Our nation has never been closer to the possibility of a second civil war. The left in this nation would like to avoid it and complete the "fundamental transformation" Obama mentioned, which will remake America into the neo-fascist, globalist, tribalistic, totalitarian track & trace state it wants for the poor, lower, and middle class who are considered but "serfs" and "servants" of the elites. The left knows, despite their bravado about "F-16s and nukes" that they would lose a second civil war.
The left doth project too much. If Trump wins (and by all polling data and rally turnout his chances look increasingly good) and he doesn't justly go after all these crooks and cruds who've unjustly dragged him and his wallet through the legal checkout stand, he will not fully and faithfully execute the office of the presidency as the nation's top law-enforcement officer.
The Jacobins who've persecuted Trump purely out of political motives in the attempt to retain their power and agenda richly deserve to feel the heat and financial burden of the court system for their actions.
But unless Trump truly does "drain the Swamp" with a thorough legal cleansing of the Justice and State Departments, as well as the CIA and FBI, (and military brass) and punish and remove those who've skirted the law to preserve their power and agenda, not as "retribution" but as genuine justice, for their crimes, his four years in office, whatever positive results he will produce otherwise, will effectively be of little value in the long run, as the Democrats in four years will have the voting system completely rigged by men and machines to their permanent advantage.
Finishing the wall and deporting millions of illegals (both of which actions would cause me and Ann - and half of America- to shout for joy) will require Trump to circumvent the entire legal system. The only way I see this happening is with a legal device having more teeth than an executive order. Could he suspend Habeas Corpus (as Lincoln once did) to stop lawyers and judges from thwarting the deportation process? I think this is the only means capable of enabling him to accomplish these goals. I can't wait to see.
On a sidenote, I would love coming to hear you speak, Ann, but I am in the middle of working to finish a master's degree in divinity. Coming to one of your speaking events and meeting you is a bucket-list item of mine. I want to meet the legend in-person. I can't decide which book I'd ask you to sign but it would probably be either "Mugged" or "Adios America."
But the entire DEI anti-white racism mindset and movement is just another part of the larger globalist "Queer Theory" that seeks to be contrary to everything traditional in its quest to upend and destroy all things that have guided and created civilization since the dawn of time. DEI, the LGBT movement, CRT and BLM are all a part of Queer Theory. So, of course white supremacy is the reason for black-on-black crime! Climate change is also the fault of white supremacy!
The UN has been playing an important role in promoting Queer Theory, as well as the transitioning of America's children into zee/zer gender-confused robots, and in the massive invasion of this nation by Third World illiterate (and socialist/communist) poor.
The globalists have found what they believe is the ideal scapegoat in its condemnation of Christian Caucasians of the West and the United States in particular.
If we Christian crabs manage to climb out of the bucket of the Queer Theory globalists without a civil war it will be nothing short of a miracle.
‘Queer theory’ is the global disruptor? I thought it was climate change. I can’t keep track. Abram, I agree with some of your points, although your words might be more impactful if you toned down the hysteria. The one point we will never agree on is the laughable idea that Trump has the competence to get anything done. Rarely, he manages to pick someone w courage; fe, Everything immigration related was done by Miller.
"Queer Theory" when I first heard the term made me immediately associate it with the LGBT movement. That's a part of it but the word "queer" isn't being used to designate a sexual preference. Instead, it represents the corrupting, the challenging, and the alteration or opposition to all things considered sacrosanct by Western standards. These things include belief in God (especially God's control of the climate we live in), our rights deriving from God (rather than the State), matrimony and childbearing, the difference between the sexes, diet, cultural distinctions, on and on. I admit it's a new term to me. The Epoch Times interviewed Logan Lancing and James Lindsay who co-authored "The Queering of the American Child: How a New School Religious Cult Poisons the Minds and Bodies of Normal Kids." ISBN 9798989741694. CRT, BLM, LGBT, Climate Change, the "renewable-sustainable" (laughable terms) E-economy are all in the basket of "Queer Theory." It's about being contrarian to destroy the conventional.
