What if we put the border wall in the budget as "A 2000 mile long, 30 foot high, George Floyd mural"?

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A mural ‘free for all’. It seems popular for schools to keep repainting boulders, and locally is a school bus junk yard that displays artists’ creativity and it changes quite often as Hwy commuters observe.

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750 bases world wide. 99% of Americans do not know this .....

When the economic end is near in ten years, and voters panic, these will be the first to go from the budget...

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This bus heading right toward the cliff, I shutter to think what the consequences will be for this debt bomb.

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Well written Ann.

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Brilliant summary. And the pure truth about our county's elites who don't even know who they represent in Congress and the White House. There is no job #1 for them, to protect this country.

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Praise the Lord -pass the ammunition- and buy stock in your preferred defense contractor.

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Another delightfully razor-sharp column, Ann, though I suppose an argument can be made that the American warlords have indeed already 'got to' what used to be America and are now simply done with it, leaving the carcass for the progressive death cultists to feed upon. A couple years ago, on the 80th anniversary of my great uncle's final flight at the Battle of Midway, I pondered what he would think today of the nation he died defending as a pilot with Torpedo Squadron 8 taking off the USS Hornet. What would he make of a land, a people and a country that he would no longer recognize and the now ubiquitous cultural infrastructure that instills hatred of working class white males with an assembly line precision? A mannequin like Nikki Haley brought to life by the military-industrial complex and unleashed as a corruption-peddler and carnage-lobbyist, what would he think of her? Or how the era of Admiral Chester Nimitz has given way to Admiral 'Rachel' Levine, that would have surely downed him faster than the Japanese Imperial Navy did. Would my great uncle and his compatriots at Midway have so readily jumped into their planes and flown into history if they could have seen what would become of America less than a century later? Well, probably so, but it's hard to imagine that they wouldn't have been filled with an agonizing sorrow for a nation and people that would not long survive them. https://thecromerreader.com/the-daily-read/no-country-for-fallen-patriots/

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A-men Ann. Our military has lost its' way. It is supposed to protect our borders from invasion. But we have a President who openly mocks and defies his sworn oath to uphold the laws of our land. So he needs to go. And one of the best ways we can deal with the soaring national debt is to reduce our bloated military budget. If we can't defend our own border, we have no business running around the world bombing and threatening other countries who are smart enough to defend theirs.

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Which begs the question, if we refuse to protect our national borders, why are we funding the Border Patrol??? Which begs the question, if we have surrendered to the war on drugs, why do we continue to fund the DEA??? Which begs the question….so many unanswered questions and so little time left!!!

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One of the reasons why so many US politicians prattle on endlessly about foreign nations and foreign wars, is because they all want to play "statesman" to a cheering audience. Most have ZERO role in international relations, BUT they CAN talk about it!

Domestic issues are just boring and petty to them, so why bother chatting them up? Especially when they can play crusader against "The Next Hitler", and go to sleep at night, dreaming that they are Churchill.

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If they focused on domestic issues, they would actually have to do something like attack the deficit, defend the border, clean up the Beltway bureaucracies, etc…are you kidding me, that is real work with the prospect of failure…Putin is a sure bet!!!

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Biden always has a villain to deflect on. Trump or Putin. Biden is so weak and pathetic and stupid people fall for his bullshit all the time.

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The people who fall for his bullshit are either dumber than he is and/or just as dishonest...at least Biden has made $Millions off the bullshit...I have no idea what the tools with bullhorns are getting out of destroying America.

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Ann always clarifying .. where are we headed .. Quo Vadis

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Have faith and say a prayer…if, for some reason, Trump can’t run, it is just possible that a brokered convention would draft DeSantis (if he can bail his ass out of that over-exuberant abortion bill and at least get some moderate Republican votes)…it still could happen…without that, not holding my breath on the border.

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You’d think some of these veteran lawmakers like Crenshaw and Cotton would be leading the charge on this nonsense. Traitorous cowards! They took an oath and they have no honor to abide by it.

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A few points:

1- Ann, I seem to recall you were fervently in support of some of these wars, especially Iraq. Has your position changed?

2- As much as I love the idea of the Taliban being vaporised, my understanding is that they merely fled to neighbouring countries, particularly Pakistan. As their funding hadn't been cut off, they were able to regroup, and they evidently had many sympathisers in Afghanistan.

3- That being said, I hope the Americans do build a wall. As further proof that walls work, look no further than Egypt, which is building a concrete wall to keep Palestinians out, following Israel's advance on Rafah. Egypt already has a substantial border wall with Gaza and floods Hamas tunnels from the Strip into Egypt. (But for some reason, this fact doesn't get mentioned by the anti-Israel fanatics...)

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Upon hearing Lincoln's words: "You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can never fool all of the people all of the time -- this is what occurred in leftist minds: "Let's propagandize to have democracy replace our constitutional republic because democracy is a system where you win with 51% of the vote and we could easily fool 51% of the people all of the time with happy socialist horseshit because the majority loves that stuff". Today, of course, the left bamboozles more than 51% of the people all of the time.

The US ceased being benign and constructive with the election of FDR in 1932. America hasn't made a lick of sense since then and it grows more senseless and self-destructive by the day, plus, there's the damage we do in foreign lands. Alas, only seventeen people blame democracy for the terminal stupidity.

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I’ve gone how long without ever encountering the word “chary”? 🤔🤓

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Yea, I’m ashamed to say I never knew the number of bases we had abroad. It never really is information that comes up. Maybe I read it once on Mises but that’s about it.

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So depressing! How do we create a nation of people who care about us?

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