I think at some point someone in a debate or on one of these shows needs to call these people out. "Wait, I am the candidate, the people want to hear from me and her (or him) not you." "Why don't you just go stand right next to her (Harris) since you are obviously on her team." "Please can we stop with the talking points. Are you a Democratic Party surrogate? No, then stop pushing out their propaganda." "Even if crime is down in one category or two, it is way up from four years ago. Open up your eyes. Get your head out of the sand. Also, do you even know how these statistics are compiled? Do you know that people have stopped reporting crimes or calling the police in some areas because they know nothing will be done?" "You say you are objective journalists, you are not. You act as an arm of the Democratic party. Stop covering for the Democrats." Just a few ideas...

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The photo is just wildly good. ( oh and David Muir would certainly approve and would you mind if his husband borrowed it for a weekend getaway.)

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Of the ‘outfit’. David approves of the outfit.

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Awesome podcast Ann, I think if Kamala really wants to debate again she has to agree to go on Fox News or Newsmax, it would be fair and she would actually be held challenged as a candidate to give serious answers on her failed past policies and what her future policies would consist of. Trump needs to stop worrying about crowd sizes, J6, and his court cases, he has to know that it will definitely come up.

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WONDERFUL podcast - this one covers so many things that have been on my mind.

1- Trump should have reminded Kamala people didn't leave his rally even when people were shot and one person died and kept it to that! Trump focuses on his ear injury and that he escaped a mortal wound without reminding people of the other two victims including one who was killed.

2- Most people are aware of skyrocketing crime in big cities (except those in ivory towers). Trump showed more composure than I could with Kamala saying, "This is so rich, coming from someone who has been prosecuted . . . ." I get alerts all the time of carjackings, shootings, stabbings, assaults with pipes, etc - Kamala must live a very sheltered life. (Or she's just a big fat liar!)

3- "No Constitutional rights to abortion." Trump probably saved many lives in that as there are states that will limit abortions. "Doctors" can't kill babies with a tap from an extinquisher, but they can stop feeding or "treating" the babies that were born. This does happen: Death by omission. (See Amazon Prime's documentary: "Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer" for active killing. Kermit BELIEVES he will be released. He just might under Harris/Tampon Tim's regime - they will give him a pass on the "pill mill" operation he was running at 38th & Lancaster in Philly.)

4- Kamala's "Medicare for ALL." This woman's brain is simplistic - she believes she can solve all of the medical problems of the country with the stroke of a pen. She is oblivious to COST. She feels she can just do away with "referrals" and "forms." Let's move on from all of that. Anyone working in medicine with Medicare and Medicaid knows the paperwork involved in medical care is incredible! She also wants to provide full medical care, education and housing for illegal aliens, give people money for homes, pay off college kids educations . . . . I LOVE that Trump used the term "Illegal Aliens." That's something that gets under HER skin. Transgender care and medications for illegal aliens. She is seriously out of her mind.

5- Kamala has revealed herself. "YES WE CAN" ignore that old yellowed Constitutional document. Joe, just put it in your garage next to your gas powered '67 Corvette. Kamala uses reduction logic: so what if they are eating animals. Haitians eat cats - they have seized the geese and swans for meals, and many Americans eat meat. They're "just" birds. The US flag is "just" a fancy colored cloth. And there's that voodoo practice. Bringing all of the world's tired, poor, homeless and huddled masses (along with their mentally ill and criminal gangs) to the USA isn't working. At work we were required to take an annual all day class on "cultural competence." A class in US law, cultural competence and maybe a driving course should be mandatory to the illegal aliens.

Adios America. It's here.

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And why can’t the next debate be with Brietbart? Not Fox! A real conservative media.

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This just in: Kamala has survived an attempted interview:


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