Why The Pro-Life Side is Going to Keep Losing
'A life is a life' runs headlong into 'Idiocracy'
The New York Times, Nov. 13, 2023: ‘A Monster’: Super Meth and Other Drugs Push Crisis Beyond Opioids
This is her second pregnancy with the Great Moms clinic, a Grand Rapids program through Corewell Health that supports pregnant women who struggle with drug use. …
Three years ago, the clinic prescribed buprenorphine to help Sami contain heroin urges during her second pregnancy.
But options for meth, especially for a pregnant patient, are almost nil. Dr. Cara Poland, the clinic’s addiction medicine specialist, could rely only on gentle persuasion …
Back then, Sami was living in a shelter, hungry for meth. She loved being a mom. …but she knew she was in no shape to care for this second baby. Grieving, she placed the infant girl for adoption.
“It still eats at me,” she said.
Like many patients who use multiple substances, Sami has mental disabilities, including attention deficit disorder and bipolar disorder. According to federal data, more than one in four adults with serious mental disorders turns to illicit drugs. A.D.H.D. that has been poorly managed or undiagnosed is particularly common in meth patients.
I’d rather save the kids and leave the drug addicts to their own devices, but apparently, that’s not an option in a cradle-to-grave welfare state that seems to think it’s of vital importance to keep drug addicts alive.
Imagine our country with about 40,000,000 more D'Andres, L'Trayvons, QuiNishas, Ne'Shelles, Kendricks, JayMarquans, D'Shauntraviouses, Jamarqeeziuses, etc. and tell me if you want to live there.
Forty. Million. About double what it is now.
We've lost the luxury of placing morality at the forefront of these debates. It's all strictly practical now. Do we want to have our own country or not?
Pregnant drug addicts should be encouraged if not forced to abort. Anyone who can't see why is detached from reality.