"He fakes just like a woman. But he breaks just like a little girl."

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I adore Ann’s insight and clear articulation.. trump though useful in 2016 he’s done . Please nation elect Desantis

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It was appalling to listen to Donald Trump defend his decision to hire and keep Christopher Wray as FBI chief when Hannity interviewed him on Monday.

But Trump’s behavior concerning Christopher Wray highlights an undeniable and unsettling truth to his defenders and fans, which is that no matter what Trump is saying today when surrounded by employees and fans, he is absolutely comfortable with changing his mind, especially when different employees and non-fans move into his circle. The man has no loyalty to any idea or anyone, only to Trump and his own preferences.

Once again, it is worth pointing out that the factual millstone around the necks of Trump’s supporters is the man himself and his record as president. No matter how much they gin-up fear about who his Republican rivals really are and what those other candidates might do in office, it’s Trump’s own massive inconsistencies, personal foibles and documented failures which keep ruining their pitch.

His supporters know that their leader doesn’t give a whit about them or their ideas; Trump’s only policy is whatever he feels like at the moment.

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<<The man has no loyalty to any idea or anyone, only to Trump and his own preferences.>>

100% true. Good comment.

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All Trump did for me was red pill me and for that I’m grateful. However, he was a horrible judge of character, surrounded himself with people actively sabotaging his 2015 platform and above all, is a complete narcissist. If he “wins” the primary, I will be convinced that he is part of the problem trying to wreck our nation.

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It was even worse when Trump said one reason he picked Wray was because he was acceptable to Democrats. Did Obama or Biden ever pick someone based on their acceptability by Republicans?

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When you consider the current social climate that vilifies, denigrates and demeans white males at every opportunity, coupled with the openly-racist 'woke' culture hammered into kids in public schools that insists on dividing everyone up by race and gender while actively manufacturing a value hierarchy with, naturally, white males at the very bottom, one can look at the current tsunami of 'trans' people and say that it was inevitable, and will only become far more prevalent.

It's easy to see the plight of an already-confused young boy suffering from the toxic home environment of a divorced single mom, seething with misandry over her failed marriage(s) and a lifetime of bad choices with 'men', or a liberal/Left 2-parent family featuring a spineless beta-male father. Such a boy is going to live in a world awash 24/7 in environments at home and at school where he is made to feel utterly worthless, called a 'likely future rapist' and judged to be personally responsible for all historical ills, exclusively as a result of his skin color and the fact that he was born male. Most boys are going to be strong enough by their nature to resist this madness and will turn out fine regardless, but there will always be a few who didn't get the right physiological or psychological elements at birth and in their upbringing.

Ann Coulter has said that she "didn't get the gene that makes me care what other people think about me" and it has served her well, along with the untold millions worldwide who benefit from her insights every day.

But for young boys who weren't similarly Blessed, convincing themselves that they are actually a girl allows them a mental escape from the hell that they are subjected to every day of their lives. It changes them from being an automatic villain into being an automatic victim; a focus of adoration who is granted every special privilege and protection imaginable and who can do no wrong.

There is tremendous incentive for boys to 'identify' as trans, non-binary or whatever flavor they settle on. Anything but "normal, healthy guy" will ensure a far greater level of acceptance and a set of greased rails for an easy ride through life. But when you mess with the inner core of who a man (or woman) is, you're playing with fire and the results are rarely what anyone hopes for. This is all going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.

Thank you Ann for another great column with essential hyperlinks. -)

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I hang out on Gettr, which, for people who don't know already, is a kind of Trump online theme park. A Gettr poster was fishing for my opinion of Trump. I finally told her that Trump was a politician and, therefore, I couldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

I think the woman decided to pray for my soul, or something. Anyway, she didn't hack my account.

Anyone who thinks of a politican as a "savior" is a fool. It's amazing how gullible some people are.

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I want what I want, when I want it, and if I don't get it, I will take my ball over to my friend Ronny's house! Have you forgotten already how good things were in 2019? The despots of the world were afraid of this guy, no matter what Coulter says, and that's a good thing. Look at what we have now. The world is spinning out of control. If Trump gets the nomination, and you cry-baby Larry Hogans stay home, our grandchildren will pay the price, and that's on you!

