Hate to say this but pretty sure Ann's hatred of the Trump family will have her working to get the win for the Ds. Sad, very sad.

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No, that's what the Trump cult is doing.

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You should go hang out with your pal Jim Holt

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Jared Kushner's parents hosted a fundraiser for Nikki Haley at their NJ home in 2021, said Haley will be first US woman president. This is just a fact. It doesn't mean it's "hatred." It's "sad" that some people "hate" facts. Democrats got the "win" when Jared was de facto president for 4 years, controlled Covid meetings, protected Davos narrative, even said Dr. Birx is MAGA.

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Hate to say this but pretty sure your blind loyalty to a very immoral ex-president who lied to his most loyal supporters (myself once included) will split the Republican vote, alienate independents and lead to 4 more years of Biden/Harris.

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Sad that Trumpers believe that the only people who love America are the ones who love Trump.

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Election integrity is the only issue I care about. Those that stuff the ballot box spit in the faces of the people. It infuriates me that we have to shut, play along, kick the dirt, and say

“*sigh... oh well. Maybe they won’t steal the NEXT one”.

Regardless of how you feel about Mr. Trump, it’s pretty obvious that there was plenty of fuckery going on between November 3rd and November 7th.

If democrats didn’t cheat elections, they would be TOAST.

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"Election integrity is the only issue I care about."

and that has been lost in Wisconsin for sure and Arizona probably. I am Canadian so I don't know all the other States' particular machinations on avoiding voter ID; I seem to recall video of election counters in Georgia pulling boxes of ballots from under tables and Ruby running ballots through the machines up to four times.....

That fuckin stain on humanity, Marc Elias, does nothing but think of ways to cheat and the judges whom he appears before always take his side. US elections are a WWF match.

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And yet, somehow, DeSantis won in a purple state (by 20 pts), Gov Kemp won (also in a purple state, which Trump lost allegedly because of "cheating") Gov. Youngkin won (another purple state, where Trump was TROUNCED by Biden). Weirdly, Dem cheating only seems to work when Trump is on the ballot.

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Answer this: do you think we can win in 2024, yes or no?

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The Wall Street Journal had a piece this morning saying the same thing.

We cannot allow ourselves to be played by the masters of election politics, the Democrats. This is a party that has been been successfully selling snake oil for decades to America, while the Republicans had difficulty selling penicillin.

No matter how much the propaganda press pretends Trump is a “threat to democracy,” the actions of the people controlling the party’s cash tells you the truth. Trump is incompetent and they want him front and center so that they can win.

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"Trump is incompetent and they want him front and center so that they can win."

Just like in 2016.

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In 2016, the media didn't understand the power of the immigration issue. Dems didn't understand the power of the immigration issue. Establishment Republicans didn't understand the power of the immigration issue. As soon as he got elected, Trump didn't understand the power of the immigration issue. The only GOPs running for president THIS TIME who don't understand the power of the immigration issue, are: Donald Trump and a bunch of "also-rans" who aren't going to make the first debate stage.

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unless a plank in the successful candidate's platform includes mass mass mass deportations, up to and including every post 1970 third world arrival, the immigration issue's time may have passed.

There are at least 60 million Kennedy and illegal aliens in the US and now States are starting to hand out drivers licenses and directions -- in spanish -- to the nearest polling place.

Replacement theory isn't a theory.

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The tragedy of situation is that no matter who wins the GOP nomination will definitely lose in general election. Democrats have perfected the art of Election Fraud and they'll dump enough fraudulent ballots in key states to swing the election their way.

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The only "fraud" the Dems can pull off in 2024 is tricking the GOP into nominating Trump. After that, they can sit back and enjoy the 1964-style landslide against him.

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Ann, I love you with all my heart, but in your sheer hatred of Trump you refuse to see that 2020 elections were stolen by the Democrats. They will do the same thing in 2024, no matter who the GOP nominee is.

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Even if a Hail Mary were to happen and somehow Trump won (spoiler: no)... he won’t be able to attract the high level legal talent required to keep the wolves at bay. No one wants to see their career go up in flames or have their family attacked just for being associated with him. This is an “L” at any angle.

