Being one of very few Black subscribers here, I'll say:
1. Commercials are propaganda. Of course the powers that be want to humiliate whites and masculinity. That's the modus operandi now. They also want to undermine heterosexuality and promote interracial couples which is why every couple in commercials has biracial kids now and why all sitcoms have a LGBT character.
2. Nobody watches commercials. If these clips were running as characters in a popular tv series or better yet a music video, Instagram reel or TikTok then it would actually effect the youth of today more. Forcing people to post black squares on social media had more of an effect than these commercials ever will.
3. Could blacks collectively survive without whites?Obviously no. But what should scare white America is that your kids may not be equipped to take your place. Americans have always been the cool kids of the world, the cool revolutionaries with a 'can do' attitude who got things done. Black people, to our detriment, have always been the coolest of the cool, which is why so many of us have excelled at sports and entertainment. Unfortunately/Fortunately a country is not built on entertainment, swag, or coolness.
This new generation of whites have adopted black and Latino culture to detrimental levels. These new white kids aren't boy scouts or science nerds (you know, the kind of people you actually need to build a country.) Look at Chet Hanks, that's the Idiocracy that could come in droves our way one day. He didn't learn his behavior at home, obviously he picked it up from entertainment, social media, and/or friends.
4. I'd discourage you guys from picking up a victim narrative. That is not what you're doing here, in this moment you are rightfully just pointing out hypocrisy, but too many black people make excuses and that is why we don't succeed. I urge you not to feel sorry for yourselves but to fight. Homeschool your kids, don't let them hang with idiots. Operate like Jews, everybody hates them and there's still a subset of them willing to do what it takes to succeed.
Not so long ago, Barack Obama chose as his running mate, like a prop from central casting, the old dimwitted white guy as buffoon, -Joe Biden. Joe served 8 years as Barack's House Wigga. The not subtle message was, yeah we keep one old white fossil around the posse, but just for laughs. The contrast between them made it clear at all times that Obama was one very hip, cool dude. Obama knew he was President of a country full of white morons much like Biden. Barack never intended Biden to succeed him. Oh God no. He did everything he could to dissuade Joe from running. Obama's performance review of his former employee said it all, 'Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up.' 'You don't have to do this' he advised Biden about running. But Joe being Joe, didn't get the message. Joe was headed for oblivion after several early primary sound beatings. But the rest of the Dem field was weak, Communist, nihilist and downright nutty. James Clyburn used his home state political machine to grab one primary win in S.C. and Biden mania was born. The Deep State breathed a huge sigh of relief and Covid provided the manna from heaven in the form of mail in ballots. The rest was like stealing candy from a baby.
How I feel for moms and dads with little, blonde 👱♂️ boys with fair skin and blue eyes bc libs have it out for white, males and now they're using CRT on innocent, children.
Sadly this has been going on for decades, not only in TV commercials but in movies as well and is one of many reasons why I don't watch TV anymore. (another reason being that Ann Coulter has been essentially banned from TV) Everything is geared toward portraying white people as stupid, inferior, evil & criminal while elevating blacks as supremely wise and pure as the wind-driven snow. These days it would probably be impossible to portray blacks as criminals or white people as decent in any way on TV.
I believe this has fueled a LOT of societal sicknesses, ranging from white self-hate to the inability to speak about problems in the black community in so many social venues to the rise of "trans" youth. After all, you've been lectured for your whole life about how awful of a person you are because of your maleness and your skin color; you can't change your skin color but you can "change into a girl" if you want to, thereby absolving yourself of the sins of being a male.
And of course there's the "brilliant, funny gay" who always has the ultimate comeback line against the perpetually "homophobic" counterpart, In the world of TV, blacks and gays can do no wrong.
I believe that this saturation of TV and film with PERFECT black and gay characters contributed to the failure of the "Bros" movie...when you're subjected to "gayness" on TV and other media 24/7, why would anyone want to pay money to see more?
The bumbling doofus Dad character really took off with uneducated racist, sexist Archie Bunker. But even black funny man Cliff Huxtable was no match for his all-knowing wife, Clair (Alles Klaar) or his daughters. Never watched the show 'The Neighborhood,' but every promo during NFL games shows Cedric the Entertainer doing heavy eye-rolling while mocking his cracka-ass-cracka millennial neighbor. Most new movies have become unwatchable. At least when you realize that you are once again being seduced to see immigration-good and those who might limit immigration as racist swine. Women and girls are always portrayed as powerful and strong super heroes. While in the real world they may encounter a predator and tragically realize too late that mass still matters in a physical confrontation.