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Trump was an unknown quantity then. The world is totally different now even as Trump isn’t. I don’t think anyone fears Trump or this military anymore. If you remember the military told Trump to pound sand when he said “no to trannies”. He got rolled by everyone around him. This time would be different?

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The current POTUS makes Trump look like a gift from GOD. I remember! Democrat majority = total disaster on every front. DJT did not realize the level of corruption in the deep state. He bit off more than he could chew. That has become apparent thanks to JB. I doubt these criminals will ever be removed. The despised ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC are compromised and subsidized. They are the permanent mouthpiece of the hate whitey, destroy racist America party. Jer 30:11-15, Jer 46:28

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Teenage boys with long hair in the 70s weren't all into Frank Zappa but were just trying to fit in. Today all the kids are just doing the same but it's the over hyped and taught gender dysphoria that gets attention. The Kinks "Lola la la la Lola" song might hit the top of the charts if Miley Cyrus does it :)

DJT presidency was like the "Apprentice" show. At first it was good then came the "celebrity's" Dennis Rodman, Gary Busse, Rod Blagojevich and the other misfit toys. I think Stormy was angling to get on the show ; ) Lucky for him he ran against Hillary a NSB (North Shore Bit... is what the boys in the North Shore suburbs above Chicago would call the conceited girls). Now the J6 people sit in the pen while Blagojevich (convicted IL Dem Gov.) got pardoned. Nice...

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Print it.

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We should learn to count our disguised blessings.

None of us could convince leftist Democrat white women to castrate their sons.

But, the Social Justice Psychos did just that. We should thank them.

Grandchildren are a blessing that Biden voters don’t deserve.

The problem solves itself. Now, if we could only outlaw Narcan . . .

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There is Twitter reality and your reality. The reality is he doesn’t give a shit about the Jan 6 prisoners that he complained too about being robbed of re-election. That’s the rub for me. Narcissist. But in the end if I had to choose this guy or the Communist I’m choosing him. In 2020 I choose neither. I chose neither in 2016. I chose Romney in 2012. Oh well. I chose neither in 2008. I went with Kerry in 2004. Great choice huh? But I picked the winner in 2000!

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I like Trump but subscribed to keep myself real.

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Bottom line, "on the symptoms, there’s a good chance that Trump is a liberal white woman."

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That cable news host of which Ann speaks was none other than Tucker Carlson. It seems to me that Tuck got manipulated by his own CIA sources that he brags about into believing that COVID meant instant death for anyone who contracted it.

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Ann if you believe you are a ‘professional’ you ARE a professional and can issue a professional opinion…but that’s just my opinion.

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I don't know if you monitor these comments, but please weigh in on the Trump indictment with one caveat: As a falsifying business records felony, it is nonsense. However, as a tax fraud indictment it might be something different. Judge Jeannine's spouse got nailed for deducting a whole slew of personal expenses as business deductions. Hush money is not a real business deduction. While Trump's personal life may be conflated with his business, my guess is that many personal expenses probably found their way to deductions on Trump's tax returns. I would love to see an indictment of both Trump and Biden on tax fraud, assuming that there are facts to justify it.

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The transgender statistics were really interesting... but did it need to segue into Trump?

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It's the same old lesser of two evils. DJT is far from perfect but the alternative is obviously far worse. JB and LGBT are not finished.

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That's not the alternative (and if it is: WE LOSE). There are primaries, so we can choose a nominee who is not sure to lose to Joe Biden, as Trump is.

He's lost the last THREE election cycles for us. How many times do we have to try the same losing strategy?

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Now that Biden has wrecked everything he's touched and DJT is the frontrunner? I could be wrong, but it seems GOD is against us. Lev 18:24 Do not defile yourselves in any of these ways (LGBT), for by all these practices the nations I am casting out before you have defiled themselves.25 Thus the land became defiled; and I punished it for its iniquity, and the land vomited out its inhabitants" as in an inexplicable open border.

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