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As a young person who has not and will never vote Democrat, it’s still spectacular to witness the blind, obtuse infatuation some (older) Republicans have for Donald Trump. What’s it going to take to change their minds about voting for a lying traitor who did NOTHING he promised to do? A lobotomy? So much for elders being the wellsprings of wisdom, I have never witnessed such idiocy from an older generation, except for those weirdos in Cuba who mourned for their dictator. It would almost be satisfying to see these smug Republicans who are SO sure they are right to vote for Trump suffer another 4 years of Biden/Harris (after which the country will cease to exist and we will be in the hands of our enemies like Israel being demolished by the Philistines ), except that if America is lost the world will also be lost. Maybe Ron DeSantis is too good for the country, because governing the most successful state in the union and reversing lockdowns first thing apparently pales in comparison to hiring your kids, moving the embassy, shutting the country down, listening to Fauci and selling out the Jan 6 crowd while fleecing the crowds for donations. Either way, I’ll be moving to Florida once Biden wins again: maybe it will become a breakaway autonomous region in the ruined USA.

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WINNER!!! COMMENT OF THE WEEK! Zac, you are a genius. Keep yelling at the old folks who get their news from Fox.

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Zac - if ever need to go on vacation or something, could you fill in for me?

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I’m busy yelling at foolish Republicans for their incessant “DeSantis is untrustworthy and a RINO plant funded by the WEF” spiel but sure! Have you seen the Daily Mail comments?! Either Trump has a bot army writing this garbage or we’re totally doomed in 24.

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it occurs to me, and I could be wrong, that the reason old folks support and want to vote for a fellow old folk is because they both lived in a time when America was a much more free, carefree and much more homogenous country.

Take for a simple example the 1976 Oscar winning masterpiece The Bad New Bears. Ok, it might not have won any Oscars but it is still a masterpiece.

What would be the reaction to that movie be among the under 30 generation today. Would they laugh or react in sheer horror at Timmy Lupus being picked on, or at Tanner Boyle's first reaction to any situation to start throwing verbal and physical haymakers only to end up dumped into a plastic garbage bin?

Would it harm modern audiences sensibilities that the Bears did not in fact win the last game?

And what of Buttermaker's habit of driving around a bunch of kids in a convertible, some on the back ledge of the back seat, none wearing seatbelts, some helping to pour his bourbon into his beer? Imagine the fainting spells at a can of beer without a mentally retarded P0s Dylan Mulvaney visage stamped on it.

In a Canadian context, the mid 70s are a similar reference point where an 11 year old kid living in a rural town of 5000 people could walk into a hardware store or sporting goods store and buy a box of .22 shells, or 30-06 shells, or a shotgun, or a hunting rifle, and the clerk would simply hand over the requested merchandise as if the kid had walked up with a spool of fishing line. Not to mention every kid who had a ski doo driving to school, without a helmet, sometimes towing a kid who didn't have a ski doo as well as not having a helmet. And of course the ubiquitous gun rack -- a .22, a 30-06 and a 12 gauge -- in the back window of every half ton in the school parking lot.

This was all perfectly normal at the time, and probably explains why Fox viewers support someone who not only experienced the good old days but wants to try to bring them back.

The point is that the modern generation has no concept of the Rights and freedoms they don't have and probably are perfectly happy not to have because being bubble wrapped and told 'you're awesome' has an irresistible allure to anyone without an ounce of brains or merit.

It also occurs to me that another oldster, Reagan, came along at a time when the nation was in decline. Granted, Xiden is an oldster, too, but he never managed to get more than 1% in any of his Presidential runs and only became President because of sub IQ third world detritus and rampant vote counting fraud.

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Extremely long reply, so let me get straight to the point: older does not mean wiser. The Children of Israel wandered the wilderness for 40 years not because the unbelief and sin of the youth, but because of the ADULTS, the elders who left Egypt and bemoaned the loss of the security of the slave years. You’re moaning about the cultural wasteland post-war years that created the mess we’re in, and you want to make excuses for Boomers (The Worst Generation Ever) who apparently have found God and now feel it’s their divine duty to vote for a lying philanderer instead of a good man from Florida? Why?! Actually I don’t want to know why, not from the generation that has lost every war since Korea. Enjoy the next 5 years of Biden thanks to this kind of stubborn lunacy. I’ll enjoy real freedom in Florida when it all goes down, and you can reminisce about it while Biden takes your gas stove.