Agreed; I remember this really switching into high gear in the early 1970's along with the rise of misandrist, militant feminism. Once they achieved equal pay laws in the workplace they found that they had accomplished the original and occasionally worthy goals of the early feminists. The problem is that during the preceding century they had built up the massive feminist machinery for political and social activism throughout the Universities and in the private sector, so rather than do the honorable thing and announce "Okay, we've done it, Sisters! We've accomplished what we set out to do and so we're going to dissolve our organizations and go home to love our men and raise our families" they decided to shift focus to a perpetual war against men. Too many feminist professors and activists were making way too much money to throw it all away like that, so they merely re-tasked their leviathan to an Endless War footing that will keep their lucrative gravy train rolling forever.
There's a very similar trajectory with the black activist organizations...once they achieved equality under the law they didn't want to disband their solid gold money train and so shifted to an Endless War footing as claiming that America and white people are inherently racist they have established a series of benchmarks that can never, ever be met and will cement themselves as highly-remunerated 'victims' forever.
What we see on TV and media is merely a reinforcement of these falsehoods that are in place solely to maintain the perpetual power dynamic that is in place to endlessly hammer against white males so that the feminist and black victimhood power structures will be protected and allowed to grow ever larger.
Agree that Feminism was initially a mostly positive influence. The same may be said for Marxism, back in a time when corporations lorded over workers lives and treated them like serfs. MLK's 'Letters from a Birmingham jail' was deeply moving to nearly all who read it. Americans embraced racial equality and fairness for all people. Next, Feminists began joining forces with Marxists at Universities in the late 1970's. Both wanted to join also with Black militants who remained wary of the other two groups. A great deal of progress was made over the past 50 years. Women have achieved leadership roles around the world. Wealth made unions less relevant. Socialism became a normal aspect of corporate culture, in terms of benefits and fairness to employees. Race relations improved and were quite good for a time. Democrats took this coalition between Feminists and Socialists (a.k.a Communists) and in order to attract Black voters to their party, started depicting all Republicans as racist. Ironically, a racist concept in itself. This has deeply divided our country. It would be hard to ever forgive Democrats for their cynical use of race as a weapon. Not all women are Democrats. But the party has become the women's party. Camille Paglia observed that modern Feminists, having achieved practically all of what they agitated for, are now the most unhappy people on the face of the earth. The more wealthy and powerful they become, the more miserable they are. All of this has created a party that has no real idea of what it wants. And only knows that it is enraged and unhappy about everything. Democrats could not produce a single viable Presidential candidate in 2020. So they succumbed to running a senile puppet that they could control. An old, dumb, ill-tempered white guy. He has been used to implement a series of radical changes that the vast majority of Americans, male and female, black and white oppose. The bill for this ruse is about to come due. The Democrat party will be severely damaged. It will likely devolve into blaming and finger pointing. It may well implode and may never recover from its' hubris of the past few years. Only Trump can unite the Democrat party. If he runs again as the Republican nominee in 2024, then Republicans may blow a golden opportunity to remake the country, our government and our economy in meaningful and lasting ways. Trump has brought more change to the U.S. than any other American over the past 20 years. The Democrats are on the verge of collapse and ironically, only Trump can save them from oblivion. He has been a force of nature. But he risks blowing every gain that Republicans have made and can make.
As to forgiving the Democrats for their craven use of race as a cudgel, I would suggest that they neither want nor need the forgiveness of decent, mainstream people of all races and they'll survive perfectly well without it. With their control of academia and media the truth no longer matters. They have the endlessly-demonstrated ability...and eager teach whatever serves The Party best in schools, have such teachings enthusiastically supported by the media and re-defining everything else as 'misinformation' or racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/ etc falsehoods...they are not only redefining and re-casting history but mathematics and every other avenue of the sciences as well, all to make their low-IQ feral base more comfortable with attending THEIR schools and thereby receiving ever more Party indoctrination.
They have made it abundantly clear that their goal is to reshape the past...and therefore the present and ways that will benefit not the truth, but The Party. I'll wager that you could go into any black community and begin asking questions of passersby, and you'll be VERY hard pressed to find anyone who knows that:
~The Klan was birthed as part of the Democrat Party, designed to be their brownshirt enforcers to keep "uppity blacks" in line.
