Let me throw in the religion of climate change. Since our founding fathers did not have that either, it ain't protected under the First Amendment. But we will let the wokesters cling to it nevertheless.

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Thank you for sharing your perspective Ann.

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I love it when Ann gut punches the Libs with the bottom line.

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this is a wonderful piece! to expand on a point that Ann is making...

I think that if they manage to take away our 2a, or more severely curtail it, based on the idea that the founding fathers only meant muskets then we need to say they didn't mean freedom of speech on tv or the interent. then the next time we get a rightwinger into the white house, we arrest all the so-called "journalists" and throw them in prison!

after all, they do nothing by LIE anyway.

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Heh, Ann. I cannot wait to see your interpretation of the WHOLE Second Amendment, including the first half which was ignored by Scalia and Thomas.

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Your Cliff’s Notes Version like the six right wing majority justices ignore completely the first half of the Second Amendment. See my earlier comment on fraud in judging by Right wing S. Ct.

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I have some military background, and though I have never owned a gun, I am contemplating purchasing a quality center fire rifle to protect myself, my family and neighbors from Trumper and other Republican nutcases who think AR-15s are toys which can be used to enable mass killings by them. This gun violence has to stop, and if you and the Supreme Court want to promote UNREGULATED GUN PURCHASES AND USE, then perhaps us sane, law-abiding citizens need to arm ourselves to prevent some mass killings by the gun nuts.

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You gonna shoot your own balls off.

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Not me I was a Major in the military. How about you?

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Major ha? Well, something doesn't add up. Your bio says you were born in 1947 and graduated from law school in 1971. Then you had 51 years of legal experience. Since when you had time to achieve the rank of major? Before you went to college?

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Simple, I was in ROTC and achieved the rank of Major and then received a Commission in the Illinois National Guard.

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I have cousins who live in Highland Park. My cousin’s wife, Nancy, was about to start her march in the 4th of July parade when the Trumper shooter, enabled by his sponsoring Trumper daddy signed the application allowing this mass murderer to purchase and use an AR-15 automatic rifle to kill seven people including two parents of a two year old baby. These Trumper mass murderers have been enabled by you and the six right wing Justices. They have deliberately distorted the words of the Constitution to promote use of guns and inhibit necessary government regulation. These Justices have blood on their hands.

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Stop lying. Trump voters don't sport facial tattoos, pink hair, nor do they shoot their fellow patriots at 4th of July parade. That degenerate looks like a typical Antifa thug who posed with Trump flag specifically for the purpose to give you Trump haters talking points. The fact that authorities knew his name hours before he was apprehended, further points to the fact that the whole thing was orchestrated by the left-wing FBI.

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The July 4 mass murderer is photographed wrapped in a large Trump flag, and standing in fron of Trump supporters with Trump signs and his daddy ran for Mayor of Highland Park in 2019 as a Trumper and daddy sponsored him

for firearms under Illinois law despite little Trumper’s suicide attempt and threaten to kill everybody. Police confiscated 16 knives and swords from little Trumper. but Trumper daddy signed Little Trumper’s application for firearms.

After little Trumper killed 7 snd wounded dozens , he drove to Madison Wisconsin where they were having a 4th of July parade, and little Trumper thought about shooting them, but instead he drove back to Illinois..

Have you seen the photographs of little Trumper dressed in women’s clothing and make=up with padding at some places as he slowly made his escape though he was caught by a security camera. Actually he looks better as a girl than a boy. See Michael Moore blog for Trumper photos.

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Wrapping yourself mockingly in the Trump flag doesn't makes you automatically a Trump supporter. His facial tattoos and gender fluid looks say that he was hard core Antifa member, not conservative. It would be more plausible to believe that Crimo was a Trumper if he went on to take out Antifa thugs during BLM riot, but murdering patriots during 4th of July parade leaves no shadow of the doubt that he was an Antifa thug who committed mass shooting to give Democrats additional fodder for Gun Control.

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Ann, like Justice Thomas, you and the far right Supreme Court six person majority, ignore the first half of the Second Amendment. The first half refers to the need for a well regulated militia and then says in order to have that well regulated militia, people have a right to bear arms. The Second Amendment is about filling well regulated militias with citizens holding arms. But starting with the Justice Scalia distortion in the DC gun case and continuing with Thomas in the New York Rifle case, that first half of the Second Amendment is ignored by you and them. These are Justices who claim to be originalists adhering to and interpreting the entire text of the Second Amendment then ignore half of the text. These Second Amendment right wing decisions should be nullified and overruled as soon as we seat the 4 new Justices to increase the Supreme Court to 13 Justices. They will then overrule the DC gun case and the NY Rifle case due to the opinions which did not discuss the entire Second Amendment. The originalists and textualists now on the Court are frauds when they intentionally fail to discuss the Entire Second Amendment. As they overruled Roe, the new Court will overrule these distortions of the Constitution.

