Just as The Drudge Report used to be the 'go to' site for keeping track of the Left's hysteria and daily hissy-fits, now Ann Coulter's Substack and Twitter feed are the places to go for the latest updates on how Western Civilization is falling apart. And cute puppies. Her ability to digest the profoundly-depressing realities of the self-inflicted decline of Journalism and present it all in a meaningful way is a unique ability that I doubt anyone else could do so well. She's truly the greatest living author of our time and the best cultural observer...it's amazing that a continuous diet of MSNBC. CNN and Diet Coke hasn't caused her to lose her atomic-powered smile and made her throw her hands up in the air and retire in disgust, but we are all so very lucky that she's able to keep at it....day in and day out.

Thank you, Ann :-)

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: )

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Ann Coulter smiling at you is a Sign From God that America and Western Civilization can still be saved...that all is not lost and there's still hope. 😉👍



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OMG YOU GOT A SMILE FROM ANN!!!! See?? told you were good, you deserved that smile! Merry Christmas to you also!!!!

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A smile from Ann Coulter is like the sun shining on a sunny afternoon after dark morning clouds... sign that there's still Goodness in the world. :-)

Thank you for your kind Christmas wishes, they are sincerely appreciated. :-)

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Stoat, my wishes are minimal, I will notice and appreciate you forever. Keep writing!!!

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Except that, she doesn’t know anything about Nick Fuentes. Didn’t see a single thing about what this man has actually said. Apparently she’s just repeating the mindless things that the left is saying on the news. She even knows someone who personally knows Nick. I guess that makes her a white supremacists too.

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"mindless things that the left is saying on the news" being the definition of any inconvenient fact or truth that a Trump-Bot doesn't like & doesn't want to acknowledge.

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No. That’s my definition of articles that I can debunk. Like Nick Fuentes. What’s your evidence regarding these false attacks.

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I assume you're asking a question, although the lack of proper grammar, syntax & punctuation makes it difficult to determine. Nevertheless, the "evidence" you request is known as "facts." Genuine facts. Facts which can be independently investigated, examined and evaluated objectively by a third-party. Facts which consist of Fuentes' own words and statements. They speak for themselves. They don't have to be "interpreted" or re-defined by brain-damaged defenders.

As for your "definition of articles that [you] can debunk," you curiously haven't provided one single solitary shred of evidence to actually debunk anything. Not one. Interesting...but not surprising. (Though why you would want to defend a history-denying antiSemitic crackpot like Fuentes is beyond me, but whatever...)

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So what were his actual words?

I said the left is mindlessly repeating smears about Nick. They don't know any specifics except all the lies about him written in articles containing no evidence regarding his alleged racism. Since you are claiming these allegations are true feel free to link an article proving that assertion.

I have read the articles and know they contain no evidence of his racism. Feel free to prove me wrong by linking an article with the evidence. Please read it first and excerpt the actual evidence it contains.


I am Intellectual Trumpster and I can refute every stupid thing that leftists say.

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First of all, there is no such thing as an "intellectual Trumpster." The term is literally an oxymoron (and no, that word doesn't mean an idiot with pimples--although in your case it might.) Secondly, it's highly-ironic that you use a portrait of Ayn Rand for your profile-pic; she would probably be insulted by such a use. (Among other things, she was thoroughly opposed to 'cults of personality,' such as that which describes the brainwashed Trump-bots.)

But to answer your question, what were his words? Go find them yourself, Junior. Daddy isn't going to do your homework for you. If you take the trouble to do so, it won't be difficult. For starters, anyone who denies that the Holocaust happened is by definition a racist and anti-Semite, regardless of what specific words they use to express such an idiotic belief. But if you want to take the trouble to actually READ (assuming you know how), you can start with the following:


And that's just for starters. Have fun cleaning the egg off your face when you're done.

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You’re not a bad author ither! Very well said, she’s brilliant!!!!!

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((((blushing)))) ;-) You honor me with your kind and gracious compliment, Donna. Thank you so much, and best wishes to you and yours for a delightfully Merry Christmas and a happy and joyous New Year :-)

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Stop making him famous!

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I rarely agree with you but love how you write and this is a great column. “Pointlessly Nasty, Utterly Ignorant” would be good title for Trump book.

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It is a book that needs to be written, there is no doubt about that.

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I read an interesting /disturbing / sickening news story in today's American Thinker, about how Dems switched the zip code of hundreds of thousands of real voters and then sent out the ballots, and then switched the zip codes back. The result, all those perfectly legal ballots were returned and promptly harvested until the right time: 'how many votes do we need to win.'

