Well Ann, tonight is the "big night", so I guess we will see if Ron DeSantis is merely a victim of a vast media smear campaign (which I think he is), and/or if he's allowed a bunch of milquetoast thinking political consultants, to water him down into Jeb v.2.
I suspect too much of both, but what I think we will find, is that despite everything, Trump will end up being the only candidate with the stones to deliver the message that Right thinking Americans want/need to hear.
Vivek- will "talk the talk", but I think he is playing to Trump's base, and his history of changing his views WILL catch-up with him.
Chris Christie is so establishment that he will just embarrass himself, again (not that he cares- I don't even know why he is running except to sabotage Trump, and keep his name in the news)
Tim Scott is no better than Christie, except he probably "means well" and isn't just there to play spoiler.
Mike Pence is a joke! I don't know who he is listening to, but whomever told him to run, should be fired! I'd call him an empty suit, but that isn't a feckless enough way to describe him. (empty suits don't talk, and make it worse)
Nikki Haley... good grief, give us all a break! Please go away, and take -
Asa Hutchinson with you! Talk about some people that can't "read the room"! Only paid consultants convince these fools to run, because no voter, anywhere, wants them!
Doug Burgum? Never heard of him, is he real or an AI generated automaton? Is he just there to make Mike and Nikki seem relevant?
So that leave Ron and Don; the real candidates.
If Ron falters, it's right back to Trump, love it or hate it, it's reality.
This whole thing is Ron's to lose, and if he goes full Jeb, he has nobody to blame but himself.
Sadly, Ron DeSantis blew his big chance bigly. He must've surrounded himself with typical lame establishment-reacharound campaign consultants. He missed EVERY easy kill shot on Ramasmarmy e.g.
"Vivek lied about his Soros cash and paid a Wikipedia editor to cover it up."
"Vivek's a pharma-industry billionaire who still claims covid jabs are Safe & Effective."
"Vivek was on the govt covid team that locked down Ohio, and he paid a Wikipedia editor to cover that up."
"Vivek wants to massively hike the already excessive 'cheap labor' legal immigration that drives up housing costs and crushes real wages & opportunities for Americans."
"Vivek even likens the USA to a sports team that needs the best players. I guess if he doesn't think you're the best player for the money, you can find another country to move to."
Another killer line Ron could've pursued instead of "Mike did his duty on Jan 6":
"I think Trump won, but the election was stolen because Trump did nothing about vote fraud for 4 years. Try stealing votes in FL, and you will go to jail. I took action to secure our vote and it's a big reason my 20-pt win actually shows in the official vote count. Pence sabotaged the national election integrity commission and dishonored his oath on Jan 6. He should've backed an audit."
Sadly, Ron's advised by folks who let their desire to beat Trump push them to a self-defeating, ridiculous, reality-denying claim that there's no massive fraud ... folks like Ann Coulter.
I think Vivek will lead Ron in the polls soon & Trump will tap him for VP. What a shame.
I agree, Ron missed a good chance. I think he is falling into to trap of trying too hard to "not be Trump", or not to appear to act similar to Trump, because he thinks the MSM will say he's "Trump 2" or something.
He obviously made a point to NOT go on the attack, which I think, in an 8 man (ok, one "woman") cage match, is a bit of a mistake.
These 8 person debates are rather dumb to begin with, but Trump handled them well the last time, by stealing the show, exactly by going on the offensive.
Besides, as we will see with Vivek, and others, nobody really cares about what you say, i.e. "well, in the first debate, you said X, and now you are saying Y", because it really isn't a policy debate, it's speaking engagement to gain name recognition, and frankly, media buzz.
Who was it that said "you'd be better off if you fell off the stage, than if nobody noticed you at all" (or something like that)?
Of course- Fox News really fucked all of these candidates, by not allowing anyone to snip the video/audio, and replay the "hot takes", good moments, bad moments, epic fails.... I don't know what they are thinking, but it's dumb. (And the RNC for letting them do it).
This was a GOP Primary debate for the nomination to run for president, and FOX decides to be stingy with the content!? That's kind of bullshit! This should be in the public domain.
Also, who will cultivate the moments from it, and to who's advantage? (to get all conspiracy theory about it).
The same people that are telling me that Nikki and Christie had a "great night"!? Are they going to parse the snippets they re-run to the public, so they can shape the narrative?
Seriously, this deal stinks!
And doing a review of it, all from memory, because nobody has a broadcast I can re-watch!?
Yep. Another embarrassing opportunity lost: When FauxNews asked if they'd back Trump if he gets the nom, and Ron looked around to make sure everyone else raised their hand first. Pathetic. He could've said, "yes, I'll back Trump if he gets the nom even though Trump said he won't back anyone else who gets it." Loyalty is a 1-way street for Trump, and they all let him get away with it.
