Re legal vs illegal immigrants, I think that for many people (who aren't particularly politically-focused) it's mainly a matter of a referential habit which has not kept up with the times. It used to be that the Ellis Island era immigrants were the classic 'melting pot' immigrants who were so grateful to be able to leave their hellhole countries and start a new life in the Land Of Opportunity in America, that they gladly adopted American culture as their own...it was a matter of pride and they absolutely adored America because America essentially saved their lives and allowed them to live as actual human beings. As an example, my German father, a post-WW2 legal immigrant, was absolutely delighted when he could escape the literal starvation hell of post WW2 Germany and come to America. He was so very proud to call himself an American that he studied hard to become a policeman here because he loved America so much that he wanted to uphold her laws and keep her safe for everyone. He wanted with all of his heart to be an American and he wouldn't speak German at home, only English. That used to be the common fashion, that immigrants would embrace American values and culture as their own.

That all changed around the 1960's and 1970's when immigrants were actively told by the media and our Government that they not only didn't need to assimilate but they really should retain as much of their own culture as they wanted. This was a massive cultural shift and it began producing immigrants who, while legal, had no particular interest in and even had an active dislike for America and American culture. All too often the current immigrants may indeed hate America (think Ilhan Omar) and be here only to suck as much of her lifeblood out of her as possible and even cheer on her destruction, so filled with resentment as they are over America's wealth and success in the world.

I believe a great many people erroneously make a huge distinction between legal and illegal modern immigrants because they are still thinking that the modern legal immigrants are the way immigrants were 50 or 80 years ago and don't realize how radically things have changed...for the worse.

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That's nonsense that Ellis Islanders embraced American values and culture. If that's true then why do the Irish and Italians still celebrate St Patrick's Day and Columbus Day, respectively? Those were never big holidays in America before the influx of foreign Catholics. Those sacred legal immigrants elected FDR four times and did enormous damage to the American economy and society at large. Then, they also elected Kennedy and Johnson and gave us the civil rights act and all of the welfare programs in the 60s. That's some way to show they love America! I'm glad your father found a better life here, but you're doing exactly what Ann was talking about. The United States never needed mass immigration; it would have been just fine on its own.

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Amy Wax will be speaking at the American Renaissance conference in November.

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Seems no one has weighed in on the legal/illegal issue we have and why so many people bleet "we welcome LEGAL . just not illegal". I cringe every time I read that. I can see that LEGAL immigration is just as deadly as ILLEGAL immigration. The government also knows there is some pushback on the illegal....so they are circumventing that ...like the APP they have....so THEY can claim these are legal folks....no, they ain't. The massive amount of white people that also back this ridiculous immigration can, as far as I am concerned, be deported along with all these so called "immigrants". The destruction to a once beautiful land is massive. One last thing I write to my state representatives and senators is the TPS of dozens of countries....I ask what does TEMPORARY mean....NEVER? ....I thought so.

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British - English - White - Race - Culture and Civilization permeated England before 1900. England’s political Elites felt guilty about their non – white imperialisms and as a liberal form of psychological compensation invited the former empires non – whites to emirate to England. And now the chickens have come home to roost. The same thing can happen to your country!

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Ann I'm still laughing my ass off! You're the best political satirist since Mort Sohl and Lenny Bruce.

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The James -Erdogan Case represents a new bottom for US law duplicating the horrific Southern Democrat exoneration of KKK bombers and lynchers. Manhattan —once upon a time the center of U.S. financial law—now a bizarre lawless banana republic with Foley Square too mostly lawless.

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Pretty much the Till Acquittals all over again. When will the insane reverse racism by masters of divisive hate end?

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Yes, when it comes to the dispensation of justice, both NYC and the District likely bear much similarity to certain rural Mississippi counties pre-1965. Right now, DC judges are spitting in the faces of SCOTUS by rummaging through the law books for long-forgotten statutes enacted to deal with the 1861-65 rebellion to replace the 1512(c)(2) convictions struck down by the Court, thus to keep mostly non-violent J6 prisoners in prison. See Julie Kelly's substack for details of this and other foul deeds of the DC Circuit judges.

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OTOH, were it not for Trump, GOP would still be the party owned by the Bushes and the Cheneys , the party of Mitt Romney, who marched with BLM and tweeted in support of Antifa violence and against First Amendment rights at Charlottesville.

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I'm aggravated because I am a paying member of your Substack, but you refer me to Ricochet, where I would be required to pay another fee to hear your podcasts.

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It is free when I use my laptop; it won’t play with my IPhone as if I need to subscribe and pay first so I only listen to her Ricochet podcasts on my laptop.

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I don’t want to jinx myself, but I am able to listen to it on the iPhone.

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It is great to get your insight every week on these issues, Ann. Every president has been a failure when it comes to immigration, but the Biden administration, especially Kamala have been an absolute disaster when it comes to immigration. I think that Trump and hopefully a majority republican branch needs to really follow the law and tackle immigration and not just talk about it.

