little children are gunned down in the schools and all over America children are terrified of going to school. Somthing must be done. Now: what is your opinion on laws to reduce gun violence?"

Yeah. Preambles along the lines of the factitious statement above.

And this "debate" did not feature 2 candidates debating each other.

It was 3 on 1.

Welcome to America!

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A friend of mine is part of White House Press Cor. She also attended Diplomatic school in China during Tiananmen Square. I asked if she saw Walz her response 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪. Some people will lie about anything.

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I keep seeing Democrat campaign ads for candidates in my state...

(a woman speaking)...

"I'm a Republican, but I'm voting for the Democrat who voted to make us a sanctuary state and to allow illegal immigrants to come here!".

you have to love how they always use some actor, saying... "I'm a Republican, BUT... I'm voting for the guy who blatantly wants to destroy the country!"

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The Democratic Party used to have training seminars for Democrats. You were told to claim you were a Republican and then trash all things Republicans support.

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I remember Rush Limbaugh talking about that, years ago!

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