Ron goes for the jugular in Florida but then he "plays it safe" in the debate, thereby Losing it! Sickening. He's 40 points down for God's sake, so what's he got to lose? Is he really trying to protect his 14-point polls?
I can only guess that "they" (hack political consultants with a long history of losing campaigns) have him convinced that he can blithely bounce around in the middle lane of the "not ready for the grown-up table of 8", being "nice but firm, firm but fair, positive but not confrontational" until the field collapses down to 3 or 4, and then he can start trying to chop them down, one by one?
Honestly, I thought he looked a little lost, in part, because I think "they" have him playing a role that he isn't 100% comfortable with; And it showed!
Wrong. We need several issues discussed in addition to immigration:
1. Federal & state covid tyranny, lockdowns, masking, separation, denial of therapeutics, "Safe & Effective" Vaccines, Florida's very brief lockdown vs Cali, Florida's vax passport ban, Fauci v Ladapo etc
2. Elections: "There was huge fraud in key states, but *try that in Florida* where I was reelected 60-40. We prosecute it here. Pence sabotaged the election commission that Trump disbanded after 6 mo" etc
3. Integrity: Wealthy Vivek repeatedly lied that he "needed" Soros money for school. He lies to cover his lies, falsely claims Soros said he wants DeSantis to win. Do we need compulsive liars in the WH?
4. Grooming & anti-American socialist indoctrination in government schools, and child gender-changing drugs & surgery: Florida takes *action* under DeSantis.
5. School choice: Florida vs Cali, NY etc
All these issues are winners for DeSantis, but Anne is blind to at least two of them, letting her hatred of Trump compel her to claim that 2020 wasn't stolen, and believing that "people were dropping like flies" from covid, not from denial of care, HCQ & IVM, cancelation of doctors, censorship etc
6. Inflation: The "Print Money to Fight Inflation Act". Paying people more not to work than to work. Oil & gas. Inflation = Theft, taxation without representation.
Possibly 7: Loyalty & Jan 6. The break-in was bad, but it was led by agent provocateurs who were never arrested, the protestors were unarmed, and many harmless people including some who never went in get cruel, unusual & unconstitutional treatment such as beatings & torture, years of solitary before rigged trials, blocked exculpatory evidence, presumed guilt, jail "suicides" & decades-long sentences. Trump's pandering to Qanon & other psyops, holding the event in DC, assuming it wouldn't be infiltrated by agent provocateurs -- all foolish but not criminal. Trump threw his supporters under the bus & refused to lift a finger to help their legal defense. Loyalty is a 1-way street for him.
I think the immigration issue is already lost, unless someone says that 'every single post 1970 third world arrival and their progeny is going to be rounded up and deported, and border jumpers are going to be hunted down with particular vengeance, call it Operation Wetback 2.0. The US is going to have a population of 250 million western European descendants after those actions get mopped up, and because of who was deported, the Dems will never win a national election again.'
If illegal immigration was the tsunami facing the US in 2015 (when Adios America was published and Ann mopped up the floor with that piece of shit Ramos in his own studio in front of a bunch of human garbage...'can I have a hug?'), monetary devastation is the next tsunami (Ann was right to refuse the hug, saying later to Ingraham, I believe, that the headlines would have read "Coulter infects hispanic woman").
The Deep State has discovered and proved that it is possible to create a $33 trillion debt without taxing $33 trillion out of the economy. As they have thus evaporated the purchasing power, the next obvious step is to decide where money can and can't be spent, including putting limits on how long the money will remain in your bank account until it expires if not spent in X days. 15 days to stop the spread, or start the spread, or whatever.
That is what Keynes was doing when he came up with his demand side theory, acknowledging that inflation is a vicious tool and encouraging inflation so that people would essentially be forced to spend their money / create demand before it lost more value.
Digital currency will mean that you won't be able to spend your money at a gun store, for sure, and you will be limited to how much can be spent a month on gasoline and then electricity for your home. Maybe they will do what the Frog Trudeau did and just freeze your bank account because you bought the new John Rich album / download, and especially if you downloaded Oliver Anthony's songs.
Electric cars can be remotely shut down, social media accounts can be shut down, why not money itself? If people insist on buying gas powered vehicles and the gas to move them, then they have to be shown that that is not possible anymore. But maybe if they agree to eat bugs and Soylent Green crackers, then that money has no expiration date. Who knows what kind of schemes will be thought up by the likes of Elias and Fink and Schumer and Dimon and the rest of the Boxcar Survivor League?
There is no reason immigration AND monetary policy can't be handled at the same time. But they won't be, and Xiden's 2nd term will finish what is left of Western Civilization.