~The first gun control laws in the USA were put in place by Democrats in order to keep black people from having guns and thereby protecting The Klan from being shot by their intended (black) victims
~Slavery was the way of the world for thousands of years (and remains to this day in several large parts of Africa) and was only ended by white people in Great Britain and the USA
~There were an awful lot of black slave owners
And the list could go on and on and on; historical truths that are completely unknown by vast numbers of people precisely because it was in the Democrat Party's interest to suppress these facts, and so many others, and to intentionally rewrite history.
I would suggest that this is what gives so many Democrats their smugness and lack of interest in rising above infantile schoolyard name-calling when it comes to debating in the arena of ideas...they know they don't have to. The force of history is in their favor because they can make history anything they want it to be.
We can't reverse everything at once, but we have to start somewhere. The November election can be the turning point. The first step is to gain majorities in both houses. Then begin to dismantle the fortress D.C, Deep State that Obama built up. With command of the government, the bureaucracy can be tamed. After that, the Universities can be changed. Around the same time, the corporations. The media will follow the audience, wherever it goes.
All true, although I can see how a male child, the product of a divorced union of a militant-feminist, misandrist, hyper-P.C. mother and a Beta Male weakling dad is going to be at extreme risk for a destroyed life. When the only 'parent' he sees is a mother who has grown to hate men because of her own failed life choices, his schoolteachers are all far-Left anti-male Democrat activists who openly embrace and encourage "trans youth" and give any "queer" kids special privileges and extra love while endlessly hectoring him about 'white male privilege' and how awful and evil the USA is, and EVERY media outlet you see all portray white men as complete idiots while blacks & gays are always the symbols of intellectual and moral perfection...I can see how a normal young boy who is subjected to that sort of an onslaught every minute of every day of his life is going to have a VERY skewed idea of reality and might be prone to questioning who and what he is without being technically deranged. Children at a young age are very susceptible to suggestion and when everybody and everything in your life is telling you that you are inherently evil, It's easy to see how some might start believing it.
Batting a thousand today Stoat. This is meant to go after those who are at risk: loners, kid of divorce and/or overworked parents. No different than a lion going after a wounded gazelle. Once they've turned one kid into a bad apple, it infects his circle of friends to varying degrees and rinse and repeat.
Thank you so much ClaireHux for your gracious and complimentary post. :-)
Agreed on all counts...all of the Left's policies are tied together to achieve the end result you describe. Single-parent families have become commonplace along with an active assault against the traditional two-parent family structure. This ensures a high volume of 'lost' children who are highly susceptible to all of the unnecessary societal ills the Left inflicts upon them.
I can.t watch commercials anymore. You can't have one without a black person in it. Doesn't this kinda defeat the purpose of commercials?? Now I see black people in commercials doing thing that black people just don't do. Like the black guy in the pick-up truck.
I've seen some of these on tv or on the free streaming services.
I recognize the bias, but it doesn't bother me. I understand why they're doing it. I note the products and companies so that I can avoid them if possible.
but what bothers me is young children who will take to heart the portrayal of white people as incompetent idiots.
if the complaint is that POC have been portrayed as "less than" and now they need to be better represented, WHY take another group and portray THEM as "less than"? can't they present someone in a positive light without detracting from others?
I especially "liked" the Doritos commercial where ugly white guy sucks the finger of equally ugly black guy. After seeing such nauseating ad, I lost the desire to buy Doritos for good. The reason why execs allow such repulsive commercials through, is because corporations have been hijacked by left-wing extremists who didn't build them, so they don't give a crap if they companies they run will go under. CEOs know that even in case of bankruptcy, they still will get a multi-million severance package. That's why they exploit company's resources to push racist, anti-white agenda.
Being one of very few Black subscribers here, I'll say:
1. Commercials are propaganda. Of course the powers that be want to humiliate whites and masculinity. That's the modus operandi now. They also want to undermine heterosexuality and promote interracial couples which is why every couple in commercials has biracial kids now and why all sitcoms have a LGBT character.
2. Nobody watches commercials. If these clips were running as characters in a popular tv series or better yet a music video, Instagram reel or TikTok then it would actually effect the youth of today more. Forcing people to post black squares on social media had more of an effect than these commercials ever will.
