Elon Musk should just start his own platform.

Twitter, Facebook/Instagram/ Google are so infected with bots and pot heads ( aka ' libs' ) that even a genius like Elon Musk can't fix things.

Btw- and I'm not just saying this but free speech groups like this are taking over the self censoring, commie, lovin' platforms.

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I hope he fires them all.

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I want more than that. I want to know their names, nationalities, college majors and why they were hired.

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Yes, of course, but getting any form or "justice" seems remote in these times. We get stomped on we don't usually get to stomp back. I'm all for stomping don't get me wrong. I just hate getting my hopes up.

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Is there any way to track how many of Biden’s “nonviolent” offenders will rape or murder in time for 2024?

The Dems still have nightmares about those Willie Horton ads. Maybe the Biden Crime Wave will have a silver lining.

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Go Ann Go. Thank you for follow up on the college admissions and related-identity-filled discriminatory “mess” Ann. It runs deep.

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Too much of a good thing is not always a good thing. Think before one tweets? Thank you and appreciate the opportunity for a reasonable, responsible, journalistic space to share thoughts Ann.

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Lol lefties being lefties.

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I was suspended from Twitter 6 months ago for saying trans are a mental aberration, they called6 it hate speech I called scientific facts.So what is the science behind trans it used to be called gender dystopia at the time is was a mental disorder but they changed it bc a Harvard-educated Doctor said he is a woman. I would call he/she a shim.

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I just hope Elon isn't pussy-whipped into continuing the censorship. Except Trump. He can keep Trump off Twitter as his one olive branch to the left.

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You’re caught between a rock and Truth Social. I said adios to Twitter Musk or no Musk. And Devin Nunes’ Truth well you’re on their shit list. Glad I have you here. In a saner world like 1991 we had William F. Buckley (yes know my name mothers I’m

an intellectual!) and he was on the radio here and there. Television too (like you). There was no voice from 1984 trying to censor or cast doubt on his brilliance. Sorry Ann.

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Pot stinks

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Is there a way to provide backup that any of them were charged with bigger crimes?

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There's the fact that they've been wailing about people in prison just for pot or decades and still haven't produced ONE EXAMPLE. Go ahead - try to find one! (And then look up the actual arrest record.)

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This definitely seems to support Ann's position:


With the national attention this issue is getting now maybe we'll find out more about the people who were released.

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I think they keep arrest records as well as conviction records?

sometimes you'll see in police procedurals where there's no criminal (conviction) record but the investigators will discover the perp had been arrested years before for a minor thing related to the big thing.

of course.... it's tv, so take it was a teaspoon of salt.

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