I disagree on the amount of the wall Ann says was built but I still love her to pieces. I just wish she didn't sound like the scorned girlfriend whenever she speaks about Trump with anyone. I wonder if she ever went down to the border and spoke with the people actually involved who oversaw the construction? She's never answered to anyone as far as I know how Trump was supposed to overcome the edicts of judges who thwarted his efforts. I've always maintained Trump could have done it under the Emergency Powers Act or simply by declaring it a national security emergency.
I don't think it's hysteria to think elites want to transform America into a Third World nation they control via surveillance and new-fascistic socialism. The elitist left loves them some Chinese communism. Every hour they're hungry for more. Trump listened to Stephen Miller on immigration and did his best against a Congress and judges who fought tooth and nail to stop him. I think he could have done better had he implemented the ideas I suggested above. Who knows? I don't know if he ever read Coulter's "Adios, America!" but his border and immigration policy certainly mirrored elements of the book. Miller was a Trump hire. That was a competent decision, wasn't it?
Trump got rid of the threat in the ME by ISIS. He would have brought the troops home and ended the Afghanistan War in a way that would have allowed the US to retain Bagrum AFB. He trusted Fauci and the WHO and the pharmaceutical companies on Covid but what else was he supposed to do? But now that the "vaccine" has been proven anything but a vaccine, Biden has continued to push it into people arms and the death toll and injury toll of those who've taken it continues to rise. I don't blame Trump a bit for trying to get a viable vaccine to market quickly but I do blame the pharmaceutical industry for failing to properly test and prove effectiveness and rule out counterindications for it.
Under Trump the economy was doing very well. Gas and food prices were far below what they are now. Inflation was also very low. He had the border secure.
If Trump is the nominee I will vote for him over anyone the Democrats put up. And then I'll pray he puts policies in place and chooses a VP who can succeed him and continue an America-First agenda because it will take a generation to offset or begin to offset the damage the Democrats have done.
But he got the embassy moved! And in the car an hour ago, I heard him say in a Clay & Buck interview that he'd be the best U.S. president ever for Israel.
When ISN’T it the White Man’s fault? The White Man and The Jew (15 million in a total population of 8 BILLION) get blamed for EVERYTHING! So for the sheer insanity of “Blaming the White Man” for a mass shooting committed by two Black gang members, I should not be surprised.
I have a confession to make I had a Spockian mind meld with them I made them do it after a conference call with David Duke & Charles Murray. This is why leftist racism is far worse than right wing racists. At least right wing racists give African Americans some credit for having their own thoughts & actions .
That part right there! Joe has always been racist towards blks yet still support him. I don't get it at all. It's sad that me a bw did not know about the origins of the Democrat party till I started listening to right wing pundits like Ann, Ben, Charlie, Thomas.... How can you call republicans racist when they ended slavery, opposed segregation, and supported the family unit? Sad that blk ppl don't know this. All you have to do is do your research. They say you can't fix stupid but you can educate the ignorant right? But sometimes I feel blk ppl, this is from me, a bw, fall in between sad to say
that is what Trump had in mind when he mentioned something about libel and slander being applied to journalists who deliberately wrote dishonest pieces; deliberately dishonest / wrong / deceptive, etc.... not an honest mistake.
Is it me that critical thinking is not part of the deal in college? Apparently education is skewed to political ideology. When I was in junior college just the subject matter was taught. No personal belief systems of indoctrination added. Times have changed. It gives Ann fodder to write about forever. A Trump win will magnify it 100 fold. Sad times for this old man.
I'm tired of this blaming white ppl for everything! As a bw, I'm tired of my own, sad to say! No white person put a gun to blk person n made him kill another blk man. I'm tired of the lack of accountability, ignorance, and responsibility in the blk community. Slavery was wrong, yes it was. But this 2024. No one is a slave Nor a slave master. Yes it's important to learn from the past, but that doesn't mean to stay there. It's called the past for a reason. No white person has not made me commit a crime or denied me education or stop me from living my life my way. Blk n proud but I'm not proud of everything that goes in the community (single motherhood, policing blackness, crime, drug dealing and usage...). I'm just tired of blk ppl and this coming from a bw!!!!! If white ppl are the cause of the downfall of African Americans, how is it blk ppl from Africa, Haiti, are doing better when they come to the US by Owning businesses, degrees, not depending on government? Ann, I rock with you because you always kept it real and when ppl tell u that u r racists towards blks, I stick up for u cuz that's not true. U for reparations and I'm not so what does that tell u?