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No, the point wasn't that older means wiser. It simply was that old people lived in a free country, and unless DeSantis (or Trump) is willing to campaign on castle doctrine, abolishing all gun laws and affirmative action and open borders and government funding of all education at all levels, not to mention the EPA, WHO and UN, then the decline will continue.

If DeSantis pledges to bring the Florida experience to the entire country he has a chance. You have a lot of repealing to do to live in a free country.

If you have to go through a background check to get a firearm, you aren't as free as I was in western canada in 1976.

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It is interesting to read the comments sections of the more rabid MAGA websites. DeSantis was great until Trump got scared and attacked him. Now, he is the enemy. These clowns are addicted to the koolade. Should it be a Trump v Biden election, my write-in will be: None of the Above

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The most hysterical aspect of the "rabid MAGA" syndrome you reference is that - and I guarantee this - other than his children (maybe), there is probably not a single rabid MAGA who was on board in 2015 or even 2016.

The real pathfinder Trump supporters have long ago left that path and are in search of a new standard bearer for the issues at the top of their list like Illegal Immigration and Illegal Immigration and did I mention Illegal Immigration!

That's what the original supporters had hoped...that Trump was a means to the end of America's terrible affliction...Illegal Immigration.

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Yes, yes, yes! I know no one who supported Trump in 2015-- not 2016 after he got the nomination - who wasn't sick of him and his betrayals by 2020.

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Far be it from me to argue with you, but I will not be in the least surprised if DeSantis disappoints you the same way Romney and Christie and Trump disappointed you.

I have stuck up for you on various comment threads that say 'Ann Coulter loved Trump and now she hates him, what a bi**h.' I ask in reply 'how does his failure reflect badly on her??'

I must apply to myself the rule of thumb I have always said to commenters who don't like you; you can argue with her opinion but you can't argue with her facts.

My preference for Trump (as much as the preference of a Canadian who can't vote matters) is like a second marriage: the triumph of hope over experience.

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I recognized the potential (hope) of him leading the charge on the immigration front in 2011 and hysterically have the email from Michael Cohen and Stewart Rahr thanking me for supporting ShouldTrumpRun.com - by 2015 I was poison to all the Cruz et al supporters I knew who treated me like a leper for supporting Trump…after 2 years of a Trump White House and a Republican Legislative branch - both chambers - (not to even get into the Kushner Administration) and peddling in reverse I was gone in search of a new standard bearer who would actually epenact “Trumpism”…the naive Jan 6 faithful being completely abandoned brought tears of rage to my eyes and by 2018 all of those Trump hating Cruz et al die-hards were now MAGA crazies and I was a leper with them for not supporting Trump…cult of personality

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This is the election where the Independent Knight in Shining Armor candidate actually has a chance to ride in and save the country, I tell myself for the 10th time now.

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Or, like Reagan, pummel the party candidate(H.W. Bush) in the primary phase and then double pummel the opposition candidate(Carter) in the general.

Maybe, like the populist (so-called)Trump pummeled establishment Jeb et al, a new populist candidate like DeSantis will pummel Trump and then go on to double pummel whoever the Dems drag out of their funny farm in the general.

Of course now that Bragg is helping to nominate Trump, insanity might reign.

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I agree completely. Originally, I thought Trump had some interesting ideas, but like many, I have grown tired of his tantrums and childish behavior. Also, other than some changes to the tax code, he really didn't accomplish much.

What is surprising is that some of Trump's supporters believe he can do no wrong, despite the evidence to the contrary. These people continue to send him their hard earned money - now it is to help him defend against the criminal charges. While I absolutely agree that the charges are politically motivated, I also believe that he can afford to pay his own legal fees. But the Trumpsters eat it up and continue to send more.

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The reason is this: Trump was the first major candidate of what is in fact the White People’s party in America who did not despise and be ashamed of the ordinary white Americans who have come to be the GOP’s base.

And for that kindness those voters, so badly treated and disappointed that they had come to hate their own party, gave Trump their fervent loyalty.

Policies and accomplishments mattered less than that Trump liked them. He said they were worth protecting and worth fighting for, that they should be respected. (“Our farmers.” “Our miners.” “Our flag.”)

After all those decades of condescension and lecturing, after seeing their savings and patrimony handed over to others here and overseas by the people they had elected to be their defenders and protectors, Trump’s attitude and words were enough.