Immigration is not lost, despite our treasonous corrupt whore politicos & officials making Op Wetback 2.0 impossible due to the massive, entrenched invasion-occupation. Oh, it's physically possible, but nowhere near politically viable, and that of course was the goal of the "cheap labor" donor class invasion sponsors. But it's not a choice between giving up and doing nothing vs massive roundups and deportation. There's potentially viable middle ground, some of which was discussed DeSantis discussed in Coulter's interview.
* Zero tolerance full enforcement on the border, reinstate remain in Mexico, jack up tariffs on Mexico and gridlock the border crossings with truck inspections until Mexico stops sponsoring the invasion, finish the wall, do every other thing needed to stop further invasion.
* If an illegal gets pulled over or pulled in for anything, Adios. Just get them one at a time.
* Enforce e-verify. Kill the jobs magnet.
* Tax payments into Mexico by illegals.
* Enforce penalties against knowing employers of illegals.
* Revoke the tax deductability of payments to illegals.
* Abolish "birthright citizenship" for the children of illegals, birth tourists, etc. I would go farther, abolish it for non-citizens entirely. Not even legal residents should have that benefit. Non-residents can have their citizenship process revoked for bad behavior, so why should they have anchor-baby rights? Why should someone who's been a legal resident for many years and doesn't value citizenship enough to finish getting it be able to drop anchors?
yours are all good comments and good points, far more conciliatory than anything I would have thought up....lol. I suppose it would be not a good idea, then, to have ICE and DHS trucks (or even just shitty beaters with letters painted on the doors) randomly roam immigrant hotspot neighborhoods and areas while towing a wood chipper....?
😂 Thanks. Yeah, I don't think that would survive the political process. It would be quickly reversed, whereas halting the flow, killing job magnets, holding Mexico accountable, and gradual "deportations of opportunity" could survive and prosper.
Martha McCallum: “Candidate, do you think migrants should be able to access abortion services in the US and if yes, then for how many weeks into their pregnancies?
The most frustrating thing of all is that these candidates twist themselves into contortions and hire expensive consultants and add weird punctuation to their names and learn all these distracting hand gestures, and really the secret sauce is just... take popular stances on issues. It’s that simple. The fact that it’s so impossible for them to do that shows how painfully out of touch Washington is.
I think there’s a problem between what their voters want and what the donors want. I think these phonies agree more with their donors and the game is to either fool the rubes or tout an issue the rubes care about but their donors don’t.
💯 that is the problem. I’m sensing especially with DeSantis, his donors won’t let him say the things he needs to say to win. But after Trump defeated Hillary with less money, the slavery to big donors should have ended. Buzz/enthusiasm >>> lots of money.
Trump’s 2016 strength was his ability to sound like the average man. He articulated the everyday persons problems using clear language (Queens (NY) English), yet as president he made horrible appointments and rarely followed through with anything difficult. His troubles now are because he didn’t cut the head off the beast. More likely than not, he will be the Republican nominee, and the Democratic socialist machine will roll over him and the rest of the country.
Vic R appears to be the most down to earth candidate in the alternative slate. While Ron D. Has the smarts he doesn’t have the personality needed to win this endeavor. Maybe that’s why the Democrats aren’t worried and Biden can take a four year vacation, and continue to be a pathological liar. They know the game is fixed and they are the ones who fixed it. God help us all.
If you love slick compulsive liars, vote for Vic Ramasmarmy!
"I needed the Soros cash for college." Turns out he earned $2.2 mil that year. Real down to earth. The cash could've gone to a struggling student, but we're to believe there was no quid pro quo. Soros is evil, not stupid.
Ramasmarmy's so down to earth, he wants to HIKE legal immigration and he likens the USA to a sports team: "We need the best players." I kid you not. Let's work that analogy:
"Fred, I'm letting you go. The world finals are coming up and we need the best players we can afford so I'm bringing some in from India. I'm sure you'll land on your feet in another country. I hear Somalia has cheap housing."
my preference would be to round them up, either one at a time as Haup says or with a grain combine or road grader or zamboni or catepillar loader, put them into boxcars to the coast, dumped into the hold of a freighter, floated out about a hundred miles where the ship will be met by a submarine and torpedoed.
Reliable for what? Lying? Jacking up immigration from India?
So what if Ron DeSantis is "stiff"? He's by far the most reliably conservative candidate with by far the most reliably conservative *record* of *actions* and success of any governor.
Should we prefer a reliably smarmy liar and immigration pimp with no record over the most reliably conservative governor with a record to prove it because he's "stiff"?