Yes, yes - this "conversation" we're supposed to have about race that will finally put things right...
My opening sentence will be "Here's Detroit, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Memphis in 1924...and here they are in 2024. Ok, let's have a 'conversation' about what happened..."
Let’s face it AC, we the evil white folks are responsible for all the evils in the world including racism. Just this morning, while working I was chased out of a nbhd by a group of South Americans and blacks who were standing in the street. Well they appear to be united about something. 😬
Honesty is the last thing the race warriors want to hear. Honestly.
I like how they shoe-horned Donald Trump into this event by designating 2013 as the "Obama-Trump" era. Reminds me of my nephew blaming 9/11 for being fired from a grocery store.
Wow! Trump was responsible for black on black crime two years before he announced his candidacy, and four years before he became president. I'm definitely not voting for him now that I know that.
Thank you Ann for posing to us and posting a quite reasonable, thought provoking question. In my humble opinion, most people are good. Flawed. But good. Actions guide reactions. And. For some, vice versa.
The government propaganda has been telling blacks for decades that all their problems and innate dysfunction are caused by whites so it's no wonder these dumb clucks say things like Cotton said...always blame whites!
Father’s Day 2024. Loneliest day of the year in Detroit, Saint Louis, Oakland, and 125th Street in NYC.
Yep, and one of the deadliest.
That's a day for single mothers as well.
Re: Second Civil War,
Our nation has never been closer to the possibility of a second civil war. The left in this nation would like to avoid it and complete the "fundamental transformation" Obama mentioned, which will remake America into the neo-fascist, globalist, tribalistic, totalitarian track & trace state it wants for the poor, lower, and middle class who are considered but "serfs" and "servants" of the elites. The left knows, despite their bravado about "F-16s and nukes" that they would lose a second civil war.
The left doth project too much. If Trump wins (and by all polling data and rally turnout his chances look increasingly good) and he doesn't justly go after all these crooks and cruds who've unjustly dragged him and his wallet through the legal checkout stand, he will not fully and faithfully execute the office of the presidency as the nation's top law-enforcement officer.
The Jacobins who've persecuted Trump purely out of political motives in the attempt to retain their power and agenda richly deserve to feel the heat and financial burden of the court system for their actions.
But unless Trump truly does "drain the Swamp" with a thorough legal cleansing of the Justice and State Departments, as well as the CIA and FBI, (and military brass) and punish and remove those who've skirted the law to preserve their power and agenda, not as "retribution" but as genuine justice, for their crimes, his four years in office, whatever positive results he will produce otherwise, will effectively be of little value in the long run, as the Democrats in four years will have the voting system completely rigged by men and machines to their permanent advantage.
Finishing the wall and deporting millions of illegals (both of which actions would cause me and Ann - and half of America- to shout for joy) will require Trump to circumvent the entire legal system. The only way I see this happening is with a legal device having more teeth than an executive order. Could he suspend Habeas Corpus (as Lincoln once did) to stop lawyers and judges from thwarting the deportation process? I think this is the only means capable of enabling him to accomplish these goals. I can't wait to see.
On a sidenote, I would love coming to hear you speak, Ann, but I am in the middle of working to finish a master's degree in divinity. Coming to one of your speaking events and meeting you is a bucket-list item of mine. I want to meet the legend in-person. I can't decide which book I'd ask you to sign but it would probably be either "Mugged" or "Adios America."
But the entire DEI anti-white racism mindset and movement is just another part of the larger globalist "Queer Theory" that seeks to be contrary to everything traditional in its quest to upend and destroy all things that have guided and created civilization since the dawn of time. DEI, the LGBT movement, CRT and BLM are all a part of Queer Theory. So, of course white supremacy is the reason for black-on-black crime! Climate change is also the fault of white supremacy!