And the more the patronizing laptop Cloud People come after Trump with ever-more frivolous charges, the more those stiff-necked white folks stick with him.

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True - but then Trump TURNED HIS BACK ON THEM. He never mentioned white people after he won. He bragged about the black unemployment rate, the Hispanic unemployment rate, the women's unemployment rate, the Asian unemployment rate -- HELLO? Forget somebody?

He had the "American Dream" plan for Hispanics; the "Platinum Plan" for blacks, family and medical leave act for The Ladies, releasing criminals for (he thought) black people. He loved the "Dreamers." He sneered at the NRA and gun owners. He turned over the keys of the kingdom to Wall Street.

The "Left Behind" voters? "WHERE ARE THEY GOING TO GO?" (Jared.)

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This all tells me that despite Trump’s supposed hatred of the MSM he desperately wants their approval, his supporters be damned.

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Life here in Florida has been a respite from the horrific lockdowns in the Blue states. We would gladly give Desantis the chance to lead the country rather than either Biden or Trump. You make an excellent point that Trump did not accomplish anything he promised. Where’s the damn wall?? The swamp looks pretty deep and full to me

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Want to know the Democrats’ dream ticket?

Trump and Kari Lake.

Two candidates who lose and never accept it.

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they accept it..

they just never say they accept it

that’s the only way to keep the grift going

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That is the dream ticket over at GWP - many there post that if they can't have that, they won't vote

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Rasmussen just showed trump up 7. Hopefully your analysis here is more accurate than your insisting Covid was actually from a wet market. Lol

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I really resent the “we need to rally behind Trump” response by otherwise reasonable Republicans that aren’t on his payroll. Sure, these charges are bogus and I have no problem acknowledging that. But half of these conservative pundits in absolute hysterics over Trump’s indictment were too cowardly to defend Kyle Rittenhouse - an everyday citizen who stood up to defend a local business and who was facing life in prison for self defense. Excuse me for not wanting to engage in some performative day of mourning for the man that betrayed his base, didn’t build a wall, released thousands of criminals, and handed over the country to Fauci. Why must we display unyielding loyalty to the most disloyal man on earth?

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Excellent comparison to Rittenhouse, a far better man than Trump.

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I may be wrong, but I don't remember any potential GOP presidential contender speaking in defense of Rittenhouse. Could someone list any who did?

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Chicago had its mayoral election yesterday. The black progressive Democrat beat the white progressive Democrat.

Adding proof to my contention that blacks prefer soft on crime policies and the murderous chaos that goes with it, here’s what Ryan Girdusky wrote about the results:

“It’s many of the same areas that voted overwhelmingly for [progressive black Democrat Brandon] Johnson that have the highest homicide rates in the city. The districts with homicide rates over 20 per 10,000 voted for Johnson by about a 60-point margin, delivering him his victory.”

Just like I say. They like murderous chaos and vote for it, as long as it’s theirs.

Face facts, conservatives. You are not going to get black votes. Even the blacks having their children killed in their beds vote for the anti-police, pro-teachers union party and candidates.

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Whites need to stop trying to talk reason to blacks and trying to fix their ignorance. The fact that they are unable to make the connection between soft on crime policies and dead friends and relatives should no longer be our problem. I don't care if they turn their living spaces into hellscapes as long as the state and federal government don't then step in to "save" them by relocating them to white living spaces which often happens.

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This is the reason they call the Republican party the stupid party. Or the party that thinks losing equals victory. Trump is on the titanic and he is wooing people to get out of their life boats to go down with hm. It baffles me that our base still gives him a pass for NOT building a WALL and other broken promises! The constant droning of victim hood we hear from Trump and his dedicated followers is nauseating.( BTW I voted for him twice). I will quote from Trump himself. "People that lose are losers". You live by the sword ..... Please everyone we loves this country pray that God has mercy on us and Ron runs and wins!

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As a Florida resident, I'm pleased DeSantis is governor (a job he won in 2018 by the narrowest margin over a corrupt mayor later found incoherent in a hotel room with drug paraphernalia and an unconscious gay escort). But remember when DeSantis was attacked dozens of times a day by the Dems/media during the plandemic? Now state-sponsored media are awfully quiet about the governor as Karl Rove (his friends call him "Turd Blossom") speaks of Ron's not-so-secret presidential campaign as "our campaign." Seems maybe the establishment prefers to run against Desantis 2024?

