This is why we must read Ann's articles and watch all the videos (right here at substack). I saw Trump maniacs just blaming double standards and treating Barr and Pompeo like bunch of deep state traitors. Separately I personally did not like Trump attacking Kayleigh McEnany. Regardless of the commonly seen arguments, this article pretty much clarified the point we were missing - did Trump actually do something wrong, forget what Dem and others are saying? Thanks Ann again, always cuts through the BS and shed lights.

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Great column. The “helping Biden” result would be an accidental byproduct.

Anyone who thinks that after 7 years of non-stop attempts to politically eliminate Trump that the Democrats planned this indictment (and others) because they’re really, actually, truly afraid of Ron DeSantis beating them in 2024 is naive.

They really do hate Trump and want him in prison. Everything else is secondary, odd as that sounds to rational people.

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“They’re really coming after you. I’m just in the way.”

In reality, Trump constantly demands other people get in the way of the consequences he inflicts on himself.

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No surprise that Ann has succumbed to her TDS once again. She, like the rest of the media, doesn't even mention the Biden 10 mil, the 17 audio tapes, etc. We live in a Banana Republic and if you can't recognize that you deserve what you get. Muh priciples.

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Bongino was on fire about that today and yesterday. He is the worthy heir to Rush in his explanation of events and circumstances due to his past life as a cop and SS agent.

I agree with your characterization of Ann's TDS.

Fine; find any candidate other than Trump, run him up the flag pole, win the nomination and even the general. Trump might SAY he is going to eradicate the Deep State and end the Ukraine war in 24 hrs..... but at least he says it. No other candidate will either say it or do it.

If Trump doesn't win, the US is over. The police state tactics of locking up protesters and parents will be the least of anyone's concerns because they'll all be locked up and a more pressing concern will be trying to figure out how voting against a boorish billionaire turned out so badly for them.

Did anyone see the news today of 20 GOPers voting against censuring Schiff? THAT is the GOP Party we all know and love; they hold control of the House and can't win a GOP motion. Where is Trent Lott when we need him to hand control to Jeffords in the name of fairness....

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Bongino was on fire about that today and yesterday. He is the worthy heir to Rush in his explanation of events and circumstances due to his past life as a cop and SS agent.

I agree with your characterization of Ann's TDS.

Fine; find any candidate other than Trump, run him up the flag pole, win the nomination and even the general. Trump might SAY he is going to eradicate the Deep State and end the Ukraine war in 24 hrs..... but at least he says it. No other candidate will either say it or do it.

If Trump doesn't win, the US is over. The police state tactics of locking up protesters and parents will be the least of anyone's concerns because they'll all be locked up and a more pressing concern will be trying to figure out how voting against a boorish billionaire turned out so badly for them.

Did anyone see the news today of 20 GOPers voting against censuring Schiff? THAT is the GOP Party we all know and love; they hold control of the House and can't win a GOP motion. Where is Trent Lott when we need him to hand control to Jeffords in the name of fairness....

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Yes I did notice 20 GOPers voted not to censure Schiff. Unbelievable. Say what you want about Nancy Pelosi, but for all her uncontrollable hand gesturing, her minions heard the same march like they had just come from the morning case review on LA Law. I’m thinking her constant look of surprise is not the result of Botox treatments but her surprised reaction to the American public consistently buying the drivel she pedaled.

But the fascination with Trump continues from both sides. If Nero was less infatuated with the tune and more interested in fireproofing his wardrobe and fiddle, he might have had a better outcome. We need to define the 2024 agenda going forward, find the candidate who will show this country who we are, and put muscle behind him/her...intelligent, organized muscle that will accomplish a bit more than driving beer sales down.

I know that sounds simplistic but it seems like we keep discussing the Smith’s last dinner party, how it was prepared, what cookware was used ad nauseam instead of planning the presentation of the right menu for the next gala in 2024.

I promise to stick my finger down my throat if I hear one more of Mr Murdoch’s talking heads tell me ‘it will be the most important election of our lifetime’

Isn’t it about time we audited the 300 level seminar on how to win an election? Isn’t it about time the GOP set the goal of teaching that seminar?

Steve Brittin

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I think it always returns to the truth that people want both Trumpism and a candidate that will follow-through with a passion to make it happen...that is the dream team.