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When was the ‘well regulated militia’ disbanded, dismantled and under what proclamation, amendment, statute was this accomplished? The well regulated militia was formed in response to British tyranny. Upon defeat of the British the ‘well regulated militia’ stood down. Nothing more, nothing less. It has never been dissolved or abolished and exists to be reformed in a time of threat.Reformed by common cause. In addition the personal use of weapons for self defense is indicated, clearly, in the ‘right to bear arms’, not in ‘in the right to bear arms during militia actions’. Just like the right to abortion isn’t explicitly stated in the constitution some could read it in huh? What is the first request to our government from oppressed peoples suffering from tyranny and brutality by terrorists, governments and other evils of this world?

The request, always the first, most fervent request . PLEASE PLEASE GIVE US WEAPONS!! But some want to take weapons away from those who should be trusted the most, our fellow citizens, Americans.

In times of personal threat or otherwise I want a gun.

Senseless violence rises in a collapsing culture. We have a collapsing culture.

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According to Founding Fathers the "Militia" is whole body of citizens, not just some elite para-military force". Moreover, the Founding Fathers were quite clear in their support of gun ownership as individual right.

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Your comment is untrue. The discussion of gun ownership was tied to militia readiness. You cannot ignore the whole reference to militias and claim there is an individual gun right independent of militias.

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I read Founding Fathers views on gun ownership which were independent from militia readiness. Moreover, the Second Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights, which is about protecting individual rights, so it would be illogical to assume that the Second Amendment is about collective right.

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Good answer

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Biden's been flirting with nuclear war for months, but liberals think a kid with a rifle is a threat.

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So you think Putin is going to use nuclear weapons when he knows he will be vaporized by us within 20 minutes of his use of those nuclear weapons. This is the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction which has prevented any use of nuclear weapons since Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Do you think Ukrainians should be invaded by Russia and killed, tortured and raped by Russian soldiers with no defense? And do you approve of the Trumper nutcase who killed 7 people and wounded 40 with his AR-15 which he purchased with his Trumper daddy’s sponsorship?

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Biden isn't smart enough to play nuclear chicken with Putin. That's what scares me. Putin's laughing at Biden, for good reason.

As for Ukraine itself, it isn't my country. Biden is using Ukrainians as cannon fodder. Mass murder is US policy, and I'm being forced to subsidize it. Why is mass murder bad at home but perfectly OK overseas?

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Not worthy of a response as it is just drivel.

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If Putin has terminal illness then he won't give a crap about his own country being destroyed. At any rate, the side that pushes the nuclear button first, has the advantage. Russian nuclear submarines which cruise along our eastern shores, can vaporize DC within minutes. I doubt that our left-wing generals have guts to order nuclear counter-strike against Russia without orders from above.

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Spoken like a Republican. No one gives a crap about anyone besides themselves. WRONG.

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Vaporizing some in DC especially Republicans has a lot of attraction. So if you see Democrats heading for the Skyline Drive the Shenandoah or even cruising on I95, you can bet there is a progressive conspiracy to have Putin vaporize the Republican Party and particularly Trumpers.

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Are you hemorrhaging? DC is over 90% Democrat. But that wasn't a point. Without the White House and the Pentagon, there would be no one to give order to strike back. This is what Putin is counting on.

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So happy Ann is on Substack. So much more content from my favorite thinker.

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Ann, where is your response to interpretation of the entire Second Amendment and not just the second half?

As soon as we increase Democratic seats in rhe Senate and House, we will abolish the filibuster as undemocratic and then adopt the 13 Justices Act. Biden will nominate good progressive and liberal Justices and they will overrule all the recent terrible decisions by the far right wing Supreme Court.

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I've got an idea for a newsletter: It'll be entitled 'You're All Wrong'. It'll have a comment section, and all of the comments will be mine.

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Of course most militias have not been disbanded though Ron DeSantis wants to form a new Florida militia. Well regulated militias by people in authority with arms brought by citizens are what the Second Amendment talks about. You cannot separate the last half and ignore the first half as did Scalia and Thomas did. But you cannot chop off the first half of the Second Amendment and claim it gives an unregulated individual right to bear anyone for anyone and everyone including the Trumper mass murderer in Highland Park. (There are photos on Twitter of Crimo wrapped in a large Trump flag.)

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I can wrap myself in Biden flag for the photo op, will it make me a Biden supporter.

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Excellent article Ann! Democrats are trying to ban "assault weapons" for 30 years now, long before school shootings became an epidemic. The reason Democrats are so desperately trying to outlaw AR-15s is because it's the only effective means of self-defense in situations like riots where you face multiple assailants. Democrats are simply want to protect their fellow constituents from law-abiding citizens. AR-15s also are the only thing that stands between citizens and potential government tyranny. When thanks to liberal policies minorities will become a majority they gonna give Democrats a constitution-proof majority in both chambers of Congress. With that kind of absolute power, Democrat will be in position to repeal the Constitution along the Bill of Rights and impose a socialist dictatorship. Considering the hatred that is currently permeated against white people in Academia, it's quite likely that we gonna suffer the fate of Jews in the Third Reich. The only way to survive will be through armed revolt. That's why Democrats are so desperately trying to disarm us now, so we won't be able to defend ourselves in the future.

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