The UN has been playing an important role in promoting Queer Theory, as well as the transitioning of America's children into zee/zer gender-confused robots, and in the massive invasion of this nation by Third World illiterate (and socialist/communist) poor.
The globalists have found what they believe is the ideal scapegoat in its condemnation of Christian Caucasians of the West and the United States in particular.
If we Christian crabs manage to climb out of the bucket of the Queer Theory globalists without a civil war it will be nothing short of a miracle.
‘Queer theory’ is the global disruptor? I thought it was climate change. I can’t keep track. Abram, I agree with some of your points, although your words might be more impactful if you toned down the hysteria. The one point we will never agree on is the laughable idea that Trump has the competence to get anything done. Rarely, he manages to pick someone w courage; fe, Everything immigration related was done by Miller.
"Queer Theory" when I first heard the term made me immediately associate it with the LGBT movement. That's a part of it but the word "queer" isn't being used to designate a sexual preference. Instead, it represents the corrupting, the challenging, and the alteration or opposition to all things considered sacrosanct by Western standards. These things include belief in God (especially God's control of the climate we live in), our rights deriving from God (rather than the State), matrimony and childbearing, the difference between the sexes, diet, cultural distinctions, on and on. I admit it's a new term to me. The Epoch Times interviewed Logan Lancing and James Lindsay who co-authored "The Queering of the American Child: How a New School Religious Cult Poisons the Minds and Bodies of Normal Kids." ISBN 9798989741694. CRT, BLM, LGBT, Climate Change, the "renewable-sustainable" (laughable terms) E-economy are all in the basket of "Queer Theory." It's about being contrarian to destroy the conventional.
I disagree on the amount of the wall Ann says was built but I still love her to pieces. I just wish she didn't sound like the scorned girlfriend whenever she speaks about Trump with anyone. I wonder if she ever went down to the border and spoke with the people actually involved who oversaw the construction? She's never answered to anyone as far as I know how Trump was supposed to overcome the edicts of judges who thwarted his efforts. I've always maintained Trump could have done it under the Emergency Powers Act or simply by declaring it a national security emergency.
I don't think it's hysteria to think elites want to transform America into a Third World nation they control via surveillance and new-fascistic socialism. The elitist left loves them some Chinese communism. Every hour they're hungry for more. Trump listened to Stephen Miller on immigration and did his best against a Congress and judges who fought tooth and nail to stop him. I think he could have done better had he implemented the ideas I suggested above. Who knows? I don't know if he ever read Coulter's "Adios, America!" but his border and immigration policy certainly mirrored elements of the book. Miller was a Trump hire. That was a competent decision, wasn't it?
Trump got rid of the threat in the ME by ISIS. He would have brought the troops home and ended the Afghanistan War in a way that would have allowed the US to retain Bagrum AFB. He trusted Fauci and the WHO and the pharmaceutical companies on Covid but what else was he supposed to do? But now that the "vaccine" has been proven anything but a vaccine, Biden has continued to push it into people arms and the death toll and injury toll of those who've taken it continues to rise. I don't blame Trump a bit for trying to get a viable vaccine to market quickly but I do blame the pharmaceutical industry for failing to properly test and prove effectiveness and rule out counterindications for it.
Under Trump the economy was doing very well. Gas and food prices were far below what they are now. Inflation was also very low. He had the border secure.
If Trump is the nominee I will vote for him over anyone the Democrats put up. And then I'll pray he puts policies in place and chooses a VP who can succeed him and continue an America-First agenda because it will take a generation to offset or begin to offset the damage the Democrats have done.
But he got the embassy moved! And in the car an hour ago, I heard him say in a Clay & Buck interview that he'd be the best U.S. president ever for Israel.
When ISN’T it the White Man’s fault? The White Man and The Jew (15 million in a total population of 8 BILLION) get blamed for EVERYTHING! So for the sheer insanity of “Blaming the White Man” for a mass shooting committed by two Black gang members, I should not be surprised.