I don’t care about personality in a President—in fact I’m TIRED OF IT! I want a president who berates the faults other politicians (because they are all freeloaders) and who does what he says, personality be damned. Ron De Santis could walk around with a cane yelling bah-humbug at every child that crossed his path, and if his record on Covid and governing was the same, I’d still take him over a smooth talker (Vivek). Trump is not even on my radar, nor anyone I know.
Obviously, we want somebody competent. However, the public does not look at competence. They look at personality and intangible issues. Why do you think we have had so many horrible presidents in our history. Competence was not one of the top deciding factors.
I can’t wait until I never have to hear “Trump” again. Or Vivek. Or any other loser candidate Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson et al foist upon us. It’s De Santis or death. A record is a record: Trump’s is AWFUL, Vivek doesn’t have one (red flag!)…and who else is campaigning? Oh yes, it doesn’t matter: De Santis wins just by existing, after what he’s done for Florida. Period.
“So why did he crush all the debate insta-polls in 2016?”
Probably because he woke up a hibernating segment of the electorate with some common sense policies and convinced them that he was just populist loner enough that…maybe…he might have the balls to actually do what proposed.
But alas, Trump turned out to be a politically-barren gelding.
DeSantis’ greatest strength is not his mostly commonsense policies but, rather, his supporters belief that he is actually honest enough to do what he says he will.
Ann talks about the illegal alien crisis in New York, Rep. Tom Massie’s blindness on the subject, progressive euphemisms, political consultants and her column.
$50 to Cole if Ron follows the published consultant advice, and does the "wife, family, emotional" anecdote. I'm 85% that he will!
"The other day I was talking to my lovely wife Casey, and she asked me "Ron, do you ever worry about the future of our country for our three children, Madison, Mason and Mamie?' And I said (voice quivers a little bit, because it's such an emotional topic) Yes, Casey, I am deeply concerned for their future, and that's why it's so important that we get our message out to the voters, so we can ensure they have a future as bright as the light in your beautiful blue eyes"
Read down through the comments. No need for me to come off the bench, you're hitting them out of the park. I was tired from the day's work when I sat down to read Ann's column, read your contributions and sat back lit a fine cigar and said, "This guy read my mind, now I can take the night off".
I will not be watching the .....um debate, nor Trump's interview, instead I'll just read about it tomorrow. I believe it's way way too early to take anything said tonight as having a lasting affect which will influence the primary. I'll be interested in reading your comments next week.
Ann rightly mocks and derides amnesty loving Jeb! yet fails to tell her audience that Jeb! is a big DeSantis supporter and was at his swearing in ceremony after his re-election as Florida governor. So it's hard to believe that DeSantis will go smash mouth on immigration policy if elected. As it is immigration hasn't been the centerpiece of the DeSantis campaign and he's only made a few statements about it. This is a red flag.
There you go again, parroting Trump's lies & smears, guilt by assn etc, and making up your own. DeSantis said lots about immigration in Anne's interview. No "red flag".
¡Jeb! was gov of Florida. Should we be shocked, SHOCKED(!), to see them both in a pic at an event?
Should we be SHOCKED(!) that ¡Jeb! prefers DeSantis to Trump?
Does ¡Jeb! preferring Ron to Don imply that RINO ¡Jeb! likes Ron's hard-ass actions on covid tyranny, election fraud, school grooming & indoctrination, school choice, con carry, Disney, etc?
Today, in addition to immigration another major issue that rings the bell with American people is LGBTQ indoctrination in public schools. Few (otherwise moderate) soccer-moms want to see their prepubescent kids exposed to male gay pornography. This issue could unite not only conservative, but also moderate, Asians and even Latino voters to vote for Republican candidate. Too bad GOP candidates almost ignored WOKEism yesterday.
Well Ann, tonight is the "big night", so I guess we will see if Ron DeSantis is merely a victim of a vast media smear campaign (which I think he is), and/or if he's allowed a bunch of milquetoast thinking political consultants, to water him down into Jeb v.2.
I suspect too much of both, but what I think we will find, is that despite everything, Trump will end up being the only candidate with the stones to deliver the message that Right thinking Americans want/need to hear.
Vivek- will "talk the talk", but I think he is playing to Trump's base, and his history of changing his views WILL catch-up with him.
Chris Christie is so establishment that he will just embarrass himself, again (not that he cares- I don't even know why he is running except to sabotage Trump, and keep his name in the news)
Tim Scott is no better than Christie, except he probably "means well" and isn't just there to play spoiler.
Mike Pence is a joke! I don't know who he is listening to, but whomever told him to run, should be fired! I'd call him an empty suit, but that isn't a feckless enough way to describe him. (empty suits don't talk, and make it worse)
Nikki Haley... good grief, give us all a break! Please go away, and take -
Asa Hutchinson with you! Talk about some people that can't "read the room"! Only paid consultants convince these fools to run, because no voter, anywhere, wants them!