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Yeah, our Presidential choices are not great. I’ll take a super ego in over drive over the one picked up at the scratch and dent sale. I can remember mom’s car had no seatbelts no child safety seat ….. and I once fell out of a pickup on my friends gravel driveway. His dad said, “shake it off” .. it could have done some damage😎

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I see now ‘we’ have evolved even more. White supremacy was the devils work, pure evil. White nationalism has now been added, it seems to the endless list of the evils of White people. Black nationalism is aspirational, lofty, righteous, and so inspiring. So the next logical step it seems, would be to rejoice in black nationalism and kill all the Whites. Then certainly there will be no further threat in the rise of White nationalists. Thanks Ann

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The last story reflects some facts of life. Once you have clean water and clean air the benefits that you get from mass screenings, mass regulations, mass forced education all start to dwindle in benefits. It takes a very particular politician to turn down an easy law co-sponsor or rule often attached to some moppet’s name or her dog or Lord knows what to add more regulations to make us “safer”. It is endless and produces smaller and smaller benefits for more and more money. We are all so safe and yet our life expectancy has just started going down because of self-indulgence with drugs and a me-first, “my truth” attitude. And know that Trump is a lout and always has been. I don’t know what else to do but vote for him, wholly based on platform because the other gal is so stupid and a liar that I have to give up.

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Sep 30·edited Oct 1

Thank you Ann for the 5 Things You Need to Know This Week. Ugh. First. I appreciate your interpretation of the law (illegal and legal). I have always a deep affinity of the law. (Admittedly, could not pass the LSAT. Love the law and its redundancy and the concrete interpretations.) The car seat thing of 8 years old is ridiculous. And wholly political. (Ever heard of seat belts anyone?) I opine.China is the driver of this “beaut” of a requirement. It has been noted, Chinese drivers are not peripheral…..selfish and self serving..

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The practical honesty and accuracy of your first subject warms my heart. I’ve dismissed Twitter from my diet because the Trumpers are blindly insufferable and incapable of acknowledging the fact history. Even talk radio and Breitbart are riding the speeding train. Sadly, I’m getting unexpected pushback from your subscribers. Being unafraid to factually rail on Trump is how we got here and how that nitwit is on the verge of victory, although even sadder, is that the catastrophic storm may intercede.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

"Trumpers are blindly insufferable and incapable of acknowledging the fact history. . . . Being unafraid to factually rail on Trump is how we got here and how that nitwit is on the verge of victory . . ."

We obviously travel in different circles, as I know lots of people who will vote for Trump in 2024, as they did in 2016 and 2020, who, like me, are well aware of Trump's shortcomings and even doubtful that Trump or anyone can save the country (and the West as a whole) from its decades-long destruction. So how in the world is this flawed nitwit, against all odds and the opposition of every element of the corporatist/globalist New World Order, on the verge of victory? Ann's assumption that any other Republican would roll to an easy victory seems uncharacteristically naive. Anyone else remember the left's hatred of DeSantis for his less than full acceptance of the Covid hysteria? For his lack of height? For his wooden debate performance? For Florida's minor restrictions on abortion? For living in a state that has hurricanes, expensive coastal homes, and high insurance rates? Any other Republican would be found just as wanting by the powers that shouldn't be.

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The hatred for DeSantis was manufactured by “our” side. Hands down, he is the most competent executive in the country and Trump can’t shine his shoes with education, extemporaneous speech and thought, military service or family life. He turned purple state red and the jealousy runs deep. If DeSantis had the support from all sectors, he would have slaughtered Harris. Trump is flawed in so many ways, above and beyond his horrible record of execution, that we deserve the pain of she wins.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

I live in Florida and have happily voted for DeSantis twice, including 2018 when he barely beat a closeted, married with children, drug user and scammer, a guy later found in a hotel room with a naked unconscious male escort. I'm glad Ron's governor, but believe me, lib relatives from up north sincerely hate him, as they would any of the other potential candidates Ann mentioned. And for 2024, DeSantis had all sorts of support from the Trump-hating media (Murdoch, for example) and establishment Republicans (Jeb!, for example), and started the campaign as the main alternative to Trump, only to fall away over time. And no, no one who isn't part of our corrupt establishment deserves the pain that is almost surely coming no matter who becomes president.

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DeSantis trounced Newsom, but FNC and Breitbart refuse to let him outshine Trump. Trump is a pathetic embarrassment with his NFTs, stock, sneakers, bitcoin, etc. and he lied about the loss, as evidenced by his advisers. He dragged gullible people into his mire and his ego may jeopardize our very way of life. His policies are now border-line Marxist and he is already reneging on his promise for mass deportations. I cannot even tolerate listening to him speak. Mind you, he never won my State and lost it by 20 points in 2020. Anecdotally, he alienates every independent I know and lost my lib sibling’s vote in 2020 after gaining that vote in 2016. Again, I read the bile Trumpers spew on X, and they have been conditioned to trash DeSantis irrespective of his qualifications. I’m writing in his name and it won’t mean a hill of beans for Trump’s guaranteed loss in my State.

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"Mind you, he never won my State and lost it by 20 points in 2020."--There's the different circles we travel in. Which of Ann's surefire Republican winners would carry your state (presumably CA, CT, HI, IL, MA, MD, NJ, NY, or VT)?

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Stick to his overwhelming failures and broken promises, moving the Country Left, but you can’t or refuse. I can articulate every single issue in detail. You’d rather rag on the accuracy of the critics. Libs don’t realize how good Trump is for them. People who defend Trump are either willfully blind or Liberal.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

Get the NY proper appellate court names names correct

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