"County election managers change the zip code of 31,000 voters on September 3. Ballots go out that week. Those 31,000 are undeliverable. Someone collects those valid ballots. On September 15th, those addresses are quietly changed back. ......

"Here’s the fraud equation taking place across the country:

Count the in-person votes on election day.

Count the early, in-person votes.

Shut down the system (Atlanta water leak, Maricopa County everything).

Bring in undeliverable ballots gathered when you changed voters’ names, addresses, or zip codes, then changed them back.

Determine the votes you need to win. Press the “WIN” button.

Wait for the Republicans to file a lawsuit months later."

Under these circumstances, it won't matter whether it is Ann's nemesis Trump is at the top of the ballot or whether it is the choice of the GOPe, as had always been the case until Trump walked in and turned over the tables of the money changers.

Trump's win was just a detour on the road to serfdom. It was the correct turn to have taken to avoid the washed out bridge still ahead, but whatever; the only person in America without any financial or personal of consequence dirt on him, the only man not owned by the Swamp and indeed able to afford his own campaign, is a narcissist.

Ann used to warn that illegal immigration would be the end of any Republican chance at the Presidency, as the Dems turned State after State into California. It turns out, ironically, that one of the very foundational blocks upon which the nation was founded -- States Rights -- will be the cause of the collapse. By allowing / enabling / enshrining corruption in elections at the State level on a national issue, with no recourse, the Dems have (as they do everywhere) turned the Constitution, common law and even the basic concept of honesty against themselves. As Rush used to say, the media knew Clinton was lying but marveled at how smoothly he lied, and indeed, little white lies are good for you.

Oswald acted alone.

I didn't inhale.

No controlling legal authority.

Common sense gun laws.

Private company!

No reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.

Flatten the curve.

My body my choice.

National security / Logan Act

No standing to sue.


Nixon resigned because of 18.5 minutes of stuff that was missing. Clinton, Obama, Biden, Fetterman, Hobbs, et al get elected BECAUSE of their dishonesty, stuff that is not missing, never mind what is missing. The US has become the most corrupt nation on earth, even surpassing Canada, which only exists with it current standard of living due to being next door to The Former US.

And there is nothing anyone can do about it.


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Sadly, all President Trump had to do (or at least sincerely try to do) were the things he promised to do...immigration front and center and the voters that elected him would have re-elected him...unfortunately he allowed Jared and Ivanka to do his thinking for him and their "hip" words and deeds became policy...end of story.

I doubt if any 2016 Trump voters are happy about the mess we must dig ourselves out of now.

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Absolutely right. NO ONE who supported Trump in 2015 - not later, when he was about to win the nomination or had won it-- supports him now.

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Ann, you are so spot-on with the no later than 2015 comment. So many of today's Trump "die-hards" were the Cruz et al supporters MF'ing Trump in 2015 and then morphing into starry-eyed groupies by election night 2016. The original Trump supporters, as you know better than anyone, were primarily thinking only 2 things: (1) A candidate who will fight for border sovereignty against greedy elitist vested interests and (2) a candidate who wasn't afraid to throw serious punches back at the opposition unlike the 2 card-carrying frat boy candidates from 2008 and 2012. Finally, Conservatives and all forgotten Americans had an electable candidate.

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Trump's biggest failing / blind spot was that he didn't hold the same contempt for government / collectivism that his supporters did. He thought Chuck Schumer was a good faith opponent. Recall Rush pointing out very early on (possibly even before the election) that Trump was not ideological and didn't view Schumer as being an ideologue.

Trump had spent his life in business negotiating with unions and greasing politicians, both of which involved compromise on the part of his opponent; if they wanted the grease, they had to let him construct something. That was the last thing his political opponents could allow to happen.

Trump's reputation was built (no pun intended) upon the structures that remained in his wake. Trump's opponents' reputations are built upon the destruction left in their wake.

Trump is the most honest person to ever hold the Presidency. That is why The Swamp can't allow him to exist. It is why Ellsworth Toohey could not allow Howard Roark to build or exist.

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re: Trump's honesty

I'll build a wall; I'll end the carried interest loophole; I'll bring manufacturing back; I'll deport illegal aliens on "Day One"; I BUILT the wall, only one more week and it would have been finished (he built 33 miles according to his own Homeland Dept); I'll make Mexico pay for the wall (the word "remittances" never passed his lips as president - that's how you make Mexico pay for the wall); I'll hire only the best people ...