Doug Burgum? Never heard of him, is he real or an AI generated automaton? Is he just there to make Mike and Nikki seem relevant?
So that leave Ron and Don; the real candidates.
If Ron falters, it's right back to Trump, love it or hate it, it's reality.
This whole thing is Ron's to lose, and if he goes full Jeb, he has nobody to blame but himself.
Sadly, Ron DeSantis blew his big chance bigly. He must've surrounded himself with typical lame establishment-reacharound campaign consultants. He missed EVERY easy kill shot on Ramasmarmy e.g.
"Vivek lied about his Soros cash and paid a Wikipedia editor to cover it up."
"Vivek's a pharma-industry billionaire who still claims covid jabs are Safe & Effective."
"Vivek was on the govt covid team that locked down Ohio, and he paid a Wikipedia editor to cover that up."
"Vivek wants to massively hike the already excessive 'cheap labor' legal immigration that drives up housing costs and crushes real wages & opportunities for Americans."
"Vivek even likens the USA to a sports team that needs the best players. I guess if he doesn't think you're the best player for the money, you can find another country to move to."
Another killer line Ron could've pursued instead of "Mike did his duty on Jan 6":
"I think Trump won, but the election was stolen because Trump did nothing about vote fraud for 4 years. Try stealing votes in FL, and you will go to jail. I took action to secure our vote and it's a big reason my 20-pt win actually shows in the official vote count. Pence sabotaged the national election integrity commission and dishonored his oath on Jan 6. He should've backed an audit."
Sadly, Ron's advised by folks who let their desire to beat Trump push them to a self-defeating, ridiculous, reality-denying claim that there's no massive fraud ... folks like Ann Coulter.
I think Vivek will lead Ron in the polls soon & Trump will tap him for VP. What a shame.
Great points!
I agree, Ron missed a good chance. I think he is falling into to trap of trying too hard to "not be Trump", or not to appear to act similar to Trump, because he thinks the MSM will say he's "Trump 2" or something.
He obviously made a point to NOT go on the attack, which I think, in an 8 man (ok, one "woman") cage match, is a bit of a mistake.
These 8 person debates are rather dumb to begin with, but Trump handled them well the last time, by stealing the show, exactly by going on the offensive.
Besides, as we will see with Vivek, and others, nobody really cares about what you say, i.e. "well, in the first debate, you said X, and now you are saying Y", because it really isn't a policy debate, it's speaking engagement to gain name recognition, and frankly, media buzz.
Who was it that said "you'd be better off if you fell off the stage, than if nobody noticed you at all" (or something like that)?
Of course- Fox News really fucked all of these candidates, by not allowing anyone to snip the video/audio, and replay the "hot takes", good moments, bad moments, epic fails.... I don't know what they are thinking, but it's dumb. (And the RNC for letting them do it).
This was a GOP Primary debate for the nomination to run for president, and FOX decides to be stingy with the content!? That's kind of bullshit! This should be in the public domain.
Also, who will cultivate the moments from it, and to who's advantage? (to get all conspiracy theory about it).
The same people that are telling me that Nikki and Christie had a "great night"!? Are they going to parse the snippets they re-run to the public, so they can shape the narrative?
Seriously, this deal stinks!
And doing a review of it, all from memory, because nobody has a broadcast I can re-watch!?
Something is rotten in Denmark!
Yep. Another embarrassing opportunity lost: When FauxNews asked if they'd back Trump if he gets the nom, and Ron looked around to make sure everyone else raised their hand first. Pathetic. He could've said, "yes, I'll back Trump if he gets the nom even though Trump said he won't back anyone else who gets it." Loyalty is a 1-way street for Trump, and they all let him get away with it.
Ron goes for the jugular in Florida but then he "plays it safe" in the debate, thereby Losing it! Sickening. He's 40 points down for God's sake, so what's he got to lose? Is he really trying to protect his 14-point polls?
I can only guess that "they" (hack political consultants with a long history of losing campaigns) have him convinced that he can blithely bounce around in the middle lane of the "not ready for the grown-up table of 8", being "nice but firm, firm but fair, positive but not confrontational" until the field collapses down to 3 or 4, and then he can start trying to chop them down, one by one?
Honestly, I thought he looked a little lost, in part, because I think "they" have him playing a role that he isn't 100% comfortable with; And it showed!
Wrong. We need several issues discussed in addition to immigration:
1. Federal & state covid tyranny, lockdowns, masking, separation, denial of therapeutics, "Safe & Effective" Vaccines, Florida's very brief lockdown vs Cali, Florida's vax passport ban, Fauci v Ladapo etc
2. Elections: "There was huge fraud in key states, but *try that in Florida* where I was reelected 60-40. We prosecute it here. Pence sabotaged the election commission that Trump disbanded after 6 mo" etc
3. Integrity: Wealthy Vivek repeatedly lied that he "needed" Soros money for school. He lies to cover his lies, falsely claims Soros said he wants DeSantis to win. Do we need compulsive liars in the WH?