3. Could blacks collectively survive without whites?Obviously no. But what should scare white America is that your kids may not be equipped to take your place. Americans have always been the cool kids of the world, the cool revolutionaries with a 'can do' attitude who got things done. Black people, to our detriment, have always been the coolest of the cool, which is why so many of us have excelled at sports and entertainment. Unfortunately/Fortunately a country is not built on entertainment, swag, or coolness.
This new generation of whites have adopted black and Latino culture to detrimental levels. These new white kids aren't boy scouts or science nerds (you know, the kind of people you actually need to build a country.) Look at Chet Hanks, that's the Idiocracy that could come in droves our way one day. He didn't learn his behavior at home, obviously he picked it up from entertainment, social media, and/or friends.
4. I'd discourage you guys from picking up a victim narrative. That is not what you're doing here, in this moment you are rightfully just pointing out hypocrisy, but too many black people make excuses and that is why we don't succeed. I urge you not to feel sorry for yourselves but to fight. Homeschool your kids, don't let them hang with idiots. Operate like Jews, everybody hates them and there's still a subset of them willing to do what it takes to succeed.
Fascinating insight. Thanks so much for sharing it. I am hugely admiring of your candor.
thank you for #4. I hadn't thought about adults taking up a "victim" narrative. I know that we worry about the messages being taught to our kids...
I guess because I can see so clearly what they're doing in these things I just see it as a desperate attempt to cover weakness.
Your points are well taken, Claire. We have a great deal to think about.
Thank you.
Not so long ago, Barack Obama chose as his running mate, like a prop from central casting, the old dimwitted white guy as buffoon, -Joe Biden. Joe served 8 years as Barack's House Wigga. The not subtle message was, yeah we keep one old white fossil around the posse, but just for laughs. The contrast between them made it clear at all times that Obama was one very hip, cool dude. Obama knew he was President of a country full of white morons much like Biden. Barack never intended Biden to succeed him. Oh God no. He did everything he could to dissuade Joe from running. Obama's performance review of his former employee said it all, 'Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up.' 'You don't have to do this' he advised Biden about running. But Joe being Joe, didn't get the message. Joe was headed for oblivion after several early primary sound beatings. But the rest of the Dem field was weak, Communist, nihilist and downright nutty. James Clyburn used his home state political machine to grab one primary win in S.C. and Biden mania was born. The Deep State breathed a huge sigh of relief and Covid provided the manna from heaven in the form of mail in ballots. The rest was like stealing candy from a baby.
We can live without them, and prosper.
They can not last six weeks without us.
Not six weeks.
I like Elie Mystal.
It’s nice to know at least one of the Little Rascals survived to adulthood.
How I feel for moms and dads with little, blonde 👱♂️ boys with fair skin and blue eyes bc libs have it out for white, males and now they're using CRT on innocent, children.
P.s white lives matter too.
Sadly this has been going on for decades, not only in TV commercials but in movies as well and is one of many reasons why I don't watch TV anymore. (another reason being that Ann Coulter has been essentially banned from TV) Everything is geared toward portraying white people as stupid, inferior, evil & criminal while elevating blacks as supremely wise and pure as the wind-driven snow. These days it would probably be impossible to portray blacks as criminals or white people as decent in any way on TV.
I believe this has fueled a LOT of societal sicknesses, ranging from white self-hate to the inability to speak about problems in the black community in so many social venues to the rise of "trans" youth. After all, you've been lectured for your whole life about how awful of a person you are because of your maleness and your skin color; you can't change your skin color but you can "change into a girl" if you want to, thereby absolving yourself of the sins of being a male.
And of course there's the "brilliant, funny gay" who always has the ultimate comeback line against the perpetually "homophobic" counterpart, In the world of TV, blacks and gays can do no wrong.
I believe that this saturation of TV and film with PERFECT black and gay characters contributed to the failure of the "Bros" movie...when you're subjected to "gayness" on TV and other media 24/7, why would anyone want to pay money to see more?
The bumbling doofus Dad character really took off with uneducated racist, sexist Archie Bunker. But even black funny man Cliff Huxtable was no match for his all-knowing wife, Clair (Alles Klaar) or his daughters. Never watched the show 'The Neighborhood,' but every promo during NFL games shows Cedric the Entertainer doing heavy eye-rolling while mocking his cracka-ass-cracka millennial neighbor. Most new movies have become unwatchable. At least when you realize that you are once again being seduced to see immigration-good and those who might limit immigration as racist swine. Women and girls are always portrayed as powerful and strong super heroes. While in the real world they may encounter a predator and tragically realize too late that mass still matters in a physical confrontation.
