I understand there is an attraction to the ugly, the weird, and the abnormal. Think of the bearded lady at carnivals a century ago. But AOC and the lefty's have converted this simple "curiosity" to a political movement. They think it is "cool" but in reality, it is anti-human and sick. Their motivation, IMHO, is anger for no apparent reason. Show me a lefty and I'll show you a disturbed and angry person.

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A distinction must be made between people who, through no fault of their own, are born differently or with abnormalities of some kind (those with Klinefelter syndrome for example) and those who choose to be abnormal through their own life-choices (especially when they exaggerate those bizarre life-choices AND force them onto everyone else.) A person born with abnormalities minding their own business, I have no problem with. But someone deliberately choosing to be weird & abnormal AND insisting that I have to not only accept it but even embrace it as if it were a virtue...yeah, that I have a problem with.

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Yes, this is a huge distinction. The sad thing is, we have done a good job with people who are disabled or different. I have had disabled and gay staff. I have played sports with wheelchair bound and people with no arms. You just do the right thing. You show respect.

But this has taken a good thing and turned it into evil. Like you said, it's artificial. It's self-created. The "politics" is likely built on some misplaced emotions like (1) a fear of being labeled an "oppressor" and (2) the obsessive short-term gratification that comes with virtue signaling. Not sure. But whatever it is, it has been used to turn a large segment of people into a sick political movement. We need to attack the practice of virtue signaling, and the insanity of racism that the oppressor/oppressed model brings, and push that all of us can be good and bad but it has nothing to do with self-proclamations. IMHO, we need to attack the root cause of the sickness. At the educational level because this sickness is pushed by our education systems.

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This kind of give-away will never stop......until we go broke. Imagine a country printing fake money just to fund illegal scum like this.

AOC is stupid. A person's skin color and ethnicity is all that matters to her.

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that's not true!

a person's genitals and self-identification matter to her, too!

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The day after the funeral and the story in the Times, the archdiocese issued a strongly worded criticism of the event and (as Ann notes) said they’d been fooled.

Those fools are supposed to be the guardians and defenders of the faith.

The article and its follow up mentioned that there are currently TWELVE “gay friendly” parishes in NY.

I guess maybe they weren’t fooled.


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Jorge the fake pope is a full blown heretic who deserves to be burned at the stake!

I am still shocked that Javier Milei recently visited and warmly greeted the commie pope!

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It's jolting to read of this behavior in the prominent St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City. One can see them laughing in the photos. It's a big joke - a mockery. The words, 'transvestite,' 'whore,' 'blessed' and 'mother' above the text of Psalm 25.

Psalm 25. Interesting juxtaposition. For anyone curious, the Psalm was written by David - the shepherd boy that killed Goliath, the boy who became King, committed adultery with Bathsheba and yet was blessed by God. Here is part of the Psalm:

In you, Lord my God, I put my trust.

I trust in you; do not let me be put to shame,

nor let my enemies triumph over me.

No one who hopes in you will ever be put to shame,

but shame will come on those who are treacherous without cause.

Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths.

Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior,

and my hope is in you all day long.

Remember, Lord, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old.

Do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways;

according to your love remember me, for you, Lord, are good.

Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways.

He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.

It's worth reading the whole Psalm if you have opportunity. David was humble. Anyhow,

Galations 6 says: "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction"

God was not harmed in the least by this display.

It's hard to think these revelers didn't know what they were doing. Sure seems diabolical.

None of this is what this country was founded on, but a Satanic funeral/mass/service fits right in with the removal of The Ten Commandments in public places and the placement of a Satanic statue being placed at a Christmas nativity display. Maybe some of you were alive when the Bible was actually read in our public school. Our country has changed rapidly - dramatically, in the past 10 years. All sorts of cultures are coming into our country and not joining "the melting pot." Lots of people from Africa (not long removed from canabalism), Haiti (bringing along their voodoo), and plenty of people bringing Islam and their sharia - folks that believe Ishmael, not Isaac, was chosen by God.

Who would have imagined flags from Palestine would be waved about in many of our major cities - and just simply "accepted." Who would imagine someone in Congress, a "Democrat," would tell people not to vote for their candidate but to vote "uncommitted." Who would imagine we would find it necessary to hold a VOTE in our Congress to condemn "rape and sexual violence on October 7". I thought "the thing speaks for itself." Apparently NOT, since Rashida Tlaib voted "Present." I hope it seems like I am singling out Rashida Tlaib, but there are also plenty like her - and our borders remain wide open.

Thank you Ann, for hammering away at all of this ugliness. "Adios America."

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Mary, you correctly note how the 10 commandments has been purged from the public sphere whereas satanic displays are multiplying. IMHO, this could not be more true. We desperately need morality but it is being pushed out of society. Out of the media. Out of government. Out of politics. Out of our lives. IMHO, legislation and education that puts limits on abortions, refutes all forms of racism, promotes the 10 commandments, and warns people about "worshiping the abnormal" is badly needed. Western culture needs an upgrade.

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Where is the Irish mob when you need it?

There does not appear to be any resistance by either Irish or Italian organized crime to the woke agenda.

Statues of Christopher Columbus are removed here and there and yet no one gets whacked; the feds must have weakened traditional ethnically white mafias so much that now the mestizo-run cartels run everything!

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Big mafia types with strong christian beliefs? They do have a code of honor but doubt their code encompasses true christian values.