4. Grooming & anti-American socialist indoctrination in government schools, and child gender-changing drugs & surgery: Florida takes *action* under DeSantis.
5. School choice: Florida vs Cali, NY etc
All these issues are winners for DeSantis, but Anne is blind to at least two of them, letting her hatred of Trump compel her to claim that 2020 wasn't stolen, and believing that "people were dropping like flies" from covid, not from denial of care, HCQ & IVM, cancelation of doctors, censorship etc
6. Inflation: The "Print Money to Fight Inflation Act". Paying people more not to work than to work. Oil & gas. Inflation = Theft, taxation without representation.
Possibly 7: Loyalty & Jan 6. The break-in was bad, but it was led by agent provocateurs who were never arrested, the protestors were unarmed, and many harmless people including some who never went in get cruel, unusual & unconstitutional treatment such as beatings & torture, years of solitary before rigged trials, blocked exculpatory evidence, presumed guilt, jail "suicides" & decades-long sentences. Trump's pandering to Qanon & other psyops, holding the event in DC, assuming it wouldn't be infiltrated by agent provocateurs -- all foolish but not criminal. Trump threw his supporters under the bus & refused to lift a finger to help their legal defense. Loyalty is a 1-way street for him.
especially number 6, monetary policy.
I think the immigration issue is already lost, unless someone says that 'every single post 1970 third world arrival and their progeny is going to be rounded up and deported, and border jumpers are going to be hunted down with particular vengeance, call it Operation Wetback 2.0. The US is going to have a population of 250 million western European descendants after those actions get mopped up, and because of who was deported, the Dems will never win a national election again.'
If illegal immigration was the tsunami facing the US in 2015 (when Adios America was published and Ann mopped up the floor with that piece of shit Ramos in his own studio in front of a bunch of human garbage...'can I have a hug?'), monetary devastation is the next tsunami (Ann was right to refuse the hug, saying later to Ingraham, I believe, that the headlines would have read "Coulter infects hispanic woman").
The Deep State has discovered and proved that it is possible to create a $33 trillion debt without taxing $33 trillion out of the economy. As they have thus evaporated the purchasing power, the next obvious step is to decide where money can and can't be spent, including putting limits on how long the money will remain in your bank account until it expires if not spent in X days. 15 days to stop the spread, or start the spread, or whatever.
That is what Keynes was doing when he came up with his demand side theory, acknowledging that inflation is a vicious tool and encouraging inflation so that people would essentially be forced to spend their money / create demand before it lost more value.
Digital currency will mean that you won't be able to spend your money at a gun store, for sure, and you will be limited to how much can be spent a month on gasoline and then electricity for your home. Maybe they will do what the Frog Trudeau did and just freeze your bank account because you bought the new John Rich album / download, and especially if you downloaded Oliver Anthony's songs.
Electric cars can be remotely shut down, social media accounts can be shut down, why not money itself? If people insist on buying gas powered vehicles and the gas to move them, then they have to be shown that that is not possible anymore. But maybe if they agree to eat bugs and Soylent Green crackers, then that money has no expiration date. Who knows what kind of schemes will be thought up by the likes of Elias and Fink and Schumer and Dimon and the rest of the Boxcar Survivor League?
There is no reason immigration AND monetary policy can't be handled at the same time. But they won't be, and Xiden's 2nd term will finish what is left of Western Civilization.
Immigration is not lost, despite our treasonous corrupt whore politicos & officials making Op Wetback 2.0 impossible due to the massive, entrenched invasion-occupation. Oh, it's physically possible, but nowhere near politically viable, and that of course was the goal of the "cheap labor" donor class invasion sponsors. But it's not a choice between giving up and doing nothing vs massive roundups and deportation. There's potentially viable middle ground, some of which was discussed DeSantis discussed in Coulter's interview.
* Zero tolerance full enforcement on the border, reinstate remain in Mexico, jack up tariffs on Mexico and gridlock the border crossings with truck inspections until Mexico stops sponsoring the invasion, finish the wall, do every other thing needed to stop further invasion.
* If an illegal gets pulled over or pulled in for anything, Adios. Just get them one at a time.
* Enforce e-verify. Kill the jobs magnet.
* Tax payments into Mexico by illegals.
* Enforce penalties against knowing employers of illegals.
* Revoke the tax deductability of payments to illegals.