Agreed; I remember this really switching into high gear in the early 1970's along with the rise of misandrist, militant feminism. Once they achieved equal pay laws in the workplace they found that they had accomplished the original and occasionally worthy goals of the early feminists. The problem is that during the preceding century they had built up the massive feminist machinery for political and social activism throughout the Universities and in the private sector, so rather than do the honorable thing and announce "Okay, we've done it, Sisters! We've accomplished what we set out to do and so we're going to dissolve our organizations and go home to love our men and raise our families" they decided to shift focus to a perpetual war against men. Too many feminist professors and activists were making way too much money to throw it all away like that, so they merely re-tasked their leviathan to an Endless War footing that will keep their lucrative gravy train rolling forever.
There's a very similar trajectory with the black activist organizations...once they achieved equality under the law they didn't want to disband their solid gold money train and so shifted to an Endless War footing as claiming that America and white people are inherently racist they have established a series of benchmarks that can never, ever be met and will cement themselves as highly-remunerated 'victims' forever.
What we see on TV and media is merely a reinforcement of these falsehoods that are in place solely to maintain the perpetual power dynamic that is in place to endlessly hammer against white males so that the feminist and black victimhood power structures will be protected and allowed to grow ever larger.
Agree that Feminism was initially a mostly positive influence. The same may be said for Marxism, back in a time when corporations lorded over workers lives and treated them like serfs. MLK's 'Letters from a Birmingham jail' was deeply moving to nearly all who read it. Americans embraced racial equality and fairness for all people. Next, Feminists began joining forces with Marxists at Universities in the late 1970's. Both wanted to join also with Black militants who remained wary of the other two groups. A great deal of progress was made over the past 50 years. Women have achieved leadership roles around the world. Wealth made unions less relevant. Socialism became a normal aspect of corporate culture, in terms of benefits and fairness to employees. Race relations improved and were quite good for a time. Democrats took this coalition between Feminists and Socialists (a.k.a Communists) and in order to attract Black voters to their party, started depicting all Republicans as racist. Ironically, a racist concept in itself. This has deeply divided our country. It would be hard to ever forgive Democrats for their cynical use of race as a weapon. Not all women are Democrats. But the party has become the women's party. Camille Paglia observed that modern Feminists, having achieved practically all of what they agitated for, are now the most unhappy people on the face of the earth. The more wealthy and powerful they become, the more miserable they are. All of this has created a party that has no real idea of what it wants. And only knows that it is enraged and unhappy about everything. Democrats could not produce a single viable Presidential candidate in 2020. So they succumbed to running a senile puppet that they could control. An old, dumb, ill-tempered white guy. He has been used to implement a series of radical changes that the vast majority of Americans, male and female, black and white oppose. The bill for this ruse is about to come due. The Democrat party will be severely damaged. It will likely devolve into blaming and finger pointing. It may well implode and may never recover from its' hubris of the past few years. Only Trump can unite the Democrat party. If he runs again as the Republican nominee in 2024, then Republicans may blow a golden opportunity to remake the country, our government and our economy in meaningful and lasting ways. Trump has brought more change to the U.S. than any other American over the past 20 years. The Democrats are on the verge of collapse and ironically, only Trump can save them from oblivion. He has been a force of nature. But he risks blowing every gain that Republicans have made and can make.
As to forgiving the Democrats for their craven use of race as a cudgel, I would suggest that they neither want nor need the forgiveness of decent, mainstream people of all races and they'll survive perfectly well without it. With their control of academia and media the truth no longer matters. They have the endlessly-demonstrated ability...and eager teach whatever serves The Party best in schools, have such teachings enthusiastically supported by the media and re-defining everything else as 'misinformation' or racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/ etc falsehoods...they are not only redefining and re-casting history but mathematics and every other avenue of the sciences as well, all to make their low-IQ feral base more comfortable with attending THEIR schools and thereby receiving ever more Party indoctrination.
They have made it abundantly clear that their goal is to reshape the past...and therefore the present and ways that will benefit not the truth, but The Party. I'll wager that you could go into any black community and begin asking questions of passersby, and you'll be VERY hard pressed to find anyone who knows that:
~The Klan was birthed as part of the Democrat Party, designed to be their brownshirt enforcers to keep "uppity blacks" in line.
