Another pattern:

What do Greg Gutfeld, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and every other host and hostess on Fox have in common?

When the long knives came out for Ann Coulter, NONE of them stood up for her. NONE of them said "She's got strong, well-founded, highly articulate and highly-defensible views. That makes great television, even if may get a bit heated with our own hosts. She's a great asset for Fox, and if she goes, so do I."

They all meekly turned the other way and allowed America's Joan Of Arc to be kneecapped.

And now with the immigration issue they're meekly abiding by their uber-wealthy bosses' wishes for uncontrolled illegal immigration, all so they can have cheap gardeners, maids and chauffeurs.

Gutfeld used to have principles, but they seem to only hold true as long as they align with the pro-illegal elites.

Disgusting and profoundly disappointing.

Come on, Greg, what happened to your backbone?

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Totally agree with this -- Ann effortlessly outthinks and outdebates anyone she's up against, no matter the forum. I'm not even a republican so I wasn't predisposed to be a follower or fan, but she's extraordinary - brilliant and unflappable with incredible wit. They were shortsighted not to protect her, but ultimately she doesn't need them. (I never even watched Fox, I discovered her on youtube.)

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Ann ‘Effortlessly outthinks’

Hilariously right on the money. That’s so good. Ha. Ann will get a chuckle out of it.

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Thank you Mara for your kind words. I'm delighted that you've found and have come to appreciate Ann Coulter, especially since you indicate that you may possibly come from a different worldview. There's something about a thoughtful, logical and fact-based argument that is magnetic and compelling to any thoughtful person, and if the person making that argument can add some wry humor or dry wit into the mix then so much the better. The fact that Ann's arguments are typically answered by name-calling, lies about what she actually says and personal insults instead of a thoughtful reply from her adversaries illustrates that she's usually 'right on the money' about most things and deserves to be heard.

I would wish to politely suggest that you may wish to read her books, as they are heavily researched and copiously footnoted. They are entirely worth the time of any thoughtful person and I'll wager you won't regret it.

Thank you again for your post, and best wishes to you and yours. :-)

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Thank you Stoat! I do want to read her books -- and yes, I came from a different worldview, having been raised by self-identifying communists in a multi-cultural family (I voted for Bernie). But you're right that it was Ann's dazzling intellect that won me over, her refusal to yell and name call, how she keeps her smile and composure while totally eviscerating her opponents (sometimes wearing a miniskirt while doing it.) How can any woman who claims to be a feminist fail to see that Ann is goals, whether they agree with her views or not? I can tell you she is for me.

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Nice to have the real Ann Coulter back and on fire! Spanked them host and sent them to bed with no dinner! Love it!

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I’m pretty sure we’re screwed on the immigration issue, Ann. Dems see votes and repubs see cheap labor. But when hasn’t a politician of any stripe not fucked us when their interests were front and center? Yours is a voice of reason, girl. Stay strong.

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If Cuban-Americans are any precedent, these people would gravitate to the “tough on crime” GOP after the criminality they endured in their countries. Most Iraqis I know voted for Trump: they liked his tough-guy persona.

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I don't care that Tucker Carlson claims that FOX management never tells him what to say. That's probably partly true but I also think that given all the over the top hispandering at FOX these days the bigwigs encourage all the personalities to hispander when they can. No different than the blacklist of Ann Coulter and Michell Malkin because they tell too much truth about immigration.

Trump and the Republicans will just Platinum Plan harder if they get another chance. It's been decades but the GOP thinks that if they just pander harder and condemn their own 80% white base harder (or ignore us completely) that blacks and Hispanics will mass defect from the Democrat party.

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If the rule of law is so important to Hispanics then why do the nations they come have some of highest homicide rates on the globe? Hispanic nations regularly make up 4-5 of the top 10 nations with the highest murder rates on the globe and this is the DNA we are importing. Conversely, no Hispanic nation is in the top 10 for lowest murder rate.

Hispanics have higher gang participation rates in America than do blacks. But yeah, rule of law and all that stuff.

These are facts that will never be discussed on FOX, the so called fair and balanced network.

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Nikki Haley is Fox News Channel's pick for GOP Nominee in 2024.

Everything they're doing revolves around that mission.

Turn Off Fox News, Including Tucker.

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Thank you for the responsible follow up on the importance of legal citizenship as it relates to voting, the immigration matter and persons used as a bargaining chip Ann.

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Ann … I was on the inside and not only are you absolutely right, it’s worse than you think.

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So good to have u back in this forum. FOX is just MSNBC light.

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I would like some details on the 50 million illegals but one thing I do know is true is that the Fox hosts have all become "personalities" and they are more concerned with lining their own pockets than advancing any meaningful political discourse.

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First and foremost “news” is a business heavily populated by narcissists, not by those 56 men who “pledged to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.” And by doing so risked high treason against the King of England in pursuit of an ideal...in pursuit of individual liberty.