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I fully share Ann's disappointment (though not her contempt) with Trump's first term and his unfulfilled promises about the wall and all other things immigration (taxing remittances, mass deportations, etc), but he was his own worst enemy in not having an in-the-bones hatred for government and agencies and employees. He actually thought Schumer was someone with whom he could deal in good faith. Rush talked about that blind spot of Trump's, that he couldn't see Schumer in ideological terms, which is all Schumer is (besides being a piece of shit).

I also fully acknowledge that my support for Trump is like a second marriage -- the triumph of hope over experience, but apparently he has a bit of a mean streak for people who fuck him over.

Something else to ponder about Trump remaining in the fight........

He is probably the only thing keeping at least a few Tim McVeighs from taking their own direct action against someone, somewhere in government or law enforcement or the judiciary (think of Marvin Heemeyer except with a few thousand rounds of ammo and their favorite carefully zeroed in rifle).

If the next election is anything but airtight provably honest, and Trump loses, all bets are off on how many Patriots are going to emerge from cover because at that point they have nothing to lose; the country they grew up in will no longer exist. There will either be martial law because the government has lost control or else there will be no political activity at all because the swamp will be hunkered indoors, scared that their first step outside will be their last step outside. :-)

I can just see it now, their remaining family saying that 'they cheated because they thought it was best for the country, they never thought that they would be held accountable.'

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Perhaps the best line of the year, “...he couldn't see Schumer in ideological terms, which is all Schumer is (besides being a piece of shit).”

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If only DJT were all we hoped he would be. I am afraid he is all hat and no cattle. Fool me once.

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No surprise from Ann about DJT. This recent witch hunt is just to cover up the Biden Crime Family and their dirty deeds with Ukraine, etc. which has been released by their Ukrainian "friend" who owned Burisma. How many tapes? 17 or so. But the gaslighting is expected from the left wing loons .and their media sluts, once again. Sorry Ann, this will not come to anything just like the past 2 hunts for Trump's flesh. They are desperate and it's showing up in bright colors.

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So what’s the alternative here? An imprisoned former President and the corpse in chief Biden “finishing the job” aka completely ruining the country?

DeSantis of course - but only if Trump from prison tells America to vote for DeSantis and allocates all his vast election resources to getting his opponent elected. And DJT, PLEASE stop with the infantile ads on tv attacking RDS.

So now what are we going to do?

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Maybe Trump should have resurrected Sandy Berger and stuffed all those secret papers in his socks and underwear...then he could have played "go-fetch" with the DOJ.

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I agree with you 100%. But based on TWSJ today once a president takes his documents from his administration to his personal residence or other location he has sole ownership of those documents. They are his. Regardless of the Nationality Archives stance at all. If that’s true, and it seems to be, then this is political persecution. On that note I fully support any other republican candidate for president other than DT

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It’s not true. Please see the Presidential Records Act of 1978, amended in 2014.


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if a statute can supercede the Constitution and the authorities it vests in the Executive, then Congress should just as easily be able to pass a law banning guns and no one can do anything about it because the Presidential Records Act says who is in charge.

Did anyone see Weismman is conjuring up new criminal charges for Trump to face in NJ (when Trump wins, he should fashion a cross and make Weismman carry it to his place of crucifixion) ?

I am sure that if Trump is taken out, the Dems will stop all this police state nonsense and go back to being worthy opponents of conservative ideas and will always engage in good faith.

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Can Congress make a law about what is in the purview of the Executive once he is no longer the Executive, or is that still covered by the Constitution -- yes or no?

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On Breitbart News Daily this morning, Alex Marlo reminded us, paraphrasing, the only reason Hillary was not indicted, was because Trump said it wouldn't happen if he got elected.

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That’s strange. Trump during one of their debates literally said he would instruct his Justice Department to look into Hillary’s actions if he was elected .

Of course, it turned out to be all talk.

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We all know that Trump exaggerates so his recorded claim that he had super secret information should probably be taken with a grain of salt. If the classified documents were super duper triple secret and some of the most sensitive U.S. government secrets then they wouldn't go to the national archive. They would go in to the sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF). So this story is fraught with contradictions.

Jack Smith is a hatchet man for the Democrat party and Trump hater as is Merrick Garland. The case might have more merit if both had a reputation of being fair and neutral instead of hyperpartisan fanatics.

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Her appearance on today’s Mark Simone radio show in NYC.


She discusses Pride Month and “the love that won’t shut up!”

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I clipped Ann commenting on Hannity interview with Gavin Newsom. I have always believed Hannity is an idiot: https://youtu.be/1HmgWQand9g

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Hannity is a great salesman for Hannity. Definitely not a conservative.