~The first gun control laws in the USA were put in place by Democrats in order to keep black people from having guns and thereby protecting The Klan from being shot by their intended (black) victims
~Slavery was the way of the world for thousands of years (and remains to this day in several large parts of Africa) and was only ended by white people in Great Britain and the USA
~There were an awful lot of black slave owners
And the list could go on and on and on; historical truths that are completely unknown by vast numbers of people precisely because it was in the Democrat Party's interest to suppress these facts, and so many others, and to intentionally rewrite history.
I would suggest that this is what gives so many Democrats their smugness and lack of interest in rising above infantile schoolyard name-calling when it comes to debating in the arena of ideas...they know they don't have to. The force of history is in their favor because they can make history anything they want it to be.
We can't reverse everything at once, but we have to start somewhere. The November election can be the turning point. The first step is to gain majorities in both houses. Then begin to dismantle the fortress D.C, Deep State that Obama built up. With command of the government, the bureaucracy can be tamed. After that, the Universities can be changed. Around the same time, the corporations. The media will follow the audience, wherever it goes.
I don't know, speaking for myself, I would have to be mentally deranged to take any of this crap seriously. In other words, I'd have to go to college.
All true, although I can see how a male child, the product of a divorced union of a militant-feminist, misandrist, hyper-P.C. mother and a Beta Male weakling dad is going to be at extreme risk for a destroyed life. When the only 'parent' he sees is a mother who has grown to hate men because of her own failed life choices, his schoolteachers are all far-Left anti-male Democrat activists who openly embrace and encourage "trans youth" and give any "queer" kids special privileges and extra love while endlessly hectoring him about 'white male privilege' and how awful and evil the USA is, and EVERY media outlet you see all portray white men as complete idiots while blacks & gays are always the symbols of intellectual and moral perfection...I can see how a normal young boy who is subjected to that sort of an onslaught every minute of every day of his life is going to have a VERY skewed idea of reality and might be prone to questioning who and what he is without being technically deranged. Children at a young age are very susceptible to suggestion and when everybody and everything in your life is telling you that you are inherently evil, It's easy to see how some might start believing it.
Batting a thousand today Stoat. This is meant to go after those who are at risk: loners, kid of divorce and/or overworked parents. No different than a lion going after a wounded gazelle. Once they've turned one kid into a bad apple, it infects his circle of friends to varying degrees and rinse and repeat.
Thank you so much ClaireHux for your gracious and complimentary post. :-)
Agreed on all counts...all of the Left's policies are tied together to achieve the end result you describe. Single-parent families have become commonplace along with an active assault against the traditional two-parent family structure. This ensures a high volume of 'lost' children who are highly susceptible to all of the unnecessary societal ills the Left inflicts upon them.
Also sadly true, then they go to college to finish their indoctrination.
Give whites a pile of bricks & they will make a city
Give blacks a city & they will make a pile of bricks
Listen close and hear the rap, ‘kill the Boers, kill the Boers’.
I can.t watch commercials anymore. You can't have one without a black person in it. Doesn't this kinda defeat the purpose of commercials?? Now I see black people in commercials doing thing that black people just don't do. Like the black guy in the pick-up truck.
Yep. It is everywhere. I worry. (A lot.) Thank you for sharing your perspective Ann.
Segregation and feudalism
We need whistleblowers to record the convos going on in the brainstorming for these commercials 🤣
I've seen some of these on tv or on the free streaming services.
I recognize the bias, but it doesn't bother me. I understand why they're doing it. I note the products and companies so that I can avoid them if possible.
but what bothers me is young children who will take to heart the portrayal of white people as incompetent idiots.
if the complaint is that POC have been portrayed as "less than" and now they need to be better represented, WHY take another group and portray THEM as "less than"? can't they present someone in a positive light without detracting from others?
Who watches commercials anymore?
One more reason why I'm glad I don't watch television... (Haven't watched it since the OJ farce & I haven't missed it, either...)
I especially "liked" the Doritos commercial where ugly white guy sucks the finger of equally ugly black guy. After seeing such nauseating ad, I lost the desire to buy Doritos for good. The reason why execs allow such repulsive commercials through, is because corporations have been hijacked by left-wing extremists who didn't build them, so they don't give a crap if they companies they run will go under. CEOs know that even in case of bankruptcy, they still will get a multi-million severance package. That's why they exploit company's resources to push racist, anti-white agenda.
E Michael Jones for Prez, Goyim Party 2024