Not exactly in the same low life league as CNN, MSNBC, the horny little FBI lovers or even the kings of comic heroes, the Biden family.

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I keep thinking about this very topic and since the msm is OBSESSED with identity politics, pl keep us updated.

All of that said -- our son who is almost ten has friends that are from other countries.

They are here in the usa legally with their parents and siblings.

One family in particular is from Turkey.

The mom is trying to get more of her family to come over here to the states but they are on a ( ahem ) waiting list.

These are good ppl who speak several languages including--- ENGLISH <

Pl tell me why America panders to illegals and why absolutely no one except ( ahem ) TRUMP had picked up that 1000.00 bill Ann talks about?!

Is it too late?

Are we officially Venezuela 🇻🇪

Is Spanish not the first ( including atms ) language?!

I'm not allowed to ask these questions on commie platforms aka Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Google/ YouTube.

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FOX News is becoming Telemundo.

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I do not care what the ethnicity of a person is...the only true acid test of one's worth to America is:

Do they know what the Constitution and Bill of Rights are; Do they have a rudimentary knowledge of the individual liberties guaranteed and the scope of government's role defined in those documents and, singularly most important, Do they support these rights in word and deed.

I'll bet that all those who honestly answer "yes" to the above will vote the best Conservative options available.

Those who flunk the above acid test are either despicable Quislings, raving lunatics, almost the entirety of illegal immigrants or the majority product of the contemporary educational establishment who passively support the bedlam (thus making seats on the local Boards of Education the most important election outcomes in the nation).

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Those Che supporters aren't loved in Miami. Miami Cubans are the best non white conservatives the GOP has. I think they vote 55/45 republican which is still less than whites.

We need a national moratorium on immigration for at least 10 years. Kick out the ones who don't belong. Assimilate the ones we have. Eliminate birthright citizenship and stop economic immigration.

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"Obama won Florida's Hispanic vote 60 percent to 39 percent for Mitt Romney."

-- https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/more-democrat-leaning-miami-cubans-latinos-could-help-clinton-win-n666046

Only one demographic voted against Obama in 2008 and 2012. It wasn't Hispanics, not even your beloved Cubans. It was the only demographic Republicans ever win -- the one they are embarrassed to have the support of.

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Ann, great to hear from you. I'm FBA/ADOS so my views on immigration, legal and illegal, are probably less forgiving than most.

This article was 3 weeks before the 2016 election, they had no hard data only NBC and mainstream media overconfidence and lies.

Here's a better source:


Post Script

No one is better than the white male non college educated male vote, we all know that. My argument was that Cubans are the GOPs best minority vote, not best vote overall. And know that doesn't mean we should bring more Cubans here.

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Gut and Tuck are straight-up morons. It’s stunning the contortions they go through to make a crappy point. Ann is just a black-hearted racist intellectual grifter. With bad data. 50 million illegals? If there were that many, her cloistered incel fanbois would have actually met some and understand why Gut and Tuck are morons.

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You don't know what you're talking about. Read "Adios, America!" before EVER saying anything about immigration, again. Reagan granted illlegals amnesty in 1987 -- so zero illegals. By 2005, we had a minimum of ANOTHER 20 million illegals -- see this comprehensive Bear Stearns study -


It's been nearly another 20 years since then, during which time illegal immigration has has been in overdrive.

50 million is a conservative estimate. (But your "fanbois" point is solid data that I'm sure researchers will take into account in their future research.)

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Your link goes to a page hawking Budweiser beer steins. But let’s say you are right. What is your proof that these illegals are more damaging to this country, economically, than the GOP-fueled wealth disparity? I mean, they’re here. They work. Not a single reader of yours can identify a material way they damage his/her life. Oh, maybe our medical costs go up because they come to the emergency room without insurance. But so do “true” Americans because our system is so screwed. You’re right about Reagan’s amnesty and the subsequent wave. A wave that was tolerated and encouraged by Dem and GOP admins alike. Why? Because these people work and do jobs “true” Americans won’t do and they’re vital to the economy as it is. So my suggestion would be another amnesty because who is kidding who, get them on the tax rolls, save $ on our phony pursuit of them, commit to a real border policy, tax the goddamn rich like we did in that golden era before the trickle-down scam, and for god’s sake quit cloaking xenophobia in useless carping about what TV Dinner Carlson says about brown people. Offer real solutions and make sure they involve tax rates that don’t coddle the rich, because what trickles down from that is hardship and resentment among all of us average people and the need to scapegoat brown people who have been mistreated by their governments even more than we have. Have you ever been to Guatemala? Do you read its news, its history? You’d all get the hell out, too.

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Agree but my Mexican gardener is a good dude. My Dad’s second job was a gardener in the 60’s early 70’s. Back then it was him and the Japanese Americans. The Mexican American vote in Los Angeles tells the whole story. What’s the mayors last name?

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