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Doesn't the prosecution have to prove harm? I don't mean harm to the ticket, I mean harm to the nation. Where is it?

On the other hand, it appeared candidate Trump was sinking slowly in the west until his opposition triggered this new awakening. I understand that both sides deserve to go down in flames, but why does the rest of the country have to sit here and watch it?

A dottering old fool and an unhealed narcissist battering each other with cudgel sticks? This is what the 2-party system has come down to? Where's the vote of no confidence? The do-over? Both parties appear incapable of pushing talent to the forefront. Seniority has never been even acceptable as an option.

Everyone belongs in prison, in cells facing each other. With the stainless steel toilet and sink. Three hots and a cot. Trump, Bidens, Clintons, Obama, Bushes. I'd pay to see that.

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Love your screen name.

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We are here because of them.

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Have you read Shattered Sword?

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Sad but true. Self immolation is more popular than one would think.

Here’s to a swift and speedy trial (not happening, I know).

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Ann really does not like Trump as his border policies were not enough! I agree but no way to see document storage as worth filing charges unless all the other’s get the same! Biden’s Penn University arrangement?

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Running for President while being tried by obviously partisan Democrats inhabiting the District of Corruption makes good theater.

Not sure that will play well in the general.

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Who packed Trump’s bags?

As I understand it, GSA told the White House they were not able to assist. And NOBODY from the Archives was present during the transition to inform? So when he gets to Florida they throw the shit in a storage room, cause Trump is just storing it temporarily for the Archives until they get around to asking for it. And they did ask, after failing to do their duty. If anybody thinks the Archives are not present during a presidential transition you’re wrong. So Trump was in possession of these documents and the Archives comes demanding documents. Who wouldn’t be questioning the motive given the previous 4 years? As I understand GSA provided no offsite storage facility for Archive material as they did for Clinton, Bush and certainly Obama. My understanding is that one or more of these sites are still active and we’re still footing the bill.

So the deep state offers no guidance, no assistance, no personnel to advise on the proper disposition of documents at the end of this particular administration. And then the scum directing this stinking Archives calls the FBI at some point and says, and I’m paraphrasing , ‘guess what? Trump made off with some classified documents.’ The siren sounds, the bells go off and all the little agents go sliding down the fireman’s pole, panting with excited anticipation. This time they have him and they’re going to take staged pictures to help prove it( part of the ‘no comment on ongoing investigations to be fair to all parties that, as everybody knows the FBI takes ‘very seriously, as they have been heard to say’. Staging everything. And then releasing just what they want.

So what are the MAGA people going to do if Trump gets convicted ( and he will). They’ll never vote, republicans will lose in 2024 and they’ll have to turn their focus to the 2026 midterms.

And, there is always the possibility this may not work out very well.

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I like your take on this. The perfectly placed, slightly shuffled docs on the red paisley resort carpet next to the white closed curtains is the best propaganda photo AI could come up with. Or was it too good to be true? If found guilty 1/2 the country won't believe it because the "Boy Cried Wolf" too many times. This isn't about DJT anymore it's about any other millionaire thinking about throwing his hat in the ring. Do you want to play in the DC sandbox? Well come on in and will destroy your character, business, and family and give you a free parking pass at the courthouse. No one man is going to save the Republic in 2024. We have to play the long game and build or rebuild a party from the ground up. Ironically the little white schoolhouse in Ripon WI where the Republican Party was born, was just moved to a new foundation. Just saying :)

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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 16, 2023

Ann does have TDS but it's for the right reasons. Trump broke all of his promises on immigration and Ann is rightly furious as am I. Trump didn't even run on immigration in 2020 and decided to cuck and campaign like a true RINO with predictable results.

It's debatable whether Trump is more guilty than Sandy Berger, Bill Clinton, Mike Pence and Joe Biden when it's comes to classified documents. Berger, Pence and Biden all STOLE classified documents and have no right to possess them but that's ok because they are deep state loyalists. Gen. David Petraeus gave highly classified information to his paramour for her book and all he got was probation and a relatively small fine. No man in the foregoing suffered an armed FBI raid.

There are a number of notable people who dispute Ann's characterization of document gate like civil rights attorney Robert Barnes, Mike Davis, Jonathan Turley, Glenn Greenwald and Tom Fitton of Judicial watch among others.

If Trump were a woke leftist Democrat this would have all gotten swept under the rug. A two tiered justice system isn't ok just because it's Trump.

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