“Since 1985 Riggio has been Chairman of the Board and 49% owner of MBS Textbook Exchange, Inc. based in Columbia, Missouri. MBS is one of the nation's largest wholesalers of college textbooks.” From Wikipedia

That solves that…Riggio was just paying the liberal mobsters another installment of protection money.

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I remember it well: the ritual of taking the books to the Book Store and selling them, then loading up on my next semester's stuff. Always get the most old, beat-up book because the notes and underlining were already done for me.

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Does this mean my boringly normal friends and I can endow a middle class white male only scholarship???you know, for the truly marginal element of our society whose families actually built this country.

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Nope. It's been tried, years ago. The court intervened to deny the dead man's wishes as to the disposition of his assets. Oh, well!

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The delightful Monty Python video that Ann so graciously included for our enjoyment is really not too far off the mark, as the most basic elements of reality-based thinking have eluded these twittish donors.

They appear to be completely certain that their astronomical wealth will protect them from the results of their own gift, and they are probably correct. They and their children and friends for generations down the line will undoubtedly have the finest doctors on the planet ready at their beck and call, but it will be the non-billionaires who will be subjected to medical care delivered not by the best and the brightest but by those who won the Racial Politics Lottery.

How many decent, honorable people will be forced to needlessly die or suffer from lifelong injuries and complications from treatment delivered by people who might have been expert auto mechanics, truck drivers or assembly line workers but really weren't up to the challenges of medical school?

Dragging people across the finish line when they could never have made it on their own helps nobody and when medicine (or commercial aviation) are involved, people can literally die from it.

This is such an obvious assessment of the situation that to intentionally overlook it as these and other donors have done really ought to be a criminal offense with everyone involved prosecuted for placing innocent lives at risk.

But when vast sums of money are involved, common sense becomes racist.

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Already happening.

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Blacks will hate their guts no matter what they do. Do these people realize what will happen when they come under the care of one of these “doctors” . Right now in NYC black virtue signalers are punching white girls hard in the face they often get knocked out just for the fun of watching them bleed. Is it that far fetched to believe that at least some of these black doctors will allow white patients to die.

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One of the reasons we have flamethrowers.

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Maybe they have some troglodytic grandchildren whose own legacy privileges they wish to pre-pay?

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And imagine if they did if for “ whites only?”

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What's to stop us?

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See my comment. :)

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He certainly earned the right to be a twit. But as I consider Mr. Riggio's accomplishments, who created one of my recreational reading rooms and from whom the family budget was tattered (yes, I contributed to his eventual twitdom), I worry: Am I doomed as well to twitdom? After all, each year I add or subtract something to or from my mentation. Twits? Yes. But they can afford to be twits. I, on the other hand, cannot afford it. Fortunately, I can afford and have a subscription to your Substack. Thanks for reminding me that once upon a time Twits were a source of amusement. This, however, is not amusing. Sad.

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Well… if the applicants have the brain power to get accepted to Med school purely on academics that’s fine. Sadly the reason for the scholarship…. probably is an attempt to wash away their white guilt. I could be wrong, it has happened.

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I'll bet you $3.5 million dollars neither Louise nor Leonard currently have a black physician, specialist, or internist. Just a guess.

But hey, it's okay for you have one.

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Mar 29Edited

I see from his bio that this racist twit helped fund the The Riggio-Lynch Chapel. How insensitive!

On the other hand, there's this from the Riggio's place in the Hamptons:


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Who posed for that masterpiece? My first guess was the aptly named Fulton, Georgia, county DA, Fanni Willis. But I doubt it’s her. As a Sugar Mama—a black female with a fat ass and a shitload of money—she doesn’t need the job. Men come to her to service her for money.

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This is great. The son of the Ambassador of Nigeria will appreciate it.

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I used to work for Barnes and Noble when Riggio owned it. The word was he was an extremely difficult person.

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Thank you Ann for the bit of Twit comedy. Very funny. The Riggios—not so funny. They actually seem the opposite of social justice, equity and inclusion. They do not practice true fairness as is required of equity. Also they really are excluding many other races- how is that inclusion? Or fairness?

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Africa begins at Rome; Mr. Riggio is just looking out for his own. White people take note and do likewise. Indeed, God grant us the common sense to promote our genetic interests without apology; the resolve to deal transactionally with others; and the irony to receive complaints about this agenda with aristocratic aloofness.

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Isn't it also true that in 1967, Sicily was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize as it was the only arab country not to declare war on Israel?

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Could have been worse if they gave to Drs. committed to transgender surgery or hormone treatment

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