not only that..

imagine if the Cuban government was toppled..

but the new regime left people imprisoned by the communists in jail for “wrong speak”

that’s elon musk twitter

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Silly. No evidence of that.

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I'm evidence of that.

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so I got an email from twitter this morning saying my account has been unsuspended..

immediately followed by an email saying my account has been locked for 7 days

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That's why I said, when somebody asked me, that I'd wait a year, after the Musk purchase, before I'd consider logging onto Twitter again. I figured it would take that long to get everything straightened out.

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I actually said Elon could not possibly stop the bad behavior of some employees unless he fired everyone which is not possible. He has to weed out the bad guys one at a time .

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And the number of replies was cut as well, from 137 to 86. Never seen that before.

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Censorship is all about keeping the Norms in the dark

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Some guesses, based on snippets of information I've heard from a variety of sources:

~Nothing's been done with removing shadowbanning yet because it has to be done on an individual basis...there's no 'master switch' that can be thrown to stop all of it for everyone.

~Within a couple of weeks, accounts will be given an individual 'flag' designation, indicating to the owner (and possibly other users) what level of throttling the account is being subjected to.

~At that time, account owners will be able to appeal their throttle level.

~BIG guess: This will be used as a carrot to encourage people to become paid subscribers, with the promise of true free speech and full reach of their tweets if they subscribe.

~HUGE, mega-guess: Ann Coulter's twitter account, being one of the most influential and important (and dangerous to the Left) on the entire site, has probably been subjected to Double Secret Shadowbanning, much like Double Secret Probation in the movie Animal House. To remove this unique and stratospheric level of censorship there are probably specific locks on her account status specifying that, because of her status not only as one of the most brilliant people on the planet but also one of the very most desirable Ladies on the planet, the algorithm will most likely demand that she go on a dinner date with Elon in order to get the ban removed.

Time will tell how much of this is true...the world is watching.

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Watch out...years ago I noticed this same phenomena happing to my account, plus I was gaining new followers every year my total # of followers was dropping by thousands at a swipe. Checking online with a service indicated that I was being shadowbanned. Before I could make inquiries, my account was “permanently suspended” so I filed an appeal to inquire “Why”. After an AI response and nothing further I just packed my bags for a private beach near the equator and spent few weeks with the local shaman siccing the Obeahman on all hipsters in skinny pants and girly mannerisms.

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Yes, I notice that Twitter is still censoring normal speech for me.

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Chelsea Handler didn't know that the sun and the moon were two different things, and during that time she also had very strong opinions about climate change that were so true that only anti-science troglodytes like us could possibly question them.

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When Elon took over twitter didn't he divulge that the FEDS were also participating in the surveillance of accounts?

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Normies in the dark

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Bummed you missed her show back when. I think she’d actually be a fun interview for you.

She had to dress up a fat Southern lesbian to play you and unfortunately it now comes up when I search for Coulter interviews. Not exactly what I had in mind.

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Thank you for the visual Ann. No. I never thought the shadowbanned were, is, or are whiners. Personally believe it is a real “ thing” . Question: Is Ms. Handler trying to make a point or is she going “clubbing”. Wasn’t certain why she was allowing it to all hang out. My apologies, my prudish side showing. Thank you again Ann.

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Several possibilities for Ann's results from her detective work: (1) the Musk team is intentionally deleting likes and replies for some unstated ideological purpose, (2) Musk wanted a date with Handler and she refused, so he gets even by slicing her likes or (3) the fact that Musk fired 75% of his staff means the Twitter machine is operating on its own, like the Computer "Dave" in _____Film and it is just taking random swipes or AI swipes at certain accounts.

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The dishonest party deletes likes and replies for the same reason Mao would; pathological ideology.

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I didn't even think Elon was liberal, what's going on?

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