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I cannot dispute any of those statements and I agree with all of them and acknowledge that he fuc.... messed up horrifically by not doing those things. Those were all low hanging fruit that should have been tackled immediately because he had to know that he was going to be thwarted at every turn. Mike Rogers had told him he had been spied upon (and that it was likely to continue), Ryan had told down ballot candidates that they were on their own if they stuck with Trump so Trump was not going to get help from the House or Senate, etc.

I should have been more specific in stating that my reference to his honesty was in that none of the legal cases against him for tax this or that have gone anywhere because there is no There there.

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Thank you for sharing your perspective Ann. Must chuckle at the intelligent wit of your writing. Dating myself here. Once upon a time, way back when-seems like the dark ages compared to now—one Communications course required us as students to focus and study what is news and what is not news. And the cycle of how long that news is a story, a reasonable story, a benefit-to-the-readers’ intelligence story. To me, fifteen minutes of fame has turned into fifteen hours, fifteen years, etc. and unfortunately today collectively, some news providers have lost the point. Scarey times. Thank you again.

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Would that everyone had taken that class! Great point. It's getting so EVEN I cannot watch MSNBC anymore. Ten minutes when I'm making coffee -- and that's all they'll be saying all day (or all year).

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Methinks if GOP had done better in November that Ann would have been able to increase her MSNBC intake.

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This is another one that I laughed pretty hard. Comedy on TV is dead but we got Ann. Adios America is indeed an amazing master piece, the first of the 13 I read.

Meanwhile - I've just noticed her twitter follower inched up to 2,093,278. Last I checked a week or two ago it was something like 2,060,000 ish.

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Thank you for your perspective Ann. It was a great, thought provoking class—one that stretched me to my limits- and/at that time and area—had no/not time or “money” for coffee! Starbucks, was not a “thing” then…..and “there”. (Had to eat first😳). Respectfully, and seriously appreciate your forum for honest discussion(s) Ann. Thank you again. Sincerely, Julie A.

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Thank you for helping me not feel completely retarded. I woke up to all these liberals I like to debate trying to box me into a corner with their lame gotchas about Trump (who incidentally I haven’t even been defending since he sold us out) meeting Fuentes. I legitimately had no idea what the eff they were talking about. Moreover, I couldn’t learn anything about him when I looked him up because he’s been scrubbed from all social media and I’d sooner trust Flint drinking water than the Times as the sole authority on any right-winger’s actual discourse. Nice to have it reinforced that there was absolutely no reason for me to have heard of this guy until five seconds ago.

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Brilliant use of the rapier.

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You went to primary sources to research Marie-Antoinette. Why not try this with living human beings. You know one who knows Nick Fuentes. Give Gavin McGinnis a call. Stop piling on the lies like the left does. I know you’re better than this. At least you were.

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"What do I have to believe? Please. I’m willing to say anything."

Anyone who is willing to make this deal with the devil for a few bucks and/or a bit of faux grandeur is primarily and historically known as a WHORE although many whores are probably "narcissistic baby morons".

Just ask Alisyn Camerota at CNN (as of today at least).

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Wow. Rumsfeld's Disease AND Stockholm Syndrome.

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Nick Fuentes is an annoying mixed race Catholic Supremacist. It’s that simple

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Thank you, Ann. There are times over the past several days (during which I got into countless online arguments with morons) in which I began to feel as though I was the only person in the country who sees it this way. I'm glad to know I'm not alone.

Still, it boggles my mind the lengths to which the brain-washed Trump-Bots will go to defend their beloved man-baby. I mean, I listen to & read some of the nonsensical "arguments" they make (even comparing Trump to Christ, if you can believe that!) and I think, "Are there no depths to which these people will not sink?" It's therefore refreshing to read another point of view to confirm that, yes, I'm not alone. The picture really IS this crooked. (Hell, the whole building is crooked at this point, but that's a separate issue...)

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Not that quote tweeting is a whole hearted endorsement of someone, but I thought Ann had retweeted Fuentes in the past. It has been a few years though.

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Unfortunately on Infowars yesterday, Ye failed to explain that Hitler and the Nazis got into power because they attacked the Zionists who ruined Germany’s economy in the 1920s and caused hyperinflation. A million non-Germans (Waffen SS) even joined the German Nazis to fight the Zionist looters.

Luckily, FDR allowed Japan to kill thousands of American sailors at Pearl Harbor to get us into WWII so that we could defeat the Nazis and stop them from destroying the Zionist-controlled Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union was created by the war-mongering Military-Industrial Complex as a perpetual enemy to fight.

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