* Abolish "birthright citizenship" for the children of illegals, birth tourists, etc. I would go farther, abolish it for non-citizens entirely. Not even legal residents should have that benefit. Non-residents can have their citizenship process revoked for bad behavior, so why should they have anchor-baby rights? Why should someone who's been a legal resident for many years and doesn't value citizenship enough to finish getting it be able to drop anchors?
Americans should once again be able to thrill in the joy of the deportation process.
yours are all good comments and good points, far more conciliatory than anything I would have thought up....lol. I suppose it would be not a good idea, then, to have ICE and DHS trucks (or even just shitty beaters with letters painted on the doors) randomly roam immigrant hotspot neighborhoods and areas while towing a wood chipper....?
😂 Thanks. Yeah, I don't think that would survive the political process. It would be quickly reversed, whereas halting the flow, killing job magnets, holding Mexico accountable, and gradual "deportations of opportunity" could survive and prosper.
Fox News’ immigration question at the debate:
Martha McCallum: “Candidate, do you think migrants should be able to access abortion services in the US and if yes, then for how many weeks into their pregnancies?
more likely it will be phrased, 'why don't you think migrants......'
more likely it will be phrased, 'why don't you think migrants......'
The most frustrating thing of all is that these candidates twist themselves into contortions and hire expensive consultants and add weird punctuation to their names and learn all these distracting hand gestures, and really the secret sauce is just... take popular stances on issues. It’s that simple. The fact that it’s so impossible for them to do that shows how painfully out of touch Washington is.
Yes, but it’s also an indictment of our current political system, which is supposed to do the OPPOSITE.
If we can’t vote our way out of this, what then?
I think there’s a problem between what their voters want and what the donors want. I think these phonies agree more with their donors and the game is to either fool the rubes or tout an issue the rubes care about but their donors don’t.
💯 that is the problem. I’m sensing especially with DeSantis, his donors won’t let him say the things he needs to say to win. But after Trump defeated Hillary with less money, the slavery to big donors should have ended. Buzz/enthusiasm >>> lots of money.
I guess we will find out tonight!
Trump’s 2016 strength was his ability to sound like the average man. He articulated the everyday persons problems using clear language (Queens (NY) English), yet as president he made horrible appointments and rarely followed through with anything difficult. His troubles now are because he didn’t cut the head off the beast. More likely than not, he will be the Republican nominee, and the Democratic socialist machine will roll over him and the rest of the country.
Vic R appears to be the most down to earth candidate in the alternative slate. While Ron D. Has the smarts he doesn’t have the personality needed to win this endeavor. Maybe that’s why the Democrats aren’t worried and Biden can take a four year vacation, and continue to be a pathological liar. They know the game is fixed and they are the ones who fixed it. God help us all.
If you love slick compulsive liars, vote for Vic Ramasmarmy!
"I needed the Soros cash for college." Turns out he earned $2.2 mil that year. Real down to earth. The cash could've gone to a struggling student, but we're to believe there was no quid pro quo. Soros is evil, not stupid.
Ramasmarmy's so down to earth, he wants to HIKE legal immigration and he likens the USA to a sports team: "We need the best players." I kid you not. Let's work that analogy:
"Fred, I'm letting you go. The world finals are coming up and we need the best players we can afford so I'm bringing some in from India. I'm sure you'll land on your feet in another country. I hear Somalia has cheap housing."
He wants to trade illegal Hispanic immigrants for legal South Asian immigrants. I myself would like to see a pause on all immigration.
How about a little reverse migration … OUT
my preference would be to round them up, either one at a time as Haup says or with a grain combine or road grader or zamboni or catepillar loader, put them into boxcars to the coast, dumped into the hold of a freighter, floated out about a hundred miles where the ship will be met by a submarine and torpedoed.
Zamboni… that’ll put them on ice
Booooooo urns
Me too
Not a Vic fan however pointing out he is more relatable than Rotund Christie, Stiff Ron D, M Pence, N Hailey, T Scott and blowhard A Hutchinson.
Reliable for what? Lying? Jacking up immigration from India?
So what if Ron DeSantis is "stiff"? He's by far the most reliably conservative candidate with by far the most reliably conservative *record* of *actions* and success of any governor.
Should we prefer a reliably smarmy liar and immigration pimp with no record over the most reliably conservative governor with a record to prove it because he's "stiff"?
I don’t care about personality in a President—in fact I’m TIRED OF IT! I want a president who berates the faults other politicians (because they are all freeloaders) and who does what he says, personality be damned. Ron De Santis could walk around with a cane yelling bah-humbug at every child that crossed his path, and if his record on Covid and governing was the same, I’d still take him over a smooth talker (Vivek). Trump is not even on my radar, nor anyone I know.