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And if you think smart Democrats should be careful what they wish for, here’s the answer to that:

Even if he wins, Trump will not be allowed to do anything. They will hobble him and gull him.


Because he’s incompetent.

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That’s right. They will try to hobble any republican who wins, but only Trump will be oafish enough to let them.

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Extending your point. The second after he wins he’s a lame duck. The battle to replace him starts. There’s no real win to help him do anything and a lot to be gained by creating your own position of power. I think it becomes more of a cluster f than the first 4 years.

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Extending your point, Daniel. If Trump should somehow win, let’s say because the country is in a serious recession that it blames on Biden, then what will be done to hobble him will not look like the covert Resistance of 2017.

It will look like Israel last month.

That was a trial run for our globalist elites and it worked. Bibi, a much stronger and more intelligent leader, backed down in the face of a left wing revolt that literally threatened a civil war unless it got to keep the status quo ante.

They didn’t compromise. They said our way or chaos.

That is what we are facing in 2024.

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He can't possibly win. STOP IT.

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You could certainly be right. I see some differences in the mechanics of the situation. To some degree that happened to Trump in 2017 and again during the BLM riots. I think Bibi was struggling to keep his coalition together. But on the other hand the Repubs might as well be different parties all using the same name. At any rate I completely agree chaos will ensue. I’m not sure how it looks for DeSantis (or anyone else), but starting out with a bunch of negatives and a record of pretty much getting rolled on everything doesn’t inspire much confidence. When the crap really hit the fan with Covid Trump wilted. I don’t understand how he gets a pass and why people think things would be different.

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"When the crap really hit the fan with Covid Trump wilted."

That wasn't his only retreat. I recall laughing at how Trump played the Dems by inviting the press to stay in the room during some negotiating session only to have that laugh turn into silence when he bailed on the debt ceiling, the wall, the carried interest loophole......

Trump's biggest failure was, as Rush said, not in viewing the Dems in ideological terms, thinking that he could get along with Schumer, in viewing the political process as he would a business deal where each side gives a bit and gets a bit. The Dems never seem to have to give up anything in their negotiations for more spending and a higher debt ceiling....

He lacks the inherent hatred of government that the Founders had and which certainly animates right wingers in the present.

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Ann, I know that you being a provocateur is part of your brand. Nevertheless, this agitation of Republicans might be premature. No doubt that any Trump bounce in the polls is a natural reaction against the ruling class (both Republican and Democrat) which is allowing Trump to be unjustly persecuted. There is plenty of time for a DeSantis to emerge - if he also leads the revulsion to the ongoing Trump (and MAGA) persecutions.

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RFK jr should run as a Republican. Enough woke Dems should be dead by 2024 for him to win.

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Too many Never Trumpers and an equal number of Only Trumpers. Pretty much resigned myself to being on the losing side. And that is sad.

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This is a version of the rope a dope strategy. If Trump really wanted to make America great he would get out of the race. Trump may be an incurable dope, but Republicans should not be be following him. Those with public platforms that still endorse Trump should step away: How about Devin Nunes, Molly Hemmingway, Victor Davis Hanson ... don't give Trump encouragement.

Proverbs 27:22

Crush a fool in a mortar with a pestle

    along with crushed grain,

    yet his folly will not depart from him

Proverbs 26:8-10

Like one who binds the stone in the sling

    is one who gives honor to a fool.

Like a thorn that goes up into the hand of a drunkard

    is a proverb in the mouth of fools.

Like an archer who wounds everyone

    is one who hires a passing fool or drunkard.

and is Trump a fool ?


The way of a fool is right in his own eyes,

    but a wise man listens to advice.

The vexation of a fool is known at once,

    but the prudent ignores an insult.

Proverbs 18:2

A fool takes no pleasure in understanding,

    but only in expressing his opinion.

Proverbs 18:6,7

A fool's lips walk into a fight,

    and his mouth invites a beating.

A fool's mouth is his ruin,

    and his lips are a snare to his soul.

Proverb 20:3

It is an honor for a man to keep aloof from strife,

    but every fool will be quarreling.

Proverbs 29:9

If a wise man has an argument with a fool,

    the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet.

Proverbs 29:20

Do you see a man who is hasty in his words?

    There is more hope for a fool than for him.

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