It's called lack of accountability in the blk community. Blks kill blks more than whites kill blk and I'm tired of it as a bw.
I have a confession to make I had a Spockian mind meld with them I made them do it after a conference call with David Duke & Charles Murray. This is why leftist racism is far worse than right wing racists. At least right wing racists give African Americans some credit for having their own thoughts & actions .
That part right there! Joe has always been racist towards blks yet still support him. I don't get it at all. It's sad that me a bw did not know about the origins of the Democrat party till I started listening to right wing pundits like Ann, Ben, Charlie, Thomas.... How can you call republicans racist when they ended slavery, opposed segregation, and supported the family unit? Sad that blk ppl don't know this. All you have to do is do your research. They say you can't fix stupid but you can educate the ignorant right? But sometimes I feel blk ppl, this is from me, a bw, fall in between sad to say
An excuse for everything and a finger pointed at everybody else.
God forbid growing up and taking responsibility for one's actions.
PS...focusing blame for societal problems on a specific group is what every totalitarian regime has done...not the least of which was the Nazis.
I wish journalists could be found guilty of malpractice.
that is what Trump had in mind when he mentioned something about libel and slander being applied to journalists who deliberately wrote dishonest pieces; deliberately dishonest / wrong / deceptive, etc.... not an honest mistake.
Is it me that critical thinking is not part of the deal in college? Apparently education is skewed to political ideology. When I was in junior college just the subject matter was taught. No personal belief systems of indoctrination added. Times have changed. It gives Ann fodder to write about forever. A Trump win will magnify it 100 fold. Sad times for this old man.
C'mon. It’s critical “ theory” not critical “ thinking!”
I'm tired of this blaming white ppl for everything! As a bw, I'm tired of my own, sad to say! No white person put a gun to blk person n made him kill another blk man. I'm tired of the lack of accountability, ignorance, and responsibility in the blk community. Slavery was wrong, yes it was. But this 2024. No one is a slave Nor a slave master. Yes it's important to learn from the past, but that doesn't mean to stay there. It's called the past for a reason. No white person has not made me commit a crime or denied me education or stop me from living my life my way. Blk n proud but I'm not proud of everything that goes in the community (single motherhood, policing blackness, crime, drug dealing and usage...). I'm just tired of blk ppl and this coming from a bw!!!!! If white ppl are the cause of the downfall of African Americans, how is it blk ppl from Africa, Haiti, are doing better when they come to the US by Owning businesses, degrees, not depending on government? Ann, I rock with you because you always kept it real and when ppl tell u that u r racists towards blks, I stick up for u cuz that's not true. U for reparations and I'm not so what does that tell u?
Yes, yes - this "conversation" we're supposed to have about race that will finally put things right...
My opening sentence will be "Here's Detroit, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Memphis in 1924...and here they are in 2024. Ok, let's have a 'conversation' about what happened..."
Let’s face it AC, we the evil white folks are responsible for all the evils in the world including racism. Just this morning, while working I was chased out of a nbhd by a group of South Americans and blacks who were standing in the street. Well they appear to be united about something. 😬
"Talk honestly"?
Honesty is the last thing the race warriors want to hear. Honestly.
I like how they shoe-horned Donald Trump into this event by designating 2013 as the "Obama-Trump" era. Reminds me of my nephew blaming 9/11 for being fired from a grocery store.
Wow! Trump was responsible for black on black crime two years before he announced his candidacy, and four years before he became president. I'm definitely not voting for him now that I know that.
The Rwanda slaughter back in 1994 is our fault, too, from what I read everywhere.
Why? 'Cuz we didn't do anything to stop it.
Thank you Ann for posing to us and posting a quite reasonable, thought provoking question. In my humble opinion, most people are good. Flawed. But good. Actions guide reactions. And. For some, vice versa.
Thanks for the good news, life can get kinda glum, without some periodic levity!
The government propaganda has been telling blacks for decades that all their problems and innate dysfunction are caused by whites so it's no wonder these dumb clucks say things like Cotton said...always blame whites!