Obviously, we want somebody competent. However, the public does not look at competence. They look at personality and intangible issues. Why do you think we have had so many horrible presidents in our history. Competence was not one of the top deciding factors.
I can’t wait until I never have to hear “Trump” again. Or Vivek. Or any other loser candidate Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson et al foist upon us. It’s De Santis or death. A record is a record: Trump’s is AWFUL, Vivek doesn’t have one (red flag!)…and who else is campaigning? Oh yes, it doesn’t matter: De Santis wins just by existing, after what he’s done for Florida. Period.
“So why did he crush all the debate insta-polls in 2016?”
Probably because he woke up a hibernating segment of the electorate with some common sense policies and convinced them that he was just populist loner enough that…maybe…he might have the balls to actually do what proposed.
But alas, Trump turned out to be a politically-barren gelding.
DeSantis’ greatest strength is not his mostly commonsense policies but, rather, his supporters belief that he is actually honest enough to do what he says he will.
Trust should be his political currency.
{Novel idea, isn’t it?}
BONUS ANN AUDIO CONTENT: Her appearance on today’s Mark Simone radio program:
Ann talks about the illegal alien crisis in New York, Rep. Tom Massie’s blindness on the subject, progressive euphemisms, political consultants and her column.
$50 to Cole if Ron follows the published consultant advice, and does the "wife, family, emotional" anecdote. I'm 85% that he will!
"The other day I was talking to my lovely wife Casey, and she asked me "Ron, do you ever worry about the future of our country for our three children, Madison, Mason and Mamie?' And I said (voice quivers a little bit, because it's such an emotional topic) Yes, Casey, I am deeply concerned for their future, and that's why it's so important that we get our message out to the voters, so we can ensure they have a future as bright as the light in your beautiful blue eyes"
God, I hope not. 🤒🤢🤮
Read down through the comments. No need for me to come off the bench, you're hitting them out of the park. I was tired from the day's work when I sat down to read Ann's column, read your contributions and sat back lit a fine cigar and said, "This guy read my mind, now I can take the night off".
I will not be watching the .....um debate, nor Trump's interview, instead I'll just read about it tomorrow. I believe it's way way too early to take anything said tonight as having a lasting affect which will influence the primary. I'll be interested in reading your comments next week.
😊Thanks! Yep, I'll probably pass on the debate too. You know, I think Ramasmarmy needs a campaign jingle:
If you want a smarmy con Vote for Vic
I will stand upon my head and lie all day!
I will stand upon my head till my ears are turning red
Vote for Vic, Vote for Vic, Vote for Vic!
If you need some "cheaper" labor Vote for Vic
Give your payroll cost a break, Vote for Vic!
Save some money, save some time, save a nickel, save a dime
Vote for Vic, Vote for Vic, Vote for Vic!
Put A-mer-icans last, Vote for Vic
If you want your psychedelics, Vote for Vic!
With my merit migrant schemes, we can all live like sardines
Vote for Vic, Vote for Vic, Vote for Vic!
(Sung to the tune of Cal Worthington's advertising ditty.)
See my reply above for my take on the debate, from all I've read about it. Short story, Ron blew it. Missed all the kill shots.
Ann rightly mocks and derides amnesty loving Jeb! yet fails to tell her audience that Jeb! is a big DeSantis supporter and was at his swearing in ceremony after his re-election as Florida governor. So it's hard to believe that DeSantis will go smash mouth on immigration policy if elected. As it is immigration hasn't been the centerpiece of the DeSantis campaign and he's only made a few statements about it. This is a red flag.
There you go again, parroting Trump's lies & smears, guilt by assn etc, and making up your own. DeSantis said lots about immigration in Anne's interview. No "red flag".
¡Jeb! was gov of Florida. Should we be shocked, SHOCKED(!), to see them both in a pic at an event?
Should we be SHOCKED(!) that ¡Jeb! prefers DeSantis to Trump?
Does ¡Jeb! preferring Ron to Don imply that RINO ¡Jeb! likes Ron's hard-ass actions on covid tyranny, election fraud, school grooming & indoctrination, school choice, con carry, Disney, etc?
The debate format doesn't allow Trump to USE ALL CAPS!!!!
Great analysis!
“ His sole objective where begins a sentence is to get to the end of the sentence” wow
I have to start writing this shit down. This is gold
And I haven’t got to the second paragraph.
Can you get this column in front of Ron DeSantis?
Today, in addition to immigration another major issue that rings the bell with American people is LGBTQ indoctrination in public schools. Few (otherwise moderate) soccer-moms want to see their prepubescent kids exposed to male gay pornography. This issue could unite not only conservative, but also moderate, Asians and even Latino voters to vote for Republican candidate. Too bad GOP candidates almost ignored WOKEism yesterday.
Frank Bruni.