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Politicians and activists are now hoisting the dregs of society to hero status. Apparently there is no limit to their insanity. In the end we get the bill, the screwed up kids and avalanche of BS that follows.

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We spend a lot of time catering to the tail ends of the bell curve.

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Interesting thought Robert. I think IQ on the low end and the high end is unrelated to morality. And people tend to go out of their way to believe low IQ folks, and too quickly agree with high IQ people when they spout stuff they know nothing about. So, yeah. Makes sense.

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We must be but a stones throw from Gamorrah.

Institutional arrangements matter.

I’m so old I can remember when it was difficult to adhere to the dictates of the Catholic Church.

Now, not so much.

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It’s Cloward-Piven of everything, everywhere, all at once!

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Hi Ann,

The other day a friend of mine sent me this link concerning Billy Graham telling President Richard Nixon about the Synagogue of Satan.


Professor Kevin MacDonald wrote a book, "The Culture of Critique", concerning who they are and what motivates them and of particular concern to you is Chapter 7 which deals with Hart Cellar and why they wanted and still want to destroy America with third world immigration. This desecration also is dealt with in Chapter 5 where he talks about the Franklin Institute. History repeats in their case. Part of their MO is keeping us divided and deflecting all criticism of them by calling us names and ostracizing us from society. They have been extremely effective if you notice and I know that you see what they have done. We are not dealing with a whole race, just a portion of a race that gets their strength and guile from the devil itself.

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Are you saying lefty jews get their strength from the devil? Hmmm... Well, if so, these people have a lot of company. The mass demonstrations at Harvard were not jews. The Cambodians and Chinese communists who massacred millions were void of jews. I would argue the devil is quite equal-opportunity. Bad and good is a part of being human. Subscribing that to a single race, in this case Jews, is plain stupid. If you insist on invoking the devil-explanation, you will need to include yourself in the mix. None of us get off scott free.

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Mr. Silverberg, yes, I am sinner who needs Jesus Christ every moment of very day. I was just posting what Billy Graham and Richard Nixon were saying which confirmed what I already knew from reading Professor MacDonalds excellent book. Why don't we hear about what was going on in Germany prior to WWII? Who were the communists that the Nationalists were fighting in the streets? Who were the people who were keeping the Germans poor and destitute? Who were the perverts who were using German children for their own depraved ends? Where I live we have sometimes over 10 channels every day devoted to what a despicable man Adolf Hitler was, usually only one or two, but we never hear about why the German people got so pissed off. And Ann's Jewish friend did excellent work on what really happened in the work camps where so many people died of typhus and other diseases. E. Michael Jones is another author that tells the real story of what happened. I know why we never get the real story. It is true I am stupid but I do the best I can. One last thing, Billy Graham, Dr. Kevin MacDonald, E. Michael Jones, Nick Fuentes and I all have never talked about or advocated for violence against anyone. We just criticize like you criticize me, and I for one want reparations.

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Try finding Culture of Critique on Amazon.

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Exactly, they can't debate the scholarly book, so they ban it. I suggest every concerned American read it and you will be amazed before you are half way through. I think Barnes and Nobles still carries it.

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In a sane nation, all of those hideous trans monsters and their promoters and enablers would be arrested and dealt with severely; Russia should take over the US just to crush the alphabet mafia…they would also seal the border and put Mexico and the cartels in their place.

Putin would be infinitely better at actually protecting the US than the current treasonous regime.

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Their sacraments are abortion, pedophilia, war, genocide, pornography, gambling and every other evil thing you can think of. And we are less than human.

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I have been saying for years that the Democrat party should be dissolved and all of its leadership arrested because they are obviously so utterly anti-real American and that they indeed are rabidly fanatical enemies of the US constitution.

In 2017, I tweeted that Trump should find a way to literally dissolve the DNC and arrest Pelosi and Schumer and Schiff and countless others as they were weaponizing the FBI and the CIA against him since 2015.

The GOP is not much better because of the cultural hegemony of the Left which subverts everything in its path including the Chamber of Commerce and faux-conservative publications like the National Review.

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Our demise was sealed when they figured out how to "legally" take billions and trillions of dollars out of the USA treasury. That buys a lot of people off at that level of graft. Blackrock and Vanguard and ESG and all institutional racism against white males. The people that have been bought off have no idea how much damage they have done to this beautiful country. Irreparable damage.

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Reminds me of the LA Dodgers honoring those drag nuns.

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The NFL should be shut down; anything woke should and will be shut down!

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Joe Biden gave interviews to Cardi B and Dylan Mulvany. I can’t think of a single credible reporter he took questions from. This is not acceptable. Why isn’t there and outcry?

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Thanks for the truth about the USA.

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The abundance of awe-inspiring houses of worship on Fifth Avenue never ceases to leave me gobsmacked. I have never tired of dropping into any one of them, at random, just to be surrounded by the incredible spirituality and beauty. Saint Patrick’s during a Christmas mass is a magnificent experience…and positively don’t miss the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church.

Anyone who desecrates any house of worship should be lobotomized and immediately returned to from when e they came…the looney-bin.

Those “things” that celebrated desecrating St. Patrick’s are truly the spawns of Satan as are the politicians worshiping/funding all that is demented and evil.

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On what basis did Father Dougherty proclaim that the deceased he/she/it "died in Christ?" Please tell me the reparation mass involves hazmat suits and firehoses.

I used to say that the RCC and Eastern Orthodox may have their doctrinal issues, but at least they stood firm for the created order. But I'm not so sure about the RCC anymore.

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